
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.

Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...


Saturday, April 30, 2011

So you hate your job? Tired Yet?

So you hate your job? So you work as a slave for Big Pharma, or Big Med? So you work for the Banking Cartel? So you work for the Propaganda re-Education System?


Tired yet. You work for and worry everyday about your 'Money' and your 'Savings', yet you do not protect them. You slave physical labor everyday and deal with Retards and Moochers and Looters. And for all your labor and mental wellbeing, you have nothing but a Computer Digit on a Bankster website?

401ks were a design by the Banksters, because they knew that pensions would be unsustainable come now. So they came up with the 401k, as a way to tax you in retirement, to supplement their lack of ability to pay pensions. TAX A LITTLE NOW, OR A LOT LATTER. You are participating in the scam. But it's bigger than Ponzi or Madoff.

It sounds crazy to you. LOCO. The smartest thing you could do right now is sell out of your 401ks, your ROTH IRAs, and buy phyzz silver. And some gold.

You have 6-10 months. If you have questions I will do my best to answer them. If you do nothing, you will probably disown me as a friend because you won't be able to face how POOR of a decision you made TODAY. I understand this risk, but still I fight for YOU.

I'm literally wearing out trying to figure out how to reach you. And how to reach other people. I don't know anymore. I feel like my thoughts and comments go unanswered and I lose you. Time is running out.

I inquire you to re-watch the "mad as hell" post and vid I had earlier.


Texas Bill Would Make Invasive Pat-Downs a Felony


Stop being a SHEEP. Stop putting up with privacy violations. Stop being molested, and while you're at it, stop letting the children of this country get molested too.

Knock, knock... anyone home McClide?

We are legion, they are a bunch of degenerate cowards. Wake up and let's join hands and stop putting up with this and ALL THINGS bullshit.


Texas Bill Would Make Invasive Pat-Downs a Felony

FORT WORTH, Texas -- A former Miss USA's claims of being groped during a pat-down at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport could be a felony under a bill gaining momentum in the Texas Legislature.
The bill would make it illegal for a security officer to intentionally touch someone's private areas -- even atop clothing...



Silver to the moon

I'm just typing this now, so that it is record, and you will have to admit that I (and others) were correct 1 and 2 years from now.


They have been playing the $47-you-are-screwed-jpmorgan-chase. They dropped it, but it was bought again. Get ready for epic surges in the price of silver.

I CALL $100 before 2011 ends. For the record, on this almost May 2011.


George Thorogood I Drink Alone

this guy is good, in my archives, didn't even know it.

George Thorogood I Drink Alone


One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

Maybe my theme song for the night, after my successful flights.

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

Wanna tell you a story,
about the house-man blues
I come home one Friday,
had to tell the landlady I'd-a lost my job
She said that don't confront me,
long as I get my money next Friday
Now next Friday come I didn't get the rent,
and out the door I went

So I goes to the landlady,
I said, "You let me slide?"
I'll have the rent for you tomorrow.
the next day I don't know
So said let me slide it on you know people,
I notice when I come home in the evening
She ain't got nothing nice to say to me,
but for five year she was so nice
Loh' she was lovy-dovy,
I come home one particular evening
The landlady said, "You got the rent money yet?",
I said, "No, can't find no job"
Therefore I ain't got no money to pay the rent
She said "I don't believe you're tryin' to find no job"
Said "I seen you today you was standin' on a corner,
leaning up against a post"
I said "But I'm tired, I've been walkin' all day"
She said "That don't confront me,
long as I get my money next Friday"
Now next Friday come I didn't have the rent,
and out the door I went

So I go down the streets,
down to my good friend's house
I said "Look man I'm outdoors you know,
can I stay with you maybe a couple days?"
He said "Uh, Let me go and ask my wife"
He come out of the house,
I could see in his face
I know that was no
He said "I don't know man, ah she kinda funny, you know"
I said "I know, everybody funny, now you funny too"
So I go back home
I tell the landlady I got a job, I'm gonna pay the rent
She said "Yeah?" I said "Oh yeah"
And then she was so nice,
loh' she was lovy-dovy
So I go in my room, pack up my things and I go,
I slip on out the back door and down the streets I go
She a-hollerin' about the front rent, she'll be lucky to get any back rent,
she ain't gonna get none of it
So I stop in the local bar you know people,
I go to the bar, I ring my coat, I call the bartender
Said "Look man, come down here", he got down there
So what you want?

One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Well I ain't seen my baby since I don't know when,
I've been drinking bourbon, whiskey, scotch and gin
Gonna get high man I'm gonna get loose,
need me a triple shot of that juice
Gonna get drunk don't you have no fear
I want one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer

But I'm sitting now at the bar,
I'm getting drunk, I'm feelin' mellow
I'm drinkin' bourbon, I'm drinkin' scotch, I'm drinkin' beer
Looked down the bar, here come the bartender
I said "Look man, come down here"
So what you want?

One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No I ain't seen my baby since the night before last,
gotta get a drink man I'm gonna get gassed
Gonna get high man I ain't had enough,
need me a triple shot of that stuff
Gonna get drunk won't you listen right here,
I want one bourbon, one shot and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer

Now by this time I'm plenty high,
you know when your mouth a-getting dry you're plenty high
Looked down the bar I say to my bartender
I said "Look man, come down here", he got down there
So what you want this time?
I said "Look man, a-what time is it?"
He said "The clock on the wall say three o'clock
Last call for alcohol, so what you need?"

One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No I ain't seen my baby since a nigh' and a week,
gotta get drunk man so I can't even speak
Gonna get high man listen to me,
one drink ain't enough Jack you better make it three
I wanna get drunk I'm gonna make it real clear,
I want one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer


12 Steps of Protection

No, hah, not talking about AA.

On a side comment I landed 7 times in 2 different airfields today in 20-30 kts wind, which is a record and my first multi-airfield flight.

Okay, now for the rant.

I KNOW you don't watch the vids I post or read through the websites I link. I KNOW this because if you did you would be asking me more questions and you would be buying more Silver. So, I finally got around to watching the Lindsey video I posted a few days back.

It's 2 hours and my web is slow so I have to download it at work, and then I was in south LA for 3 days. Anyhow, besides that the entire video is interesting (albeit the sound quality sucks), Lindsey discusses 12 things he thinks it would be wise for you to do to prepare and protect yourself from the coming financial global fiat meltdown.

Oh by the way, you have 6 months. This raping will be finished by the end of 2012, the sooner you prep, the better off you will be. Here's the list and order he gave, plus some of his comments:

1. 6 mo. food and water (don't forget pets)
- duh!, remember flavor enhances such as gatorade, etc. I like canned vegi's too because they were canned pre-fuckushima, which means they are also radiation free.

2. Get outta stocks, Stat.
- duh! I have heard insiders say 13,200 on the DJI is the top. if we reach that point run as fast as you can from all equity markets if you haven't already. It's not safe. If you get 2% and inflation is 10% you are still screwed. But it's better than losing 70% in a equity collapse.

3. Cash in hand for 3 mo.
- while cash will eventually be worthless, as we discussed, for a short period of time it will still function as normal currency. You need to have physical cash in hand (under your mattress, because the banks will be closed and/or will limit your withdrawal limits).

