
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.

Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming



6 Months Of Hacking At The Root.

This is an article by the author of silver bullets and silver shields, as well as the founder of the Sons of Liberty.


6 Months Of Hacking At The Root.

I have spent only 6 months hacking at the root of power. I know many have been doing it for decades. They have inspired me to join the fight full time. I started publicly blogging to bring attention to the Sons of Liberty Academy. The Academy is by far the most comprehensive program in the world exposing the greatest story never told,the enslavement of humanity by the Elite. As I look back on some of the articles I have written,I have tried to pull all of the pieces together and provide a complete picture on what is really going on in the world. I am not just reporting on the news,I am bringing perspective you do not see to often on why things are happening. I bring the deeper perspective that is sorely missing in this sound bite news circus.

All of my work is centered on the Total Freedom concept I came up with for the Sons of Liberty Academy. Far to often we focus our energies on one aspect of freedom. For most it is the financial freedom we are looking for,but unless you are totally free you will never be happy. Think about how many rich people you know of that are completely miserable. I know many. Making money will never make you happy,it will just speed up life. If you are unhappy before you make money then you will just be unhappier faster with money.

“Most men live lives of quite desperation and go to the grave with their song still in their heart.”-Walt Whitman

I believe that you can become your highest self when you become totally free. This is our purpose on this earth. I feel there is no higher calling in life then releasing people from the bonds that hold us back. Think of how many wonderful things that never came to be because of the chains others and we put on ourselves. If we want freedom,we are going to have to fight for it!

Intellectually Free From False Choices That Limit Us…

Politically Free From Ideas That Keep Us Divided Against Each Other…

Physical Free From Limitations That Prevent Us Form Becoming Healthy…

Financial Free From Lies That Keep Us In The Rat Race…

Emotional Free From Traps By Identifying Toxic People…

Spiritually Free To Find A Greater Purpose In This Life.

When you are free in all of these areas,you will be the change you want in the world. Below are some articles that I feel will help you in this journey towards total freedom.



Gold is Rare

Gold is rare... got any? It can only be made in stars.




Athens Riots

Global revolution against banksters, debt based money systems, and financial tyranny.




Cancer Surges In Body Scanner Operators; TSA Launches Cover-Up

I had to go through one of these in LAX on my way to JAX. After scanning me then they groped the inside of my leg. Wow! I sure feel safe now.


Cancer Surges In Body Scanner Operators; TSA Launches Cover-Up

Fearful of provoking further public resistance to naked airport body scanners, the TSA has been caught covering up a surge in cases of TSA workers developing cancer as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices, perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.


