This is crazy. I only posted 1 video, follow the link and read the article and watch 3 videos.
Bosnia Pyramid
Ancient Bosnian Pyramids Could Be the Key to Everything
Giant structure is more than four times taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza.
LUCUS 01/25/11 2:28AM CST
The great pyramid of Giza at just over 480 Feet tall was long thought to be the world's tallest structure for 3,800 years but it has nothing on this pyramid recently discovered in Bosnia.
Buried just a few feet under the dirt, which was thought all these years to be a 2,300 foot mountain, is a giant pyramid.
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.
Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...
Friday, April 29, 2011
There's Something Happening Here…
The weekly read at silverbearcafe.
There's Something Happening Here…
Put these things together - a tone of hopelessness in the mainstream progressive media, a largely useless outpouring of outrage in the indymedia, a giving up of citizens on the viability of centralized representative governments, reactionary responses to black swan events instead of constructive ones, the ratcheting up of existing systems to prolong the period before tipping points, and a naivete about the powerlessness of even the most powerful in modern complex systems - and what do we have?
In his book Beginning Again, David Ehrenfeld describes our civilization as a ragged flywheel, over-built, patched and rusty, spinning faster and faster and beginning to rattle and moan. He describes its coming apart in chilling terms:
There goes a chunk - the sick and aged along with the huge apparatus of doctors, social workers, hospitals, nursing homes, drug companies, and manufacturers of sophisticated medical equipment, which service their clients at enormous cost but don't help them very much.
There go the college students along with the VPs, provosts, deans and professors who have not prepared them for life in a changing world after formal schooling is over. There go the high school and elementary school students, along with the parents, administrators and frustrated teachers who have turned the majority of schools into costly, stagnant and violent babysitting services.
There go the lawyers and their hapless clients in a dust cloud of the ten billion codes, rules and regulations that were produced to organize and control an increasingly intricate, unorganizable and uncontrollable society.
There's Something Happening Here…
Put these things together - a tone of hopelessness in the mainstream progressive media, a largely useless outpouring of outrage in the indymedia, a giving up of citizens on the viability of centralized representative governments, reactionary responses to black swan events instead of constructive ones, the ratcheting up of existing systems to prolong the period before tipping points, and a naivete about the powerlessness of even the most powerful in modern complex systems - and what do we have?
In his book Beginning Again, David Ehrenfeld describes our civilization as a ragged flywheel, over-built, patched and rusty, spinning faster and faster and beginning to rattle and moan. He describes its coming apart in chilling terms:
There goes a chunk - the sick and aged along with the huge apparatus of doctors, social workers, hospitals, nursing homes, drug companies, and manufacturers of sophisticated medical equipment, which service their clients at enormous cost but don't help them very much.
There go the college students along with the VPs, provosts, deans and professors who have not prepared them for life in a changing world after formal schooling is over. There go the high school and elementary school students, along with the parents, administrators and frustrated teachers who have turned the majority of schools into costly, stagnant and violent babysitting services.
There go the lawyers and their hapless clients in a dust cloud of the ten billion codes, rules and regulations that were produced to organize and control an increasingly intricate, unorganizable and uncontrollable society.
To Tax Is to Destroy
Blah blah...
To Tax Is to Destroy
In order to have an effect, laws must be enforced. The enforcement mechanism is the bureaucracy. Without a bureaucratic system of enforcers, laws would be just a collection of restrictive words on fancy parchment. This is why President Jackson said of another case during the Marshall court, “John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.” This was a reference to the obvious fact that the chief justice did not have an army of bureaucratic enforcers to put his words into action.
For the sake of clarity, I do not advocate the abolition of all laws. However, we must define legitimate laws as those that prohibit an act that is in itself bad. An example of this type of law is one that prohibits the infliction of bodily injury on another. Those laws that make an otherwise innocent activity unlawful are simply political in nature. They are what the philosopher Thrasymachus, best known as a character in Plato’s Republic, labeled “the advantage of the stronger.”
In order to enforce the “advantage of the stronger,” an increasingly larger bureaucracy is needed. And in order to fund this bureaucratic watchdog, money is needed. Without money, there would be no bureaucracy and there would be no army of legislative staff members writing truckloads of laws aimed at limiting your “inalienable rights.”
The money to feed this bureaucratic Goliath comes from your taxes! Since the inception of the income tax, government intrusion into our lives has grown by leaps and bounds. According to the Tax Policy Center, 57 percent of federal tax revenue comes from individual and corporate income taxes. An additional 36 percent is appropriated through the payroll tax. Since 1950, the individual income tax has been the largest growth area of federal-government tax revenue.
To Tax Is to Destroy
In order to have an effect, laws must be enforced. The enforcement mechanism is the bureaucracy. Without a bureaucratic system of enforcers, laws would be just a collection of restrictive words on fancy parchment. This is why President Jackson said of another case during the Marshall court, “John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.” This was a reference to the obvious fact that the chief justice did not have an army of bureaucratic enforcers to put his words into action.
For the sake of clarity, I do not advocate the abolition of all laws. However, we must define legitimate laws as those that prohibit an act that is in itself bad. An example of this type of law is one that prohibits the infliction of bodily injury on another. Those laws that make an otherwise innocent activity unlawful are simply political in nature. They are what the philosopher Thrasymachus, best known as a character in Plato’s Republic, labeled “the advantage of the stronger.”