4. Close out all 401ks (see 5., at least move into 'safe' interest
paying account)
- It will be 'patriotic' to surrender your 401ks to the guberment to pay off national debt. If you have a retirerment account it will be highly vulnerable to gov. theft. At least move into 'no risk, interest paying funds. but my advice is to cash out and buy phyzz metals)

5. Gold and Silver (you haven't seen anything yet)
- Duh! I think I cover this enough

6. Travel (travel will break down)
- if you want to travel or need to, plan on travel infrastructure to be at least partially shutdown. gas at $7 will kill airlines, trains, etc...

7. Debt, get rid of it
- duh! I'm doing something crazy by buying silver with debt. my goal however is ZERO debt by the time I get my last payment from work in Nov. However, I may let my truck payments ride.

8. Roof over your head PAID FOR
- Log cabin better than a 2M house with a mortgage on it. Fed Res. owns all mortgages and your ass.

9. Fire Arms (duh!)

10. Pray (spiritual balance, whatev you do, do it)

11. Where do you live? (outside major cities or bugout spot)
- Fact: All elites live outside major cities as a primary residence

12. Prep for personally health care

Signs the USD super collapse is in full swing:
EURO collapse (you have 2 weeks to ditch dollars)
Price of Crude (their goal is > $200 / barrel
China (they start selling Treasury Notes)


Friday, April 29, 2011

Bosnia Pyramid

This is crazy. I only posted 1 video, follow the link and read the article and watch 3 videos.

Bosnia Pyramid

Ancient Bosnian Pyramids Could Be the Key to Everything
Giant structure is more than four times taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza.
LUCUS 01/25/11 2:28AM CST

The great pyramid of Giza at just over 480 Feet tall was long thought to be the world's tallest structure for 3,800 years but it has nothing on this pyramid recently discovered in Bosnia.

Buried just a few feet under the dirt, which was thought all these years to be a 2,300 foot mountain, is a giant pyramid.



There's Something Happening Here…

The weekly read at silverbearcafe.

There's Something Happening Here…

Put these things together - a tone of hopelessness in the mainstream progressive media, a largely useless outpouring of outrage in the indymedia, a giving up of citizens on the viability of centralized representative governments, reactionary responses to black swan events instead of constructive ones, the ratcheting up of existing systems to prolong the period before tipping points, and a naivete about the powerlessness of even the most powerful in modern complex systems - and what do we have?

In his book Beginning Again, David Ehrenfeld describes our civilization as a ragged flywheel, over-built, patched and rusty, spinning faster and faster and beginning to rattle and moan. He describes its coming apart in chilling terms:

There goes a chunk - the sick and aged along with the huge apparatus of doctors, social workers, hospitals, nursing homes, drug companies, and manufacturers of sophisticated medical equipment, which service their clients at enormous cost but don't help them very much.

There go the college students along with the VPs, provosts, deans and professors who have not prepared them for life in a changing world after formal schooling is over. There go the high school and elementary school students, along with the parents, administrators and frustrated teachers who have turned the majority of schools into costly, stagnant and violent babysitting services.

There go the lawyers and their hapless clients in a dust cloud of the ten billion codes, rules and regulations that were produced to organize and control an increasingly intricate, unorganizable and uncontrollable society.



To Tax Is to Destroy

Blah blah...


To Tax Is to Destroy

In order to have an effect, laws must be enforced. The enforcement mechanism is the bureaucracy. Without a bureaucratic system of enforcers, laws would be just a collection of restrictive words on fancy parchment. This is why President Jackson said of another case during the Marshall court, “John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.” This was a reference to the obvious fact that the chief justice did not have an army of bureaucratic enforcers to put his words into action.

For the sake of clarity, I do not advocate the abolition of all laws. However, we must define legitimate laws as those that prohibit an act that is in itself bad. An example of this type of law is one that prohibits the infliction of bodily injury on another. Those laws that make an otherwise innocent activity unlawful are simply political in nature. They are what the philosopher Thrasymachus, best known as a character in Plato’s Republic, labeled “the advantage of the stronger.”

In order to enforce the “advantage of the stronger,” an increasingly larger bureaucracy is needed. And in order to fund this bureaucratic watchdog, money is needed. Without money, there would be no bureaucracy and there would be no army of legislative staff members writing truckloads of laws aimed at limiting your “inalienable rights.”

The money to feed this bureaucratic Goliath comes from your taxes! Since the inception of the income tax, government intrusion into our lives has grown by leaps and bounds. According to the Tax Policy Center, 57 percent of federal tax revenue comes from individual and corporate income taxes. An additional 36 percent is appropriated through the payroll tax. Since 1950, the individual income tax has been the largest growth area of federal-government tax revenue.



The Real Inflationary Threat - Why the US Should Expect 8% Inflation

Doesn't it make you feel good that your bank account gets not even 1% interest, while there is ongoing 8% (at least) inflation eating away at your savings. Gold and silver makes you immune.

The Real Inflationary Threat - Decreasing Foreign Reserves: Why the US Should Expect 8% Inflation For The Next Three Years

There is some money which is printed, but does not make it into the money supply. Consider the scenario that the Fed prints a dollar that is then either lost or destroyed. It then cannot be used to buy goods, or be lent out and thus does not create inflation. There is something else which can happen to our money which has the same net effect. Foreign central banks can take cash printed from the Fed and place it on their balance sheet. US dollars on foreign banks balance sheets gives investors confidence that their own currency will not be debased. In other words, the real threat of inflation is not the current printing of money which Bernanke et al have been doing. It is the previous printing of money which has been taken out of circulation. The threat is as great as its ever been. The amount of money in foreign reserves is about one third or more of M2, or every dollar which is held by US bank account (business or retail), and all currency combined.



Record low gas prices, IMF on China & U.S.

Got a silver dime? I don't. And I'm about to be priced out of the market if Ag keeps jumping.

Record low gas prices, IMF on China & U.S.



what's going on

I'm too tired right now to dive into these articles, some news


And more economic news;

Japan has the largest ever fall in factory production output:

More protestors shot and killed in Syrian demonstrations:

German government warns Greece will default this summer:

Greece close to default on all debt:



Candle burned at both ends

Whooo, back home! Staying up till 2am and then making it to aerospace conferencing at 8am, 2 days in a row has a way of burning me out. Here's an interesting read.

The frequency increase of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar has thrown the world into the chaos from which the new world will be born

On March 9th, 2011 the ninth and highest wave of the Mayan calendar system was activated. This was the beginning the final countdown to the date of completion of the Mayan calendar: October 28, 2011. This new wave, made up of thirteen uaxaclahunkin periods of 18 days, meant a twenty times increase in frequency compared to the 8th wave of the Galactic Underworld that had been activated in January of 1999. This frequency increase has become evident to everyone as an extraordinary amount of significant and dramatic events compressed into a very short period of time. The Ninth wave immediately manifested in the earthquake in Japan and its first day included not only the aftershocks of this quake and the ensuing nuclear crisis, but a new war in Libya against the background of revolutionary processes going on in twelve different Arabic nations. Previously, any one of these events would have soaked up all the attention of the international community, but as they are now all happening simultaneously our attention is split between several equally dramatic developments. Thus, the cover of Newsweek magazine exclaims Apocalypse Now. Whether people are aware of the background of these events in the Ninth wave or not the frequency increase that it has brought has shaken almost everyone alive.



