
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Anunnaki: The Truth [2011] 1/3

For your Tuesday entertainment enjoyment. Please note this is a 3 part series.


Anunnaki: The Truth [2011] 1/3



Jim Sinclair - Gold to Exceed $12,500 to Balance US Debt

Jim Sinclair - Gold to Exceed $12,500 to Balance US Debt$12,500_to_Balance_US_Debt.html

We’ve come to a point now where if QE were to be stopped, you would see an implosion in the general equity markets...And yes gold would go down, the market would go down hard. The dollar would go up slightly to begin, but then fall back down again as the management of the economy was seen to have been ineffective and inefficient.

Gold would then start moving back up again and I think if QE was to cease, the recovery on gold from a modest reaction would be multiples upon multiples of that reaction and would lead the way to Harry’s $2,400, to Alf’s $3,000 to $6,000.

The only way to overcome that would be by whatever name you called it to start the QE again. That would be indicative of a total loss of control. So the question is what would the price of gold be if it became publicly undeniable that control of the economic functions for the believers no longer resided in Federal Reserves and central banks?

The answer is gold would do what it historically attempts to do and that is to balance the balance sheet of the United States of America’s external foreign debt...and when we do the calculations we come up with a figure that is in excess of $12,500.”



What Will Collapse First, Bitcoin or the Dollar?

Very well could be a scam. We will see. I am actively researching the bitcoin right now.


What Will Collapse First, Bitcoin or the Dollar?

By Silver Shield, on June 7th, 2011

I have been inundated with all of this talk about Bitcoin. I first stumbled upon it a few months ago and made a snap judgement that is smells like BS and looked no further into it. Now that I have been asked by multiple sources to either endorse it or ask my opinion on it, I looked into it further. What I found makes me believe this is another Elite concoction designed to fool people .

When Wikileaks first came on the scene, I immediately fell for it hook, line and sinker. In theory it sounded awesome. Secretive hackers created a site that allow secrets to be revealed while keeping the whistle blower’s identity safe. It had a multilayer protection that would prevent it from being shut down. It even had a cool James Bond character in Julian Assange, that made the story so intriguing. The longer the story played out, the more I became concerned that this was an elaborate scam. (Read: Beware of Patriot Pied Pipers) After a while, my suspicions we confirmed. (Read: Wikileaks: CoIntelPro PsyOp) Now that I look into Bitcoin, the same suspicions arise again. It has all of the elements of a great freedom idea. It has decentralization, open source, peer to peer, privacy, and debt free money. The more I look into it, the more it reeks like a high level scam. In this hour long YouTube video there is an interview with two leaders of Bitcoin, Gavin Andresen and Amir Taaki.

