This is what I was trying to get at a few days ago in a rant I had. Stop being stupid, terrorists are not a threat to your life. They are a scare tactic, false flag, etc., used to fear you into warring all over the world and having your privates groped going through tsa.
I'm getting sick and tired of it.
Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid
Scientists note that fear of terrorism makes people stupid.
As I've repeatedly noted, FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials "were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power".
Indeed, the former Secretary of Homeland Security - Tom Ridge - admits that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection.
In the real world, as the National Safety Council notes:
-- You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane
-- You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack
-- You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack
--You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack
--You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist
--You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack
(Moreover, the chair of the 9/11 Commission said that the attack was preventable).
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.
Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Revolution Has Begun
Citizens of the world unite against the elite/banksters/globalists.
Bob Chapman: Gold, Silver, Economy + More
blah blah blalh
Bob Chapman: Gold, Silver, Economy + More
What the world is experiencing today did not happen by chance, it was planned that way.
What Congressman Louis McFadden said of the “Great Depression” is as true today as it was in the 1930s. As Chairman of the House Banking Committee he said, “It was no accident; it was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
What you are experiencing economically and financially today is nothing new. Just study history all the precedence is there. The bankers and their willing helpers do the same thing over and over again. As we have said often what these banks represent is corporatist fascism and monopoly. Through their great wealth they control most governments and their court systems. That is why your elected representatives do not listen to you. They have already been purchased by Wall Street and banking. These are the same people who have financed most wars on both sides for centuries. Through their banks, and the Bank for International Settlements, and the BIS, they control money laundering and the worldwide drug trade, which is the most lucrative of all enterprises. The centerpiece of all the financial powers of the Illuminists come from the control of the drug trade for centuries.
Bob Chapman: Gold, Silver, Economy + More
What the world is experiencing today did not happen by chance, it was planned that way.
What Congressman Louis McFadden said of the “Great Depression” is as true today as it was in the 1930s. As Chairman of the House Banking Committee he said, “It was no accident; it was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
What you are experiencing economically and financially today is nothing new. Just study history all the precedence is there. The bankers and their willing helpers do the same thing over and over again. As we have said often what these banks represent is corporatist fascism and monopoly. Through their great wealth they control most governments and their court systems. That is why your elected representatives do not listen to you. They have already been purchased by Wall Street and banking. These are the same people who have financed most wars on both sides for centuries. Through their banks, and the Bank for International Settlements, and the BIS, they control money laundering and the worldwide drug trade, which is the most lucrative of all enterprises. The centerpiece of all the financial powers of the Illuminists come from the control of the drug trade for centuries.
The End of the Trend Is Near
This means higher prices for silver. Get it while you can. Debt ceiling must be raised by august. You might have 1 more month to buy some more.
The End of the Trend Is Near

We all have been patiently watching and waiting for this trend to end after the Silver drive-by shooting. I believe we are very close to the end of this trend. As you all know I am not a technical trader and put little credence in technical analysis in such a market that is rigged on many levels. Think about it,the physical inventory is manipulated by the paper market trading billions of ounces overnight when most of the world’s market were closed leading to a $6 crash in 15 minutes. On top of that manipulation,we have all of the derivatives that multiply the winnings for those in the know. The markets are then manipulated with rate hikes,margin requirements,and rule changes. Look at the FOREX markets that just outlawed trading precious metals. Then you have the dollar,which is what silver is valued in,that in itself is a lie. Finally,I believe the Elite put most of this technical analysis to get the Pavlovian dog traders/traitors to instinctively react to the signals the Elite put out.