Thursday, April 28, 2011

McDonalds Hires 62,000, Turns Away Over 938,000

Some recovery eh?

McDonalds Hires 62,000, Turns Away Over 938,000 Applicants For Minimum Wage, Part-Time Jobs

This is what the US economy has been reduced to: McDonalds reports that as part of its employment event to hire 50,000 minimum wage, part-time (mostly) workers, subsequently raised to 62,000 it received a whopping 1 million applications, or a Tim Geithner jealousy inducing 6.2% hit rate (h/t X. Kurt. Osis). Alas, the US economy is now so pathetic that the bulk of the population will settle for anything. Literally anything. And the saddest part: over 938,000 applicants were turned away. Here's hoping to Burger King needs a few million janitors in the immediate future too. And yes, aside from reality, things in America are really recovering quite nicely.



Ron Paul Gets Mad

Prez 2012. Ron starts at minute 3:40.


Ron Paul Gets Mad



HAARP and N. Tesla

No Comment

Here's the patent for HAARP:

Notice the top entry in the References Cited section:

"Liberty Magazine, (2/35) p. 7 N.Tesla"

Tesla's papers were declared Top Secret and confiscated by the Government after his death.



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

apmex want's your PMs

I already posted on this yesterday.

HAHAHA LOL... They want your metal and they will pay over spot price. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS? No one is selling AND... If apmex is paying over spot to buy your metal, that means that is the ACTUAL price of physical metal.

Buy Phyzz and popcorn. Go to the shooting range on Sundays. Enjoy life, retire early.


Over the past hour Zero Hedge has been inundated with reader comments notifying us that Ampex has, validating the earlier post speculating about a possible silver shortage at the metals distributor, launched a “reverse ïnquiry” in which it will pay “you $3.00 over the current spot price of Silver for your Silver American Eagles. ANY year, ANY quantity!” and “We will pay you $38.00 over the current spot price of Gold for your Gold American Eagles. ANY year, ANY quantity!” So aside from this first public confirmation that one of the biggest wholesale retailers of precious metals is now inventoryless [sic], we can certainly see why Asia has decided to take silver down in the afterhours electronic session.



Gerald Celente on RT - 27 Apr 2011

Blah blah blah.

Gerald kicks butt listen to him


Gerald Celente on RT - 27 Apr 2011



Silver Trading Charlatans

Buy the dips, hold strong. Go silver go.


Silver Trading Charlatans



Huntington Beach, CA

I won't be posting as much for the rest of the week. I'll be at a conference with Boeing in Huntington Beach, CA. You probably won't hear much from me until Sunday.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!

Just like the good ol' days. Being a slave and being sold off to some other Massa. China is so solly. Only difference this time the shackles are not made of steel, they are debt.


The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!



Lindsey Williams - Middle East - Full DVD

Must watch if you want to know what is going on with oil, the middle east, disruptions, lack of drilling in the US, etc.

Lindsey Williams - Middle East - Full DVD



Busby: Fukushima Explosion Was Nuclear

Good news is my radiation meter finally shipped. Hopefully I'll have it by next week and can start measuring background levels and water / food levels.

Busby: Fukushima Explosion Was Nuclear



Waking Up to Economic Realities

Ron Paul for Prez 2012.

Waking Up to Economic Realities
Ron Paul

Last week the financial markets were roiled by Standard & Poor’s announcement that they will change their outlook on the fiscal health of the United States over the next two years from “stable” to “negative”. The administration decried this decision as political. However, it seems the only political thing about this decision is the fact that it took so long. The Washington Post recently reported that the White House and the Treasury Department put tremendous pressure on S&P not to do this. However, if S&P made its ratings based on political pressures rather than economic reality, it would cease to have any relevance to the business community. Even if S&P delayed its announcement that U.S. government bond market would be downgraded, at some point it would become obvious that the finances of this country are out of control and our leadership is out of touch. All credibility would be lost if S&P simply continued to assign U.S. debt a AAA rating.

S&P noted in its announcement that negotiations among leaders in Washington to address deficit concerns did not sound promising, and expressed skepticism that politicians could agree to any viable budget compromise. Of course this has been obvious for years but in the midst of the current debate over raising the debt limit it is perhaps the wake-up call that Washington needs. For decades politicians and government officials have been able to maintain their denial about our real financial situation, patching the system together by passing emergency and supplemental funding bills, issuing more debt, and allowing the Federal Reserve and foreign creditors to paper over deficits with more monetary expansion. I’ve said many times the real day of reckoning comes when fiscal and monetary tricks no longer work and there are no buyers for our debt.

Even the most conservative budget that has been proposed by Republican leadership requires raising the debt ceiling by an additional $9 trillion by 2021. This demonstrates absolutely that no one in power right now has any real intention of addressing our spending problems or paying down the debt. They simply expect to continue to borrow and run up more debt forever, without limit. Yet they always imagine our dollar will have value no matter how many we print. This expectation is foolish and naïve. I guarantee that those buying our debt are not foolish and naïve enough to go along with this charade forever.

The S&P announcement may just be the harbinger of economic realities acting as a restraint on government expansion. Government is not anxious to cap its own growth, in spite of misnomers like “debt limit” or “deficit reduction”. Government will continue to grow like a cancer, sapping our country of its wealth and freedom until the laws of economics no longer can be ignored.



Illuminati Freemason III New World Order 2012 Part 1

For your alternate learning and entertainment. Watch all 4 parts.

So you think this is all a joke huh? Look at the image in the video below, then look at the back of a 1 dollar federal reserve note. Notice any resemblance?

Illuminati Freemason III New World Order 2012 Part 1



Rothschilds Timeline 04 of 18

Time for your History Lesson. Stuff they don't teach you in school. This covers the last 200 years of Rothschilds takeover.

Rothschilds Timeline 04 of 18



When to Buy Silver and Gold

Buy the dippity-do-dahs.

When to Buy Silver and Gold

For a healthy bull market, it is best if silver does not go up in a straight line. Silver and gold both have gone up eight straight trading sessions and hence a short correction is warranted. That’s not to say the overall fundamental picture has changed. I think both metals will resume their climb higher in days to come, but they are setting up for a leg lower before heading higher again. If you are an investor looking to store some of your savings in either gold or silver, I wouldn't hesitate getting long at these prices. But if you are a trader trying to make money from daily or weekly swings, I think an excellent buying opportunity will present itself within next day or two.

