I really don't know how to explain it. I think silver is the best investment of this lifetime (mine), buy I keep getting creepy vibes about gold.
I read crazy alien history and they talk of gold. I read ancient Egypt and Mayan and they talk about gold. Then I read Sci-Fi, and all they talk about is Gold.
Then I learn it lies in the same period table line as copper, silver, and then of course, gold itself.
There is something special about it, but I don't know what it is yet.
Convert worthless paper into this special metal that is only created in supernovas. Supernovas. Oh sorry, supernovas are only the 'death' of a early star, and the creation of the higher element stars and planets. Creation?
p.s. diamonds are created on earth, gold isn't. gold is only created in supernova deaths. divine? Not sure, but diamonds aren't, gold is only created in the death of stars.
Wish I had the answers, but no, just questions.
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.
Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Gerald Celente: I’m Now 100% In Gold, Roubini is Wrong
Smart people with money are moving to 100% precious metals if they haven't already. Got Money? If you don't have any gold and silver you don't have any Money.
Gold is the Money of Rulers
Silver is the Money of Aristocrats
Barter is the Money of Laborers
Debt is the (non)Money of Slaves
Gerald Celente: I’m Now 100% In Gold, Roubini is Wrong
With gold near $1,800 and silver above $40, today King World News interviewed Gerald Celente, Founder of Trends Research and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world. When asked about his thoughts on gold Celente responded, “I began trading gold in 1978 and my first buy was at $187.50 an ounce. What’s not being talked about in this gold boom is what was going on back then that’s so different than today. So as you hear people saying it’s a bubble (gold) and making comparisons, they really don’t know what they are talking about because they are leaving out a very important element.”
Gold is the Money of Rulers
Silver is the Money of Aristocrats
Barter is the Money of Laborers
Debt is the (non)Money of Slaves
Gerald Celente: I’m Now 100% In Gold, Roubini is Wrong
With gold near $1,800 and silver above $40, today King World News interviewed Gerald Celente, Founder of Trends Research and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world. When asked about his thoughts on gold Celente responded, “I began trading gold in 1978 and my first buy was at $187.50 an ounce. What’s not being talked about in this gold boom is what was going on back then that’s so different than today. So as you hear people saying it’s a bubble (gold) and making comparisons, they really don’t know what they are talking about because they are leaving out a very important element.”
Monday, August 29, 2011
Music Homework for Manic Monday
As the times darken, the music and arts will get better. The 'teens' will be just as good as the 60's. True art reflects truly on the current times. It's just starting this is a warm-up. There is a battle raging, choose your side.
"It's another day, it's another day"
"Let the light shine in and protect you"
"Do your thing so the world won't forget you"
"Help those that have never met you"
"A whole new faith will connect you, to the real you"
"Break the mold, turn lead into gold"
"It's another day, it's another day"
"Let the light shine in and protect you"
"Do your thing so the world won't forget you"
"Help those that have never met you"
"A whole new faith will connect you, to the real you"
"Break the mold, turn lead into gold"
Science Fiction: Food For Thought
There is an obvious connection between science fiction and the future technology. I have long thought that science fiction is what inspires the next generation of science minds, which is what drives the creation of new knowledge and technology.
Some call science fiction writers prophecies. I have often wondered on this idea. I am currently reading the foreword to a book called Battlefield Earth. The book is science fiction, but the author is discussing what science fiction IS. In which the author writes, shockingly to me, the following:
But there is more to this: science fiction, particularly in its Golden Age, had a mission. I cannot, of course, speak for my friends of that period. But from Campbell and from “shooting the breeze” with other writers of the time, one got the very solid impression that they were doing a heavy job of beating the drum to get man to the stars.
What he is saying is that the sci-fi writers were literally trying to drive man to the stars, and change the world by having the dreams. For me, this almost changes my entire outlook on sci-fi. They are 'dream weavers', "doing a heavy job of beating the drum to get man to the stars".
Truth stranger than fiction. =)
Some call science fiction writers prophecies. I have often wondered on this idea. I am currently reading the foreword to a book called Battlefield Earth. The book is science fiction, but the author is discussing what science fiction IS. In which the author writes, shockingly to me, the following:
But there is more to this: science fiction, particularly in its Golden Age, had a mission. I cannot, of course, speak for my friends of that period. But from Campbell and from “shooting the breeze” with other writers of the time, one got the very solid impression that they were doing a heavy job of beating the drum to get man to the stars.
What he is saying is that the sci-fi writers were literally trying to drive man to the stars, and change the world by having the dreams. For me, this almost changes my entire outlook on sci-fi. They are 'dream weavers', "doing a heavy job of beating the drum to get man to the stars".
Truth stranger than fiction. =)
Should Math Be Taught in School?
We might as well teach kids at age 2 that they are slaves. Oh wait, that's what the public education system is. Slaves to the global elite also known as the Banksters or the Illuminati or the Shadow Guberment or the Invisible Hand or Powers that Be.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Let's kill the banksters
It's working. Keep stacking the phyzz, we are going to corner the global physical metal markets and kill the banksters.
Keep Stacking. They are losing. We are winning.
Freedom, ...
Happy Investing =)
Keep Stacking. They are losing. We are winning.
Freedom, ...
Happy Investing =)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Amy Winehouse and 27 Club
Just a quick glance at the photo, I haven't read the whole article yet. I see 4 signs. "As above, so below", which is the one hand points up, the other down. I see the 'kitty' print earring being emphasized. Thirdly she has the eye extensions. Finally, while not occulting one of her eyes, it is hidden in the shadows.
Crazy what they do to these young women.
Amy Winehouse and 27 Club

Amy Winehouse’s untimely death was a sad event yet it brought to many a sentiment of deja-vu. She is indeed one of several artists who died at the age of 27 and one of the many celebrities who lost their lives in strange circumstances. Is there more to these deaths than meets the eye?
Famous for her distinctive voice and soulful style and infamous for her controversies and substance abuse, Amy Winehouse embodied the classic dichotomy of a rock star: artistic brilliance coupled with a tendency for self-destruction. Her early death, at age 27, provided her the last ingredient required to become a memorable rock star: eternal youth. Going beyond her music, Winehouse will now be remembered as one of those who “lived fast and died young” and will forever have this mystical aura that surrounds those who have passed away during their prime. We will never see Amy Winehouse grow old and lose her edge. We will never see her become a “has been” who has to appear in crappy commercials to pay the bills. By dying at the age of 27, Amy Winehouse will forever be remembered as the fiery diva who inspired, shocked, attracted and repulsed people all at once. Most importantly, by dying at the age of 27, Amy Winehouse became the latest member of the 27 Club.
Crazy what they do to these young women.
Amy Winehouse and 27 Club
Amy Winehouse’s untimely death was a sad event yet it brought to many a sentiment of deja-vu. She is indeed one of several artists who died at the age of 27 and one of the many celebrities who lost their lives in strange circumstances. Is there more to these deaths than meets the eye?
Famous for her distinctive voice and soulful style and infamous for her controversies and substance abuse, Amy Winehouse embodied the classic dichotomy of a rock star: artistic brilliance coupled with a tendency for self-destruction. Her early death, at age 27, provided her the last ingredient required to become a memorable rock star: eternal youth. Going beyond her music, Winehouse will now be remembered as one of those who “lived fast and died young” and will forever have this mystical aura that surrounds those who have passed away during their prime. We will never see Amy Winehouse grow old and lose her edge. We will never see her become a “has been” who has to appear in crappy commercials to pay the bills. By dying at the age of 27, Amy Winehouse will forever be remembered as the fiery diva who inspired, shocked, attracted and repulsed people all at once. Most importantly, by dying at the age of 27, Amy Winehouse became the latest member of the 27 Club.
