Economic Armageddon and You
Wondering about the American economy? This animated video explains inflation, stagflation, recession and more, all in 5 minutes.
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.
Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...
Thursday, June 30, 2011
10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area Around Ft. Calhoun Nuke Plant (but don't worry - be happy)
More nuclear fun for the Northern Hemisphere, particularly for Nebraska residents.
10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area Around Ft. Calhoun Nuke Plant (but don't worry - be happy)
Yesterday I spoke with a man who is a retired nuclear engineer...he was a prominant person in the NRC for 6 years (back in the day) and spent a lifetime around nuke plants including Oak Ridge. I asked him about Ft. Calhoun and his thoughts...he explained that he had spent a lot of time at that facility and isn't too concerned with what's going on there. The only concern for him would be the diesel gen sets...and they are set up in such a manner that they will not flood during this sized event. I asked about stored material in pools or dry...he said the dry-storage stuff is in crypt-type containers and are sealed air-tight and waterproof.
The situation that has him "concerned" is Los Alamos. He explained that many people that used to work for him are now in management positions at L.A. and that he is very familiar with the layout and protocalls there. He is worried about a fire getting to the dry storage barrells. They are stored in pits, but open to the sky. Should they burn and the radiation gets into the plume, the jet stream would carry it across the heartland...and middle-America is gonna be a very quiet neighborhood...for about 30 years.
10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area Around Ft. Calhoun Nuke Plant (but don't worry - be happy)
Yesterday I spoke with a man who is a retired nuclear engineer...he was a prominant person in the NRC for 6 years (back in the day) and spent a lifetime around nuke plants including Oak Ridge. I asked him about Ft. Calhoun and his thoughts...he explained that he had spent a lot of time at that facility and isn't too concerned with what's going on there. The only concern for him would be the diesel gen sets...and they are set up in such a manner that they will not flood during this sized event. I asked about stored material in pools or dry...he said the dry-storage stuff is in crypt-type containers and are sealed air-tight and waterproof.
The situation that has him "concerned" is Los Alamos. He explained that many people that used to work for him are now in management positions at L.A. and that he is very familiar with the layout and protocalls there. He is worried about a fire getting to the dry storage barrells. They are stored in pits, but open to the sky. Should they burn and the radiation gets into the plume, the jet stream would carry it across the heartland...and middle-America is gonna be a very quiet neighborhood...for about 30 years.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Who Cares About Your Bet,If The Casino Is Demolished?!
Physical assets are all that will matter during the financial 'reconstruction' that is on the horizon.
Who Cares About Your Bet,If The Casino Is Demolished?!
For the past 6 months I have been building the case for you to sell every single paper asset you have and buy real assets. (Read the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield.) I have had my run ins with famous traders/traitors who seek to make trades in and out of the market. These guys . . . →Read More:Who Cares About Your Bet,If The Casino Is Demolished?!
Who Cares About Your Bet,If The Casino Is Demolished?!
For the past 6 months I have been building the case for you to sell every single paper asset you have and buy real assets. (Read the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield.) I have had my run ins with famous traders/traitors who seek to make trades in and out of the market. These guys . . . →Read More:Who Cares About Your Bet,If The Casino Is Demolished?!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming
6 Months Of Hacking At The Root.
This is an article by the author of silver bullets and silver shields, as well as the founder of the Sons of Liberty.
6 Months Of Hacking At The Root.
I have spent only 6 months hacking at the root of power. I know many have been doing it for decades. They have inspired me to join the fight full time. I started publicly blogging to bring attention to the Sons of Liberty Academy. The Academy is by far the most comprehensive program in the world exposing the greatest story never told,the enslavement of humanity by the Elite. As I look back on some of the articles I have written,I have tried to pull all of the pieces together and provide a complete picture on what is really going on in the world. I am not just reporting on the news,I am bringing perspective you do not see to often on why things are happening. I bring the deeper perspective that is sorely missing in this sound bite news circus.
All of my work is centered on the Total Freedom concept I came up with for the Sons of Liberty Academy. Far to often we focus our energies on one aspect of freedom. For most it is the financial freedom we are looking for,but unless you are totally free you will never be happy. Think about how many rich people you know of that are completely miserable. I know many. Making money will never make you happy,it will just speed up life. If you are unhappy before you make money then you will just be unhappier faster with money.
“Most men live lives of quite desperation and go to the grave with their song still in their heart.”-Walt Whitman
I believe that you can become your highest self when you become totally free. This is our purpose on this earth. I feel there is no higher calling in life then releasing people from the bonds that hold us back. Think of how many wonderful things that never came to be because of the chains others and we put on ourselves. If we want freedom,we are going to have to fight for it!
Intellectually Free From False Choices That Limit Us…
Politically Free From Ideas That Keep Us Divided Against Each Other…
Physical Free From Limitations That Prevent Us Form Becoming Healthy…
Financial Free From Lies That Keep Us In The Rat Race…
Emotional Free From Traps By Identifying Toxic People…
Spiritually Free To Find A Greater Purpose In This Life.
When you are free in all of these areas,you will be the change you want in the world. Below are some articles that I feel will help you in this journey towards total freedom.
6 Months Of Hacking At The Root.
I have spent only 6 months hacking at the root of power. I know many have been doing it for decades. They have inspired me to join the fight full time. I started publicly blogging to bring attention to the Sons of Liberty Academy. The Academy is by far the most comprehensive program in the world exposing the greatest story never told,the enslavement of humanity by the Elite. As I look back on some of the articles I have written,I have tried to pull all of the pieces together and provide a complete picture on what is really going on in the world. I am not just reporting on the news,I am bringing perspective you do not see to often on why things are happening. I bring the deeper perspective that is sorely missing in this sound bite news circus.
All of my work is centered on the Total Freedom concept I came up with for the Sons of Liberty Academy. Far to often we focus our energies on one aspect of freedom. For most it is the financial freedom we are looking for,but unless you are totally free you will never be happy. Think about how many rich people you know of that are completely miserable. I know many. Making money will never make you happy,it will just speed up life. If you are unhappy before you make money then you will just be unhappier faster with money.
“Most men live lives of quite desperation and go to the grave with their song still in their heart.”-Walt Whitman
I believe that you can become your highest self when you become totally free. This is our purpose on this earth. I feel there is no higher calling in life then releasing people from the bonds that hold us back. Think of how many wonderful things that never came to be because of the chains others and we put on ourselves. If we want freedom,we are going to have to fight for it!
Intellectually Free From False Choices That Limit Us…
Politically Free From Ideas That Keep Us Divided Against Each Other…
Physical Free From Limitations That Prevent Us Form Becoming Healthy…
Financial Free From Lies That Keep Us In The Rat Race…
Emotional Free From Traps By Identifying Toxic People…
Spiritually Free To Find A Greater Purpose In This Life.
When you are free in all of these areas,you will be the change you want in the world. Below are some articles that I feel will help you in this journey towards total freedom.
Athens Riots
Global revolution against banksters, debt based money systems, and financial tyranny.
Cancer Surges In Body Scanner Operators; TSA Launches Cover-Up
I had to go through one of these in LAX on my way to JAX. After scanning me then they groped the inside of my leg. Wow! I sure feel safe now.
Cancer Surges In Body Scanner Operators; TSA Launches Cover-Up
Fearful of provoking further public resistance to naked airport body scanners, the TSA has been caught covering up a surge in cases of TSA workers developing cancer as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices, perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
Cancer Surges In Body Scanner Operators; TSA Launches Cover-Up
Fearful of provoking further public resistance to naked airport body scanners, the TSA has been caught covering up a surge in cases of TSA workers developing cancer as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices, perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Fortress Assets for The Coming Anarchy - The Opportunity
Combine the earths carrying capacity limits with the mechanization of labor and you have billions of people with no jobs and who can't afford food.
There will have to be a paradigm shift in economics and sustainability soon.
Fortress Assets for The Coming Anarchy - The Opportunity
Legendary Investor Jeremy Grantham "concludes that the world has undergone a permanent "paradigm shift" in which the number of people on planet Earth has finally and permanently outstripped the planet's ability to support us.
Specifically, Grantham says, the phenomenon of ever-more humans using a finite supply of natural resources cannot continue forever-and the prices of metals, hydrocarbons (oil), and food are now beginning to reflect that.
In other words, Grantham says, it is different this time.
Grantham believes that the trend of the last 100 years, in which the prices of almost all major commodities have steadily declined, is permanently over. And from here on in, humans will be competing more-and paying more-for ever-scarcer resources...
Until about 1800, our species had no safety margin and lived, like other animals, up to the limit of the food supply, ebbing and flowing in population.
From about 1800 on the use of hydrocarbons allowed for an explosion in energy use, in food supply, and, through the creation of surpluses, a dramatic increase in wealth and scientific progress.
Since 1800, the population has surged from 800 million to 7 billion, on its way to an estimated 8 billion, at minimum.
The rise in population, the ten-fold increase in wealth in developed countries, and the current explosive growth in developing countries have eaten rapidly into our finite resources of hydrocarbons and metals, fertilizer, available land, and water.
Now, despite a massive increase in fertilizer use, the growth in crop yields per acre has declined from 3.5% in the 1960s to 1.2% today. There is little productive new land to bring on and, as people get richer, they eat more grain-intensive meat. Because the population continues to grow at over 1%, there is little safety margin.
There will have to be a paradigm shift in economics and sustainability soon.
Fortress Assets for The Coming Anarchy - The Opportunity
Legendary Investor Jeremy Grantham "concludes that the world has undergone a permanent "paradigm shift" in which the number of people on planet Earth has finally and permanently outstripped the planet's ability to support us.
Specifically, Grantham says, the phenomenon of ever-more humans using a finite supply of natural resources cannot continue forever-and the prices of metals, hydrocarbons (oil), and food are now beginning to reflect that.
In other words, Grantham says, it is different this time.
Grantham believes that the trend of the last 100 years, in which the prices of almost all major commodities have steadily declined, is permanently over. And from here on in, humans will be competing more-and paying more-for ever-scarcer resources...
Until about 1800, our species had no safety margin and lived, like other animals, up to the limit of the food supply, ebbing and flowing in population.
From about 1800 on the use of hydrocarbons allowed for an explosion in energy use, in food supply, and, through the creation of surpluses, a dramatic increase in wealth and scientific progress.
Since 1800, the population has surged from 800 million to 7 billion, on its way to an estimated 8 billion, at minimum.
The rise in population, the ten-fold increase in wealth in developed countries, and the current explosive growth in developing countries have eaten rapidly into our finite resources of hydrocarbons and metals, fertilizer, available land, and water.
Now, despite a massive increase in fertilizer use, the growth in crop yields per acre has declined from 3.5% in the 1960s to 1.2% today. There is little productive new land to bring on and, as people get richer, they eat more grain-intensive meat. Because the population continues to grow at over 1%, there is little safety margin.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Schiff: QE3 is coming
Keep buying the phyzz, and play the paper markets if you dare.
Schiff: QE3 is coming
Schiff: QE3 is coming
Top 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses
I'll be outta here by Dec....
“You can ignore reality,but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” -Ayn Rand
Top 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses
The dollar collapse will be the single largest event in human history. This will be the first event that will touch every single living person in the world. All human activity is controlled by money. Our wealth,our work,our food,our government,even our relationships are affected by money. No money in human history has had as much reach in both breadth and depth as the dollar. It is the de facto world currency. All other currency collapses will pale in comparison to this big one. All other currency crises have been regional and there were other currencies for people to grasp on to. This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies,as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide.
1. Israel
2. Southern California
3. England
4. New York City
5. Washington D.C
“You can ignore reality,but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” -Ayn Rand
Top 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses
The dollar collapse will be the single largest event in human history. This will be the first event that will touch every single living person in the world. All human activity is controlled by money. Our wealth,our work,our food,our government,even our relationships are affected by money. No money in human history has had as much reach in both breadth and depth as the dollar. It is the de facto world currency. All other currency collapses will pale in comparison to this big one. All other currency crises have been regional and there were other currencies for people to grasp on to. This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies,as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide.
1. Israel
2. Southern California
3. England
4. New York City
5. Washington D.C
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid
This is what I was trying to get at a few days ago in a rant I had. Stop being stupid, terrorists are not a threat to your life. They are a scare tactic, false flag, etc., used to fear you into warring all over the world and having your privates groped going through tsa.
I'm getting sick and tired of it.
Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid
Scientists note that fear of terrorism makes people stupid.
As I've repeatedly noted, FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials "were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power".
Indeed, the former Secretary of Homeland Security - Tom Ridge - admits that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection.
In the real world, as the National Safety Council notes:
-- You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane
-- You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack
-- You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack
--You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack
--You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist
--You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack
(Moreover, the chair of the 9/11 Commission said that the attack was preventable).
This is what I was trying to get at a few days ago in a rant I had. Stop being stupid, terrorists are not a threat to your life. They are a scare tactic, false flag, etc., used to fear you into warring all over the world and having your privates groped going through tsa.
I'm getting sick and tired of it.
Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid
Scientists note that fear of terrorism makes people stupid.
As I've repeatedly noted, FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials "were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power".
Indeed, the former Secretary of Homeland Security - Tom Ridge - admits that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection.
In the real world, as the National Safety Council notes:
-- You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane
-- You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack
-- You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack
--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack
--You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack
--You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist
--You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack
-- You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack
(Moreover, the chair of the 9/11 Commission said that the attack was preventable).
The Revolution Has Begun
Citizens of the world unite against the elite/banksters/globalists.
Bob Chapman: Gold, Silver, Economy + More
blah blah blalh
Bob Chapman: Gold, Silver, Economy + More
What the world is experiencing today did not happen by chance, it was planned that way.
What Congressman Louis McFadden said of the “Great Depression” is as true today as it was in the 1930s. As Chairman of the House Banking Committee he said, “It was no accident; it was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
What you are experiencing economically and financially today is nothing new. Just study history all the precedence is there. The bankers and their willing helpers do the same thing over and over again. As we have said often what these banks represent is corporatist fascism and monopoly. Through their great wealth they control most governments and their court systems. That is why your elected representatives do not listen to you. They have already been purchased by Wall Street and banking. These are the same people who have financed most wars on both sides for centuries. Through their banks, and the Bank for International Settlements, and the BIS, they control money laundering and the worldwide drug trade, which is the most lucrative of all enterprises. The centerpiece of all the financial powers of the Illuminists come from the control of the drug trade for centuries.