It's not a surprise for anyone that silver has been outperforming gold in recent weeks and months. I have no doubt that silver will continue to outperform gold in coming days but the same outperformance applies to silver on the downside. Silver might lose more in dollar and percentage terms as compared to gold. As mentioned in my earlier article, please use caution before opening any new long position in precious metals before Wednesday, April 27. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve will convene a meeting. Any clarity on a QE3 or specifics on changes to QE2 could bring volatility for precious metal prices. If Ben Bernanke sticks to his gun and continues with QE2 without any concerns about inflation, that might skyrocket silver prices. If dollar weakness rattles the Fed enough to consider squeezing money out of the market, this could put downward pressure on silver prices. In my opinion, longs in precious metals have nothing to worry about in the foreseeable future.



Gold Quote of the Day

From Alan Greenspan (before he turned to the dark side)

"This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard." ~ Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan [written in 1966]


APMEX wants your Silver!

Haha, believe all the negative propaganda on Silver at your loss. There is sooo much demand, and so little supply, that APMEX is willing to pay $3 over spot price to buy your silver from you back. LOL. This only means one thing. Silver is going higher and higher and higher.

Mind you, what is said in this article is something I don't think most grasp yet. The price of physical and the price of paper are DIFFERENT. Spot is the price of paper. Spot plus premiums is the price of physical. As the markets continue to diverge, the premiums will continue to go up, because it's becoming more and more difficult to find any physical silver.

Hold onto your silver with strong hands.


"The next point is that the real physical market is becoming less and less tied to the fake paper CRIMEX market. The premiums have gone from $1 to buy Silver American Eagles, to now, with this APMEX solicitation, $3 to sell. This is huge! Forget the huge appreciation in the physical metal, the premium alone is up 200%. It will get worse/better as this market progresses. I would not be surprised that the premiums move much higher than the underlying paper metal price as the silver scarcity become more obvious."

"The final thing I want to bring up is the huge amount of anti silver propaganda I am receiving right now. This disinformation campaign has to be coordinated and will be short lived. I will tear these guys apart in another article right after this one, but I feel we are real close to the end with all of these developments. The enemy always fights the hardest when you are closest to victory."



Secrets of the Royal Wedding Revealed

Just in case you were busy buying as much physical silver as possible, here's a slight distraction.

Secrets of the Royal Wedding Revealed



Monday, April 25, 2011

Silver off nearly $5 from high

This makes for about a 10% discount if you were thinking of buying more. Excellent buy the dip opportunity.


IMF: Age of America nears end

Nothing to see here folks.


IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end

The International Monetary Fund has just dropped a bombshell, and nobody noticed.

For the first time, the international organization has set a date for the moment when the “Age of America” will end and the U.S. economy will be overtaken by that of China.

According to the latest IMF official forecasts, China's economy will surpass that of America in real terms in 2016 — just five years from now. Brett Arends looks at the implications for the U.S. dollar and the Treasury market.

And it’s a lot closer than you may think.

According to the latest IMF official forecasts published two weeks ago, China’s economy will surpass that of America in real terms in 2016 — just five years from now.

Put that in your calendar.



Ron Paul on The View

Ron Paul for Prez 2012

Ron Paul on The View



Gold and Silver Confiscation “Unlikely”

No Comment. Buy it cause it's shiny.


Gold and Silver Confiscation “Unlikely”

…the situation today is very different from that of 78 years ago. At that time, gold was the primary currency, the dollar being tied to it at $20.67 per ounce. But today, the Fed and European central banks strongly deny that gold has any monetary role at all, and argue instead that it’s just a hangover from the past: “that barbarous relic” as Keynes called it. Its confiscation would be an embarrassing admission that gold, after all, is money.

Nevertheless, as paper currencies continue to lose credibility, the temptation for any government to seize its citizens’ gold to enhance official holdings must be growing. Americans today, however, are unlikely to meekly accept confiscation the way they did under Roosevelt. And nowadays, you may be American, but your gold is not necessarily held at an American bank: it is just as likely to be in London, Zurich or Hong Kong.

The wording of a compulsory order is all-important. Confiscation requires the gold itself to be surrendered, which presumably would be the objective if a government is to add to official holdings. If gold ownership is merely banned, it is a different matter. A bullion bank holding gold in an unallocated account would almost certainly be unable to deliver physical gold if required to do so by the American government, but it would be able to close out the account for cash. And there is the thorny question of derivatives, which hardly existed in the 1930s. All futures and options trading would cease, and contracts for forward delivery would be cancelled, possibly with serious financial consequences.

The international nature of gold would probably require all G10 or even G20 members to agree to similar actions against their own citizens. It seems unlikely that all governments would agree to this, unless they all had their backs hard against the wall.

Source: Gold Money Op-Ed via



Silver Supplies Drying Up

Heard on the street.

APMEX out of Silver Eagles until May 13.

Gainesville Coins lists Eagles shipping May 27.

Physical supply rapidly drying up.

Got physical? The game is almost up.


Silver Still Well Short of Inflation-Adjusted High

The first milestone of breaking nominal highs has been hit. Next is a closing price above nominal highs. Then it's off to the races. Nothing is stopping it until inflation adjusted highs of $130. Remember to watch the gold/silver ratio, right now in the low 30's.


Silver Still Well Short of Inflation-Adjusted High

Silver futures are pulling back after soaring to nearly $50 an ounce in a record-breaking run earlier Monday. Still, silver remains well below its inflation-adjusted high, according to a report.

Silver prices climbed as much as 5.4% Monday to $49.79 an ounce to a nominal all-time high, topping the previous peak of $49.45 in January 1980, Bloomberg reported.

However, adjusted for inflation, silver is well short of its 1980 high. Silver’s inflation-adjusted price would be $131.49 an ounce based on its 1980 peak, according to WSJ MarketBeat. Meanwhile, gold’s record of $875 an ounce in 1980 converts into about $2,371 in today’s dollars, according to the report.



Sunday, April 24, 2011


Ron Paul for president 2012.





Gerald Celente interview – King World News

This is a must listen if you care about what is going to happen in the future financial markets.


Gerald Celente interview – King World News



Price Of Silver About To SKYROCKET Because Of China

Buy it because it is SHINY, forget all other reasons.

Price Of Silver About To SKYROCKET Because Of China



China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds In USD Holdings

Guess what this will do to the USD? It's a tough one....



China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds Of Its $3 Trillion In USD Holdings

All those who were hoping global stock markets would surge tomorrow based on a ridiculous rumor that China would revalue the CNY by 10% will have to wait. Instead, China has decided to serve the world another surprise. Following last week's announcement by PBoC Governor Zhou (Where's Waldo) Xiaochuan that the country's excessive stockpile of USD reserves has to be urgently diversified, today we get a sense of just how big the upcoming Chinese defection from the "buy US debt" Nash equilibrium will be. Not surprisingly, China appears to be getting ready to cut its USD reserves by roughly the amount of dollars that was recently printed by the Fed, or $2 trilion or so. And to think that this comes just as news that the Japanese pension fund will soon be dumping who knows what. So, once again, how about that "end of QE" again?



Judge Napolitano Natural Rights Patriot Act

The 'Patriot Act' (double speak) is not constitutional. Time to wake up sheeple, the guberment is not your friend.


Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural rights Patriot Act - Part 3 of 3



The Conservative American Party

This is freakin' awesome! I am totally down. Watch the vid, this could be a beginning to a solution and restoration of America.


