Hopefully you have a few hours to spare. This is one of the better compilations of ideas in my 'alternative' search for truth. Truth? Don't know at this point. In a world full of lies, it's hard to know the truth. Just trying to study the financial markets of the world for the past few years, leads me time and time again, back to this stuff. There is something here that is very, very, very important.
Hope your mind is hungry because this is some food for thought.
*AGE OF DECEIT* (FULL) Fallen Angels and the New World Order
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.
Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Ron Paul on Jon Stewart's Show
It's about Liberty. It's about Freedom. It's about Responsibility. It's about stay out of my Life and let me Live it however I want to. It's not the only solution and it won't fix things overnight, but it's one good step in the only direction that matters.
Ron Paul 4 Prez 2012
Ron Paul 4 Prez 2012
Cartoon Money Education
This is what the public school system should be teaching. Inflation from a cartoon's perspective. This was posted up on http://dont-tread-on.me
Here are two cartoons to help America understand what inflation is all about.
Here are two cartoons to help America understand what inflation is all about.
The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas
Truth stranger than fiction. Open your Mind.
It's called mind control, brainwashing, beta programming, sex kitten programming, monarch programming, etc. It's based on trauma (physical, mental, sexual), and the natural human mind response to 'dissociate' from reality, thus to get away from the trauma.
The signs are all around you. Learn them. Ignorance is not an excuse.
The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas
It's called mind control, brainwashing, beta programming, sex kitten programming, monarch programming, etc. It's based on trauma (physical, mental, sexual), and the natural human mind response to 'dissociate' from reality, thus to get away from the trauma.
The signs are all around you. Learn them. Ignorance is not an excuse.
The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sociopathic Trader Dreams of Depression
Want to know who our enemy is? Hint: It's not brown people who ride camels and live in caves on the opposite side of the world. It's a cartel popularly known as the Banksters. Of course they have many names and Illuminati is also one of them.
It's people like this guy, at least he is being honest:
Sociopathic Trader Dreams of Depression
“The governments don’t rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world,” said Alessio Rastani. “This economic crisis is like a cancer, if you just wait and wait thinking this will go away, just like a cancer it’s going to grow and it’s going to be too late,” he continued. “The savings of millions of people are going to vanish” in less than a year.
Rastani said he dreams of recessions. “Personally, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for three years. I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession.”
In other words, like any other sociopath, he is indifferent to the suffering of other people. Misery and even death are merely opportunities to make a lot of money. “For most traders we don’t really care about having a fixed economy, having a fixed situation, our job is to make money from it,” he said.
It's people like this guy, at least he is being honest:
Sociopathic Trader Dreams of Depression
“The governments don’t rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world,” said Alessio Rastani. “This economic crisis is like a cancer, if you just wait and wait thinking this will go away, just like a cancer it’s going to grow and it’s going to be too late,” he continued. “The savings of millions of people are going to vanish” in less than a year.
Rastani said he dreams of recessions. “Personally, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for three years. I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession.”
In other words, like any other sociopath, he is indifferent to the suffering of other people. Misery and even death are merely opportunities to make a lot of money. “For most traders we don’t really care about having a fixed economy, having a fixed situation, our job is to make money from it,” he said.
A Money Changer Interview: Exter
While my understanding has only come in the past several years, and
perhaps yours only recently or not quite yet fully, here is an
interview with Exter, who knew this was coming 40 or 50 years ago.
Quite amazing... But of course that is what you get with a
sheeple-training public education system.
Ignorance will not protect your financial future.
A Money Changer Interview: Exter
EXTER The most important one is this flight to currency. It is
bigger than anything I expected right now. We are still having
troubles with banks, thrifts, insurance companies, & others, which
will cause more people to move down to Treasury bills & currency. At
some point they will go to gold. We’re at the threshold of that
point. When they go to gold instead of currency or Treasury bills,
the price of gold will take off. It will be a bandwagon everyone will
want to get on. Then even those who have bought currency will see how
foolish they were & that gold is far better to hold than currency,
that it is the best store of value money man has ever found. It’s
stupid for people to hold currency. The Fed can simply print all they
want at very low cost. Paper money is as abundant as leaves on trees.