Pierre Lassonde - “Gold to Attack $2,000 in September”
The 'presstitutes' wants you to be scared to buy gold and silver. Don't be.
Pierre Lassonde - “Gold to Attack $2,000 in September”
“So we’ve seen a 10% correction, is it the end or is it going to see another 10%? This being the end of August, September is always a good month for gold, it has been for the last ten years. So my feeling is that the correction at $1,700, plus or minus $20 is over. I think we are going to see an attack on the $2,000 level in September. It will probably bounce back off again, you’ll probably get a couple of bounces off the bottom....
Pierre Lassonde - “Gold to Attack $2,000 in September”
“So we’ve seen a 10% correction, is it the end or is it going to see another 10%? This being the end of August, September is always a good month for gold, it has been for the last ten years. So my feeling is that the correction at $1,700, plus or minus $20 is over. I think we are going to see an attack on the $2,000 level in September. It will probably bounce back off again, you’ll probably get a couple of bounces off the bottom....
Shared Sacrifice: Lady Obama Spends $10 MILLION on Vacations In the Past Year
Don't you just love to be a slave in a 'ruler class society'. Be a good little sheep. Obey! Stay Asleep! Conform!
Gold is the money of Rulers.
Silver is the money of Aristocrats.
Barter is the money Peasants.
Debt is the money of Slaves.
Shared Sacrifice: Lady Obama Spends $10 MILLION on Vacations In the Past Year
President Obama needs your help. In a July 15, 2011 briefing he told the American people that we have to be willing to seize the moment, but that it would take shared sacrifice to do it:
And so during the course of these discussions with congressional leaders, what I’ve tried to emphasize is we have a unique opportunity to do something big. We have a chance to stabilize America’s finances for a decade, for 15 years or 20 years, if we’re willing to seize the moment.
Now, what that would require would be some shared sacrifice and a balanced approach that says, “We’re going to make significant cuts in domestic spending.”
-Barack Obama July 15, 2011 (video)
While Americans are chipping in by sacrificing their jobs, homes, kid’s college tuition, and their retirement plans, Ms. Obama apparently missed her husband’s speech:
White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers’ money on vacations alone in the past year.
Branding her ‘disgusting’ and ‘a vacation junkie’, they say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.
Gold is the money of Rulers.
Silver is the money of Aristocrats.
Barter is the money Peasants.
Debt is the money of Slaves.
Shared Sacrifice: Lady Obama Spends $10 MILLION on Vacations In the Past Year
President Obama needs your help. In a July 15, 2011 briefing he told the American people that we have to be willing to seize the moment, but that it would take shared sacrifice to do it:
And so during the course of these discussions with congressional leaders, what I’ve tried to emphasize is we have a unique opportunity to do something big. We have a chance to stabilize America’s finances for a decade, for 15 years or 20 years, if we’re willing to seize the moment.
Now, what that would require would be some shared sacrifice and a balanced approach that says, “We’re going to make significant cuts in domestic spending.”
-Barack Obama July 15, 2011 (video)
While Americans are chipping in by sacrificing their jobs, homes, kid’s college tuition, and their retirement plans, Ms. Obama apparently missed her husband’s speech:
White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers’ money on vacations alone in the past year.
Branding her ‘disgusting’ and ‘a vacation junkie’, they say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.
Silver Shield’s Final Warning
Silver Shield thinks that we won't see 100 silver because before that happens 'there won't be any to get'. To the moon, so to speak. Get it while you can. Use these manipulated 'drive by shootings' on the metals to accumulate more phyzz.
Silver Shield’s Final Warning
By Silver Shield, on August 25th, 2011
One year ago marked the beginning of silver returning to it’s rightful role as money in the world. One year ago silver was at $17.76 an ounce after a very long and drawn out consolidation that went all the way back to St. Patrick’s Day 2008. One year ago was the beginning of silver’s breathtaking run to almost $50 an ounce, a 178% return. Even today, despite the massive paper attack in May and the last two days, we are still up 104% year over year.
When I published the ground breaking Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield article February 25th silver was at $32. On June 27th I said to buy physical silver at $33 silver. Both date’s were very good days to buy and never went below those numbers. Now I am telling you all, for the last time, buy physical silver. I will be taking this weekend to make every effort I can to make those that have been wavering in their purchase of physical silver, to make the commitment and to do it before the end of this month. I believe that we are on the knife’s edge of a major shift that will make silver untouchable if you do not secure your metal right now.
The end of this month marks a seasonal shift for silver investors and the end of the “sell in May and go way.” With the expiration of the CRIMEX contract today and with Bernanke’s possible announcement of QE3 tomorrow, this could be that last, best time in your life to buy physical silver. If you look at this 37 year seasonal chart for silver you can see that the last week of September is the beginning of a very strong seasonal move in silver that should take us into another strong run all the way into February. If we get something similar like we did last year and it runs until May, we could see $100 silver early next year.
I do not believe we will see $100 silver, because of the massive fraud in the metal suppression business will make silver unattainable.
Silver Shield’s Final Warning
By Silver Shield, on August 25th, 2011
One year ago marked the beginning of silver returning to it’s rightful role as money in the world. One year ago silver was at $17.76 an ounce after a very long and drawn out consolidation that went all the way back to St. Patrick’s Day 2008. One year ago was the beginning of silver’s breathtaking run to almost $50 an ounce, a 178% return. Even today, despite the massive paper attack in May and the last two days, we are still up 104% year over year.
When I published the ground breaking Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield article February 25th silver was at $32. On June 27th I said to buy physical silver at $33 silver. Both date’s were very good days to buy and never went below those numbers. Now I am telling you all, for the last time, buy physical silver. I will be taking this weekend to make every effort I can to make those that have been wavering in their purchase of physical silver, to make the commitment and to do it before the end of this month. I believe that we are on the knife’s edge of a major shift that will make silver untouchable if you do not secure your metal right now.
The end of this month marks a seasonal shift for silver investors and the end of the “sell in May and go way.” With the expiration of the CRIMEX contract today and with Bernanke’s possible announcement of QE3 tomorrow, this could be that last, best time in your life to buy physical silver. If you look at this 37 year seasonal chart for silver you can see that the last week of September is the beginning of a very strong seasonal move in silver that should take us into another strong run all the way into February. If we get something similar like we did last year and it runs until May, we could see $100 silver early next year.
I do not believe we will see $100 silver, because of the massive fraud in the metal suppression business will make silver unattainable.
Immortal Technique - Cause of Death
Here's your entertainment lesson for the day. This song is old.
Quote: "You think illuminati's just a fuckin conspiracy theory?"
Immortal Technique
Revolutionary Volume 2
Yeah, broadcasting live from Harlem, New York
Let the truth be known..
[Verse 1]
You better watch what the fuck flies outta ya mouth
Or I'ma hijack a plane and fly it into your house
Burn your apartment with your family tied to the couch
And slit your throat, so when you scream, only blood comes out
I doubt that there could ever be...a more wicked MC
'Cuz AIDs infested child molesters aren't sicker than me
I see the world for what it is, beyond the white and the black
The way the government downplays historical facts
'Cuz the United States sponsored the rise of the 3rd Reich
Just like the CIA trained terrorists to the fight
Build bombs and sneak box cutters onto a flight
When I was a child, the Devil himself bought me a mic
But I refused the offer, 'cuz God sent me to strike
With skills unused like fallopian tubes on a dyke
My words'll expose George Bush and Bin Laden
As two separate parts of the same seven headed dragon
And you can't fathom the truth, so you don't hear me
You think illuminati's just a fuckin conspiracy theory?