The Conservative American Party



Political Pygmies and Mad Hatters

Just bouncing the info. No comment.

Political Pygmies and Mad Hatters

The debate in Washington over this year's budget that threatened another (ho hum) government shutdown is a sterling example of how modern day pundits and politicians have shrunk their vision of political affairs down to the momentary, the picayune, the superficial, and the irrelevant.

Are there any "big picture thinkers" left in the political arena? Any "men of principle?" Sadly, no. Other than Ron Paul and a few maverick colleagues, there are none. Nothing but pygmies pontificating about the crucial business at hand and claiming how courageous their party is behaving in pursuit of justice and a better America.



Why Investors Are Buying Silver As If There Is No Tomorrow

I buy it because it is SHINY!


Why Investors Are Buying Silver As If There Is No Tomorrow

The price of silver has been absolutely exploding lately. It has reached heights not seen since the Hunt Brothers attempted to corner the silver market over three decades ago. But this time there are no Hunt Brothers to blame for the stunning rise in the price of silver. So exactly why are investors buying silver as if there is no tomorrow right now? Well, the truth is that there are a lot of reasons. Investors have been flocking to precious metals such as gold and silver as the value of paper currencies has declined. The euro is incredibly weak right now and the U.S. dollar appears to be on the verge of a major collapse. In fact, the entire financial system is highly unstable right now. In such an environment, investors seek some place safe to park their money, and right now gold and silver are seen as safe harbors. But gold and silver have not been going up in price at the same pace. So why is silver outperforming gold so significantly?

The price of silver has increased by more than 150% over the past 12 months. But the price of gold has only gone up about 30%.

If you invested $100 in the S&P 500 ten years ago it would be worth about $107.48 today.

If you invested $100 in gold ten years ago it would be worth about $569 today.

If you invested $100 in silver ten years ago it would be worth about $1037 today.

Clearly something is going on with silver.



Will governments confiscate gold?

They can pry it from my cold dead hands.


Will governments confiscate gold?

As concerns mount that there is another financial crisis in the offing and the gold price rises, American investors worry increasingly about whether the US government will confiscate their gold. The precedent was set by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who in 1933 forced all of America’s gold owners to sell their bullion to the Federal government at the official price.

However, the situation today is very different from that of 78 years ago. At that time, gold was the primary currency, the dollar being tied to it at $20.67 per ounce. But today, the Fed and European central banks strongly deny that gold has any monetary role at all, and argue instead that it’s just a hangover from the past: “that barbarous relic” as Keynes called it. Its confiscation would be an embarrassing admission that gold, after all, is money.

Nevertheless, as paper currencies continue to lose credibility, the temptation for any government to seize its citizens’ gold to enhance official holdings must be growing. Americans today, however, are unlikely to meekly accept confiscation the way they did under Roosevelt. And nowadays, you may be American, but your gold is not necessarily held at an American bank: it is just as likely to be in London, Zurich or Hong Kong.

The wording of a compulsory order is all-important. Confiscation requires the gold itself to be surrendered, which presumably would be the objective if a government is to add to official holdings. If gold ownership is merely banned, it is a different matter. A bullion bank holding gold in an unallocated account would almost certainly be unable to deliver physical gold if required to do so by the American government, but it would be able to close out the account for cash. And there is the thorny question of derivatives, which hardly existed in the 1930s. All futures and options trading would cease, and contracts for forward delivery would be cancelled, possibly with serious financial consequences.



Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The Threat

For your Sunday scifi entertainment. It gets better as you go through the series. I thought the first vid was kinda boring.

Content Warning: 2012 Doomer Porn

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The Threat



Union Teachers Explain How to Push Marxism in the Classroom

It's not just happening now. It's been happening for a few generations. We are brainwashed. Get over it, it's okay. But time for action and re-learn truth.

Union Teachers Explain How to Push Marxism in the Classroom

Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles teachers union leader (in the Tax the Rich shirt) and Megan Behrent a New York City teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, explain how to push Marxism in the public school classroom.



Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

You see, the problem is that when you hear the words "occult" or "illuminati", your conditioned mind imediately throws up the block screen and instead of seeing the world for what it is, you accept the lies you are taught in school and on the television. You need to unlearn the 20 years of public education you had, and then learn what actually has been going on in this world and country.

The fact is is that there is an elitist group of international bankers. They put people into power, here and around the globe. They usually fund both sides of all wars. The first way they take over soreign nations is by installing a central bank. Since most people aren't taught about what 'money' really is, or how a fractional reserve debt based money system works, most people are completely blind to the ever advancing takeover by the international banking cartel.

It doesn't matter what YOU believe, whether it's in gravity or heaven and hell, there is a fact and that fact is most of the power elites are heavy into the study and worship practices of the occult. Why? I don't have those answers yet, but I am actively trying to figure it out.

The true terrorists and enemies of free nations on this planet Earth are the international elite bankers, which I call the Banksters. They are the ones stirring up the trouble and removing our freedoms, not the brown people riding around on camels and hiding out in caves.

This book looks good, but I have not had the time to read it yet. I will post the a few snips from the intro.


Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler


The third and final volume of a trilogy describing the role of the American corporate socialists, otherwise known as the Wall Street financial elite or the Eastern Liberal Establishment, in three significant twentieth-century historical events: the 1917 Lenin-Trotsky Revolution in Russia, the 1933 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, and the 1933 seizure of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany.

Each of these events introduced some variant of socialism into a major country — i.e., Bolshevik socialism in Russia, New Deal socialism in the United States, and National socialism in Germany. Contemporary academic histories, with perhaps the sole exception of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy And Hope, ignore this evidence. On the other hand, it is understandable
that universities and research organizations, dependent on financial aid from foundations that are controlled by this same New York financial elite, would hardly want to support and to publish research on these aspects of international politics. The bravest of trustees is unlikely to bite the hand that feeds his organization. It is also eminently clear from the evidence in this trilogy that "public-spirited businessmen" do not journey to Washington as lobbyists and administrators in order to serve the United States. They are in Washington to serve their own profit-maximizing interests.

Their purpose is not to further a competitive, free-market economy, but to manipulate a politicized regime, call it what you will, to their own advantage. It is business manipulation of Hitler's accession to power in March 1933 that is the topic of Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.

July, 1976


Unexplored Facets of Naziism

Since the early 1920s unsubstantiated reports have circulated to the effect that not only German industrialists, but also Wall Street financiers, had some role — possibly a substantial role — in the rise of Hitler and Naziism. This book presents previously unpublished evidence, a great deal from files of the Nuremburg Military Tribunals, to support this hypothesis. However, the full impact and suggestiveness of the evidence cannot be found from reading this volume alone. Two previous books in this series, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution1 and Wall Street and FDR,2 described the roles of the same firms, and often the same individuals and their fellow directors, hard at work manipulating and assisting the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917, backing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President in the United States in 1933, as well as aiding the rise of Hitler in prewar Germany. in brief, this book is part of a more extensive study of the rise of modern socialism and the corporate socialists.

