No matter how you slice it, everyone that knows what they are talking about thinks that silver will be over $100 in less than 2 years. That's nearly triple from here at the lowest. Most expect in the $120-140, which is quadruple from here. These are low ball estimates for the end of 2012. If you combine this article, with the one posted directly before it with gold at $5000 that puts silver at nearly $300 in a few years, or 8-fold from where we are today at $36.
Of course it could go higher. Buy the phyzz. As much as you possible can. Buy popcorn. Watch. Retire early.
Embry - Silver Market Extraordinarily Tight, Look for $125,_Look_for_$125.html
When asked if there was still tightness in the silver market Embry replied, “As far as what we look at, my partner Eric Sprott, he thinks the market is extraordinarily tight. I think one thing people are underestimating is the investment demand. This is being triggered by the high gold price which is driving the little guy into silver for the simple reason that he can’t handle how much it costs to get an exposure in gold, so he buys silver.
So I think this will be an ongoing phenomena and when you put that together with the strong industrial demand, the two together will drive silver much higher. I think the optimists that are talking about the gold/silver ratio declining to historical lows of 10 to 15 times could well be right, and given where I think gold is going, I mean that has an enormous upside potential for silver.
...Well let’s say gold goes to $2,500 which I don’t think is an outrageous statement in the face of what is going on, and the gold silver ratio falls to 20 to 1, well that puts silver at $125...People that were top-calling in silver and gloating when it got taken to the cleaners, I don’t really think they really understand the dynamics of the market.”