That's why Conservative racists are all runnin' shit
And your phone is tapped by the Federal Government
So I'm jammin' frequencies in ya brain when you speak to me
Technique will rip a rapper to pieces indecently
Pack weapons illegally, because I'm never hesitant
Sniper scoping a commission controllin the president
Father, forgive them, for they don't know right from wrong
The truth will set you free, written down in this song
And the song has the Cause of Death written in code
The Word of God brought to life, that'll save ya soul..
Save ya soul motherfucker...save ya soul..
Yeah, yeah, yeah
[Verse 2]
I hacked the Pentagon for self-incriminating evidence
Of Republican manufactured white powder pestilence
Marines Corps. flat (?) vest, with the guns and ammo
Spittin' bars like a demon stuck inside a piano
Turn a Sambo into a soldier with just one line
Now here's the truth about the system that'll fuck up your mind
They gave Al Queda 6 billion dollars in 1989 to 1992
And now the last chapters of Revelations are coming true
And I know a lot of people find it hard to swallow this
Because subliminal bigotry makes you hate my politics
But you act like America wouldn't destroy two buildings
In a country that was sponsoring bombs dropped on our children
I was watching the Towers, and though I wasn't the closest
I saw them crumble to the Earth like they was full of explosives
And they thought nobody noticed the news report that they did
About the bombs planted on the George Washington bridge
Four Non-Arabs arrested during the emergency
And then it disappeared from the news permanently
They dubbed a tape of Osama, and they said it was proof
"Jealous of our freedom," I can't believe you bought that excuse
Rockin a motherfucking flag don't make you a hero
Word to Ground Zero
The Devil crept into Heaven, God overslept on the 7th
The New World Order was born on September 11
[Verse 3]
And just so Conservatives don't take it to heart
I don't think Bush did it, 'cuz he isn't that smart
He's just a stupid puppet taking orders on his cell phone
From the same people that sabotaged Senator Wellstone
The military industry got it poppin' and lockin'
Looking for a way to justify the Wolfowitz Doctrine
And as a matter of fact, Rumsfeld, now that I think back
Without 9/11, you couldn't have a war in Iraq
Or a Defense budget of world conquest proportions
Kill freedom of speech and revoke the right to abortions
Tax cut extortion, a blessing to the wealthy and wicked
But you still have to answer to the Armageddon you scripted
And Dick Cheney, you fuckin leech, tell them your plans
About building your pipelines through Afghanistan
And how Israeli troops trained the Taliban in Pakistan
You might have some house niggaz fooled, but I understand
Colonialism is sponsored by corporations
That's why Halliburton gets paid to rebuild nations
Tell me the truth, I don't scare into paralysis
I know the CIA saw Bin Laden on dialysis
In '98 when he was Top Ten for the FBI
Government ties is really why the Government lies
Read it yourself instead of asking the Government why
'Cuz then the Cause of Death will cause the propaganda to die..
[Man talking]
He is scheduled for 60 Minutes next. He is going on
French, Italian, Japanese television. People
everywhere are starting to listen to him. It's embarassing
Quote: "You think illuminati's just a fuckin conspiracy theory?"
Immortal Technique
Revolutionary Volume 2
Yeah, broadcasting live from Harlem, New York
Let the truth be known..
[Verse 1]
You better watch what the fuck flies outta ya mouth
Or I'ma hijack a plane and fly it into your house
Burn your apartment with your family tied to the couch
And slit your throat, so when you scream, only blood comes out
I doubt that there could ever be...a more wicked MC
'Cuz AIDs infested child molesters aren't sicker than me
I see the world for what it is, beyond the white and the black
The way the government downplays historical facts
'Cuz the United States sponsored the rise of the 3rd Reich
Just like the CIA trained terrorists to the fight
Build bombs and sneak box cutters onto a flight
When I was a child, the Devil himself bought me a mic
But I refused the offer, 'cuz God sent me to strike
With skills unused like fallopian tubes on a dyke
My words'll expose George Bush and Bin Laden
As two separate parts of the same seven headed dragon
And you can't fathom the truth, so you don't hear me
You think illuminati's just a fuckin conspiracy theory?
That's why Conservative racists are all runnin' shit
And your phone is tapped by the Federal Government
So I'm jammin' frequencies in ya brain when you speak to me
Technique will rip a rapper to pieces indecently
Pack weapons illegally, because I'm never hesitant
Sniper scoping a commission controllin the president
Father, forgive them, for they don't know right from wrong
The truth will set you free, written down in this song
And the song has the Cause of Death written in code
The Word of God brought to life, that'll save ya soul..
Save ya soul motherfucker...save ya soul..
Yeah, yeah, yeah
[Verse 2]
I hacked the Pentagon for self-incriminating evidence
Of Republican manufactured white powder pestilence
Marines Corps. flat (?) vest, with the guns and ammo
Spittin' bars like a demon stuck inside a piano
Turn a Sambo into a soldier with just one line
Now here's the truth about the system that'll fuck up your mind
They gave Al Queda 6 billion dollars in 1989 to 1992
And now the last chapters of Revelations are coming true
And I know a lot of people find it hard to swallow this
Because subliminal bigotry makes you hate my politics
But you act like America wouldn't destroy two buildings
In a country that was sponsoring bombs dropped on our children
I was watching the Towers, and though I wasn't the closest
I saw them crumble to the Earth like they was full of explosives
And they thought nobody noticed the news report that they did
About the bombs planted on the George Washington bridge
Four Non-Arabs arrested during the emergency
And then it disappeared from the news permanently
They dubbed a tape of Osama, and they said it was proof
"Jealous of our freedom," I can't believe you bought that excuse
Rockin a motherfucking flag don't make you a hero
Word to Ground Zero
The Devil crept into Heaven, God overslept on the 7th
The New World Order was born on September 11
[Verse 3]
And just so Conservatives don't take it to heart
I don't think Bush did it, 'cuz he isn't that smart
He's just a stupid puppet taking orders on his cell phone
From the same people that sabotaged Senator Wellstone
The military industry got it poppin' and lockin'
Looking for a way to justify the Wolfowitz Doctrine
And as a matter of fact, Rumsfeld, now that I think back
Without 9/11, you couldn't have a war in Iraq
Or a Defense budget of world conquest proportions
Kill freedom of speech and revoke the right to abortions
Tax cut extortion, a blessing to the wealthy and wicked
But you still have to answer to the Armageddon you scripted
And Dick Cheney, you fuckin leech, tell them your plans
About building your pipelines through Afghanistan
And how Israeli troops trained the Taliban in Pakistan
You might have some house niggaz fooled, but I understand
Colonialism is sponsored by corporations
That's why Halliburton gets paid to rebuild nations
Tell me the truth, I don't scare into paralysis
I know the CIA saw Bin Laden on dialysis
In '98 when he was Top Ten for the FBI
Government ties is really why the Government lies
Read it yourself instead of asking the Government why
'Cuz then the Cause of Death will cause the propaganda to die..
[Man talking]
He is scheduled for 60 Minutes next. He is going on
French, Italian, Japanese television. People
everywhere are starting to listen to him. It's embarassing
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Ron Paul 2012 Chris Rock
I concur. Keep stacking the phyzz. Warning: Chris Rock uses potty language.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Ben Davies - Why Gold Will Now Hit $2,100 Within Weeks
Things are happening quicker now.