Bob Chapman: Gold, Silver, Economy + More
What the world is experiencing today did not happen by chance, it was planned that way.
What Congressman Louis McFadden said of the “Great Depression” is as true today as it was in the 1930s. As Chairman of the House Banking Committee he said, “It was no accident; it was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
What you are experiencing economically and financially today is nothing new. Just study history all the precedence is there. The bankers and their willing helpers do the same thing over and over again. As we have said often what these banks represent is corporatist fascism and monopoly. Through their great wealth they control most governments and their court systems. That is why your elected representatives do not listen to you. They have already been purchased by Wall Street and banking. These are the same people who have financed most wars on both sides for centuries. Through their banks, and the Bank for International Settlements, and the BIS, they control money laundering and the worldwide drug trade, which is the most lucrative of all enterprises. The centerpiece of all the financial powers of the Illuminists come from the control of the drug trade for centuries.
The End of the Trend Is Near
This means higher prices for silver. Get it while you can. Debt ceiling must be raised by august. You might have 1 more month to buy some more.
The End of the Trend Is Near

We all have been patiently watching and waiting for this trend to end after the Silver drive-by shooting. I believe we are very close to the end of this trend. As you all know I am not a technical trader and put little credence in technical analysis in such a market that is rigged on many levels. Think about it,the physical inventory is manipulated by the paper market trading billions of ounces overnight when most of the world’s market were closed leading to a $6 crash in 15 minutes. On top of that manipulation,we have all of the derivatives that multiply the winnings for those in the know. The markets are then manipulated with rate hikes,margin requirements,and rule changes. Look at the FOREX markets that just outlawed trading precious metals. Then you have the dollar,which is what silver is valued in,that in itself is a lie. Finally,I believe the Elite put most of this technical analysis to get the Pavlovian dog traders/traitors to instinctively react to the signals the Elite put out.
The End of the Trend Is Near
We all have been patiently watching and waiting for this trend to end after the Silver drive-by shooting. I believe we are very close to the end of this trend. As you all know I am not a technical trader and put little credence in technical analysis in such a market that is rigged on many levels. Think about it,the physical inventory is manipulated by the paper market trading billions of ounces overnight when most of the world’s market were closed leading to a $6 crash in 15 minutes. On top of that manipulation,we have all of the derivatives that multiply the winnings for those in the know. The markets are then manipulated with rate hikes,margin requirements,and rule changes. Look at the FOREX markets that just outlawed trading precious metals. Then you have the dollar,which is what silver is valued in,that in itself is a lie. Finally,I believe the Elite put most of this technical analysis to get the Pavlovian dog traders/traitors to instinctively react to the signals the Elite put out.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
The title of this post is why I am so interested in bitcoins. Time will tell whether it works or they get shut down. Right now they are still fixing the collapse and hack.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Stacy Summary: I suspect this is why I get such vitriolic hate mail filled with all sorts of threats when I post any item related to Bitcoin . . . “no governments, no central banks, and no rules.” I hope Bitcoin succeeds and, if not, I hope currencies inspired by Bitcoin come along and succeed where its predecessor failed. I will post all hate mail along with email addresses on this thread as they come in.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Bitcoin isn’t the currency of an online game or Facebook fad – it’s one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules. More than 6,500,000 Bitcoins are in circulation, in an online economy, which was worth over $180m shortly before June’s hack.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Stacy Summary: I suspect this is why I get such vitriolic hate mail filled with all sorts of threats when I post any item related to Bitcoin . . . “no governments, no central banks, and no rules.” I hope Bitcoin succeeds and, if not, I hope currencies inspired by Bitcoin come along and succeed where its predecessor failed. I will post all hate mail along with email addresses on this thread as they come in.
Bitcoin is one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules
Bitcoin isn’t the currency of an online game or Facebook fad – it’s one of the first attempts to create a real-world currency with no governments, no central banks, and no rules. More than 6,500,000 Bitcoins are in circulation, in an online economy, which was worth over $180m shortly before June’s hack.
Peter Schiff - US Set to Default, Silver Headed to $200
Get it while you can. Hint: You want to buy it now, and sell it (or buy things with it) when it is 200.
Peter Schiff - US Set to Default, Silver Headed to $200,_Silver_Headed_to_$200.html
We’re going to have the same problems as Greece. The reason that Greece can’t pay its bills is that interest rates are rising and the Greeks don’t have the money. Well, the same thing is going to happen in America. When interest rates eventually rise, we can’t afford to pay because we’ve borrowed so much...And unless we can find new buyers of our debt, we’re going to have to default.”
When asked about gold and silver in that environment Schiff replied, “They’ll go straight up. That’s why you want to buy your gold and silver before that atmosphere.”
Regarding silver specifically Schiff had this to say, “I think anything in the low $30’s represents a pretty good entry point for people to buy...Once we go through $50...I see silver going to $200 an ounce. I own a lot of silver personally because of that outlook.”
Peter Schiff - US Set to Default, Silver Headed to $200,_Silver_Headed_to_$200.html
We’re going to have the same problems as Greece. The reason that Greece can’t pay its bills is that interest rates are rising and the Greeks don’t have the money. Well, the same thing is going to happen in America. When interest rates eventually rise, we can’t afford to pay because we’ve borrowed so much...And unless we can find new buyers of our debt, we’re going to have to default.”
When asked about gold and silver in that environment Schiff replied, “They’ll go straight up. That’s why you want to buy your gold and silver before that atmosphere.”
Regarding silver specifically Schiff had this to say, “I think anything in the low $30’s represents a pretty good entry point for people to buy...Once we go through $50...I see silver going to $200 an ounce. I own a lot of silver personally because of that outlook.”
Fast Effects of Massive Hyperinflation
Historically, gold and silver are the ONLY assets that can keep up with hyperinflation. Protect your wealth, get the phyzz.
Fast Effects of Massive Hyperinflation
Fast Effects of Massive Hyperinflation
New York Fed Announces It Will Conduct 7 POMO Operations Beginning July 1 As Part Of Continuing QE Lite
Cha Ching.. print more money
New York Fed Announces It Will Conduct 7 POMO Operations Beginning July 1 As Part Of Continuing QE Lite
Just as expected, the New York Fed disclosed that even as QE2 is being halted (briefly), QE Lite purchases of maturing securities will continue, across the Fed's 7 maturity segments: "At this time, the Desk anticipates conducting one operation per month in each maturity sector." As we have calculated before the total amount of monthly "flow" purchases will be about $32 billion, and likely declining, as less and less MBS are prepaid to the Fed. In other words, the bulk of purchases will once again be at the belly, with the least amount dedicated to the long-end, followed only by the 1.5-2.5 year segment, which however, if Bill Gross is right, will see a surge in activity as soon as Operation Twist 2 is announced at this year's Jackson Hole meeting.
New York Fed Announces It Will Conduct 7 POMO Operations Beginning July 1 As Part Of Continuing QE Lite
Just as expected, the New York Fed disclosed that even as QE2 is being halted (briefly), QE Lite purchases of maturing securities will continue, across the Fed's 7 maturity segments: "At this time, the Desk anticipates conducting one operation per month in each maturity sector." As we have calculated before the total amount of monthly "flow" purchases will be about $32 billion, and likely declining, as less and less MBS are prepaid to the Fed. In other words, the bulk of purchases will once again be at the belly, with the least amount dedicated to the long-end, followed only by the 1.5-2.5 year segment, which however, if Bill Gross is right, will see a surge in activity as soon as Operation Twist 2 is announced at this year's Jackson Hole meeting.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny
Don't fight them until you are supremely armed with information and commerce law, etc. Here's some more info for ya...
Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny
This is a slightly condensed, casually paraphrased
transcript of tapes of a seminar given in 1990 by Howard Freeman.
It was prepared to make available the knowledge and experience of
Mr. Freeman in his search for an accessible and understandable
explanation of the confusing state of the government and the
courts. It should be helpful to those who may have difficulty
learning from such lectures, or those who want to develop a
deeper understanding of this information without having to listen
to three or four hours of recorded material.
The frustration many Americans feel about our judicial
system can be overwhelming and often frightening and, as most
fear, is based on lack of understanding or knowledge. Those of
us who have chosen a path out of bondage and into liberty are
faced, eventually, with the seemingly tyrannical power of some
governmental agency and the mystifying and awesome power of the
courts. We have been taught that we must "get a good lawyer,"
but that is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible.
If we are defending ourselves from the government, we find that
the lawyers quickly take our money and then tell us, as the ship
is sinking, "I can't help you with that -- I'm an officer of
the court."
Ultimately, the only way for us to have even a "snowball's
chance" is to understand the RULES OF THE GAME and to come to an
understanding of the true nature of the Law. The lawyers have
established and secured a virtual monopoly over this area of
human knowledge by implying that the subject is just too
difficult for the average person to understand, and by creating a
separate vocabulary out of English words of otherwise common
usage. While it may, at times, seem hopelessly complicated, it
is not that difficult to grasp. Are lawyers really as smart as
they would have us believe? Besides, anyone who has been through
a legal battle against the government with the aid of a lawyer
has come to realize that lawyers learn about procedure, not about
law. Mr. Freeman admits that he is not a lawyer and, as such, he
has a way of explaining law to us that puts it well within our
reach. Consider also that the framers of the Constitution wrote
in language simple enough that the people could understand,
specifically so that it would not have to be interpreted.
So, again we find, as in many other areas of life, that "THE
BUCK STOPS HERE!" It is we who must take the responsibility for
finding and putting to good use the TRUTH. It is we who must
claim and defend our God-given rights and our freedom from those
who would take them from us. It is we who must protect
ourselves, our families and our posterity from the inevitable
intrusion into our lives by those who live parasitically off the
labor, skill and talents of others.
Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny
This is a slightly condensed, casually paraphrased
transcript of tapes of a seminar given in 1990 by Howard Freeman.
It was prepared to make available the knowledge and experience of
Mr. Freeman in his search for an accessible and understandable
explanation of the confusing state of the government and the
courts. It should be helpful to those who may have difficulty
learning from such lectures, or those who want to develop a
deeper understanding of this information without having to listen
to three or four hours of recorded material.
The frustration many Americans feel about our judicial
system can be overwhelming and often frightening and, as most
fear, is based on lack of understanding or knowledge. Those of
us who have chosen a path out of bondage and into liberty are
faced, eventually, with the seemingly tyrannical power of some
governmental agency and the mystifying and awesome power of the
courts. We have been taught that we must "get a good lawyer,"
but that is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible.
If we are defending ourselves from the government, we find that
the lawyers quickly take our money and then tell us, as the ship
is sinking, "I can't help you with that -- I'm an officer of
the court."
Ultimately, the only way for us to have even a "snowball's
chance" is to understand the RULES OF THE GAME and to come to an
understanding of the true nature of the Law. The lawyers have
established and secured a virtual monopoly over this area of
human knowledge by implying that the subject is just too
difficult for the average person to understand, and by creating a
separate vocabulary out of English words of otherwise common
usage. While it may, at times, seem hopelessly complicated, it
is not that difficult to grasp. Are lawyers really as smart as
they would have us believe? Besides, anyone who has been through
a legal battle against the government with the aid of a lawyer
has come to realize that lawyers learn about procedure, not about
law. Mr. Freeman admits that he is not a lawyer and, as such, he
has a way of explaining law to us that puts it well within our
reach. Consider also that the framers of the Constitution wrote
in language simple enough that the people could understand,
specifically so that it would not have to be interpreted.
So, again we find, as in many other areas of life, that "THE
BUCK STOPS HERE!" It is we who must take the responsibility for
finding and putting to good use the TRUTH. It is we who must
claim and defend our God-given rights and our freedom from those
who would take them from us. It is we who must protect
ourselves, our families and our posterity from the inevitable
intrusion into our lives by those who live parasitically off the
labor, skill and talents of others.
Dizzying New Heights of Global Criminal Enterprise
Dizzying New Heights of Global Criminal Enterprise
That the United States government, the U.S Federal Reserve, and a plethora of financial institutions, are in breach of numerous U.S. laws in regards to fraud and fiduciary duty to the American people, is held to be self-evident, by a growing minority of individuals around the world. That this breach of law and duty has resulted in the deterioration of the global marketplace, diminished opportunities for workers, and effected an acute decay in living standards for millions around the world, is without doubt.
Since the founding of the houses of Rothschild and Morgan in the 18th and 19th centuries respectively, banks and bankers have progressively adopted the role of financiers to governments, who find themselves placed in a position of obligation to their financiers. Laws and regulations are thus influenced more by the interests of bankers than by the public interest. This is the essential conflict that undermines the possibility of real democracy in our world. Its not a case of who can get the most votes - it's a case of who's got the most money.
These banking dynasties (and the people with the most money who control them) have spawned an entire sub-race of human beings who are characterized by a conviction of their superior intellect, and entitlement to act outside of the laws of society, reinforced by the governments who are obliged to aid and abet them as debtors. This has resulted in a situation whereby the entire global economic engine is in the control of these very rich and powerful dynasties, who now collude daily to manipulate markets to their own benefit, and at the expense of the rest of the world's citizenry.
That the United States government, the U.S Federal Reserve, and a plethora of financial institutions, are in breach of numerous U.S. laws in regards to fraud and fiduciary duty to the American people, is held to be self-evident, by a growing minority of individuals around the world. That this breach of law and duty has resulted in the deterioration of the global marketplace, diminished opportunities for workers, and effected an acute decay in living standards for millions around the world, is without doubt.
Since the founding of the houses of Rothschild and Morgan in the 18th and 19th centuries respectively, banks and bankers have progressively adopted the role of financiers to governments, who find themselves placed in a position of obligation to their financiers. Laws and regulations are thus influenced more by the interests of bankers than by the public interest. This is the essential conflict that undermines the possibility of real democracy in our world. Its not a case of who can get the most votes - it's a case of who's got the most money.