The End of the Trend Is Near
We all have been patiently watching and waiting for this trend to end after the Silver drive-by shooting. I believe we are very close to the end of this trend. As you all know I am not a technical trader and put little credence in technical analysis in such a market that is rigged on many levels. Think about it,the physical inventory is manipulated by the paper market trading billions of ounces overnight when most of the world’s market were closed leading to a $6 crash in 15 minutes. On top of that manipulation,we have all of the derivatives that multiply the winnings for those in the know. The markets are then manipulated with rate hikes,margin requirements,and rule changes. Look at the FOREX markets that just outlawed trading precious metals. Then you have the dollar,which is what silver is valued in,that in itself is a lie. Finally,I believe the Elite put most of this technical analysis to get the Pavlovian dog traders/traitors to instinctively react to the signals the Elite put out.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
The title of this post is why I am so interested in bitcoins. Time will tell whether it works or they get shut down. Right now they are still fixing the collapse and hack.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Stacy Summary: I suspect this is why I get such vitriolic hate mail filled with all sorts of threats when I post any item related to Bitcoin . . . “no governments, no central banks, and no rules.” I hope Bitcoin succeeds and, if not, I hope currencies inspired by Bitcoin come along and succeed where its predecessor failed. I will post all hate mail along with email addresses on this thread as they come in.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Bitcoin isn’t the currency of an online game or Facebook fad – it’s one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules. More than 6,500,000 Bitcoins are in circulation, in an online economy, which was worth over $180m shortly before June’s hack.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Stacy Summary: I suspect this is why I get such vitriolic hate mail filled with all sorts of threats when I post any item related to Bitcoin . . . “no governments, no central banks, and no rules.” I hope Bitcoin succeeds and, if not, I hope currencies inspired by Bitcoin come along and succeed where its predecessor failed. I will post all hate mail along with email addresses on this thread as they come in.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Bitcoin isn’t the currency of an online game or Facebook fad – it’s one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules. More than 6,500,000 Bitcoins are in circulation, in an online economy, which was worth over $180m shortly before June’s hack.
Peter Schiff - US Set to Default, Silver Headed to $200
Get it while you can. Hint: You want to buy it now, and sell it (or buy things with it) when it is 200.
Peter Schiff - US Set to Default, Silver Headed to $200
We’re going to have the same problems as Greece. The reason that Greece can’t pay its bills is that interest rates are rising and the Greeks don’t have the money. Well, the same thing is going to happen in America. When interest rates eventually rise, we can’t afford to pay because we’ve borrowed so much...And unless we can find new buyers of our debt, we’re going to have to default.”
When asked about gold and silver in that environment Schiff replied, “They’ll go straight up. That’s why you want to buy your gold and silver before that atmosphere.”
Regarding silver specifically Schiff had this to say, “I think anything in the low $30’s represents a pretty good entry point for people to buy...Once we go through $50...I see silver going to $200 an ounce. I own a lot of silver personally because of that outlook.”
Peter Schiff - US Set to Default, Silver Headed to $200
We’re going to have the same problems as Greece. The reason that Greece can’t pay its bills is that interest rates are rising and the Greeks don’t have the money. Well, the same thing is going to happen in America. When interest rates eventually rise, we can’t afford to pay because we’ve borrowed so much...And unless we can find new buyers of our debt, we’re going to have to default.”
When asked about gold and silver in that environment Schiff replied, “They’ll go straight up. That’s why you want to buy your gold and silver before that atmosphere.”
Regarding silver specifically Schiff had this to say, “I think anything in the low $30’s represents a pretty good entry point for people to buy...Once we go through $50...I see silver going to $200 an ounce. I own a lot of silver personally because of that outlook.”
Fast Effects of Massive Hyperinflation
Historically, gold and silver are the ONLY assets that can keep up with hyperinflation. Protect your wealth, get the phyzz.
Fast Effects of Massive Hyperinflation
Fast Effects of Massive Hyperinflation
New York Fed Announces It Will Conduct 7 POMO Operations Beginning July 1 As Part Of Continuing QE Lite
Cha Ching.. print more money
New York Fed Announces It Will Conduct 7 POMO Operations Beginning July 1 As Part Of Continuing QE Lite
Just as expected, the New York Fed disclosed that even as QE2 is being halted (briefly), QE Lite purchases of maturing securities will continue, across the Fed's 7 maturity segments: "At this time, the Desk anticipates conducting one operation per month in each maturity sector." As we have calculated before the total amount of monthly "flow" purchases will be about $32 billion, and likely declining, as less and less MBS are prepaid to the Fed. In other words, the bulk of purchases will once again be at the belly, with the least amount dedicated to the long-end, followed only by the 1.5-2.5 year segment, which however, if Bill Gross is right, will see a surge in activity as soon as Operation Twist 2 is announced at this year's Jackson Hole meeting.
New York Fed Announces It Will Conduct 7 POMO Operations Beginning July 1 As Part Of Continuing QE Lite
Just as expected, the New York Fed disclosed that even as QE2 is being halted (briefly), QE Lite purchases of maturing securities will continue, across the Fed's 7 maturity segments: "At this time, the Desk anticipates conducting one operation per month in each maturity sector." As we have calculated before the total amount of monthly "flow" purchases will be about $32 billion, and likely declining, as less and less MBS are prepaid to the Fed. In other words, the bulk of purchases will once again be at the belly, with the least amount dedicated to the long-end, followed only by the 1.5-2.5 year segment, which however, if Bill Gross is right, will see a surge in activity as soon as Operation Twist 2 is announced at this year's Jackson Hole meeting.
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