Ben Davies - Why Gold Will Now Hit $2,100 Within Weeks
In this piece exclusively for the King World News blog, Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital, gives KWN readers globally his take on why gold stands ready to launch higher. In Davies’ brand new interview he revised his call on gold and stated that gold could hit $2,100 within weeks, rather than the end of December. In the piece below he explains the reasons why the price of gold will surge so quickly.
Ben Davies - Why Gold Will Now Hit $2,100 Within Weeks
In this piece exclusively for the King World News blog, Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital, gives KWN readers globally his take on why gold stands ready to launch higher. In Davies’ brand new interview he revised his call on gold and stated that gold could hit $2,100 within weeks, rather than the end of December. In the piece below he explains the reasons why the price of gold will surge so quickly.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Global Banking System: Descensus in Cuniculi Cavum (Part 1, "Less Than Humble Beginnings")
These people are smart, vicious, and have been planning this for several hundred years. Time to wake up!
I can only think 23 is the one they haven't accomplished yet. But they are making the prez ever more powerful and a total financial collapse is just what they need to institute 'emergency presidential powers act', thus creating a dictatorship.
The Global Banking System: Descensus in Cuniculi Cavum (Part 1, "Less Than Humble Beginnings")
In 1773, a wealthy goldsmith and coin dealer named Mayer Amschel Bauer (1743-1812) summoned 12 wealthy and influential men to his place of business in Frankfurt, Germany. His purpose for the meeting was to impress upon these men that if they pooled their resources, it was possible to gain control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire world. He then outlined a 25 point plan on how to accomplish it.
Those 25 points are:
1. Use violence and terrorism rather than academic discussions.
2. Preach “Liberalism” to usurp political power.
3. Initiate class warfare.
4. Politicians must be cunning and deceptive – any moral code leaves a politician vulnerable.
5. Dismantle “existing forces of order and regulation.” Reconstruct all existing institutions.”
6. Remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.
7. Use Mob Psychology to control the masses. “Without absolute despotism one cannot rule efficiently.”
8. Advocate the use of alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption and all forms of vice, used systematically by “agenteurs” to corrupt the youth.
9. Seize properties by any means to secure submission and sovereignty.
10. Foment wars and control the peace conferences so that neither of the combatants gains territory placing them further in debt and therefore into our power.
11. Choose candidates for public office who will be “servile and obedient to our commands, so they may be readily used as pawns in our game.”
12. Use the Press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information, while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame.
13. Make the masses believe they had been the prey of criminals. Then restore order to appear as the saviors.
14. Create financial panics. Use hunger to control to subjugate the masses.
15. Infiltrate Freemasonry to take advantage of the Grand Orient Lodges to cloak the true nature of their work in philanthropy. Spread their atheistic-materialistic ideology amongst the "Goyim" (gentiles).
16. When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of the entire World to be crowned, their influence will banish everything that might stand in his way.
17. Use systematic deception, high-sounding phrases and popular slogans. “The opposite of what has been promised can always be done afterwards... That is of no consequence.”
18. A Reign of Terror is the most economical way to bring about speedy subjection.
19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs.”
20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.”
21. Use economic warfare. Rob the "Goyim" of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition.
22. “Make the 'Goyim' destroy each other so there will only be the proletariat left in the world, with a few millionaires devoted to our cause, and sufficient police and soldiers to protect our interest.”
23. Call it The New Order. Appoint a Dictator.
24. Fool, bemuse and corrupt the younger members of society by teaching them theories and principles we know to be false.
25 Twist national and international laws into a contradiction which first masks the law and afterwards hides it altogether. Substitute arbitration for law.”
The plan was put into operation and evidential information exists that Bauer aligned himself with Adam Weishaupt who was the founder of the Illuminati whose aim was and still is world domination. Bauer later changed his name to Rothschild which means "red shield." He took it from the red sign which hung outside his place of business. The eagle was clutching 5 golden arrows in its claws. It was supposed to symbolize his five sons. Presently the red shield represents the official coat of arms of the city of Frankfurt, Germany.
I can only think 23 is the one they haven't accomplished yet. But they are making the prez ever more powerful and a total financial collapse is just what they need to institute 'emergency presidential powers act', thus creating a dictatorship.
The Global Banking System: Descensus in Cuniculi Cavum (Part 1, "Less Than Humble Beginnings")
In 1773, a wealthy goldsmith and coin dealer named Mayer Amschel Bauer (1743-1812) summoned 12 wealthy and influential men to his place of business in Frankfurt, Germany. His purpose for the meeting was to impress upon these men that if they pooled their resources, it was possible to gain control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire world. He then outlined a 25 point plan on how to accomplish it.
Those 25 points are:
1. Use violence and terrorism rather than academic discussions.
2. Preach “Liberalism” to usurp political power.
3. Initiate class warfare.
4. Politicians must be cunning and deceptive – any moral code leaves a politician vulnerable.
5. Dismantle “existing forces of order and regulation.” Reconstruct all existing institutions.”
6. Remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.
7. Use Mob Psychology to control the masses. “Without absolute despotism one cannot rule efficiently.”
8. Advocate the use of alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption and all forms of vice, used systematically by “agenteurs” to corrupt the youth.
9. Seize properties by any means to secure submission and sovereignty.
10. Foment wars and control the peace conferences so that neither of the combatants gains territory placing them further in debt and therefore into our power.
11. Choose candidates for public office who will be “servile and obedient to our commands, so they may be readily used as pawns in our game.”
12. Use the Press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information, while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame.
13. Make the masses believe they had been the prey of criminals. Then restore order to appear as the saviors.
14. Create financial panics. Use hunger to control to subjugate the masses.
15. Infiltrate Freemasonry to take advantage of the Grand Orient Lodges to cloak the true nature of their work in philanthropy. Spread their atheistic-materialistic ideology amongst the "Goyim" (gentiles).
16. When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of the entire World to be crowned, their influence will banish everything that might stand in his way.
17. Use systematic deception, high-sounding phrases and popular slogans. “The opposite of what has been promised can always be done afterwards... That is of no consequence.”
18. A Reign of Terror is the most economical way to bring about speedy subjection.
19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs.”
20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.”
21. Use economic warfare. Rob the "Goyim" of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition.
22. “Make the 'Goyim' destroy each other so there will only be the proletariat left in the world, with a few millionaires devoted to our cause, and sufficient police and soldiers to protect our interest.”
23. Call it The New Order. Appoint a Dictator.
24. Fool, bemuse and corrupt the younger members of society by teaching them theories and principles we know to be false.
25 Twist national and international laws into a contradiction which first masks the law and afterwards hides it altogether. Substitute arbitration for law.”
The plan was put into operation and evidential information exists that Bauer aligned himself with Adam Weishaupt who was the founder of the Illuminati whose aim was and still is world domination. Bauer later changed his name to Rothschild which means "red shield." He took it from the red sign which hung outside his place of business. The eagle was clutching 5 golden arrows in its claws. It was supposed to symbolize his five sons. Presently the red shield represents the official coat of arms of the city of Frankfurt, Germany.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Proof that the FDA's assault on raw milk has nothing to do with consumer safety
We truly need to wake up and wake other up and fix this mess before we destroy ourselves. The first few paragraphs in this article say it all and it's disgusting.
Proof that the FDA's assault on raw milk has nothing to do with consumer safety
An astonishing two-thirds of all fresh chicken meat sold in grocery stores today is contaminated with salmonella (http://www.naturalnews.com/028661_c...). Diet soda is laced with aspartame, a chemical sweetener made from the feces of genetically engineered bacteria (http://www.naturalnews.com/030918_a...). "Natural" corn chips are made from genetically modified corn plants linked to widespread infertility when consumed by mammals (http://www.naturalnews.com/025001.html).