This politically active Wall Street group is more or less the same elitist circle
known generally among Conservatives as the "Liberal Establishment," by liberals (for instance G. William Domhoff) as "the ruling class,"3 and by conspiratorial theorists Gary Allen4 and Dan Smoot5 as the "Insiders." But whatever we call this self-perpetuating elitist group, it is apparently fundamentally significant in the determination of world affairs, at a
level far behind and above that of the elected politicians. The influence and work of this same group in the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany is the topic of this book. This is an area of historical research almost totally unexplored by the academic world. It is an historical minefield for the unwary and the careless not aware of the intricacies of research procedures. The Soviets have long accused Wall Street bankers of backing international fascism, but their own record of historical accuracy hardly lends their accusations much credence in the West, and they do not of course criticize support of their own brand of fascism.


One thing the little guy can do to fight these Banksters if to buy physical silver.


Friday, April 22, 2011

David Icke: Secrets Of The Matrix Part 26 of 40

Just in case you are bored and your curiosity is peaking.

David Icke: Secrets Of The Matrix Part 26 of 40



Bilderberg Wants Gas Prices at $7 a Gallon

Yay, that'll be $150 for a tank of gas for my truck. Can't wait.


Bilderberg Wants Gas Prices at $7 a Gallon

In a follow-up to his American Free Press article, veteran newspaper reporter and Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker told Alex Jones today that the globalists fully intend to launch a ground invasion of Libya and also jack up the price of gas to $7 per gallon. (See also: Kissinger Calls For US Ground Invasion Of Libya.)

“By the end of the year 2012,” Tucker told Jones, “they (the Bilderbergers and the elite) want us paying $7 a gallon for gasoline… what they want to do is bring the American standard of living down to the standard of the so-called third world… they want the whole world to have the same standard of living.”



I'll Take A Crack At Explaining The Performance Of The Mining Shares

Here's a good read on miners from a fellow metals blogger.

I'll Take A Crack At Explaining The Performance Of The Mining Shares

There's been reams of discussion recently about the performance of the mining shares relative to the price of gold/silver. I believe a lot of the disappointment in the performance of the shares is because the metals have been hitting new highs almost every day now. But there are a lot of "levers," or variables, that drive mining share valuation - not just metal in the ground multiplied out by the price of gold/silver. And make no mistake about it, the HUI and XAU have been hitting new all-time highs during this period, so anyone not making money in the mining shares should reassess their strategies and anyone not happy with their bounty will probably always be a malcontent.

But rather than let our views get overwhelmed by conpiracy theories and childish whining, let's cut to the chase and just look at some numbers and market theory. I'm going to keep this simple for illustrative purposes. To begin with, the price of a stock at any given time largely reflects the current fundamental value, or instrinsic value, of the company plus some expection of the company's future prospects. So if a mining stock is priced at $50, that value reflects everything that is currently known about the company and its industry fundamentals PLUS it contains some value that reflects what the market thinks will happen in the future. So for a solid mining stock at $50, that price contains the public knowledge that gold is at $1500 PLUS some "discounted value" for the expectation/probability that the price of gold will be higher in the future. So just because gold goes from $1400 to $1500, if the market thinks that $1500 is all we'll see, the price of the stock won't move. This is "rational expectations" theory in a nutshell and is good for explaining a large part of stock market valuations, everything else being equal.



Steve Wynn on the State of the Economy

It's about on mainstream now. This is foxnews. It's a video, but I can't embed it.

Steve Wynn on the State of the Economy



The Mysterious Deaths of Nine Gulf Oil Spill Whistleblowers

Makes you go, Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

The Mysterious Deaths of Nine Gulf Oil Spill Whistleblowers

In the past year, nine vocal critics or potential whistleblowers of
the Gulf oil spill all died in extremely mysterious ways. Their deaths
could be strange, unrelated coincidences. Or they could have been
killed as part of a conspiracy to silence those who were speaking out
against the worst oil spill in American history.



The Continued Relevance of Ayn Rand’s Villains

I've been telling you to read the book "Atlas Shrugged" for a while now. It's only about 1000 pages. Do it.

The Continued Relevance of Ayn Rand’s Villains

On Saturday, my parents called to report they had driven an hour into Reno, Nevada, to see Paul Johansson’s adaptation of Atlas Shrugged. Despite the film’s strongly negative reviews, the theater was full. Curiously, this scene was true across the nation this weekend, as the film brought in more than 1.6 million despite only opening in 300 theaters: an average of $5,600 per theater, leaving it behind only the heavily advertised films Rio and Scream 4.

Unfortunately, the quality of this adaptation is representative of its low budget and brief production time. The film meticulously retains the original plot of Rand’s opus, going so far as to lift much of the dialogue directly out of the novel. However, due to the large amount of material being covered, the result leaps through the original plot line in a somewhat disjointed portrayal, which can be difficult to follow. While Johansson is to be commended for finally bringing Atlas Shrugged to cinema after almost 40 years of negotiations, delays, and difficulties, it is disappointing that the end result is not more impressive.

Despite the film’s mediocre quality, its end was met by a surprising response in Reno on Saturday. As the main character, Dagny Taggart, climbs a flame-engulfed hill to be confronted with the destruction of petroleum magnate Ellis Wyatt’s oil fields — the lifeblood of what little remained of the American economy — she screams in terror. The camera pulls away, revealing Wyatt’s parting farewell: “I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It’s yours.”

The crowded theater began to applaud.



Earth Day V.S. Easter

I really don't feel like getting into it right now. But at least notice how they use things like "Earth Day" to take away the significance and to counter the holiday of Easter. This has actually happened many times in the past as certain holidays are first co-opted and then completely changed in a matter of years. This is what they are trying to do now with easter.

Remember that whether you believe in anything or not, Easter is more than just bunnies and chocolate and egg hunting. Happy Good Friday. Ready about Easter on wikipedia.


Now about Earth Day. The best thing you can do right now to celebrate earth has nothing to do with driving less or turning your lights off for an hour. Go outside, get your hands dirty, and plant a garden. You won't really save much money, but it's a good way to pass the time and your produce will be higher quality. I like to try heirloom seeds and stuff you can't normally buy at the store. You can grow things from the grocery store too. Things I've been successful with are strawberry seeds, peppers (all kinds), tomatoes, garlic, ginger, potatoes. Don't forget a fence to keep out dogs and rabbits.


$55-60 Silver and then it's Lights Out

I just heard that Bob Chapman thinks that the banksters will throw in the towel on their silver shorts when the price reaches $55-60. This is higher than what was previously rumored at $47. This means now is your last chance to get the physical. Go physical, and go with PSLV and PHYS.

I'll write more maybe when I get home and have time to listen to the interview.

Okay home now, found the links. Listen to the entire series, but here's the first one.

Bob Chapman - Alex Jones Show - 04-22-2011




Holly Molly

I just sat through a 2 hour broken english presentation on aircraft control that should have only lasted 20 minutes.

Yikes, what a bore. Now for a walk.


I'm As Mad as Hell, and I'm Not Going to Take This Any More

Heh, this is somewhat of a rant. Some call it synchronicity, others call it providence. But the basic idea is that what you are searcher for you will find. For me this takes the form of information. I search for things, and then I find them... so to speak. Of course it never comes in the way you think and the answers aren't what you'd expect.

