I've posted this song before I think, but I'll do it again. Musicians and Comics talk openly about this stuff, but very few listen. Time to start Listening.
"What's so civilized about war anyway?"
Quick some lyrics:
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men.
"Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before
Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before"
"My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars"
"My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars"
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.
Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Don’t Tread On Me
This guy right now is one of my favorite reads, if you can see that by my postings. "Don't tread on me" is the same as the "golden rule", "god's law", and "the common law".

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
Keep stacking the phyzz with whatever you have available. Or buy a nice sterling silver dining set. Or a fancy sterling silver goblet (something I still want). It doesn't matter, get the precious. Endure the pain, the time is coming.
From Wikipedia: Meek:
Meek is very nearly equivalent in common usage to humble.
Strictly the two are not synonyms, as they are mutually exclusive, once you know the exact meaning & appreciate the etymology.
Meekness differs from humbleness in that meek people give up something, perhaps a right or an argument to appear humble to others, & to prevent sometimes petty differences escalating into a greater problem disproportionate to the original issue. True meekness comes from a position of being 'absolutely correct whilst being aware' whereas humbleness implies a potential lack of knowledge or grasp of a complicated situation, but genuinely not wanting to offend anybody, for any reason at any time, in any way.
The most famous usage of the word, is in a phrase from the Bible, "the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" found in Matthew 5, further about that, can be found in Beatitudes.
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
I spent all of last week doing my final Strategy Sessions, before I start on my two final projects. I was overwhelmed by the response and closed it down early when I had 55 Strategy Sessions lined up from all over the world. I am more than half way through them and I am consistently amazed at the quality and diversity of the people. We had people from Korea, Luxembourg, Ireland, Bahrain, Belarus, and all over the U.S. The commonalities were striking to me, in that we all spoke the same language of freedom.
I use the line of, “there are only two different people in this world; those that want to be left alone and those that won’t leave you alone.” The people I have spoken to so far, are some of the best, most caring individuals I have spoken to. They are trying their best to not only save their families from the mathematically inevitable collapse of the dollar, but also to be a blessing on to others who either can’t or won’t prepare for this event.
I have never been one for religion, because I believe man has warped spirituality to serve some form of centralized organization. The teachings of Jesus do resonate with me and this week I finally understood “the meek shall inherit the earth.” To be meek is to endure injury with patience and without resentment. If you think about what we are doing on a spiritual level, we are enduring the injury of a world gone mad. We are enduing world wide slavery of debt. We are enduring a war machine that will not rest because, “the American way of life is not negotiable.” We are enduring a culture that seems to normalize psychopathic behavior. We are enduring a lifestyle that has half of America obese and millions on anti-depressants, alcohol, and other drugs to make life bearable. We are all enduring this world in hopes for a better future.
From Wikipedia: Meek:
Meek is very nearly equivalent in common usage to humble.
Strictly the two are not synonyms, as they are mutually exclusive, once you know the exact meaning & appreciate the etymology.
Meekness differs from humbleness in that meek people give up something, perhaps a right or an argument to appear humble to others, & to prevent sometimes petty differences escalating into a greater problem disproportionate to the original issue. True meekness comes from a position of being 'absolutely correct whilst being aware' whereas humbleness implies a potential lack of knowledge or grasp of a complicated situation, but genuinely not wanting to offend anybody, for any reason at any time, in any way.
The most famous usage of the word, is in a phrase from the Bible, "the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" found in Matthew 5, further about that, can be found in Beatitudes.
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
I spent all of last week doing my final Strategy Sessions, before I start on my two final projects. I was overwhelmed by the response and closed it down early when I had 55 Strategy Sessions lined up from all over the world. I am more than half way through them and I am consistently amazed at the quality and diversity of the people. We had people from Korea, Luxembourg, Ireland, Bahrain, Belarus, and all over the U.S. The commonalities were striking to me, in that we all spoke the same language of freedom.
I use the line of, “there are only two different people in this world; those that want to be left alone and those that won’t leave you alone.” The people I have spoken to so far, are some of the best, most caring individuals I have spoken to. They are trying their best to not only save their families from the mathematically inevitable collapse of the dollar, but also to be a blessing on to others who either can’t or won’t prepare for this event.