Processed meats are laced with cancer-causing sodium nitrite (http://www.naturalnews.com/007024.html) and everything from soups to salad dressings is "enhanced" with the chemical excitotoxin known as MSG which promotes obesity (http://www.naturalnews.com/009379.html).
Throughout the food industry, blueberries are faked using artificial colors, corn syrup and antifreeze liquids used to winterize vehicles (http://www.naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=7...). Milk fats are artificial modified through the process of homogenization, which makes them dangerous for human health (http://www.naturalnews.com/022967_m...).
The high fructose corn syrup used to sweeten sodas causes diabetes (http://www.naturalnews.com/028340_d...) and is often contaminated with mercury (http://www.naturalnews.com/032948_h...). Chicken McNuggets are made with a chemical used in silly putty (http://www.naturalnews.com/032820_C...) and the soy protein used in most protein bars is extracted using an explosive chemical called hexane (http://www.naturalnews.com/026303_s...).
The FDA says nothing about all this. Instead, the agency wants you to believe that the real danger in the food supply is found exclusively in raw dairy products which contain no additives or synthetic chemicals, by the way.
Yep: All the toxic chemicals and highly processed ingredients that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease and nutritional deficiencies are all perfectly good for your health, the FDA says... because they're dead!
Proof that the FDA's assault on raw milk has nothing to do with consumer safety
An astonishing two-thirds of all fresh chicken meat sold in grocery stores today is contaminated with salmonella (http://www.naturalnews.com/028661_c...). Diet soda is laced with aspartame, a chemical sweetener made from the feces of genetically engineered bacteria (http://www.naturalnews.com/030918_a...). "Natural" corn chips are made from genetically modified corn plants linked to widespread infertility when consumed by mammals (http://www.naturalnews.com/025001.html).
Processed meats are laced with cancer-causing sodium nitrite (http://www.naturalnews.com/007024.html) and everything from soups to salad dressings is "enhanced" with the chemical excitotoxin known as MSG which promotes obesity (http://www.naturalnews.com/009379.html).
Throughout the food industry, blueberries are faked using artificial colors, corn syrup and antifreeze liquids used to winterize vehicles (http://www.naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=7...). Milk fats are artificial modified through the process of homogenization, which makes them dangerous for human health (http://www.naturalnews.com/022967_m...).
The high fructose corn syrup used to sweeten sodas causes diabetes (http://www.naturalnews.com/028340_d...) and is often contaminated with mercury (http://www.naturalnews.com/032948_h...). Chicken McNuggets are made with a chemical used in silly putty (http://www.naturalnews.com/032820_C...) and the soy protein used in most protein bars is extracted using an explosive chemical called hexane (http://www.naturalnews.com/026303_s...).
The FDA says nothing about all this. Instead, the agency wants you to believe that the real danger in the food supply is found exclusively in raw dairy products which contain no additives or synthetic chemicals, by the way.
Yep: All the toxic chemicals and highly processed ingredients that cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease and nutritional deficiencies are all perfectly good for your health, the FDA says... because they're dead!
Buy A House With Silver
This is my plan. I am divesting out of silver and into gold when the ratio hits 10, and further when it hits 5. I will never get rid of all of it.
Buy A House With Silver
I had two purposes in writing today’s commentary. The most obvious intent is to help people avoid committing financial suicide in our real estate markets. However, an equally important goal was to provide people with some sort of quasi-objective “measuring stick” to answer an important question: how high is “high”, when it comes to precious metals prices – and in particular the price of silver?
The first topic can be dealt with (in general terms) rather quickly. The criminal near-zero interest rates imposed on us by our banker-serving governments mean that any and every economy which allows such recklessness will always have a housing market in some stage of “bubble”.
Near-zero interest rates punish savers. When near-zero interest rates are combined with high inflation, this is nothing less than the economic rape of savers – the specialty of Western bankers. With savers forced to disgorge any/all savings (to avoid it being ‘stolen’ via banker-created inflation), the first place capital flows in such situations is into real estate markets.
There are two reasons why real estate will always represent the first/worst bubbles to afflict such markets. First of all real estate is the most obvious asset-class to turn to in such circumstances. Secondly, many/most Western economies provide some level of subsidization for home-ownership – further “juicing” these real estate bubbles. The fact that the U.S. subsidizes home-buying more than any other economy is one of the reasons the U.S. housing market continues to represent the world’s worst real estate bubble (with massive, systemic fraud being the other main driver).
Buy A House With Silver
I had two purposes in writing today’s commentary. The most obvious intent is to help people avoid committing financial suicide in our real estate markets. However, an equally important goal was to provide people with some sort of quasi-objective “measuring stick” to answer an important question: how high is “high”, when it comes to precious metals prices – and in particular the price of silver?
The first topic can be dealt with (in general terms) rather quickly. The criminal near-zero interest rates imposed on us by our banker-serving governments mean that any and every economy which allows such recklessness will always have a housing market in some stage of “bubble”.
Near-zero interest rates punish savers. When near-zero interest rates are combined with high inflation, this is nothing less than the economic rape of savers – the specialty of Western bankers. With savers forced to disgorge any/all savings (to avoid it being ‘stolen’ via banker-created inflation), the first place capital flows in such situations is into real estate markets.
There are two reasons why real estate will always represent the first/worst bubbles to afflict such markets. First of all real estate is the most obvious asset-class to turn to in such circumstances. Secondly, many/most Western economies provide some level of subsidization for home-ownership – further “juicing” these real estate bubbles. The fact that the U.S. subsidizes home-buying more than any other economy is one of the reasons the U.S. housing market continues to represent the world’s worst real estate bubble (with massive, systemic fraud being the other main driver).
New Ron Paul TV Ad - "The One Who Can Beat Obama"
Ron Paul 4 Prez 2012..
New Ron Paul TV Ad - "The One Who Can Beat Obama"
New Ron Paul TV Ad - "The One Who Can Beat Obama"
Monday, August 15, 2011
Driverless Car Drives 175 Miles on Busy Chinese Expressway, No GPS Necessary
The future is now and its progress cannot be stopped.
Driverless Car Drives 175 Miles on Busy Chinese Expressway, No GPS Necessary
According to China Daily, back in July, a Chinese driverless car traveled about 175 miles, at around 55 mph, on an expressway laden with other cars. Even more impressive, the car needed no GPS assistance, instead relying on only video cameras and radar sensors to see the road and the other drivers.
The car, a Hongqi HQ3 developed by the National University of Defense Technology, was controlled by a proprietary artificial intelligence system in the car's trunk. It seems like the demo went swimmingly: the car managed to travel the long distance between provincial capitals Changsha and Wuhan, passing cars and changing lanes, with hardly a hiccup.
Of course, as the car relies primarily on visual clues, the demo was conducted during daytime--a lack of light, as well as weather complications like fog, can throw the car's senses off. (Maybe it could use one of these optical sensors?)
China is a bit behind the U.S. when it comes to these driverless cars--some states are already on their way to passing driverless legislation, and Google's driverless cars have already driven a whopping 140,000 hours. On the other hand, only in the U.S. has a driverless car somehow crashed due to human error, so China's one up on us there.
The team behind the car plans to work with China's First Auto Works to produce a commercial version sometime in the future.
Driverless Car Drives 175 Miles on Busy Chinese Expressway, No GPS Necessary
According to China Daily, back in July, a Chinese driverless car traveled about 175 miles, at around 55 mph, on an expressway laden with other cars. Even more impressive, the car needed no GPS assistance, instead relying on only video cameras and radar sensors to see the road and the other drivers.