These banking dynasties (and the people with the most money who control them) have spawned an entire sub-race of human beings who are characterized by a conviction of their superior intellect, and entitlement to act outside of the laws of society, reinforced by the governments who are obliged to aid and abet them as debtors. This has resulted in a situation whereby the entire global economic engine is in the control of these very rich and powerful dynasties, who now collude daily to manipulate markets to their own benefit, and at the expense of the rest of the world's citizenry.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Lady Gaga’s “Judas” and the Age of Horus
Truth stranger than fiction. "The Industry" (music) is controlled and funded by the Illuminati.
Lady Gaga’s “Judas” and the Age of Horus

Ed note: For those who don’t subscribe to spiritual doctrines this may be a bitter pill. But my research has led me to conclude that although many don’t believe in Christian or demonic theolgies, rest assured much of the Elite does. In fact, those who stand aligned against humanity violently oppose the philosopies and teachings of Christianity. The question is, why?
Lady Gaga’s “Judas” video is a modern retelling of biblical stories, where Jesus and his disciples are portrayed as a biker gang. But don’t mistake the video for a Bible lesson as it twists and turns important scenes to give them a very different meaning. In fact, it can be argued that the video symbolically describes an important aspect of Gaga’s work and of society in general: a rejection of Christianity in order to make way to what has been called the Age of Horus. This article will look at the origins and the symbols found in Lady Gaga’s “Judas”.
Lady Gaga’s “Judas” and the Age of Horus
Ed note: For those who don’t subscribe to spiritual doctrines this may be a bitter pill. But my research has led me to conclude that although many don’t believe in Christian or demonic theolgies, rest assured much of the Elite does. In fact, those who stand aligned against humanity violently oppose the philosopies and teachings of Christianity. The question is, why?
Lady Gaga’s “Judas” video is a modern retelling of biblical stories, where Jesus and his disciples are portrayed as a biker gang. But don’t mistake the video for a Bible lesson as it twists and turns important scenes to give them a very different meaning. In fact, it can be argued that the video symbolically describes an important aspect of Gaga’s work and of society in general: a rejection of Christianity in order to make way to what has been called the Age of Horus. This article will look at the origins and the symbols found in Lady Gaga’s “Judas”.
Lindsey Williams (Part 1): U.S. Default, Gold & Silver and the NWO
NWO is a part of your life. Learn about it or you will never be able to protect yourself financially, and in the other things in life.
Lindsey Williams (Part 1): U.S. Default, Gold & Silver and the NWO
Lindsey Williams (Part 1): U.S. Default, Gold & Silver and the NWO
Malware Theft of Bitcoins a False Flag to Discredit Revolutionary Currency?
Could be true and it would make sense. There's a lot of noise about bitcoin right now and I will continue to follow it. I am also the owner of some coins if anything as a way of learning the system. I recognize the risk and that this could be a losing gamble.
Malware Theft of Bitcoins a False Flag to Discredit Revolutionary Currency?
It's not the validity of the event that I question, it's the curious timing in an ominous news cycle for Bitcoin. What was once a fringe "underground" currency only known to open-source geeks has now stormed the mainstream media in dramatic fashion, not least because of extensive coverage by the alternative media. What's interesting about the coverage of the Bitcoin is its rapid decent from clear and sunny to treacherously cloudy in the blink of an eye. Well, more like three weeks, but breathtakingly fast nonetheless.
Bitcoin was introduced somewhat slowly with a sudden surge in interest coming in late May. It's construct of peer-to-peer anonymous trade quickly became glorified as "revolutionary." So much so that it prompted an immediate response from some U.S. Senators seeking to "crack down" on it. Next came reports of wild fluctuations in value to expose Bitcoin's vulnerabilities. And, finally, the mother of all bombs, there's a confirmed hack attack on the supposedly impenetrable Bitcoin technology causing a "collapse" of one Bitcoin exchange. Below is a selection from the numerous recent articles to illustrate how quickly the storm clouds gathered around Bitcoin:
Date -- Title -- Source
May 19th -- What is Bitcoin? -- Gizmodo
May 25th -- What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters -- MIT's Technology Review
May 26th -- BitCoin Digital Currency: Financial Revolution or Doomed to Fail? -- 40Tech
June 1st -- The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable -- Gawker
June 1st -- Bitcoin and The End of State-Controlled Money (Video) -- ReasonTV
June 3rd -- Decentralized Currency Stimulating Underground Barter Economy -- Activist Post
June 8th -- Max Keiser: Is Bitcoin the Resistance Currency? -- Max Keiser
June 9th -- Senators seek crackdown on "Bitcoin" currency -- Reuters
June 10th -- Bitcoin Triples Again -- Smart Money
June 10th -- Digital Black Friday: First Bitcoin "Depression" Hits -- Daily Tech
June 16th -- New Malware Steals Your Bitcoin -- Wired
June 20th -- Bitcoin Exchange Collapses Due to Compromised Account -- TechCrunch
In short, Bitcoin went from being introduced to the public, to hailed as a savior of failed centralized banking and debt-based money, to being thoroughly discredited in less than a month. Does that seem strange to anyone but me? It seems that just the idea of peer-to-peer anonymous digital currency -- if as advertised by MIT and others -- is potentially a major threat to the banskter's monopoly on money and the state's ability to vampire the taxes from online transactions.
Malware Theft of Bitcoins a False Flag to Discredit Revolutionary Currency?
It's not the validity of the event that I question, it's the curious timing in an ominous news cycle for Bitcoin. What was once a fringe "underground" currency only known to open-source geeks has now stormed the mainstream media in dramatic fashion, not least because of extensive coverage by the alternative media. What's interesting about the coverage of the Bitcoin is its rapid decent from clear and sunny to treacherously cloudy in the blink of an eye. Well, more like three weeks, but breathtakingly fast nonetheless.
Bitcoin was introduced somewhat slowly with a sudden surge in interest coming in late May. It's construct of peer-to-peer anonymous trade quickly became glorified as "revolutionary." So much so that it prompted an immediate response from some U.S. Senators seeking to "crack down" on it. Next came reports of wild fluctuations in value to expose Bitcoin's vulnerabilities. And, finally, the mother of all bombs, there's a confirmed hack attack on the supposedly impenetrable Bitcoin technology causing a "collapse" of one Bitcoin exchange. Below is a selection from the numerous recent articles to illustrate how quickly the storm clouds gathered around Bitcoin:
Date -- Title -- Source
May 19th -- What is Bitcoin? -- Gizmodo
May 25th -- What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters -- MIT's Technology Review
May 26th -- BitCoin Digital Currency: Financial Revolution or Doomed to Fail? -- 40Tech
June 1st -- The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable -- Gawker
June 1st -- Bitcoin and The End of State-Controlled Money (Video) -- ReasonTV
June 3rd -- Decentralized Currency Stimulating Underground Barter Economy -- Activist Post
June 8th -- Max Keiser: Is Bitcoin the Resistance Currency? -- Max Keiser
June 9th -- Senators seek crackdown on "Bitcoin" currency -- Reuters
June 10th -- Bitcoin Triples Again -- Smart Money
June 10th -- Digital Black Friday: First Bitcoin "Depression" Hits -- Daily Tech
June 16th -- New Malware Steals Your Bitcoin -- Wired
June 20th -- Bitcoin Exchange Collapses Due to Compromised Account -- TechCrunch
In short, Bitcoin went from being introduced to the public, to hailed as a savior of failed centralized banking and debt-based money, to being thoroughly discredited in less than a month. Does that seem strange to anyone but me? It seems that just the idea of peer-to-peer anonymous digital currency -- if as advertised by MIT and others -- is potentially a major threat to the banskter's monopoly on money and the state's ability to vampire the taxes from online transactions.
12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now
I'll list the 12, but the article is a good read if you want.
12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now
#1 The crisis at the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility in Nebraska has received almost no attention in the national mainstream media.
#2 Most Americans are aware that the U.S. is involved in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. However, the truth is that the U.S. military is also regularly bombing Yemen and parts of Pakistan.
#3 The crisis at Fukushima continues to get worse. Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry senior vice president, recently made the following statement about the Fukushima disaster....
#4 Members of Congress continue to mention Christians as a threat to national security.
#5 China's eastern province of Zhejiang has experienced that worst flooding that it has seen in 55 years.
#6 Thanks to the Dodd-Frank Act, over the counter trading of gold and silver is going to be illegal starting on July 15th.
#7 All over the world, huge cracks are appearing for no discernible reason. For example, a massive crack that is approximately 3 kilometers long recent appeared in southern Peru.
#8 According to U.S. Forest Service officials, the largest wildfire in Arizona state history has now covered more than 500,000 acres.
#9 There are reports that North Korea has tested a "super EMP weapon" which would be capable of taking out most of the U.S. power grid in a single shot.
#10 All over the United States, "active shooter drills" are being conducted in our public schools.
#11 NASA has just launched a "major" preparedness initiative for all NASA personnel.
#12 Over the past week over 40 temporary "no fly zones" have been declared by the FAA.
12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now
#1 The crisis at the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility in Nebraska has received almost no attention in the national mainstream media.
#2 Most Americans are aware that the U.S. is involved in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. However, the truth is that the U.S. military is also regularly bombing Yemen and parts of Pakistan.
#3 The crisis at Fukushima continues to get worse. Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry senior vice president, recently made the following statement about the Fukushima disaster....
#4 Members of Congress continue to mention Christians as a threat to national security.
#5 China's eastern province of Zhejiang has experienced that worst flooding that it has seen in 55 years.
#6 Thanks to the Dodd-Frank Act, over the counter trading of gold and silver is going to be illegal starting on July 15th.
#7 All over the world, huge cracks are appearing for no discernible reason. For example, a massive crack that is approximately 3 kilometers long recent appeared in southern Peru.
#8 According to U.S. Forest Service officials, the largest wildfire in Arizona state history has now covered more than 500,000 acres.
#9 There are reports that North Korea has tested a "super EMP weapon" which would be capable of taking out most of the U.S. power grid in a single shot.
#10 All over the United States, "active shooter drills" are being conducted in our public schools.
#11 NASA has just launched a "major" preparedness initiative for all NASA personnel.
#12 Over the past week over 40 temporary "no fly zones" have been declared by the FAA.
Eight million gallons of water drained from reservoir after man urinates in it
These idiots are running our country and world right now. I shouldn't need to state why this foolish.
Eight million gallons of water drained from reservoir after man urinates in it

The operation is costing the state's taxpayers $36,000 (£22,000) and was ordered after Joshua Seater, 21, was caught on a security camera relieving himself in the pristine lake.
Health experts said the incident would not have caused any harm to people in the city of Portland, who are supplied with drinking water from the reservoir.
They said the average human bladder holds only six to eight ounces, and the urine would have been vastly diluted.
But David Shaff, an administrator at the Portland Water Bureau, defended the decision to empty the lake.
"There are people who will say it's an over reaction. I don't think so. I think what you have to deal with here is the 'yuck' factor," he said.
"I can imagine how many people would be saying 'I made orange juice with that water this morning.' "Do you want to drink pee? Most people are going to be pretty damn squeamish about that."
Mr Seater had been out drinking with friends when he decided to relieve himself in the open air reservoir at 1.30am.
Eight million gallons of water drained from reservoir after man urinates in it
The operation is costing the state's taxpayers $36,000 (£22,000) and was ordered after Joshua Seater, 21, was caught on a security camera relieving himself in the pristine lake.
Health experts said the incident would not have caused any harm to people in the city of Portland, who are supplied with drinking water from the reservoir.
They said the average human bladder holds only six to eight ounces, and the urine would have been vastly diluted.
But David Shaff, an administrator at the Portland Water Bureau, defended the decision to empty the lake.
"There are people who will say it's an over reaction. I don't think so. I think what you have to deal with here is the 'yuck' factor," he said.
"I can imagine how many people would be saying 'I made orange juice with that water this morning.' "Do you want to drink pee? Most people are going to be pretty damn squeamish about that."
Mr Seater had been out drinking with friends when he decided to relieve himself in the open air reservoir at 1.30am.
How about them apples
Let your mind marinate on this. I don't have the exact stats and don't feel like looking them up.
However, I wager a silver coin that more Americans die from police fire per year than they do from terrorists. How about them apples? More people die of bee stings per year than from terrorists. More from lightning than terrorists. More from auto-accidents. The list goes on.
How about that?
Still think we should be fighting wars and running counter-gov takedown ops in:
Iran (soon to be)
Are you really so programmed that you are scared of brown people who ride camels and hide out in caves in a desert on the other side of the world?
However, I wager a silver coin that more Americans die from police fire per year than they do from terrorists. How about them apples? More people die of bee stings per year than from terrorists. More from lightning than terrorists. More from auto-accidents. The list goes on.
How about that?
Still think we should be fighting wars and running counter-gov takedown ops in:
Iran (soon to be)
Are you really so programmed that you are scared of brown people who ride camels and hide out in caves in a desert on the other side of the world?
Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner
Or... You could just vote for Ron Paul.
Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner
Every indication suggests that Bilderberg-approved Texas Governor Rick Perry is set to become the frontrunner in the Republican race to challenge Barack Obama for the presidency, illustrating once again how a shady, secretive and undemocratic global elite holds the reigns of true power while Americans are distracted by the delusional notion that they have a genuine choice in 2012.
“Perry has said he will announce his decision soon. One member of his campaign team said he was closer than ever to joining the race and he was testing the prospects in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. If he does stand, Republicans at the New Orleans conference predicted he would become the frontrunner of a so-far uninspiring field,” reports the London Guardian.
Texas Governor Perry, a protégé of Karl Rove, is very good at acting like a down-home populist, but that’s all it is – an act. Perry is George W. Bush 2.0.
Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner
Every indication suggests that Bilderberg-approved Texas Governor Rick Perry is set to become the frontrunner in the Republican race to challenge Barack Obama for the presidency, illustrating once again how a shady, secretive and undemocratic global elite holds the reigns of true power while Americans are distracted by the delusional notion that they have a genuine choice in 2012.
“Perry has said he will announce his decision soon. One member of his campaign team said he was closer than ever to joining the race and he was testing the prospects in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. If he does stand, Republicans at the New Orleans conference predicted he would become the frontrunner of a so-far uninspiring field,” reports the London Guardian.
Texas Governor Perry, a protégé of Karl Rove, is very good at acting like a down-home populist, but that’s all it is – an act. Perry is George W. Bush 2.0.