In order to enforce the “advantage of the stronger,” an increasingly larger bureaucracy is needed. And in order to fund this bureaucratic watchdog, money is needed. Without money, there would be no bureaucracy and there would be no army of legislative staff members writing truckloads of laws aimed at limiting your “inalienable rights.”
The money to feed this bureaucratic Goliath comes from your taxes! Since the inception of the income tax, government intrusion into our lives has grown by leaps and bounds. According to the Tax Policy Center, 57 percent of federal tax revenue comes from individual and corporate income taxes. An additional 36 percent is appropriated through the payroll tax. Since 1950, the individual income tax has been the largest growth area of federal-government tax revenue.
The Real Inflationary Threat - Why the US Should Expect 8% Inflation
Doesn't it make you feel good that your bank account gets not even 1% interest, while there is ongoing 8% (at least) inflation eating away at your savings. Gold and silver makes you immune.
The Real Inflationary Threat - Decreasing Foreign Reserves: Why the US Should Expect 8% Inflation For The Next Three Years
There is some money which is printed, but does not make it into the money supply. Consider the scenario that the Fed prints a dollar that is then either lost or destroyed. It then cannot be used to buy goods, or be lent out and thus does not create inflation. There is something else which can happen to our money which has the same net effect. Foreign central banks can take cash printed from the Fed and place it on their balance sheet. US dollars on foreign banks balance sheets gives investors confidence that their own currency will not be debased. In other words, the real threat of inflation is not the current printing of money which Bernanke et al have been doing. It is the previous printing of money which has been taken out of circulation. The threat is as great as its ever been. The amount of money in foreign reserves is about one third or more of M2, or every dollar which is held by US bank account (business or retail), and all currency combined.
The Real Inflationary Threat - Decreasing Foreign Reserves: Why the US Should Expect 8% Inflation For The Next Three Years
There is some money which is printed, but does not make it into the money supply. Consider the scenario that the Fed prints a dollar that is then either lost or destroyed. It then cannot be used to buy goods, or be lent out and thus does not create inflation. There is something else which can happen to our money which has the same net effect. Foreign central banks can take cash printed from the Fed and place it on their balance sheet. US dollars on foreign banks balance sheets gives investors confidence that their own currency will not be debased. In other words, the real threat of inflation is not the current printing of money which Bernanke et al have been doing. It is the previous printing of money which has been taken out of circulation. The threat is as great as its ever been. The amount of money in foreign reserves is about one third or more of M2, or every dollar which is held by US bank account (business or retail), and all currency combined.
Record low gas prices, IMF on China & U.S.
Got a silver dime? I don't. And I'm about to be priced out of the market if Ag keeps jumping.
Record low gas prices, IMF on China & U.S.
Record low gas prices, IMF on China & U.S.
what's going on
I'm too tired right now to dive into these articles, some news
And more economic news;
Japan has the largest ever fall in factory production output:
More protestors shot and killed in Syrian demonstrations:
German government warns Greece will default this summer:
Greece close to default on all debt:
And more economic news;
Japan has the largest ever fall in factory production output:
More protestors shot and killed in Syrian demonstrations:
German government warns Greece will default this summer:
Greece close to default on all debt:
Candle burned at both ends
Whooo, back home! Staying up till 2am and then making it to aerospace conferencing at 8am, 2 days in a row has a way of burning me out. Here's an interesting read.
The frequency increase of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar has thrown the world into the chaos from which the new world will be born
On March 9th, 2011 the ninth and highest wave of the Mayan calendar system was activated. This was the beginning the final countdown to the date of completion of the Mayan calendar: October 28, 2011. This new wave, made up of thirteen uaxaclahunkin periods of 18 days, meant a twenty times increase in frequency compared to the 8th wave of the Galactic Underworld that had been activated in January of 1999. This frequency increase has become evident to everyone as an extraordinary amount of significant and dramatic events compressed into a very short period of time. The Ninth wave immediately manifested in the earthquake in Japan and its first day included not only the aftershocks of this quake and the ensuing nuclear crisis, but a new war in Libya against the background of revolutionary processes going on in twelve different Arabic nations. Previously, any one of these events would have soaked up all the attention of the international community, but as they are now all happening simultaneously our attention is split between several equally dramatic developments. Thus, the cover of Newsweek magazine exclaims Apocalypse Now. Whether people are aware of the background of these events in the Ninth wave or not the frequency increase that it has brought has shaken almost everyone alive.
The frequency increase of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar has thrown the world into the chaos from which the new world will be born
On March 9th, 2011 the ninth and highest wave of the Mayan calendar system was activated. This was the beginning the final countdown to the date of completion of the Mayan calendar: October 28, 2011. This new wave, made up of thirteen uaxaclahunkin periods of 18 days, meant a twenty times increase in frequency compared to the 8th wave of the Galactic Underworld that had been activated in January of 1999. This frequency increase has become evident to everyone as an extraordinary amount of significant and dramatic events compressed into a very short period of time. The Ninth wave immediately manifested in the earthquake in Japan and its first day included not only the aftershocks of this quake and the ensuing nuclear crisis, but a new war in Libya against the background of revolutionary processes going on in twelve different Arabic nations. Previously, any one of these events would have soaked up all the attention of the international community, but as they are now all happening simultaneously our attention is split between several equally dramatic developments. Thus, the cover of Newsweek magazine exclaims Apocalypse Now. Whether people are aware of the background of these events in the Ninth wave or not the frequency increase that it has brought has shaken almost everyone alive.
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