The car, a Hongqi HQ3 developed by the National University of Defense Technology, was controlled by a proprietary artificial intelligence system in the car's trunk. It seems like the demo went swimmingly: the car managed to travel the long distance between provincial capitals Changsha and Wuhan, passing cars and changing lanes, with hardly a hiccup.
Of course, as the car relies primarily on visual clues, the demo was conducted during daytime--a lack of light, as well as weather complications like fog, can throw the car's senses off. (Maybe it could use one of these optical sensors?)
China is a bit behind the U.S. when it comes to these driverless cars--some states are already on their way to passing driverless legislation, and Google's driverless cars have already driven a whopping 140,000 hours. On the other hand, only in the U.S. has a driverless car somehow crashed due to human error, so China's one up on us there.
The team behind the car plans to work with China's First Auto Works to produce a commercial version sometime in the future.
Paradigm Shift Contest
El oh el... haha
Paradigm Shift Contest

Nothing attracts more attention than people having fun. For all of the heavy topics we cover, we try very hard to keep the mood positive and have fun when we can. I vowed when I started to do this that I was not going to be a fear monger trying to get people to react out of emotional gut reactions. I have used logic to help people to question everything. As I mentioned in my Resonate series, art can connect with people on a much deeper level and often the funniest jokes or most emotional art is because of a truth it reveals.
Paradigm Shift Contest
Nothing attracts more attention than people having fun. For all of the heavy topics we cover, we try very hard to keep the mood positive and have fun when we can. I vowed when I started to do this that I was not going to be a fear monger trying to get people to react out of emotional gut reactions. I have used logic to help people to question everything. As I mentioned in my Resonate series, art can connect with people on a much deeper level and often the funniest jokes or most emotional art is because of a truth it reveals.
Lessons from Star Trek
The time is here. Kill the Illuminati. Destroy your fear and their energy will rot.
Ron Paul Wins Historic Vote Total In Ames Straw Poll
Ron Paul 4 Prez 2012. End the Fed. Arrest and hang the Banksters. Freedom.
Ron Paul Wins Historic Vote Total In Ames Straw Poll
Dr. Paul shatters expectations, proves strength of candidacy
AMES, Iowa– Congressman Ron Paul won 4,671 votes in today’s Iowa Republican Straw Poll, topping Governor Mitt Romney’s vote total from 2007 and drawing a near statistical tie with today’s winner at 27.6 percent of the vote versus 28.5 percent.
Dr. Paul’s finish earned him a strong second place and it was the fourth highest vote total ever received by a candidate at the important test of candidate strength.
Said campaign chairman Jesse Benton,
“Dr. Paul is surging in this race, and today’s results show the strength of his grassroots support and top notch organization.
“These straw poll results, our growing poll numbers and our strong fundraising shows that our message is resonating with Iowans and Americans everywhere.
Ron Paul Wins Historic Vote Total In Ames Straw Poll
Dr. Paul shatters expectations, proves strength of candidacy
AMES, Iowa– Congressman Ron Paul won 4,671 votes in today’s Iowa Republican Straw Poll, topping Governor Mitt Romney’s vote total from 2007 and drawing a near statistical tie with today’s winner at 27.6 percent of the vote versus 28.5 percent.
Dr. Paul’s finish earned him a strong second place and it was the fourth highest vote total ever received by a candidate at the important test of candidate strength.
Said campaign chairman Jesse Benton,
“Dr. Paul is surging in this race, and today’s results show the strength of his grassroots support and top notch organization.
“These straw poll results, our growing poll numbers and our strong fundraising shows that our message is resonating with Iowans and Americans everywhere.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Have hope: The elite make mistakes ALL the time
Get your head straight. Get your mind clear. Figure out what is important to your life and what isn't.
WE WILL WIN. But it is going to take all you've got. Part of that means you must accept the fact that you were lied to your entire life, and for several generations past. Accept that the history taught bares false witness to truth and get over it.
Have hope: The elite make mistakes ALL the time
The arrogant psychopathic elite, aka the new world order, have made numerous mistakes down-the-years whilst designing their global debt-farm manufacturing process, but the masses, unfortunately, have failed to ‘wake up’ in time before ‘they’ had thought-up the unthinkable and implemented yet another horrendous strategy. The elite/parasites, in the past, have introduced their ‘solution’ before a critical number of people/hosts are sufficiently awake to expose the elite’s malevolent and inhumane atrocities. This time it’s different, very different indeed.
1. Gold, Silver and fiat: mistakes of the elite
To create, and maintain, the insidious debt-based world they’ve engineered, the elite have taken many calculated risks along the way. They’ve encouraged the squandering of silver in industry and instructed the central banks, via the government, to flood the market for decades with cheap gold and cheap silver. They always attack silver and gold in whatever way they can – keep that it mind when you study the markets.
Their strategic plan would appear to be: hood-wink the entire globe into using national/regional debt-based fiat via a national/regional central bank; cause a major economic catastrophe, and then introduce a standard global fiat as a ‘solution’ to economic woes. Absent of specific location, and akin to the UN, this new abomination would become the ultimate debt-based fiat PONZI scheme. This plan, however, depended on numerous, and apparently too many, gambles by the scum that parades the globe and believe it is their birth-right to govern, rule, steal, and cull as they please.
Firstly, they gambled upon everyone forgetting that gold and silver have been money since time remembered in EVERY nation. You’ve probably all witnessed the response to Bernanke’s quote, “gold is not money”. Ron Paul made Bernanke appear like someone from another dimension on that significant day, and a serious psychological blow was landed on the elite. The significance is not that Ben next-for-the-cull Bernanke dropped-the-ball but because of the public response – globally – on the internet. Even the most naïve person knows that gold is, and always has been money – even if they’ve never contemplated the topic before. Ron woke a few people up that day, and he should be applauded for his consistent and methodical work.
WE WILL WIN. But it is going to take all you've got. Part of that means you must accept the fact that you were lied to your entire life, and for several generations past. Accept that the history taught bares false witness to truth and get over it.
Have hope: The elite make mistakes ALL the time
The arrogant psychopathic elite, aka the new world order, have made numerous mistakes down-the-years whilst designing their global debt-farm manufacturing process, but the masses, unfortunately, have failed to ‘wake up’ in time before ‘they’ had thought-up the unthinkable and implemented yet another horrendous strategy. The elite/parasites, in the past, have introduced their ‘solution’ before a critical number of people/hosts are sufficiently awake to expose the elite’s malevolent and inhumane atrocities. This time it’s different, very different indeed.
1. Gold, Silver and fiat: mistakes of the elite
To create, and maintain, the insidious debt-based world they’ve engineered, the elite have taken many calculated risks along the way. They’ve encouraged the squandering of silver in industry and instructed the central banks, via the government, to flood the market for decades with cheap gold and cheap silver. They always attack silver and gold in whatever way they can – keep that it mind when you study the markets.
Their strategic plan would appear to be: hood-wink the entire globe into using national/regional debt-based fiat via a national/regional central bank; cause a major economic catastrophe, and then introduce a standard global fiat as a ‘solution’ to economic woes. Absent of specific location, and akin to the UN, this new abomination would become the ultimate debt-based fiat PONZI scheme. This plan, however, depended on numerous, and apparently too many, gambles by the scum that parades the globe and believe it is their birth-right to govern, rule, steal, and cull as they please.