I have never been one for religion, because I believe man has warped spirituality to serve some form of centralized organization. The teachings of Jesus do resonate with me and this week I finally understood “the meek shall inherit the earth.” To be meek is to endure injury with patience and without resentment. If you think about what we are doing on a spiritual level, we are enduring the injury of a world gone mad. We are enduing world wide slavery of debt. We are enduring a war machine that will not rest because, “the American way of life is not negotiable.” We are enduring a culture that seems to normalize psychopathic behavior. We are enduring a lifestyle that has half of America obese and millions on anti-depressants, alcohol, and other drugs to make life bearable. We are all enduring this world in hopes for a better future.
Former TSA agent pleads guilty to assisting criminals in smuggling cash, drugs through security
Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm the criminal. That's why I get my junk groped when I try to fly. Not only do these sickos sexually molest and assault people, they steal, they take your naked pictures (voyeur pornography). Now we find out they also smuggle drugs (wow what a surprise).
You are more likely to die of a lighting bolt strike than from terrorism. Stop this MADNESS.
Former TSA agent pleads guilty to assisting criminals in smuggling cash, drugs through security
(NaturalNews) A 43-year-old former US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent who was arrested back in March on charges of aiding a drug smuggling ring has pleaded guilty, according to reports. Minetta Walker says she knowingly assisted criminals in evading airport security, and helped them sneak drug money onto flights.
You are more likely to die of a lighting bolt strike than from terrorism. Stop this MADNESS.
Former TSA agent pleads guilty to assisting criminals in smuggling cash, drugs through security
(NaturalNews) A 43-year-old former US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent who was arrested back in March on charges of aiding a drug smuggling ring has pleaded guilty, according to reports. Minetta Walker says she knowingly assisted criminals in evading airport security, and helped them sneak drug money onto flights.
Cancer breakthrough: scientists discover harmless bacteria in soil kills cancer tumors
Huh! Turns out eating that food off the floor/dirt may not be so bad for you after all. Maybe we should all just roll around in the mud like we used to. Clinical Cleanliness is Deadly to Humans. Nature is a necessary part of our healthy lives. This might put your pharmacists out of business, or you'll have to become natural healers.
Eat Dirt. =)
Cancer breakthrough: scientists discover harmless bacteria in soil kills cancer tumors
(NaturalNews) Cancer remains one of the most feared diseases on the planet -- and cancer patients being treated by mainstream medicine are usually bombarded with radiation and subjected to toxic chemotherapy that destroys healthy cells and weakens the body while trying to kill tumors.
Thankfully, as NaturalNews readers are aware, a growing body of research is revealing that many natural substances have cancer prevention and treatment potential, including Mediterranean type foods that fight prostate cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/025659.html) and walnuts which contain breast cancer preventive phytochemicals.
Now there's evidence a cure for cancer may be all around us and is as common as dirt. In fact, it's something in dirt.
Researcher Aleksandra Kubiak just presented the startling discovery at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference currently underway at the University of York in the UK. She and other members of a research team from the University of Nottingham and the University of Maastricht have found that a strain of harmless bacteria that is widespread in soil is actually deadly -- not to people but to cancerous tumors.
The researchers have developed a therapy using Clostridium sporogenes, a bacterium common in dirt. They found that when spores of the bacteria are injected into cancer patients, they only grow in solid tumors. Inside the cancerous growth, the bacteria produce a specific enzyme that activates a cancer drug. The results? Unlike current chemotherapy, the natural bacteria treatment causes only the cancer cells to be destroyed while healthy cells are left unharmed.
Eat Dirt. =)
Cancer breakthrough: scientists discover harmless bacteria in soil kills cancer tumors
(NaturalNews) Cancer remains one of the most feared diseases on the planet -- and cancer patients being treated by mainstream medicine are usually bombarded with radiation and subjected to toxic chemotherapy that destroys healthy cells and weakens the body while trying to kill tumors.
Thankfully, as NaturalNews readers are aware, a growing body of research is revealing that many natural substances have cancer prevention and treatment potential, including Mediterranean type foods that fight prostate cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/025659.html) and walnuts which contain breast cancer preventive phytochemicals.
Now there's evidence a cure for cancer may be all around us and is as common as dirt. In fact, it's something in dirt.