Truth... Stranger than fiction
Why read and watch fiction and science fiction when you could instead just study history. Truth is stranger than fiction:
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
“This Is As Serious As It Gets”
My eyes are tired, so I didn't read the article. Enjoy.
Investing is simple. Don't be a Weiner. Buy as much physical metal as you can and get rid of ALL of your debt.
“This Is As Serious As It Gets”
Speaking from the perspective of wealth preservation, there is only one asset with a history of being the preservation mechanism of last resort – and that’s gold (actually, precious metals in general). Forget inflation, deflation and all the other economic lingo. What we need to be focused on is crisis and confidence. For now, the American people have been bamboozled into believing the crisis has been averted and that we’re slowly moving into recovery. Nevermind the manipulation of not only the economic data coming from our government, but the perception of that data which has been created by the mainstream media.
A large portion of people actually do believe that things are getting better based on under reported unemployment numbers and misleading official inflation statistics, just to name a few. It’s sad to consider what will happen to these people when the sledgehammer comes down.
Investing is simple. Don't be a Weiner. Buy as much physical metal as you can and get rid of ALL of your debt.
“This Is As Serious As It Gets”
Speaking from the perspective of wealth preservation, there is only one asset with a history of being the preservation mechanism of last resort – and that’s gold (actually, precious metals in general). Forget inflation, deflation and all the other economic lingo. What we need to be focused on is crisis and confidence. For now, the American people have been bamboozled into believing the crisis has been averted and that we’re slowly moving into recovery. Nevermind the manipulation of not only the economic data coming from our government, but the perception of that data which has been created by the mainstream media.
A large portion of people actually do believe that things are getting better based on under reported unemployment numbers and misleading official inflation statistics, just to name a few. It’s sad to consider what will happen to these people when the sledgehammer comes down.
Are We Running Out of Silver?
We are cornering the physical silver worldwide market. Keep buying the physical.
Are We Running Out of Silver?

Silver has been on fire over the last three years — substantially outperforming its spotlight-grabbing cousin, gold.
Because we believe this bull run is far from over, we advise investors to always maintain exposure to the precious metals markets. Even if you haven’t yet participated in the run-up of both gold and silver, I’m glad you’re ready to take a look at the investment potential of silver.
The question every investor faces in a bull market is: Do I buy now, anticipating prices will continue higher — and chance getting clobbered if a correction arrives? Or do I wait for a pullback and possibly miss out on big gains? There’s risk either way.
Our goal in this report is to suggest various ways you can invest in silver, while underscoring the importance of patience and discipline. Investors must remain patient to avoid chasing silver, overpaying, and draining their cash. Instead, we recommend that you use temporary price declines to steadily accumulate the best silver stocks and your preferred form of bullion.
Looking back after this bull market has finally run its course, we think gold and silver will have amply rewarded those who bought smart, had meaningful exposure, and stayed the course.
Are We Running Out of Silver?
Silver has been on fire over the last three years — substantially outperforming its spotlight-grabbing cousin, gold.
Because we believe this bull run is far from over, we advise investors to always maintain exposure to the precious metals markets. Even if you haven’t yet participated in the run-up of both gold and silver, I’m glad you’re ready to take a look at the investment potential of silver.
The question every investor faces in a bull market is: Do I buy now, anticipating prices will continue higher — and chance getting clobbered if a correction arrives? Or do I wait for a pullback and possibly miss out on big gains? There’s risk either way.
Our goal in this report is to suggest various ways you can invest in silver, while underscoring the importance of patience and discipline. Investors must remain patient to avoid chasing silver, overpaying, and draining their cash. Instead, we recommend that you use temporary price declines to steadily accumulate the best silver stocks and your preferred form of bullion.
Looking back after this bull market has finally run its course, we think gold and silver will have amply rewarded those who bought smart, had meaningful exposure, and stayed the course.
9/!! Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out
I haven't watched the vid yet, 'cause my bandwidth is limited here at home. I watch it tomorrow. Enjoy.
9/!! Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out
9/!! Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out
Ron Paul From Last Night’s Debate
We have at least 1 good person in congress. He is running for presidency 2012.
Vote for him.
Then we'll arrest the Banksters.
Then we can start re-building this mess of a country.
Ron Paul From Last Night’s Debate
Vote for him.
Then we'll arrest the Banksters.
Then we can start re-building this mess of a country.
Ron Paul From Last Night’s Debate
0bama Doesn’t Finish His Term In Office
I bet he will. Time will tell.
0bama Doesn’t Finish His Term In Office
I have heard now three times,from three different sources,with three different scenarios of why Obama will not finish his term in office. It does have the ring of truth to it but it is nothing concrete. I have always believed that Obama was thrusted on the national spot light to take the fall for the inevitable collapse of the American Empire. Now that we get closer to this day of reckoning,I feel Obama will be sacrificed for the Elite. This will leave the door open to the establishment candidates to march in and sell the false left right paradigm again. My feeling is that because Obama is not following the Neo Con agenda of supporting Israel at all costs he is going to make AIPAC move on both the Democratic and Republican front to make sure the next President is a full blown war monger.
This also plays into the 3 False Flags I talked about earlier. A false flag assassination could be pinned on the Patriot or Truth Movement to lead to a further crack down on our freedoms. All they need to do is get some stupid unemployed frustrated kid all pumped up and put him in the right place at the right time to take the fall. That is what the FBI does with all of these “terrorists”set up a website singing their tune and then pressure them to do something about it. Look at the 1993 WTC bombing,click here. Or it could be pinned on Pakistan or whatever country the Elite want to invade next. At the end of the day he is probably safe because he is not going after the banksters. Only Presidents who challenge them get killed.
Do you remember this story?
0bama Doesn’t Finish His Term In Office
I have heard now three times,from three different sources,with three different scenarios of why Obama will not finish his term in office. It does have the ring of truth to it but it is nothing concrete. I have always believed that Obama was thrusted on the national spot light to take the fall for the inevitable collapse of the American Empire. Now that we get closer to this day of reckoning,I feel Obama will be sacrificed for the Elite. This will leave the door open to the establishment candidates to march in and sell the false left right paradigm again. My feeling is that because Obama is not following the Neo Con agenda of supporting Israel at all costs he is going to make AIPAC move on both the Democratic and Republican front to make sure the next President is a full blown war monger.
This also plays into the 3 False Flags I talked about earlier. A false flag assassination could be pinned on the Patriot or Truth Movement to lead to a further crack down on our freedoms. All they need to do is get some stupid unemployed frustrated kid all pumped up and put him in the right place at the right time to take the fall. That is what the FBI does with all of these “terrorists”set up a website singing their tune and then pressure them to do something about it. Look at the 1993 WTC bombing,click here. Or it could be pinned on Pakistan or whatever country the Elite want to invade next. At the end of the day he is probably safe because he is not going after the banksters. Only Presidents who challenge them get killed.
Do you remember this story?
The Day is Fast Approaching When Joe Sixpack Will Not Be Able to Afford a Sixpack
I LOLed like crazy at the last paragraph. He left out buy popcorn and enjoy the show.
The Day is Fast Approaching When Joe Sixpack Will Not Be Able to Afford a Sixpack
For years I have complained that my wife’s 401K was subject to criminal constraints in that she could only go long on the issues she was involved with. Her company mandated (all companies mandate by law) that she could only invest, and go long, in XYZ mutual funds. At the time, I believed were they were bad investments. In a free market you have to have the option to bet against an issue as well as betting for it. Taking away the option to short an issue provides for nothing more than a rigged game. But all the sheeple seem to go along with it. Everybody’s 401K has the same restrictions. Nobody balks. It’s much easier remain ignorant of the realities of investing than to gain the understanding that they are being fleeced.
I personally have lost all faith in the system, as well as the hope that the worthless sheeple might wake up, and, as a result, I spend most of my time trying to provide evidence of the crimes of the Darkside, and to present the remedies and solutions that I have come across, in my research, that might help my readers deal with the current, abysmal, state of affairs. When I started “the Bear” I was actually (naïvely) trying to pose solutions to the “big picture” problem. Solutions that might have “righted the ship”. That was ten years ago. About three years ago I realized the system was irrevocably broken and beyond repair and that all I could do was help those that had finally awakened from their sheeple slumber to prepare for the collapse. It is like a slow motion train wreck.
The day is fast approaching when Joe Sixpack will not be able to afford a sixpack on Friday and, when that day comes, and I expect it to happen this year, the country will slip into a chaotic haze. Joe will not have a clue as to what happened, why it happened, who caused it or who is to blame. At that point we will have riots in the streets, clueless idiots with no plan. These folks will be mad at everyone who has something, anything…
So prepare yourself. Own physical bullion. Hold it yourself. If you’re concerned, bury it in the backyard. Don’t tell anyone that you have it. Don’t pay more than a 3% premium to buy it or sell it. You can, eventually divest your self of everything you own and convert it to bullion. At that point you will be a pauper, and eligible for medicare and medicaid. Leave a map to where it is hidden for your kids or whomever. This will eliminate any probate.
The Day is Fast Approaching When Joe Sixpack Will Not Be Able to Afford a Sixpack
For years I have complained that my wife’s 401K was subject to criminal constraints in that she could only go long on the issues she was involved with. Her company mandated (all companies mandate by law) that she could only invest, and go long, in XYZ mutual funds. At the time, I believed were they were bad investments. In a free market you have to have the option to bet against an issue as well as betting for it. Taking away the option to short an issue provides for nothing more than a rigged game. But all the sheeple seem to go along with it. Everybody’s 401K has the same restrictions. Nobody balks. It’s much easier remain ignorant of the realities of investing than to gain the understanding that they are being fleeced.
I personally have lost all faith in the system, as well as the hope that the worthless sheeple might wake up, and, as a result, I spend most of my time trying to provide evidence of the crimes of the Darkside, and to present the remedies and solutions that I have come across, in my research, that might help my readers deal with the current, abysmal, state of affairs. When I started “the Bear” I was actually (naïvely) trying to pose solutions to the “big picture” problem. Solutions that might have “righted the ship”. That was ten years ago. About three years ago I realized the system was irrevocably broken and beyond repair and that all I could do was help those that had finally awakened from their sheeple slumber to prepare for the collapse. It is like a slow motion train wreck.
The day is fast approaching when Joe Sixpack will not be able to afford a sixpack on Friday and, when that day comes, and I expect it to happen this year, the country will slip into a chaotic haze. Joe will not have a clue as to what happened, why it happened, who caused it or who is to blame. At that point we will have riots in the streets, clueless idiots with no plan. These folks will be mad at everyone who has something, anything…
So prepare yourself. Own physical bullion. Hold it yourself. If you’re concerned, bury it in the backyard. Don’t tell anyone that you have it. Don’t pay more than a 3% premium to buy it or sell it. You can, eventually divest your self of everything you own and convert it to bullion. At that point you will be a pauper, and eligible for medicare and medicaid. Leave a map to where it is hidden for your kids or whomever. This will eliminate any probate.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Fed: Time For 20 Years Of Prison For Bernanke
This is why retirement accounts and 401ks are shams. I'll just reiterate,
"2% over 40 years (the average working stiff's time in the employment marketplace) results in a price index that is 239% of where it was on your first day of work.
Put a different way, such a "target", if met, results in a 58% debasement in your purchasing power over your working life."
And, 2% is a low ball figure. Since they lie and don't include food or gas in their calculations. So it's much worst than that. You lose half of your labor just by participating in this scam. I'll wager, if you recalculate based on real inflation, and take into account stock market crashes, etc., they are taking 75% of your wealth that you generate. Scam. Sham.
Arrest the Banksters.
Physical gold and silver will protect you. Wealth storage.
The Fed: Time For 20 Years Of Prison For Bernanke
The FOMC would probably target headline inflation if it moved to an explicit goal, Meyer said. Two percent would be the most likely target, and the time period over which policy makers expect to achieve it will likely be the “medium term,” a vague horizon that makes clear this is not a goal for a one-year period, he said.
2% over 40 years (the average working stiff's time in the employment marketplace) results in a price index that is 239% of where it was on your first day of work.
Put a different way, such a "target", if met, results in a fifty-eight percent debasement in your purchasing power over your working life.
Who gets this money? The banks. It was literally stolen from you.
This is not a felony resulting in arrest, indictment, prosecution and imprisonment.... why?
It is illegal under current law, by the way.
"2% over 40 years (the average working stiff's time in the employment marketplace) results in a price index that is 239% of where it was on your first day of work.
Put a different way, such a "target", if met, results in a 58% debasement in your purchasing power over your working life."
And, 2% is a low ball figure. Since they lie and don't include food or gas in their calculations. So it's much worst than that. You lose half of your labor just by participating in this scam. I'll wager, if you recalculate based on real inflation, and take into account stock market crashes, etc., they are taking 75% of your wealth that you generate. Scam. Sham.
Arrest the Banksters.
Physical gold and silver will protect you. Wealth storage.
The Fed: Time For 20 Years Of Prison For Bernanke
The FOMC would probably target headline inflation if it moved to an explicit goal, Meyer said. Two percent would be the most likely target, and the time period over which policy makers expect to achieve it will likely be the “medium term,” a vague horizon that makes clear this is not a goal for a one-year period, he said.
2% over 40 years (the average working stiff's time in the employment marketplace) results in a price index that is 239% of where it was on your first day of work.
Put a different way, such a "target", if met, results in a fifty-eight percent debasement in your purchasing power over your working life.
Who gets this money? The banks. It was literally stolen from you.
This is not a felony resulting in arrest, indictment, prosecution and imprisonment.... why?
It is illegal under current law, by the way.
New air purifier technology removes 99% of indoor allergens
This might be worth buying (investing in).
New air purifier technology removes 99% of indoor allergens
(NaturalNews) A consumer version of the air purification technology used in hospitals, governmental agencies and other high-traffic buildings is now available to home and small-business owners.
Unlike many air purification systems that filter the air, the Guardian Air REME+ air purifier generates Ionized Hydro-Peroxides that neutralize impurities on contact, just like in nature.
"It's going to change the way people live in their homes," says Dr. Edward F. Group, an expert on green lifestyle and technology and innovative developer of organic and natural dietary supplements.
The whole-house air purification system is small enough to hold in your hand, has no moving parts, and installs into any central HVAC duct in minutes.