Firstly, they gambled upon everyone forgetting that gold and silver have been money since time remembered in EVERY nation. You’ve probably all witnessed the response to Bernanke’s quote, “gold is not money”. Ron Paul made Bernanke appear like someone from another dimension on that significant day, and a serious psychological blow was landed on the elite. The significance is not that Ben next-for-the-cull Bernanke dropped-the-ball but because of the public response – globally – on the internet. Even the most naïve person knows that gold is, and always has been money – even if they’ve never contemplated the topic before. Ron woke a few people up that day, and he should be applauded for his consistent and methodical work.
5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World
If people wake up now (today), and we start taking honest, smart, and responsible action we could start to fix things without getting to this point. Problem is CONgress will keep voting to print and spend, so I am not too optimistic. Keep stacking physical assets of everything. Gold and silver is worth its weight, well, in gold.
5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World
I wrote an article called 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses. In it I wrote that societies that benefited the most from the dollar would be the worst places to be when it fell apart. While the dollar has not even collapsed yet, the strain in these areas is becoming more apparent. England is number 3 on the list has had 4 days of violent riots as people start to lose it. Israel is number 1 on that list has had massive protests. There is revolution in the air all over the world except in the US.
America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy. They still are stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around.
When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in the other 3 areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors. Continue reading 5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World
5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World
I wrote an article called 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses. In it I wrote that societies that benefited the most from the dollar would be the worst places to be when it fell apart. While the dollar has not even collapsed yet, the strain in these areas is becoming more apparent. England is number 3 on the list has had 4 days of violent riots as people start to lose it. Israel is number 1 on that list has had massive protests. There is revolution in the air all over the world except in the US.
America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy. They still are stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around.
When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in the other 3 areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors. Continue reading 5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I'm tired
I've had a long few days driving all over this country and giving presentations and living the life, so to speak.
I'm also getting tired of telling you to buy physical gold and silver. I have been out of town and looked at gold and it's 100 trash dollars higher than when I last looked. Your 401ks are trash. Convert all paper assets to physical metal, bury it in your yard underneath your fire pit. Dunzo.
I'm also getting tired of telling you to buy physical gold and silver. I have been out of town and looked at gold and it's 100 trash dollars higher than when I last looked. Your 401ks are trash. Convert all paper assets to physical metal, bury it in your yard underneath your fire pit. Dunzo.
10 Reasons Why Gold Is The Gut Reaction And Why Silver Is The Smart Decision
Keep stacking...
10 Reasons Why Gold Is The Gut Reaction And Why Silver Is The Smart Decision
We are at the beginning of a major shift out of paper assets into real assets. Those that are starting to come to this revelation have no real understanding what they are doing when they are buying gold. Sure they might get that it is rare and might remember their grandfather saying buy to gold, but they have not gone through the educational process necessary to truly grasp what they are doing. When I wanted to get out of paper assets, I bought gold as a gut reaction. The more I learned about silver, the more I realized that silver was the smart decision.
10 Reasons Why Gold Is The Gut Reaction And Why Silver Is The Smart Decision
We are at the beginning of a major shift out of paper assets into real assets. Those that are starting to come to this revelation have no real understanding what they are doing when they are buying gold. Sure they might get that it is rare and might remember their grandfather saying buy to gold, but they have not gone through the educational process necessary to truly grasp what they are doing. When I wanted to get out of paper assets, I bought gold as a gut reaction. The more I learned about silver, the more I realized that silver was the smart decision.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Decentralized Money
I agree that digital, fully encrypted, decentralized money is the future. Possibly even backed by gold. However, as he states there are many kinks to be worked out. I will be adding to my bitcoin collection in another month or so just for fun to see what happens.
Decentralized Money
This is the hope of those promoting the first truly decentralized digital money, bitcoin. Because it is new and experimental, it is controversial and risky. It is in a phase of development something like the Wild West or the Gold Rush, when enthusiastic homesteaders and prospectors risked everything for dreams of abundance and a better life, but sometimes found hardship or ruin instead.
But over time the bugs should be worked out of bitcoin or its successors. Decentralized digital money is here to stay and will be equally important and complementary to gold and silver as an alternative to centrally controlled fiat debt money. Besides being decentralized, it has the potential to be convenient, relatively secure, circulate easily, and even has an effective intrinsic value by virtue of its scarcity.
Decentralized Money
This is the hope of those promoting the first truly decentralized digital money, bitcoin. Because it is new and experimental, it is controversial and risky. It is in a phase of development something like the Wild West or the Gold Rush, when enthusiastic homesteaders and prospectors risked everything for dreams of abundance and a better life, but sometimes found hardship or ruin instead.
But over time the bugs should be worked out of bitcoin or its successors. Decentralized digital money is here to stay and will be equally important and complementary to gold and silver as an alternative to centrally controlled fiat debt money. Besides being decentralized, it has the potential to be convenient, relatively secure, circulate easily, and even has an effective intrinsic value by virtue of its scarcity.
Who Are The Powers That Be?
Who Are The Powers That Be?

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Pyramid Discoveries Will Force History To Be Re-Written
Real history isn't that boring garbage you are taught in your slave-programming education system. Real human history reads better than a science fiction novel, and absolutely fascinates me.
Pyramid Discoveries Will Force History To Be Re-Written

The world's largest and oldest pyramid has been discovered in Bosnia
A pyramid has been discovered in Bosnia-Herzegovina that are larger, older and more perfectly oriented than Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza. Located near the city of Visoko, not only is it the first pyramid to be discovered in Europe, but it is also the largest valley of pyramids in the world.
Pyramid Discoveries Will Force History To Be Re-Written
The world's largest and oldest pyramid has been discovered in Bosnia
A pyramid has been discovered in Bosnia-Herzegovina that are larger, older and more perfectly oriented than Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza. Located near the city of Visoko, not only is it the first pyramid to be discovered in Europe, but it is also the largest valley of pyramids in the world.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Food Stamp Use Surges By Most In Years As Alabama Foodstamp Recipients Double In May
As the article points out, not only is about 15% on the population on food stamps, but 1/3 of Alabama is. And it's getting worse, and it's getting worse, and it's going to get worse.
Food Stamp Use Surges By Most In Years As Alabama Foodstamp Recipients Double In May

It appears that GDP data revisions are not the only thing that the administration enjoys fudging with in order to make the Chinese ministry of Truth seem like a real ministry of truth. After last month the data for April food stamp recipients indicated the we may, just may, be reaching an inflection point in the foodstamp participation following a mere 60 thousand jump in those receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), today's just released data confirmed that the BLS and BEA may have had a hand or two when determining this latest data series. Because the just announced jump in foodstamp usage of over 1.1 million is entirely out of the blue, and as the chart below shows, is the highest single monthly jump in Foodstamp participation since mid 2009, when eligibility requirements were adjusted. Yes, that's 45.8 million people (obviously an all time record) living on foodstamps which amount to the whopping $133.80 per person (an increase of $0.54 M/M) and $283.65 (an increase of $1.29) per household. Obviously, annualizing the latest monthly rate of 1.1 million people, it means that over 13 million Americans will live on about one third what the cheapest iPad costs in about a year.
Food Stamp Use Surges By Most In Years As Alabama Foodstamp Recipients Double In May
It appears that GDP data revisions are not the only thing that the administration enjoys fudging with in order to make the Chinese ministry of Truth seem like a real ministry of truth. After last month the data for April food stamp recipients indicated the we may, just may, be reaching an inflection point in the foodstamp participation following a mere 60 thousand jump in those receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), today's just released data confirmed that the BLS and BEA may have had a hand or two when determining this latest data series. Because the just announced jump in foodstamp usage of over 1.1 million is entirely out of the blue, and as the chart below shows, is the highest single monthly jump in Foodstamp participation since mid 2009, when eligibility requirements were adjusted. Yes, that's 45.8 million people (obviously an all time record) living on foodstamps which amount to the whopping $133.80 per person (an increase of $0.54 M/M) and $283.65 (an increase of $1.29) per household. Obviously, annualizing the latest monthly rate of 1.1 million people, it means that over 13 million Americans will live on about one third what the cheapest iPad costs in about a year.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Your Greatest Asset is Yourself
Usually I just bounce around articles here, but I'll write an original post for once.