In my insomnia hours, two before this post was written, I stumbled across the show "Network", written in 1976, on the TCM (the classic movie channel). Oh my!

I'm not sure if history repeats, or if we are just so negligent in its study that we only realize it every few generations. It seems like this has been going on for a long time. But not cyclically, constantly. The show is about a man who is possessed, shall we say, with good, against the evil corporate bankster oligarchies of the global world. I'll post a few of the movies quotes. If I can, I'll find the youtube vids of said quotes. They are as follows.

This is the way we should all feel:

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE!' So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"


This is our opposition, the mega-corps and banksters:

Youtube won't let me embed this vid for some reason go here:

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it! Is that clear? You think you've merely stopped a business deal. That is not the case! The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back! It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity! It is ecological balance! You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU... WILL... ATONE! Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale? You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state, Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that... perfect world... in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel.


You can also check out this site for all the good quotes:

Apparently this shit has been going on for a long long long time. It's time to wake up, it's time to get mad.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quote of the day

Remember to look at the date of the quote. It has become much, much worse since then.

"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie... run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and] seizes...our executive officers... legislative bodies... schools... courts... newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."

John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York 1918-1925


Here's another one, same time period, about the birthing of the federal reserve bank


"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."

- Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.



1984: Police State Here Today

If you're bored and you feel like reading what a different but similar police state sounds like so you can recognize it, read or re-read the book 1984, by Orwell. The state motto that everything has to repeat over and over is this.


Do we not here this today?

War is Peace? Is this why we are bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya? Because war is peace right. Bombing and starting wars with the countries of this world will bring you peace? Yet, you hear this all over the media today. Fact is.. War is war.

Freedom is slavery? You hear this too. We are home of the free, yet you cannot drive across I-10 without stopping at checkpoints in Texas, New Mexico, California. You cannot smoke outside buildings. You cannot use drugs. You cannot drive without a license. You cannot speed without paying fees. You cannot add too much salt or stuff to food. Now in NY, you cannot play games like handball because it's 'too dangerous'. You have to pay property taxes even if you outright own your home and land. You have to pay income taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, etc... This is slavery, but we are brainwashed into thinking we are free. Freedom is not having to explain or be hassled or taxed when you want to do something, as long as it hurts no one else.

Ignorance is strength? How often to you hear the completely false saying that "What you don't know can't hurt you" or "ignorance is bliss". Hah! It's the things you don't know about and don't see coming that are usually the most devastating. Things like housing bubbles and stock market crashes. Things like the gov about to steal your pensions... The list goes own. We are living in a Orwellian super police state whether you think so or not.

Here's a good link that pretty much agrees with me

10 Examples We No Longer Live In Land of the Free And Home of the Brave

Do you know people that still believe that America is a free country? Do you have friends or family that are proud to live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”? If you do, just show them this article. The things that you are about to read are enough to make the blood of any red-blooded American boil. We don’t live in a free country anymore. Instead, we live in a “Big Brother” police state control grid that is becoming more restrictive every single day. Most of our politicians seem to be control freaks that are obsessed with running every single little detail of our lives. These days there has to be a “rule” or a “regulation” for everything. The radical social engineers in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and communist China never even dared to try some of the things that are going on in America today. We are all being treated little better than cattle and we are all being taught that it is best to just sit in our homes and absorb all of the television “programming” that is being provided for us. Meanwhile, our public schools have become little more than prison grids. Our children are being taught to enjoy living as docile slaves in a world where imagination, liberty, freedom and adventure are all greatly discouraged.

Unfortunately, none of this is an exaggeration. Our politicians love to give speeches about “liberty” and “freedom”, but they always seem to have excuses to justify the endless parade of liberty-killing laws that they are imposing on all the rest of us.

Almost all of the freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights have been severely eroded. In fact, a number of them are almost totally gone at this point.


America: Land of the Elite, Home of the Slave


Z: Trade Update

I made some trades today on the paper markets. As I stated I would do in my previous strategy outline, I sold all my JJC and SLW today.


Went 100% long PSLV. I have now completely de-diversified and am 100% precious metals and 95% Silver. Woot. Go silver go!

I am looking for the gold/silver ratio of 20 and/or silver at $100 for a chance to sell some silver and buy some gold.



Waiting for China? The Deal has Already Been Done

Here is an interesting blog. The blogger basically says that we already made deals with China in regards to the implosion of the US dollar. This would explain why china is now coming out with Stealth fighters, aircraft carriers, etc., all modeled on US designs. If the deal was done over a year ago, they've had a year to build all this stuff. And we know China prides itself on building fast and reverse-engineering technologies.


Pay attention closely if you want to know how the dollar crisis will unfold over the next few weeks

The entire thing hinges on a single simple elegant point that not one in a million humans understands. I am able to let you in onthis for two reasons. One, nobody takes anything seriously here, so this is so far below the radar as to make no difference. Two, because events are going to unfold very, very quickly now and within the next few days anyone who could possibly give a shit will have their hands full with much more important fish to fry.

I am not warning you, or advising you, or anything. If you haven't already realized what's coming down the pike and made preparations, it's already too late.

The crux of the matter is this: people are looking at the wrong signals, the wrong indicators, and completely facing the wrong way. Because of this, they will be blindsided, bitchslapped, and bamboozled. By the billions. It will become an iconic moment in economic history. In history history, too.

The deal is this: Everyone is waiting for a mass Chinese selloff, but they arent going to see one. Why not? Because they are going to learn something far more disturbing: the selloff has already happened.

Let me repeat that: The selloff has already happened.



50 Factors Launching Gold

Here's a good read for all of you looking for specific reasons why gold (and silver) will continue to go higher.

50 Factors Launching Gold

Edification is not the word that comes to mind when observing an interview with Larry Fink of Blackstone this morning on network financial news. It was inspirational if not humorous, and somewhat pathetic. Of course the interviewer treated him like royalty, when just a syndicate captain, a Made Man. As a cog within the US financial hierarchy, he was asked why Gold is approaching record price levels near $1500 per ounce. He gave his best 10-second answer, showing no depth of comprehension but an excellent grip of propaganda laced with simplistic distortion. He said, "GOLD IS RISING FROM ALL THE GLOBAL INSTABILITY, AND NOT FROM INFLATION AT ALL." Sounds good, but it lacks much reflection of the world of reality burdened by complexity and interconnectivity that the enlightened perceive.

At least he did not babble about Gold being in an asset bubble. It cannot, since Gold is money. It is curious that all the analysts, bankers, fund managers, corporate chieftains who did not advise on Gold investment over the last ten years are precisely whom the financial network news appeals to for guidance in the current monster Gold bull run. They knew nothing before, and they know nothing now.



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Silver breaks $46 tonight

You know, as they say...

another day, another dollar


another day, another dollar more for silver


The Chinese Silver Bullet

Here's a good one on silver demand in china. It's an older video, but still worth a watch. As Americans we are used to thinking that we are the primary consumer demand in the world. This may have been the case 50 years ago, it's not anymore. The rest of the world understands and appreciates physical silver and gold. So you want to travel? The rest of the world won't always accept FRNs in the future. They will accept gold and silver.