The invisible particles it silently generates are attracted to contaminants in the air and on surfaces. According to the company, independent testing has shown that the system reduces airborne bacteria by 97 percent, and reduces E. coli, Listeria, Streptococcus, and MRSA by 99 percent. The system can also control airborne mold, which led the US Military to adopt it for use in field hospitals. Inner inner city schools reported a 20 percent decrease in student absences following installation of the system.
"I have researched the majority of the air purification systems on the market," Group said, "and there's simply nothing else out there as advanced and affordable as the Guardian Air REME+ air purification system, every home and office in the world should have one."
New air purifier technology removes 99% of indoor allergens
(NaturalNews) A consumer version of the air purification technology used in hospitals, governmental agencies and other high-traffic buildings is now available to home and small-business owners.
Unlike many air purification systems that filter the air, the Guardian Air REME+ air purifier generates Ionized Hydro-Peroxides that neutralize impurities on contact, just like in nature.
"It's going to change the way people live in their homes," says Dr. Edward F. Group, an expert on green lifestyle and technology and innovative developer of organic and natural dietary supplements.
The whole-house air purification system is small enough to hold in your hand, has no moving parts, and installs into any central HVAC duct in minutes.
The invisible particles it silently generates are attracted to contaminants in the air and on surfaces. According to the company, independent testing has shown that the system reduces airborne bacteria by 97 percent, and reduces E. coli, Listeria, Streptococcus, and MRSA by 99 percent. The system can also control airborne mold, which led the US Military to adopt it for use in field hospitals. Inner inner city schools reported a 20 percent decrease in student absences following installation of the system.
"I have researched the majority of the air purification systems on the market," Group said, "and there's simply nothing else out there as advanced and affordable as the Guardian Air REME+ air purification system, every home and office in the world should have one."
Nebraska nuclear power plant at Emergency Level 4
Who plans the designs of these reactors? Seriously.
Nebraska nuclear power plant at Emergency Level 4
"On June 6, 2011, the Fort Calhoun pressurized water nuclear reactor 20 miles north of Omaha, Nebraska entered emergency status due to imminent flooding from the Missouri River. A day later, there was an electrical fire requiring plant evacuation.
Then, on June 8th, NRC event reports confirmed the fire resulted in the loss of cooling for the reactor's spent fuel pool. The discussion includes specific details of the technical failures at Fort Calhoun, the risks of coolant loss at overcrowded "spent" fuel pools, and the national hazards of nuclear facilities along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, and other water sites during the current period of floods and climate change."
Nebraska nuclear power plant at Emergency Level 4
"On June 6, 2011, the Fort Calhoun pressurized water nuclear reactor 20 miles north of Omaha, Nebraska entered emergency status due to imminent flooding from the Missouri River. A day later, there was an electrical fire requiring plant evacuation.
Then, on June 8th, NRC event reports confirmed the fire resulted in the loss of cooling for the reactor's spent fuel pool. The discussion includes specific details of the technical failures at Fort Calhoun, the risks of coolant loss at overcrowded "spent" fuel pools, and the national hazards of nuclear facilities along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, and other water sites during the current period of floods and climate change."
Warnings Of A Great Depression or Hyperinflation
Better liquidate your 401ks now, before they pass legislation that prohibits you from doing so. Get while the gettin's good.
Warnings Of A Great Depression or Hyperinflation
by Bob Chapman:
Unemployment at 22.4% is causing a run on assets of retirement funds. That is probably why legislation is being introduced to limit how much money can be removed from these investment vehicles. About 11% of participants have taken out loans over the past year, up from 9% y-o-y. In overall total 22% have loans out and the numbers are accelerating. Almost all the loans will never be paid back. Hardship is forcing people to withdraw, as well as those who believe that government will try to commander 401K’s and IRA’s to fund a bankrupt government, that wants to replace those vehicles with bogus government guaranteed annuities.
If the extension of the short-term debt is not legislated by August 2nd, we may see legislation regarding a takeover of some retirement plans.
As this possible misuse of Americans hangs in the balance, inflation plods, relentlessly onward and at the current rate of acceleration we could see hyperinflation two to three years down the road. We projected 14% inflation before the end of 2011 just over a year ago, and we have six months to go to make it to that level. There is no way to avoid what is coming whether it is hyperinflation or straight into deflationary depression. Eventually it will be deflationary depression. The very fact that sovereign states are creating money and credit willy nilly trying to avoid financial failure is surely proof that they are unable or incapable of generating sufficient revenue to satisfy their debt obligations. Currencies are inflated and depreciated in order to pay back debt with less valuable currency. This is the mode that the US dollar and many other currencies are in today. All currencies for the past eleven years have fallen more than 20% annually versus silver and gold and there is good reason for that, they are all being deliberately devalued not only against one another, but versus gold and silver as well. That means that if this policy continues the US dollar and other currencies will eventually go into default. The unavoidable conclusion has to be an eventual dollar and dollar related collapse of things denominated in US dollars. What lies ahead has some uncertain aspects, as to which route will be taken. Presently it is inflation that probably would lead to hyperinflation and then collapse into deflationary depression. At first buyers will perceive less purchasing power, then they will be frightened as the dollars buys less and less, then like a thunderbolt hyperinflation strikes. The public will be ill prepared not having listened to those few who predicted such an event. They will generally speaking not be prepared. Once hyperinflation hits there will be chaos just as there was between 1921 and 1923 in Weimar Germany and most recently in Zimbabwe. Markets will be empty of food, clothing and everything else. It all will have been sold or perhaps even looted. This will happen overnight as the dollar becomes worthless and the country’s social fabric disintegrates. At this stage no one will want to accept dollars in exchange for anything. Barter will begin and gold and silver coins and bullion will become the medium of exchange.
Warnings Of A Great Depression or Hyperinflation
by Bob Chapman:
Unemployment at 22.4% is causing a run on assets of retirement funds. That is probably why legislation is being introduced to limit how much money can be removed from these investment vehicles. About 11% of participants have taken out loans over the past year, up from 9% y-o-y. In overall total 22% have loans out and the numbers are accelerating. Almost all the loans will never be paid back. Hardship is forcing people to withdraw, as well as those who believe that government will try to commander 401K’s and IRA’s to fund a bankrupt government, that wants to replace those vehicles with bogus government guaranteed annuities.
If the extension of the short-term debt is not legislated by August 2nd, we may see legislation regarding a takeover of some retirement plans.
As this possible misuse of Americans hangs in the balance, inflation plods, relentlessly onward and at the current rate of acceleration we could see hyperinflation two to three years down the road. We projected 14% inflation before the end of 2011 just over a year ago, and we have six months to go to make it to that level. There is no way to avoid what is coming whether it is hyperinflation or straight into deflationary depression. Eventually it will be deflationary depression. The very fact that sovereign states are creating money and credit willy nilly trying to avoid financial failure is surely proof that they are unable or incapable of generating sufficient revenue to satisfy their debt obligations. Currencies are inflated and depreciated in order to pay back debt with less valuable currency. This is the mode that the US dollar and many other currencies are in today. All currencies for the past eleven years have fallen more than 20% annually versus silver and gold and there is good reason for that, they are all being deliberately devalued not only against one another, but versus gold and silver as well. That means that if this policy continues the US dollar and other currencies will eventually go into default. The unavoidable conclusion has to be an eventual dollar and dollar related collapse of things denominated in US dollars. What lies ahead has some uncertain aspects, as to which route will be taken. Presently it is inflation that probably would lead to hyperinflation and then collapse into deflationary depression. At first buyers will perceive less purchasing power, then they will be frightened as the dollars buys less and less, then like a thunderbolt hyperinflation strikes. The public will be ill prepared not having listened to those few who predicted such an event. They will generally speaking not be prepared. Once hyperinflation hits there will be chaos just as there was between 1921 and 1923 in Weimar Germany and most recently in Zimbabwe. Markets will be empty of food, clothing and everything else. It all will have been sold or perhaps even looted. This will happen overnight as the dollar becomes worthless and the country’s social fabric disintegrates. At this stage no one will want to accept dollars in exchange for anything. Barter will begin and gold and silver coins and bullion will become the medium of exchange.
Rick Rule - Silver Will Trade Like an Internet Stock to the Upside
Rick Rule - Silver Will Trade Like an Internet Stock to the Upside
With gold trying to stay above $1,525 and silver bulls looking for a bottom, today King World News interviewed one of the most street-smart pros in the resource sector, Rick Rule Founder of Global Resource Investor, now part of the $9 billion strong Sprott Asset Management. When asked about the possibility of silver trading like internet stocks to the upside in the future Rule had this to say, “I think that’s the case. I’m not a student of markets, I think Eric Sprott in our organization is the best at that, but I certainly remember the silver market going absolutely hyperbolic in the 70’s.
We were close to a hyperbolic market earlier this year. We had a situation going into that where the commodities exchanges increased very dramatically the margin costs in the futures market, but what they are not able to do really is to control the physical market.”
Rick Rule continues:
“You see a continued drawdown of warehouse stocks as a consequence of physical demand, and I think that there is an ongoing risk of a physical failure. Meaning that there could be a failure to deliver futures on a going forward basis. There has been extraordinarily strong off-take, physical off-take from investors.
Eric Sprott points out that about as much silver trades every day in paper form as is mined every year in physical form. The chances that sort of disparity between paper trade and physical supply could yield price shocks seems very, very real to me.”
With gold trying to stay above $1,525 and silver bulls looking for a bottom, today King World News interviewed one of the most street-smart pros in the resource sector, Rick Rule Founder of Global Resource Investor, now part of the $9 billion strong Sprott Asset Management. When asked about the possibility of silver trading like internet stocks to the upside in the future Rule had this to say, “I think that’s the case. I’m not a student of markets, I think Eric Sprott in our organization is the best at that, but I certainly remember the silver market going absolutely hyperbolic in the 70’s.
We were close to a hyperbolic market earlier this year. We had a situation going into that where the commodities exchanges increased very dramatically the margin costs in the futures market, but what they are not able to do really is to control the physical market.”
Rick Rule continues:
“You see a continued drawdown of warehouse stocks as a consequence of physical demand, and I think that there is an ongoing risk of a physical failure. Meaning that there could be a failure to deliver futures on a going forward basis. There has been extraordinarily strong off-take, physical off-take from investors.
Eric Sprott points out that about as much silver trades every day in paper form as is mined every year in physical form. The chances that sort of disparity between paper trade and physical supply could yield price shocks seems very, very real to me.”
Turk - Gold & Silver Have Bottomed, Summer Explosion Ahead
Turk - Gold & Silver Have Bottomed, Summer Explosion Ahead,_Summer_Explosion_Ahead.html
With gold and silver rallying, today King World News interviewed James Turk to ask him if we have seen the lows. When asked about a bottom forming here Turk responded, “Eric you know from our previous discussion that I was looking for some more backing and filling and that is exactly what has happened over the last couple of weeks. More importantly gold dropped back to test $1,520, while silver probed support around $35 and both support levels held.”
Turk continues:
“The sharp rally that occurred today off of those support zones suggests to me that the correction is over. In other words we are going to see silver back above $40 and gold above $1,550 within the next couple of weeks. Everything is all set for new record high prices in both metals this summer, which is going to surprise a lot of people.
I just think that people don’t really understand what can happen this summer. We’ve spoken before about the summer of 1982 when the gold price rose 50% from June to September, propelled back then by the Mexican debt default.
There are so many potential debt defaults going on today it is hard to figure out which one will be the tipping point. But whether it is Greece or Ireland or someone else it doesn’t really matter Eric, it will be a clear sign that today’s fragile monetary system of fiat currencies backed by nothing is imploding....
With gold and silver rallying, today King World News interviewed James Turk to ask him if we have seen the lows. When asked about a bottom forming here Turk responded, “Eric you know from our previous discussion that I was looking for some more backing and filling and that is exactly what has happened over the last couple of weeks. More importantly gold dropped back to test $1,520, while silver probed support around $35 and both support levels held.”
Turk continues:
“The sharp rally that occurred today off of those support zones suggests to me that the correction is over. In other words we are going to see silver back above $40 and gold above $1,550 within the next couple of weeks. Everything is all set for new record high prices in both metals this summer, which is going to surprise a lot of people.
I just think that people don’t really understand what can happen this summer. We’ve spoken before about the summer of 1982 when the gold price rose 50% from June to September, propelled back then by the Mexican debt default.
There are so many potential debt defaults going on today it is hard to figure out which one will be the tipping point. But whether it is Greece or Ireland or someone else it doesn’t really matter Eric, it will be a clear sign that today’s fragile monetary system of fiat currencies backed by nothing is imploding....
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Bob Chapman: The Illuminati Defined
There's two videos, the second one gets in on the illuminati.
Bob Chapman: The Illuminati Defined
Bob Chapman: The Illuminati Defined
Delete Facebook
I did this weeks ago, for similar reasons. Here's a great write up on facebook by the silver shield.
Delete Facebook
You maybe surprised to learn that I had four Facebook accounts. The main one was for my wife so that she could have a husband in the Facebook world. The other three were accounts I had set up for the Dont-Tread-On.Me and Sons of Liberty Academy. I never really used them,but they were there. The only high point to the whole experience was my first birthday with Facebook,when I received 40 happy birthdays from people all over the country. The reality of the whole Facebook experience is that it never really seemed real.
Despite how many “friends”you have on Facebook,the fact is,we are only lucky to have a handful of real friends in our lives. Having more superficial electronic contact with others,does not improve our lives. If anything it detracts from it as life becomes less human. LOL pales in comparison to a real laugh out loud of sharing an experience with a friend. The more LOL’s we share,the less it means. Soon or later everything is just an electronic dance of acronyms trying to fulfill some missing part of your soul.
When consumerism was first sold to the world,it was designed to get us to buy stuff we don’t really need in an effort to feel better than others. Soon everyone determined their worth not on the strength of our relationships,but by what we were able to consume. You gave up relationships,to work more,to have a better life. The more we worked,the more we bought,the further in debt we went. The combination of work and debt made our real relationships worse,which compelled us to work more,to buy more. This self fulfilling loop spun out of control in our society for decades as people worked harder and harder to “look or feel good”.