Your Greatest Asset is Yourself
As we go through the financial collapse, you must remember this fact: Your greatest asset is yourself. I don't remember where I read this, but it was many years ago and it was in regards to investments, and the idea has stuck with me. What this means is that the best way to spend your capital is to invest in your greatest asset, yourself. This means learning, both written knowledge and experiential, such as learning latin or to scuba dive or play guitar or drive a boat or jump out of an airplane with a parachute or fly the airplane. Everything you do to enhance your being enhances the value of yourself, your greatest asset.
They can take everything you have, or you can lose it. Everything, except, your self. It just so happens that your greatest asset is yours and always will be. When you stand naked in the shower you are still you. You have lost nothing because you are yourself and material objects are strictly irrelevant. This is the dirty little secret they don't want you to know about. Money, while nice, doesn't gauge you as a person. Money is kind of like a power tool in the sense that you use it, and it makes your labor easier, but it is just a tool. It isn't YOU. So taking that vacation to mexico and riding those 4-wheelers enhances you, which is an investment. Stacking up your 401k does nothing, in fact, it wastes your potential, it hides away your labor. Buying a boat and going fishing enhances you, but bragging about it does not. Knowing how to shoot a gun enhances your value, but talking about a strong American military force does not. Knowing what money is enhances your greatest asset's worth, but acquiring lots of it does not.
When it gets really bad out there in a few years, you will find many people around you who are scared shitless because everything they've been taught will be found out to be a fraud. And, all their ideas about their value, a.k.a. their wealth, will be be ripped from them. But if you understand that your greatest asset is yourself and it can't be taken from you then you have THE SHIELD. It will pass you over like the wind does while you are sitting on the beach with a cocktail.
Live. Learn. Love. Laugh.
Living uses your greatest asset. Learning enhances your greatest asset. Loving shares with others your greatest asset. Laugh... why not? Laughing is a part of Living.
Your Greatest Asset is Yourself
As we go through the financial collapse, you must remember this fact: Your greatest asset is yourself. I don't remember where I read this, but it was many years ago and it was in regards to investments, and the idea has stuck with me. What this means is that the best way to spend your capital is to invest in your greatest asset, yourself. This means learning, both written knowledge and experiential, such as learning latin or to scuba dive or play guitar or drive a boat or jump out of an airplane with a parachute or fly the airplane. Everything you do to enhance your being enhances the value of yourself, your greatest asset.
They can take everything you have, or you can lose it. Everything, except, your self. It just so happens that your greatest asset is yours and always will be. When you stand naked in the shower you are still you. You have lost nothing because you are yourself and material objects are strictly irrelevant. This is the dirty little secret they don't want you to know about. Money, while nice, doesn't gauge you as a person. Money is kind of like a power tool in the sense that you use it, and it makes your labor easier, but it is just a tool. It isn't YOU. So taking that vacation to mexico and riding those 4-wheelers enhances you, which is an investment. Stacking up your 401k does nothing, in fact, it wastes your potential, it hides away your labor. Buying a boat and going fishing enhances you, but bragging about it does not. Knowing how to shoot a gun enhances your value, but talking about a strong American military force does not. Knowing what money is enhances your greatest asset's worth, but acquiring lots of it does not.
When it gets really bad out there in a few years, you will find many people around you who are scared shitless because everything they've been taught will be found out to be a fraud. And, all their ideas about their value, a.k.a. their wealth, will be be ripped from them. But if you understand that your greatest asset is yourself and it can't be taken from you then you have THE SHIELD. It will pass you over like the wind does while you are sitting on the beach with a cocktail.
Live. Learn. Love. Laugh.
Living uses your greatest asset. Learning enhances your greatest asset. Loving shares with others your greatest asset. Laugh... why not? Laughing is a part of Living.
How to Beat the System and Stay Alive
I have been actively trying to understand how to resist the machine with non violence and also without causing personal harm. This writer also has come to my conclusion. Systematically disconnect your self from the system, create your own system, stop feeding the machine. Do favors and work for free. Trade your time with your neighbors. Sell your paper digital money, pay off debt, and buy physical gold and silver, starve the beast.
The key is disconnecting yourself and starving the beast by denying your participation. We are the energy that drives the system, they are only vampiric. We have to build another reality and system BEFORE this one crashes. It is crashing, the signs are all around us.
How to Beat the System and Stay Alive
The Secessio method
Stop feeding the Machine.
There is no need to flee your home.
The beauty of the XXI century is that to disappear, we need to do less, not make an extra effort.
The Machine understands only 2 things: money and power – deny it both.
Resist any offer they peddle – look for what you need, not for what they want you to owe them for.
Use money only if there is no other way – try to do things for free, because they must be done, because you want them to happen, or exchange favors with neighbors.
Use cash only.
Kill 2 birds with one stone: withdraw paper money from the vicious circle and invest into your independence – PMs, clean seeds, solar power, water, tools – the works.
Cancel your credit card.
Quit the banks.
Guard your real name, phone, address, email. Have a few sets of those; use the real ones only when the Machine focuses on you specifically.
Stay away from newspapers, websites, TV programs they want you to keep up with – find the ones you will enjoy.
Ignore franchises, support neighbors.
Minimize your online footprint – if you need details about this one, please let me know in the comments.
Meet new people, be confident, positive and open. It’s the most devastating blow to the system that needs us all depressed, scared, dumbed down and armored up.
Probability of getting to live on your terms: 99/100.
Probability of bringing the starvation of the system closer: 99/100.
No violence, no resistance, pure nothing.
The smaller your footprint, the bigger the effect.
The key is disconnecting yourself and starving the beast by denying your participation. We are the energy that drives the system, they are only vampiric. We have to build another reality and system BEFORE this one crashes. It is crashing, the signs are all around us.
How to Beat the System and Stay Alive
The Secessio method
Stop feeding the Machine.
There is no need to flee your home.
The beauty of the XXI century is that to disappear, we need to do less, not make an extra effort.
The Machine understands only 2 things: money and power – deny it both.
Resist any offer they peddle – look for what you need, not for what they want you to owe them for.
Use money only if there is no other way – try to do things for free, because they must be done, because you want them to happen, or exchange favors with neighbors.
Use cash only.
Kill 2 birds with one stone: withdraw paper money from the vicious circle and invest into your independence – PMs, clean seeds, solar power, water, tools – the works.
Cancel your credit card.
Quit the banks.
Guard your real name, phone, address, email. Have a few sets of those; use the real ones only when the Machine focuses on you specifically.
Stay away from newspapers, websites, TV programs they want you to keep up with – find the ones you will enjoy.
Ignore franchises, support neighbors.
Minimize your online footprint – if you need details about this one, please let me know in the comments.
Meet new people, be confident, positive and open. It’s the most devastating blow to the system that needs us all depressed, scared, dumbed down and armored up.
Probability of getting to live on your terms: 99/100.
Probability of bringing the starvation of the system closer: 99/100.
No violence, no resistance, pure nothing.
The smaller your footprint, the bigger the effect.
Chapman - Gold and silver to double by february as a minimum
Long and strong.
Chapman - Gold and silver to double by february as a minimum
Chapman - Gold and silver to double by february as a minimum
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