From the blogsphere:

The Guangzhou Daily reported that a man went into a local bullion dealer in Guangzhou and bought 10 million RMB worth of physical silver. This amount converts to roughly $1.5 million USD. This Chinese investor and his assistants brought in eight suitcases full of cash to complete the transaction. I wanted to point out about physical silver is - market price - paper silver has a price determined by the banks, where as real silver has a price determined by the market. With physical silver you can refuse to sell for a particular price and try to find a different buyer whereas with bank silver there is a fixed price and all buyers are considered to be the same. They "make" the market.?



Expect The Gold To Silver Ratio To Hit Single Digits

This is along the same lines as what I was thinking when I posted my updated investment strategy. Buy as much silver as you can, and when the ratio approaches 10 or goes below, sell some of your silver and buy gold. You will then have done a few things. Namely, you got out of the paper money system. You invested in an undervalued via manipulation physical asset, Silver. The manipulation will be destroyed and the price of silver will shoot to the sky and close the gold/silver ratio. Then all that silver profits you can move into physical gold and bam!, you now have lots of the ultimate form of money and store of wealth, gold.


Eric Sprott: "Expect The Gold To Silver Ratio To Hit Single Digits"

From Eric Sprott and Andrew Morris

Follow The Money

You know silver’s doing well when the commentators start giving it the ‘gold’ treatment. Silver’s recent rise has been so spectacular that it’s caught many investors off guard. It’s natural to be sceptical when you don’t know the fundamentals driving strong performance, and many pundits and commentators have been quick to downplay it as a result - much like they do towards gold when it enjoys a run. Silver is also an awkward metal for them to categorize. Is it a commodity, a monetary metal, or both? And which side is driving demand? If it’s industrial demand, that’s ok, because that’s bullish. But if it’s investment demand for silver as ‘money’, well then that’s sort of bearish, isn’t it? The fact remains that most commentators have failed to grasp the monetary shifts that silver is signaling today, and in doing so they’ve failed to appreciate just how high it could actually go.


Don't forget about oil either. $111 today.


$44.5 Silver, Yikes

It's starting to move way too fast. I wanted to buy more phyzz, trying to work and get the dough, but it's looking like I may not get that chance. From what I can see the "hits" trying to take down the price are no longer working. As soon as the Banksters knock it down us average Joe's are sucking it right back up.

Remember Max Keiser says the JP Morgue will start having issues at $47. Max out all credit cards, dump all your bank accounts, close out all your retirement funds... and buy as much phyzz Silver as you possibly can. Once we breach the all time nominal high around $50 there is no stopping Silver. There is no ceiling at that point, and its true price is still unknown. Well, we know that it is higher, how high is the question.

Don't forget to bury it in your yard and don't tell your neighbors. Used up coffee cans work really well. Plant a shrub on top so you know exactly where to go looking when it's time to dig it up.

Ask your friends and neighbors about gold and silver... Go ahead and ask. Less than 1% of Americans own any non-jewelry gold and silver. In previous bubbles this number was more than 20%. Gold and silver are so far away from a bubble you should be put to sleep for thinking that. The bubble is the amount of federal reserve notes in circulation.

Silver is the Black Swan. Happy Investing =)


P.S. If you have taken physical delivery of phyzz Ag, you are now part of the Global Silver Liberation Army, whether you like it or not.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Late Tuesday Funny

From the blogsphere... Wishing I could retire early. Silver's gotta go to the moon first.

And they ask---Why I Like Retirement?

Question: How many days in a week?
Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday

Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.

Question: How many retirees to change a light bulb?
Answer: Only one, but it might take all day.

Question: What's the biggest gripe of retirees?
Answer: There is not enough time to get everything done.

Question: Why don't retirees mind being called Seniors?
Answer: The term comes with a 10% percent discount .

Question: Among retirees what is considered formal attire? 

Answer: Tied shoes.

Question: Why do retirees count pennies?
Answer: They are the only ones who have the time.

Question: What is the common term for someone who continues to work and refuses to retire?
Answer: NUTS! 



Schiff on S&P outlook on the Dollar

More of the same. The storm is building...

Schiff on S&P outlook on the Dollar



Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

I've recommended this book many times. Here's another gem. 


“Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked: Account overdrawn.”

- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged



My Investment Strategy, Update

So where I stand now is heavy in PSLV and light in SLW and JJC. I went long those stocks in November-ish. JJC is flat. SLW is up about 10% which is good, but... PSLV i'm up over 30%. The fact of the matter is that Silver is outperforming everything right now, even in crazy violently up-and-down times.

So, my moves are this week or next, selling JJC and SLW, and going 100% long PSLV. Silver baby silver. "They" say it's good to have a diversified portfolio... Screw that! If silver is the investment of the decade I'll be 100% long in it, thank you very much. But buying is easy, at some point you have to sell (or do you?) to lock in profits.

Here's the plan I devised today. I no longer feel comfortable talking about precious metals in terms of the ever-dying federal reserve note. Ratio is the price gold/silver. When I started with silver and gold the ratio was around 50, and it is now around 40. Historically it is 15, but because of industrial demand issues and overshoot of trends adjustment, we may get down to a ratio of 10. So...

I decided that I will ease out of silver beginning when the ratio is 20. Mind you, I am talking the paper stock markets. When the ratio is 20, I am selling 20% of my paper silver. But... I am not holding cash, I will use it to buy PHYS, which is Sprott's physcially backed gold fund. When the ratio is 15, I'm taking another 20% off and when it is 10, I'm taking another 20% off of my silver. Again, all these conversions will be into paper gold. And/or debt servicing depending on how soon or long this takes.

Of course, if the government decides to be responsible, stop accepting the federal reserve printing more and more and more money, and if the gov starts paying down debt, well then... Then I will sell all my paper metal and hold USD. LOL. Don't see that happening anytime soon though.

Happy Investing =)


Silver Liberation Army

Here's the guy who coined the phrase global silver liberation army. This is a good watch.

Sweet that vid came out with the correct proportions, I'll go back and try to fix that last one.


Orion and NASA

Something to get your minds wondering off of your regular programming. Plus, I need to test embedding youtube videos.

Let's see if this works, should I think. Welp, I'm having issues with sizing it correctly in the browser... oh well. You can always "right click" on the vid and select "watch on youtube". Never mind I figured it out. Now the vid is the right proportions.


Welcome All!

So I finally broke down and decided that this would be much easier than spamming you with 10 emails a day.

I will do what I have been doing, which is bouncing information back at you, but you will need to come to my blog to get the information. Plus this is nice because you can give this site out your friends and/or family and they can come visit, without me having to get all touchy-feely with their email addresses.

My basic topics are financial news, the globalist one world take over news, environmental stuff, science, and the occasional wacky topic as you well know. And of course we can't forget about Gold and Silver.

As a matter of policy I will not discuss actual possession of physical metals. Assume I have as much copper jacketed lead as I need to protect it from a hoard of zombies.

I'm still organizing my site, but I'll be laying out my new silver and gold investment strategy soon.