Delete Facebook
You maybe surprised to learn that I had four Facebook accounts. The main one was for my wife so that she could have a husband in the Facebook world. The other three were accounts I had set up for the Dont-Tread-On.Me and Sons of Liberty Academy. I never really used them,but they were there. The only high point to the whole experience was my first birthday with Facebook,when I received 40 happy birthdays from people all over the country. The reality of the whole Facebook experience is that it never really seemed real.
Despite how many “friends”you have on Facebook,the fact is,we are only lucky to have a handful of real friends in our lives. Having more superficial electronic contact with others,does not improve our lives. If anything it detracts from it as life becomes less human. LOL pales in comparison to a real laugh out loud of sharing an experience with a friend. The more LOL’s we share,the less it means. Soon or later everything is just an electronic dance of acronyms trying to fulfill some missing part of your soul.
When consumerism was first sold to the world,it was designed to get us to buy stuff we don’t really need in an effort to feel better than others. Soon everyone determined their worth not on the strength of our relationships,but by what we were able to consume. You gave up relationships,to work more,to have a better life. The more we worked,the more we bought,the further in debt we went. The combination of work and debt made our real relationships worse,which compelled us to work more,to buy more. This self fulfilling loop spun out of control in our society for decades as people worked harder and harder to “look or feel good”.
Why TSA, Wars, State Defined Diets, Seat-Belt Laws, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, and Efforts to Control the Internet, Are Essential to the State
The smaller the guberment the better. As long as you don't harm others, the State should have no rights to make regulation. This is called classic liberalism, otherwise known as libertarian.
Why TSA, Wars, State Defined Diets, Seat-Belt Laws, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, and Efforts to Control the Internet, Are Essential to the State
The title of this article encompasses topics that arouse attention and criticism among persons of libertarian persuasion. The discussion of such matters usually treats each issue as though it were sui generis, independent of one another. Most of us respond as though the woman who is groped at the airport has no connection with the man who is tasered by a police officer; that the person serving time in prison for selling marijuana is unrelated to the men being held at Guantanamo. The belief that one person’s maltreatment is isolated from the rest of us, is essential to the maintenance of state power.
What we have in common is the need to protect one another’s inviolability from governmental force. When we understand that the woman being groped by a TSA agent stands in the same shoes as our wife, mother, or grandmother; when the man being beaten by a sadist cop is seen, by us, as our father or grandfather, we become less willing to evade the nature of the wrongdoing by invoking the coward’s plea: “better him than me.”
The state owes its very existence to the success it has had in fostering division among us, a topic I explored in my Calculated Chaos book. Divide-and-conquer has long been the mainstay in political strategy. If blacks and whites; or Christians and Muslims; or employees and employers; or “straights” and “gays”; or men and women; or any of seemingly endless abstractions, learn to identify and separate themselves from one another, the state has established its base of power. From such mutually-exclusive categories do we draw the endless “enemies” (e.g., communists, drug-dealers, terrorists, tobacco companies) we are to fear, and against whom the state promises its protection. By becoming fearful, we become existentially disabled, and readily accept whatever safeguards the institutional fear-mongers impose, . . . all for our “benefit,” of course!
Why TSA, Wars, State Defined Diets, Seat-Belt Laws, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, and Efforts to Control the Internet, Are Essential to the State
The title of this article encompasses topics that arouse attention and criticism among persons of libertarian persuasion. The discussion of such matters usually treats each issue as though it were sui generis, independent of one another. Most of us respond as though the woman who is groped at the airport has no connection with the man who is tasered by a police officer; that the person serving time in prison for selling marijuana is unrelated to the men being held at Guantanamo. The belief that one person’s maltreatment is isolated from the rest of us, is essential to the maintenance of state power.
What we have in common is the need to protect one another’s inviolability from governmental force. When we understand that the woman being groped by a TSA agent stands in the same shoes as our wife, mother, or grandmother; when the man being beaten by a sadist cop is seen, by us, as our father or grandfather, we become less willing to evade the nature of the wrongdoing by invoking the coward’s plea: “better him than me.”
The state owes its very existence to the success it has had in fostering division among us, a topic I explored in my Calculated Chaos book. Divide-and-conquer has long been the mainstay in political strategy. If blacks and whites; or Christians and Muslims; or employees and employers; or “straights” and “gays”; or men and women; or any of seemingly endless abstractions, learn to identify and separate themselves from one another, the state has established its base of power. From such mutually-exclusive categories do we draw the endless “enemies” (e.g., communists, drug-dealers, terrorists, tobacco companies) we are to fear, and against whom the state promises its protection. By becoming fearful, we become existentially disabled, and readily accept whatever safeguards the institutional fear-mongers impose, . . . all for our “benefit,” of course!
Gerald Celente’s June 13, 2011 Trend Alert
This guy knows his stuff, you should listen.
Via Gerald Celente’s June 13, 2011 Trend Alert
Everything is not all right. And things are going to get worse … much worse. The economy is on the threshold of calamity. Wars are spreading like wildfires. The world is on a razor’s edge.
Not so, say world leaders and mainstream media experts. Yes, there are problems, but the financiers and politicians are aware of them. Policies are already in place and measures are being taken to correct them.
Whether it’s failing economies, intractable old wars or raging new wars, the word from the top always maintains that steady progress is being made and comforts the populace with assurances that the brightest minds and the sharpest generals are in charge and on the case. On all fronts, success is certain and victory is at hand. Only “patience” is required … along with more men, more time and more money.
As far as these “leaders” and their media are concerned, the only opinions that count come from a stable of thoroughbred experts, official sources and political favorites. Only they have the credentials to speak with authority and provide trustworthy forecasts. That they are consistently, if not invariably, wrong apparently does nothing to diminish their credibility.
How can any thinking adult possibly imagine that the same central bankers, financiers and politicians responsible for creating the economic crisis are capable of resolving it?
Yet even in the face of their proven failures and gross incompetence, anyone daring to challenge the party line or the conventional wisdom is dismissed as an “alarmist,” “fear monger,” or “gloom-and-doomer.”
…with the Dow on a down trend and the economic data increasingly pointing in the direction of Depression, Washington and Wall Street remain in denial. The only debate among the “experts” is whether or not a “double dip” recession is likely.
However, for the man on the street – pummeled by falling wages, higher prices, intractable unemployment, rising taxes and punitive “austerity measures” – “Depression,” not “recession,” and certainly not “prosperity,” is just around the corner.
Trend Forecast: The wars will proliferate and civil unrest will intensify. As we forecast, the youth-inspired revolts that first erupted in North Africa and the Middle East are now breaking out in Europe (See “Off With Their Heads,” Trends Journal, Autumn 2010)
Given the trends in play and the people in power, economic collapse at some level is inevitable. Governments and central banks will be unrelenting in their determination to wring every last dollar, pound or euro from the people through taxes while confiscating public assets (a.k.a. privatization) in order to cover bad bets made by banks and financiers.
When the people have been bled dry financially and have nothing left to give, blood will flow on the streets.
Via Gerald Celente’s June 13, 2011 Trend Alert
Everything is not all right. And things are going to get worse … much worse. The economy is on the threshold of calamity. Wars are spreading like wildfires. The world is on a razor’s edge.
Not so, say world leaders and mainstream media experts. Yes, there are problems, but the financiers and politicians are aware of them. Policies are already in place and measures are being taken to correct them.
Whether it’s failing economies, intractable old wars or raging new wars, the word from the top always maintains that steady progress is being made and comforts the populace with assurances that the brightest minds and the sharpest generals are in charge and on the case. On all fronts, success is certain and victory is at hand. Only “patience” is required … along with more men, more time and more money.
As far as these “leaders” and their media are concerned, the only opinions that count come from a stable of thoroughbred experts, official sources and political favorites. Only they have the credentials to speak with authority and provide trustworthy forecasts. That they are consistently, if not invariably, wrong apparently does nothing to diminish their credibility.
How can any thinking adult possibly imagine that the same central bankers, financiers and politicians responsible for creating the economic crisis are capable of resolving it?
Yet even in the face of their proven failures and gross incompetence, anyone daring to challenge the party line or the conventional wisdom is dismissed as an “alarmist,” “fear monger,” or “gloom-and-doomer.”
…with the Dow on a down trend and the economic data increasingly pointing in the direction of Depression, Washington and Wall Street remain in denial. The only debate among the “experts” is whether or not a “double dip” recession is likely.
However, for the man on the street – pummeled by falling wages, higher prices, intractable unemployment, rising taxes and punitive “austerity measures” – “Depression,” not “recession,” and certainly not “prosperity,” is just around the corner.
Trend Forecast: The wars will proliferate and civil unrest will intensify. As we forecast, the youth-inspired revolts that first erupted in North Africa and the Middle East are now breaking out in Europe (See “Off With Their Heads,” Trends Journal, Autumn 2010)
Given the trends in play and the people in power, economic collapse at some level is inevitable. Governments and central banks will be unrelenting in their determination to wring every last dollar, pound or euro from the people through taxes while confiscating public assets (a.k.a. privatization) in order to cover bad bets made by banks and financiers.
When the people have been bled dry financially and have nothing left to give, blood will flow on the streets.
The future of finances
This is an email I had forwarded to me from a guy out in Texas. I more or less agree with everything he says.
I sure hope everyone is positioning their portfolios for the stock market to crash. I want to make this very clear because I don't want anyone to say I didn't warn you or that no one could see this coming. GET OUT OF THE STOCK MARKET!!! This thing is going down big time. The only thing that has been holding it up is government stimulus, bailouts and QE. When you add up all that money they been pumped into the system in the last two years it is around $3.6 trillion. Well, the stimulus is spent, the bailouts are over and QE2 ends in a couple weeks. Without all this artificial support the US economy comes to a grinding halt. I actually have two scenarios going forward.
First Scenario: Federal Reserve stops buying US Treasuries (QE). The stock market crashes and the US Treasury market crashes. When the stock market first drops the morons on Wall Street will buy US Treasuries and US Dollars because they are still using the old playbook. It will not take long before they realize how stupid it is to own US Treasuries and US Dollars and they will sell. The big Wall Street banks will all go down hard and one or two will go bankrupt. Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo are the most likely to go bankrupt because of their huge exposure to the American consumers through credit cards and home mortgages. All the big Wall Street banks will go bankrupt at some point but I do think JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will survive the next big crash. However, I would never own any of these walking dead companies. After awhile people will realize that the only place to turn is Gold and Silver. Most likely Gold and Silver will be lower than where they are right now because the US Dollar will go up but there is a chance people will figure this out before it drops very much. It is impossible to know every single move for Gold and Silver but it is going much higher. I like to say there is never a bad day to buy Gold and Silver but there are better days. Oil and most other commodities will drop. When the banks stop trusting each other credit will dry up very quickly. Companies will have trouble rolling over debt and they will go bankrupt. Unemployment will hit 12-15%. At some point the Federal Reserve will step in and do the exact wrong thing again (print more money), which is my second scenario.
Second Scenario: This one will happen but I don't know if it will happen before or after the first scenario plays out. The Federal Reserve will do another round of QE and it will be much bigger than the last two combined. The thought process will be the first two were not big enough so we really need to give a shot in the arm to the economy. Keep in mind..the only reason they are doing this is to buy US Treasuries to keep the America Ponzi scheme going. All it is really doing is allowing our irresponsible politicians the ability to keep spending more than they take in and stay in office a little longer. It will not work in the long run because the Federal Reserve can't create any real value. They steal it. In this scenario, all commodities will skyrocket. Oil will blow through the record high of $150 and most likely will hit $200. Gasoline could get as high at $6 a gallon. Gold and Silver will mostly double or triple. The Dow may get has high as 13,000-14,000. Of course, the US Dollar will collapse and the US Treasury market will drop because real interest rates will be extremely negative. Home prices will keep dropping because interest rates on mortgages will keep going higher. Retail sales will drop because the American citizen will spend all their money one food and energy. Home foreclosures will hit a new record. Unemployment will stay flat at best but will most likely get worse.
The Federal Reserve is about to purchase their last $50 billion in Treasuries in QE2. It will end at the end of the month. Most likely the Federal Reserve will do nothing for a couple months and my first scenario will kick in. I would say it has already started to happen with the stock market falling for six straight weeks now and the bond market is getting ready for QE3 because the big players are buying US Treasuries right now to sell them to the Federal Reserve once they announce QE3. That is exactly what happened in August last year and as many of you remember I was pounding the table saying the extremely low mortgage rates were fake and to refinance your house at these artificially low interest rates before it goes away. Since there is no political will to do another round of QE in Washington and the American public really don't want it, the Federal Reserve will let the Dow Jones drop 2,000-3,000 points. This will put Washington and the American public into the position of begging them to do another round of QE. Then the Fed can look like they came in and saved the day when they are really making it worse. The last thing the Fed ever wants to do is look like they caused the problem. They did the exact same thing in the 1920s just before the 1929 stock market crash. They knew they could either stop pumping the cheap money into the economy and crash the stock market or keep it going and the stock market would crash on its own. This is all human behavior and has nothing to do with doing the right thing. I'm short the stock market and will stay short until the next round of QE is announced. I would highly recommend selling every stock you have right now.
Inflation Inflation Inflation..There is no end to which I am willing to go to prove "The Bernak" wrong when he says inflation is low. So when I learned that the price of Brazilian bikini waxes was going through the roof, I had to sit up and take note. Last month, the price of the popular beauty treatment soared by 16.6% to 35 Brazilian Reals (about $22). This is no joke. The Brazilian government includes the removal of body hair in the most strategic of places in a basket of consumer services that it uses in calculating the country's inflation rate, now estimated at 6.5%. The Brazilian government includes this because it is one of the few measures they track, which can't be clouded through the surreptitious altering of its quantity or quality. You either get it, or you don't. Only in my reports will you get this hard hitting economic data.
I sure hope everyone is positioning their portfolios for the stock market to crash. I want to make this very clear because I don't want anyone to say I didn't warn you or that no one could see this coming. GET OUT OF THE STOCK MARKET!!! This thing is going down big time. The only thing that has been holding it up is government stimulus, bailouts and QE. When you add up all that money they been pumped into the system in the last two years it is around $3.6 trillion. Well, the stimulus is spent, the bailouts are over and QE2 ends in a couple weeks. Without all this artificial support the US economy comes to a grinding halt. I actually have two scenarios going forward.