Researcher Aleksandra Kubiak just presented the startling discovery at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference currently underway at the University of York in the UK. She and other members of a research team from the University of Nottingham and the University of Maastricht have found that a strain of harmless bacteria that is widespread in soil is actually deadly -- not to people but to cancerous tumors.
The researchers have developed a therapy using Clostridium sporogenes, a bacterium common in dirt. They found that when spores of the bacteria are injected into cancer patients, they only grow in solid tumors. Inside the cancerous growth, the bacteria produce a specific enzyme that activates a cancer drug. The results? Unlike current chemotherapy, the natural bacteria treatment causes only the cancer cells to be destroyed while healthy cells are left unharmed.
NaturalNews names award winner for 2011 Book of the Year: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
The greatest crime against humanity has been orchestrated by the Illuminati and we can destroy them in 1 Microsecond if we would just say NO to paper funny money games. All of our lives, rich and middleclass alike, will be better. Moochers will necessarily have to start pulling their own weight.
NaturalNews names award winner for 2011 Book of the Year: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
(NaturalNews) If you're looking for a way to make sense of the world, look no further than the book, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy (by Jim Marrs). It reveals a hard-hitting, big-picture overview of how things really work behind the scenes of our modern world (and who's pulling the levers).
The title of the book is actually a bit of a misnomer. Jim's original title was going to be "Zombie Nation" which I think is actually a better title because the book talks about "zombie banks" that are steeped in debt, "zombie politicians" who are totally controlled by a corporate agenda, and even "zombie people" who are drugged up on psychiatric medications. The publisher, however, insisted on the current name, and that's why it isn't called Zombie Nation.
Listen to my interview with Jim about his book at:
NaturalNews names award winner for 2011 Book of the Year: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
(NaturalNews) If you're looking for a way to make sense of the world, look no further than the book, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy (by Jim Marrs). It reveals a hard-hitting, big-picture overview of how things really work behind the scenes of our modern world (and who's pulling the levers).
The title of the book is actually a bit of a misnomer. Jim's original title was going to be "Zombie Nation" which I think is actually a better title because the book talks about "zombie banks" that are steeped in debt, "zombie politicians" who are totally controlled by a corporate agenda, and even "zombie people" who are drugged up on psychiatric medications. The publisher, however, insisted on the current name, and that's why it isn't called Zombie Nation.
Listen to my interview with Jim about his book at:
Paul Slams Perry As “Al Gore’s Texas Cheerleader”
Rick Perry is a typical Republicrat, New World Order puppet, who will rape you just like most of the last lineage of presidents. Don't vote for the D's. Don't vote for the R's (Bullets, Bombs, and Banks).
Vote to end the fed, vote to end the wars and bring troops home, vote for gold and silver, vote for restoring liberty:
Ron Paul for Prez 2012.
Paul Slams Perry As “Al Gore’s Texas Cheerleader”
Vote to end the fed, vote to end the wars and bring troops home, vote for gold and silver, vote for restoring liberty:
Ron Paul for Prez 2012.
Paul Slams Perry As “Al Gore’s Texas Cheerleader”
Al-Qaeda Origins – Part 1
There are 3 parts, I'm working my way through them now. Making a movie out of the recorded conversation makes this a little more entertaining to learn.
Some people refer to them as al-CIAda.
Al-Qaeda Origins – Part 1
By voxOnox, on September 6th, 2011
In anticipation of the 10th anniversary of nine-eleven, which the mainstream media will use to focus on the official story that cave dwelling Al-Qaeda terrorists defeated a trillion dollar military defense with box cutters, I thought the DTOM community might be interested in the following YouTube video, which is a fact-based fictionalized 1978 conversation between Zbigniew Brzezinski and Nur Muhammad Taraki:
Some people refer to them as al-CIAda.
Al-Qaeda Origins – Part 1
By voxOnox, on September 6th, 2011
In anticipation of the 10th anniversary of nine-eleven, which the mainstream media will use to focus on the official story that cave dwelling Al-Qaeda terrorists defeated a trillion dollar military defense with box cutters, I thought the DTOM community might be interested in the following YouTube video, which is a fact-based fictionalized 1978 conversation between Zbigniew Brzezinski and Nur Muhammad Taraki:
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