First Scenario: Federal Reserve stops buying US Treasuries (QE). The stock market crashes and the US Treasury market crashes. When the stock market first drops the morons on Wall Street will buy US Treasuries and US Dollars because they are still using the old playbook. It will not take long before they realize how stupid it is to own US Treasuries and US Dollars and they will sell. The big Wall Street banks will all go down hard and one or two will go bankrupt. Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo are the most likely to go bankrupt because of their huge exposure to the American consumers through credit cards and home mortgages. All the big Wall Street banks will go bankrupt at some point but I do think JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will survive the next big crash. However, I would never own any of these walking dead companies. After awhile people will realize that the only place to turn is Gold and Silver. Most likely Gold and Silver will be lower than where they are right now because the US Dollar will go up but there is a chance people will figure this out before it drops very much. It is impossible to know every single move for Gold and Silver but it is going much higher. I like to say there is never a bad day to buy Gold and Silver but there are better days. Oil and most other commodities will drop. When the banks stop trusting each other credit will dry up very quickly. Companies will have trouble rolling over debt and they will go bankrupt. Unemployment will hit 12-15%. At some point the Federal Reserve will step in and do the exact wrong thing again (print more money), which is my second scenario.
Second Scenario: This one will happen but I don't know if it will happen before or after the first scenario plays out. The Federal Reserve will do another round of QE and it will be much bigger than the last two combined. The thought process will be the first two were not big enough so we really need to give a shot in the arm to the economy. Keep in mind..the only reason they are doing this is to buy US Treasuries to keep the America Ponzi scheme going. All it is really doing is allowing our irresponsible politicians the ability to keep spending more than they take in and stay in office a little longer. It will not work in the long run because the Federal Reserve can't create any real value. They steal it. In this scenario, all commodities will skyrocket. Oil will blow through the record high of $150 and most likely will hit $200. Gasoline could get as high at $6 a gallon. Gold and Silver will mostly double or triple. The Dow may get has high as 13,000-14,000. Of course, the US Dollar will collapse and the US Treasury market will drop because real interest rates will be extremely negative. Home prices will keep dropping because interest rates on mortgages will keep going higher. Retail sales will drop because the American citizen will spend all their money one food and energy. Home foreclosures will hit a new record. Unemployment will stay flat at best but will most likely get worse.
The Federal Reserve is about to purchase their last $50 billion in Treasuries in QE2. It will end at the end of the month. Most likely the Federal Reserve will do nothing for a couple months and my first scenario will kick in. I would say it has already started to happen with the stock market falling for six straight weeks now and the bond market is getting ready for QE3 because the big players are buying US Treasuries right now to sell them to the Federal Reserve once they announce QE3. That is exactly what happened in August last year and as many of you remember I was pounding the table saying the extremely low mortgage rates were fake and to refinance your house at these artificially low interest rates before it goes away. Since there is no political will to do another round of QE in Washington and the American public really don't want it, the Federal Reserve will let the Dow Jones drop 2,000-3,000 points. This will put Washington and the American public into the position of begging them to do another round of QE. Then the Fed can look like they came in and saved the day when they are really making it worse. The last thing the Fed ever wants to do is look like they caused the problem. They did the exact same thing in the 1920s just before the 1929 stock market crash. They knew they could either stop pumping the cheap money into the economy and crash the stock market or keep it going and the stock market would crash on its own. This is all human behavior and has nothing to do with doing the right thing. I'm short the stock market and will stay short until the next round of QE is announced. I would highly recommend selling every stock you have right now.
Inflation Inflation Inflation..There is no end to which I am willing to go to prove "The Bernak" wrong when he says inflation is low. So when I learned that the price of Brazilian bikini waxes was going through the roof, I had to sit up and take note. Last month, the price of the popular beauty treatment soared by 16.6% to 35 Brazilian Reals (about $22). This is no joke. The Brazilian government includes the removal of body hair in the most strategic of places in a basket of consumer services that it uses in calculating the country's inflation rate, now estimated at 6.5%. The Brazilian government includes this because it is one of the few measures they track, which can't be clouded through the surreptitious altering of its quantity or quality. You either get it, or you don't. Only in my reports will you get this hard hitting economic data.
Young Americans: Forget Your Student Loans and Move to Gonzo Town
LOL. It's funny and sad because it's true. With the exception of the hard sciences, engineering, and medical/health professions this is most certainly true.
Young Americans: Forget Your Student Loans and Move to Gonzo Town
Getting ahead? Going to college? Whether they know it or not, millions of young Americans are joining the ranks of the over-qualified and under paid and unemployed. But heck, you can still give it the “old college try” anyway, but be informed of the pro’s and cons of your decision.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, there is only one job for every five applicants in America today. And with most jobs in the US being off-shored to the Far East and Latin America, it’s a safe bet that stat is not changing anytime soon, at least for the next 10 years.
Regardless of how bleak the outlook is, America has always been the land of positive thinking and no wonder, as there is no shortage in the queue of 17 year olds dying to (literally) sign their life away to JP Morgan, Citi Bank and Wells Fargo in exchange for $80,000 in student loans.
Before we rush to judgement, let’s be fair and breakdown what the kids are getting for their 80K. First and foremost, they get that golden fleece, the sheep skin also known as The Degree. In addition, millions of young Americans will be given a four year window in which to master the fine art of drinking beer and how to both hold and suck cannabis smoke from a perspex cylinder. If they have spent their 80K wisely, they will also be gifted cheap tickets to Division I football and basketball games and their fantastic after parties. As a keen sportsman myself, perhaps to best value for the money was the free campus gym membership and intramural sports programs which kept me fit enough to withstand non-stop weekends of partying. On top of all this fun stuff, it’s also a bottomless trough of free time to play computer games in your apartment, eat pizza, screw around with your guitar, and of course, ample opportunities for scouting out members of the opposite sex. Apparently, it all looks good on your CV.
Young Americans: Forget Your Student Loans and Move to Gonzo Town
Getting ahead? Going to college? Whether they know it or not, millions of young Americans are joining the ranks of the over-qualified and under paid and unemployed. But heck, you can still give it the “old college try” anyway, but be informed of the pro’s and cons of your decision.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, there is only one job for every five applicants in America today. And with most jobs in the US being off-shored to the Far East and Latin America, it’s a safe bet that stat is not changing anytime soon, at least for the next 10 years.
Regardless of how bleak the outlook is, America has always been the land of positive thinking and no wonder, as there is no shortage in the queue of 17 year olds dying to (literally) sign their life away to JP Morgan, Citi Bank and Wells Fargo in exchange for $80,000 in student loans.
Before we rush to judgement, let’s be fair and breakdown what the kids are getting for their 80K. First and foremost, they get that golden fleece, the sheep skin also known as The Degree. In addition, millions of young Americans will be given a four year window in which to master the fine art of drinking beer and how to both hold and suck cannabis smoke from a perspex cylinder. If they have spent their 80K wisely, they will also be gifted cheap tickets to Division I football and basketball games and their fantastic after parties. As a keen sportsman myself, perhaps to best value for the money was the free campus gym membership and intramural sports programs which kept me fit enough to withstand non-stop weekends of partying. On top of all this fun stuff, it’s also a bottomless trough of free time to play computer games in your apartment, eat pizza, screw around with your guitar, and of course, ample opportunities for scouting out members of the opposite sex. Apparently, it all looks good on your CV.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Student Loans and DOE S.W.A.T. Teams
Better pay your student loans student debt slaves.
Student Loans and DOE S.W.A.T. Teams
On March 11, 2010, Washington Post blogger Valerie Strauss asked an intriguing question: “Why is the Education Department purchasing 27 Remington Brand Model 870 police 12-gauge shotguns?”
On June 7, 2011, the answer became clear. At 6 a.m. a S.W.A.T.-style team of 15 officers from the U.S. Department of Education's (DOE) Office of Inspector General broke down a door in Stockton, California. (The OIG is the semi-independent law-enforcement branch of the DOE which pursues criminal offenses such as student aid fraud.) The agents had a no-knock warrant that had been issued by the DOE. On the other side of the door were Kenneth Wright and his three children ages 3, 7, and 11. None of them had violated any law. Nevertheless, an officer grabbed the underwear-clad Wright by the neck and dragged him onto the front lawn, pinning him down with a knee in the back. Eventually, the handcuffed Kenneth and his children were placed in the back of a patrol car for six hours while the police searched his house.
Student Loans and DOE S.W.A.T. Teams
On March 11, 2010, Washington Post blogger Valerie Strauss asked an intriguing question: “Why is the Education Department purchasing 27 Remington Brand Model 870 police 12-gauge shotguns?”
On June 7, 2011, the answer became clear. At 6 a.m. a S.W.A.T.-style team of 15 officers from the U.S. Department of Education's (DOE) Office of Inspector General broke down a door in Stockton, California. (The OIG is the semi-independent law-enforcement branch of the DOE which pursues criminal offenses such as student aid fraud.) The agents had a no-knock warrant that had been issued by the DOE. On the other side of the door were Kenneth Wright and his three children ages 3, 7, and 11. None of them had violated any law. Nevertheless, an officer grabbed the underwear-clad Wright by the neck and dragged him onto the front lawn, pinning him down with a knee in the back. Eventually, the handcuffed Kenneth and his children were placed in the back of a patrol car for six hours while the police searched his house.
Hathaway Confirms Gold to Trade in the Five Digits
Hathaway Confirms Gold to Trade in the Five Digits
Hathaway presented a Dow/Gold ratio in his latest piece and believes we are headed ultimately to a one to one ratio which would put gold today at over $12,000. When asked if $12,000 gold was achievable Hathaway replied, “Sure, because that would reflect more damage to the integrity of the currency. The number that they (Dow & Gold) cross at is going to probably be in the high 4 digits or low 5 digits, if it happens in the next couple of years.
Hathaway presented a Dow/Gold ratio in his latest piece and believes we are headed ultimately to a one to one ratio which would put gold today at over $12,000. When asked if $12,000 gold was achievable Hathaway replied, “Sure, because that would reflect more damage to the integrity of the currency. The number that they (Dow & Gold) cross at is going to probably be in the high 4 digits or low 5 digits, if it happens in the next couple of years.
Eric Sprott - We’re Headed Over a Cliff
Eric Sprott - We’re Headed Over a Cliff,_Be_Wary_of_Paper_Assets.html
With continued gold and silver volatility, the Dow breaking below 12,000 and the US dollar on the move, today King World News interviewed billionaire Eric Sprott, Chairman of Sprott Asset Management. When asked about year over year explosions in the price of corn 118%, wheat 71%, cotton 83%, sugar 61% and coffee 96%, Sprott replied, “Well I always chuckle when people at the Fed and the Treasury suggest there are no signs of inflation. There are nothing but signs of inflation, not withstanding the Fed suggesting the CPI is up one or two percent.
We all know that the average guy on the street, his food costs are skyrocketing, his energy costs are skyrocketing, his tax bill is skyrocketing, his insurance, everything is going up and they are basically getting modest to zero wage increases. So that’s why some of these consumer confidence numbers are just falling right off the table here, and that’s why most of the data we’ve seen recently on the economic front has been incredibly weak.”
With continued gold and silver volatility, the Dow breaking below 12,000 and the US dollar on the move, today King World News interviewed billionaire Eric Sprott, Chairman of Sprott Asset Management. When asked about year over year explosions in the price of corn 118%, wheat 71%, cotton 83%, sugar 61% and coffee 96%, Sprott replied, “Well I always chuckle when people at the Fed and the Treasury suggest there are no signs of inflation. There are nothing but signs of inflation, not withstanding the Fed suggesting the CPI is up one or two percent.
We all know that the average guy on the street, his food costs are skyrocketing, his energy costs are skyrocketing, his tax bill is skyrocketing, his insurance, everything is going up and they are basically getting modest to zero wage increases. So that’s why some of these consumer confidence numbers are just falling right off the table here, and that’s why most of the data we’ve seen recently on the economic front has been incredibly weak.”
Saturday, June 11, 2011
U.S. Hurtles Toward System Failure
U.S. Hurtles Toward System Failure
The combination of $trillion bond fraud, dependence on inflating home equity for economic development, oversized cars, oil dependence, constant market intervention, insolvent banks, insolvent homes, outsourced industry, endless war, budget deadlock amidst runaway deficits, raided US gold treasury, mammoth future benefit obligations, and handing over the keys at USDept Treasury to Goldman Sachs has left the United States to fend off systemic failure. The creeping price inflation that stems from USFed hyper monetary inflation and total ignorance on basics of capitalism like business formation have left the US vulnerable to disorder and chaos. The chaos in fact grows with the passage of time and the ruin of money, against a background of a cruel middle class squeeze. With one citizen in seven on food stamps and over 22% of the population jobless, the sunset of the American Empire is well along. The banker oligarchs are gradually killing the nation, its democracy, and its wealth engines during a sustained strangulation process.
Underwater Nation that Cannot Swim
Comments by economists continue to center on consumer spending and desired job growth, without any mention of business investment and reduced regulatory impediments. The nation has no clue among leaders to engineer a recovery. Tragically, it is not possible unless the housing market rebounds convincingly, and unless the big US banks are liquidated. The negative momentum is so grotesque. It is like a man sliding backwards on a steep icy street with no objects nearby to grab. The remarkable fact in my view is that so many trained economists and market mavens are shocked that the USEconomy is entering another recession. They must have considered Clunker Car program, New Homebuyer Tax Credit initiative, and the General Motors bailout all to be genius concepts. They seem poorly trained in capitalism, and well trained in asset inflation management laced with public indoctrination. To the sound money crowd, the degradation was obvious. The landscape is taking on the same look at mid-2008 when all hell broke loose on the financial and economic fronts. It should not be so surprising, since nothing has been fixed.
The combination of $trillion bond fraud, dependence on inflating home equity for economic development, oversized cars, oil dependence, constant market intervention, insolvent banks, insolvent homes, outsourced industry, endless war, budget deadlock amidst runaway deficits, raided US gold treasury, mammoth future benefit obligations, and handing over the keys at USDept Treasury to Goldman Sachs has left the United States to fend off systemic failure. The creeping price inflation that stems from USFed hyper monetary inflation and total ignorance on basics of capitalism like business formation have left the US vulnerable to disorder and chaos. The chaos in fact grows with the passage of time and the ruin of money, against a background of a cruel middle class squeeze. With one citizen in seven on food stamps and over 22% of the population jobless, the sunset of the American Empire is well along. The banker oligarchs are gradually killing the nation, its democracy, and its wealth engines during a sustained strangulation process.
Underwater Nation that Cannot Swim
Comments by economists continue to center on consumer spending and desired job growth, without any mention of business investment and reduced regulatory impediments. The nation has no clue among leaders to engineer a recovery. Tragically, it is not possible unless the housing market rebounds convincingly, and unless the big US banks are liquidated. The negative momentum is so grotesque. It is like a man sliding backwards on a steep icy street with no objects nearby to grab. The remarkable fact in my view is that so many trained economists and market mavens are shocked that the USEconomy is entering another recession. They must have considered Clunker Car program, New Homebuyer Tax Credit initiative, and the General Motors bailout all to be genius concepts. They seem poorly trained in capitalism, and well trained in asset inflation management laced with public indoctrination. To the sound money crowd, the degradation was obvious. The landscape is taking on the same look at mid-2008 when all hell broke loose on the financial and economic fronts. It should not be so surprising, since nothing has been fixed.
Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills
Let's hope it doesn't come down to this, however I am convinced a secondary money markets using silver and gold physical trade will develop. Of course, we can stop the chaos if we end the Fed now and arrest the banksters.
Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills
The concept of private barter and alternative economies has been so far removed from our daily existence here in America that the very idea of participating in commerce without the use of dollars or without the inclusion of corporate chains seems almost outlandish to many people.However, the fact remains that up until very recently (perhaps the last three to four decades) barter and independent trade was commonplace in this country. Without it, many families could not have survived.
Whether we like it or not, such economic methods will be making a return very soon, especially in the face of a plunging dollar, inflating wholesale prices, erratic investment markets, and unsustainable national debts. It is inevitable; financial collapse of the mainstream system ALWAYS leads to secondary markets and individual barter. We can wait until we are already in the midst of collapse and weighted with desperation before we take action to better our circumstances, or, we can prepare now for what we already know is coming.
In today’s “modern” globalist economy, we have relied upon centralized and highly manipulated trade, forced interdependency, senseless and undisciplined consumption, endless debt creation, welfare addiction, and the erosion of quality, as a means to sustain a system that ultimately is DESIGNED to erode our freedoms not to mention our ability to effectively take care of ourselves. We have been infantized by our financial environment. In the near future, those who wish to live beyond a meager staple of government handouts (if any are even given) will be required to make a 180 degree reversal from their current lifestyle of dependency and immediate gratification towards one of self sufficiency, personal entrepreneurship, quality trade, and a mindset of necessity, rather than unfounded excess.
This means that each and every one of us will not only be driven to form barter networks outside the designated confines of the mainstream, we will have to become active producers within those networks. Each and every one of us will need to discover practical goods and skills that will be in high demand regardless of economic conditions. Being that our society has all but forgotten how this kind of trade works, let’s examine a short list of items as well as proficiencies that are sure to be highly sought after as the collapse progresses…
Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills
The concept of private barter and alternative economies has been so far removed from our daily existence here in America that the very idea of participating in commerce without the use of dollars or without the inclusion of corporate chains seems almost outlandish to many people.However, the fact remains that up until very recently (perhaps the last three to four decades) barter and independent trade was commonplace in this country. Without it, many families could not have survived.
Whether we like it or not, such economic methods will be making a return very soon, especially in the face of a plunging dollar, inflating wholesale prices, erratic investment markets, and unsustainable national debts. It is inevitable; financial collapse of the mainstream system ALWAYS leads to secondary markets and individual barter. We can wait until we are already in the midst of collapse and weighted with desperation before we take action to better our circumstances, or, we can prepare now for what we already know is coming.
In today’s “modern” globalist economy, we have relied upon centralized and highly manipulated trade, forced interdependency, senseless and undisciplined consumption, endless debt creation, welfare addiction, and the erosion of quality, as a means to sustain a system that ultimately is DESIGNED to erode our freedoms not to mention our ability to effectively take care of ourselves. We have been infantized by our financial environment. In the near future, those who wish to live beyond a meager staple of government handouts (if any are even given) will be required to make a 180 degree reversal from their current lifestyle of dependency and immediate gratification towards one of self sufficiency, personal entrepreneurship, quality trade, and a mindset of necessity, rather than unfounded excess.
This means that each and every one of us will not only be driven to form barter networks outside the designated confines of the mainstream, we will have to become active producers within those networks. Each and every one of us will need to discover practical goods and skills that will be in high demand regardless of economic conditions. Being that our society has all but forgotten how this kind of trade works, let’s examine a short list of items as well as proficiencies that are sure to be highly sought after as the collapse progresses…
Bilderberg treason
Check out the video
Bilderberg treason
Paul Joseph Watson reports from St. Moritz, Switzerland. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is in attendance at Bilderberg 2011 in violation of the Logan Act.
Bilderberg treason
Paul Joseph Watson reports from St. Moritz, Switzerland. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is in attendance at Bilderberg 2011 in violation of the Logan Act.
Meet The Squatters
Meet The Squatters: Here Are The Millions Of Americans Who Live Mortgage-Free For Up To 5 Years And Counting
The topic of Americans living mortgage-free in foreclosed homes on which banks do not have proper titles is nothing new - in fact we are surprised that there isn't a robosignature app for that...yet. Neither is the fact that this ongoing reverse capital transfer provides as much as $50 billion in "rental" income for those same squatters. And while the ethical arguments for strategically defaulting on one's mortgage can get very heated on both sides, one thing is certain: the ongoing foreclosure crisis is creating a new subclass of "entitled" people, who certainly enjoy living on the back of the banks, while not paying one cent, and not vacating the premises. According to a new article by CNNMoney, some of the excesses observed within this latest demonstration of unearned entitlement are truly staggering. To wit: "Charles and Jill Segal have not made a mortgage payment in nearly five years -- but they continue to live in their five-bedroom West Palm Beach, Fla. home....Lynn, from St. Petersburg, Fla., has been living without paying for three years....In Thousand Oaks, Calif., an actor has missed 30 payments, and still, he has not lost his home...." In other words, what were once isolated incidents are becoming an epidemic, and like it or not, are creating a massive capital shortfall in bank balance sheets (after all "assets" are supposed to generate cash in most cases), which will likely involve yet another broad taxpayer bailout of these same banks that now have no recourse to do much if anything to evict these same squatters who instead of paying their mortgage (or rent), prefer to purchase trinkets and gizmos. "Some 4.2 million mortgage borrowers are either seriously delinquent or have had their cases referred to lawyers to pursue foreclosure auctions, according to LPS Applied Analytics. Of those, two-thirds have made no payments at all for at least a year, and nearly one-third have gone more than two years."
The topic of Americans living mortgage-free in foreclosed homes on which banks do not have proper titles is nothing new - in fact we are surprised that there isn't a robosignature app for that...yet. Neither is the fact that this ongoing reverse capital transfer provides as much as $50 billion in "rental" income for those same squatters. And while the ethical arguments for strategically defaulting on one's mortgage can get very heated on both sides, one thing is certain: the ongoing foreclosure crisis is creating a new subclass of "entitled" people, who certainly enjoy living on the back of the banks, while not paying one cent, and not vacating the premises. According to a new article by CNNMoney, some of the excesses observed within this latest demonstration of unearned entitlement are truly staggering. To wit: "Charles and Jill Segal have not made a mortgage payment in nearly five years -- but they continue to live in their five-bedroom West Palm Beach, Fla. home....Lynn, from St. Petersburg, Fla., has been living without paying for three years....In Thousand Oaks, Calif., an actor has missed 30 payments, and still, he has not lost his home...." In other words, what were once isolated incidents are becoming an epidemic, and like it or not, are creating a massive capital shortfall in bank balance sheets (after all "assets" are supposed to generate cash in most cases), which will likely involve yet another broad taxpayer bailout of these same banks that now have no recourse to do much if anything to evict these same squatters who instead of paying their mortgage (or rent), prefer to purchase trinkets and gizmos. "Some 4.2 million mortgage borrowers are either seriously delinquent or have had their cases referred to lawyers to pursue foreclosure auctions, according to LPS Applied Analytics. Of those, two-thirds have made no payments at all for at least a year, and nearly one-third have gone more than two years."
New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami
Could be true. HAARP tech is based on Tesla's research, if you were curious. Tesla was financially bankrupted by J.P. Morgan. Isn't it crazy how everything is connected.
New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami
ecent data released by Dimitar Ouzounov and colleagues from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland highlights some strange atmospheric anomalies over Japan just days before the massive earthquake and tsunami struck on March 11. Seemingly inexplicable and rapid heating of the ionosphere directly above the epicenter reached a maximum only three days prior to the quake, according to satellite observations, suggesting that directed energy emitted from transmitters used in the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) may have been responsible for inducing the quake.
Published in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) publicationTechnology Review, the findings are presented alongside a different theory called Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, which hypothesizes that the heating in the ionosphere may have been caused by the impending earthquake as the fault line released radioactive radon. This theory, of course, is not actually proven, but is instead presented as a possible explanation for the presence of the high-density electrons and emitted infrared radiation that was observed.
Another explanation for this strange heating — and one that, upon analysis, seems much more likely — is that it was an indication that concentrated energy was used to induce the earthquake, and not the other way around. Numerous credible reports and scientific observations reveal that HAARP technology is fully capable of being used as a scalar weapon, meaning it can emit strong electromagnetic pulse bombs that can alter weather or trigger seismic fault lines.
New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami
ecent data released by Dimitar Ouzounov and colleagues from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland highlights some strange atmospheric anomalies over Japan just days before the massive earthquake and tsunami struck on March 11. Seemingly inexplicable and rapid heating of the ionosphere directly above the epicenter reached a maximum only three days prior to the quake, according to satellite observations, suggesting that directed energy emitted from transmitters used in the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) may have been responsible for inducing the quake.
Published in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) publicationTechnology Review, the findings are presented alongside a different theory called Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, which hypothesizes that the heating in the ionosphere may have been caused by the impending earthquake as the fault line released radioactive radon. This theory, of course, is not actually proven, but is instead presented as a possible explanation for the presence of the high-density electrons and emitted infrared radiation that was observed.
Another explanation for this strange heating — and one that, upon analysis, seems much more likely — is that it was an indication that concentrated energy was used to induce the earthquake, and not the other way around. Numerous credible reports and scientific observations reveal that HAARP technology is fully capable of being used as a scalar weapon, meaning it can emit strong electromagnetic pulse bombs that can alter weather or trigger seismic fault lines.
Federal Reserve - The 8 Families
This has been up for a while, but it's a good read. Your money is controlled by the (un)Federal (no)Reserve(s) Bank, which is privately owned by a few bankster families. The banksters fund both sides of wars and steal all your wealth and labor. They are financial terrorists.
End the Fed. Arrest the Banskters.
Federal Reserve - The 8 Families
The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.
According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation. [1]
So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?
This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.
One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. [2]
J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York. Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. [3] The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.
End the Fed. Arrest the Banskters.
Federal Reserve - The 8 Families
The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.
According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation. [1]
So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?
This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.
One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. [2]
J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York. Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. [3] The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.
Outta Town
I probably won't be posted much, if you haven't already noticed. I'm out of town until wednesday. Good luck with your silver.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Alex Jones Calls For Global Bilderberg Protest
Just in case you are bored or unemployed in the area and might have a few choice words to say to the globalist elite.
Alex Jones Calls For Global Bilderberg Protest

Radio host Alex Jones is calling on all activists worldwide to descend on the site of the 2011 Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland and stage a massive protest against the criminal global elite that have wrecked the global economy, plunged the United States into another unaffordable war in Libya and are now scheming to start yet another war and hike oil prices to levels where Americans will be paying $7 dollars a gallon for gas.
We are urging all demonstrators to make their way to the Suvretta Hotel in St. Moritz this Saturday to force upon Bilderbergers what they fear the most – the spotlight.
Alex Jones Calls For Global Bilderberg Protest
Radio host Alex Jones is calling on all activists worldwide to descend on the site of the 2011 Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland and stage a massive protest against the criminal global elite that have wrecked the global economy, plunged the United States into another unaffordable war in Libya and are now scheming to start yet another war and hike oil prices to levels where Americans will be paying $7 dollars a gallon for gas.
We are urging all demonstrators to make their way to the Suvretta Hotel in St. Moritz this Saturday to force upon Bilderbergers what they fear the most – the spotlight.
Ventura: “Abolish All Political Parties”
The D's and the R's are two heads of the same beast. We have the illusion of choice and it has been that way for a while. Vote Ron Paul 2012.
Ventura: “Abolish All Political Parties”
A great interview with Jessie Ventura covering a host of issues, namely corruption within the halls of government.
The only way to do it is what I advocate for now. I don’t support the third party movement anymore. I support the abolishment of all these political parties.
The world is set up today so that you don’t vote for the person, you vote for the party. And it’s the parties that control the government. We were warned by John Adams that that would be the downfall of America.
I would turn the political parties into what they are, political action committees. The first thing I would do is change all election laws to where only names go on the ballot. No political parties are set on a ballot, that way the electorate has to educate themselves.
…also on all ballots should be the option at the bottom “none of the above,” which is a vote of no confidence for the government. Imagine if you won the election but lost to “none of the above.” It might make you rethink your position.
Those are two simple things we could accomplish right now that could help bring integrity back to the United States of America.
Vote for anyone but democrats and republicans and you’ll get a change in government.
Ventura: “Abolish All Political Parties”
A great interview with Jessie Ventura covering a host of issues, namely corruption within the halls of government.
The only way to do it is what I advocate for now. I don’t support the third party movement anymore. I support the abolishment of all these political parties.
The world is set up today so that you don’t vote for the person, you vote for the party. And it’s the parties that control the government. We were warned by John Adams that that would be the downfall of America.
I would turn the political parties into what they are, political action committees. The first thing I would do is change all election laws to where only names go on the ballot. No political parties are set on a ballot, that way the electorate has to educate themselves.
…also on all ballots should be the option at the bottom “none of the above,” which is a vote of no confidence for the government. Imagine if you won the election but lost to “none of the above.” It might make you rethink your position.
Those are two simple things we could accomplish right now that could help bring integrity back to the United States of America.
Vote for anyone but democrats and republicans and you’ll get a change in government.
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