MONEYCHANGER When that happens, however, it won’t be simply a larger
number of people investing in gold: overnight it will become a buying
panic. All that backs those Federal Reserve notes is confidence.
When that breaks, there’s no safety net at all. The financial system
will just fall 50 stories & hit the pavement.
EXTER That’s right, but most people unfortunately will not recognise
this until they see the price of gold shooting up. Gold has been in
the doldrums for a full decade, & many people have concluded it’s a
bad investment. Those who bought currency instead of gold just did
not understand what they were doing. They knew they wanted to get out
of deposits because they were afraid of the banks & S&Ls. The only
sure refuge they knew was currency. It may be the “coin of the
realm,” but it’s still only paper IOU-nothings.
MONEYCHANGER The instinct is correct, but the means is wrong. The
government & the Fed have intentionally kept Americans ignorant of the
advantages of gold. After 40 years of planned ignorance it’s no
wonder so few understand gold’s value. In effect they are running to
gold, but it’s paper “gold”. It’s the same intent & motive.
EXTER They don’t realise that gold is money, the best store of value
money that man has ever found over thousands of years. Also, gold is
money world-wide; dollars are money only in the United States. So it
is not Americans only who have been stupid: it is people the world
MONEYCHANGER When a number do realise it, we’ll have the problem of
very many people trying to press through a very small door all at
once. That can only happen if gold’s price rises very, very rapidly.
You’re looking for a world-wide depression. That would clear out the
debt bubble that’s built up over the years & liquidate the bad debt.
How long will that last?
EXTER The rest of my life & longer. It’ll be decades. This will be
an economic catastrophe on a scale never before seen in history. We
can see it coming now. Even in the published figures, deposits are
shrinking. Bank & thrift balance sheets are shrinking by much more
than the figures published by the Federal Reserve, because many assets
have not yet been written down & they are getting worse & worse by the
day. We have had more than three decades of heady expansion. We have
now entered a merciless contraction from which gold is by far the best
perhaps yours only recently or not quite yet fully, here is an
interview with Exter, who knew this was coming 40 or 50 years ago.
Quite amazing... But of course that is what you get with a
sheeple-training public education system.
Ignorance will not protect your financial future.
A Money Changer Interview: Exter
EXTER The most important one is this flight to currency. It is
bigger than anything I expected right now. We are still having
troubles with banks, thrifts, insurance companies, & others, which
will cause more people to move down to Treasury bills & currency. At
some point they will go to gold. We’re at the threshold of that
point. When they go to gold instead of currency or Treasury bills,
the price of gold will take off. It will be a bandwagon everyone will
want to get on. Then even those who have bought currency will see how
foolish they were & that gold is far better to hold than currency,
that it is the best store of value money man has ever found. It’s
stupid for people to hold currency. The Fed can simply print all they
want at very low cost. Paper money is as abundant as leaves on trees.
MONEYCHANGER When that happens, however, it won’t be simply a larger
number of people investing in gold: overnight it will become a buying
panic. All that backs those Federal Reserve notes is confidence.
When that breaks, there’s no safety net at all. The financial system
will just fall 50 stories & hit the pavement.
EXTER That’s right, but most people unfortunately will not recognise
this until they see the price of gold shooting up. Gold has been in
the doldrums for a full decade, & many people have concluded it’s a
bad investment. Those who bought currency instead of gold just did
not understand what they were doing. They knew they wanted to get out
of deposits because they were afraid of the banks & S&Ls. The only
sure refuge they knew was currency. It may be the “coin of the
realm,” but it’s still only paper IOU-nothings.
MONEYCHANGER The instinct is correct, but the means is wrong. The
government & the Fed have intentionally kept Americans ignorant of the
advantages of gold. After 40 years of planned ignorance it’s no
wonder so few understand gold’s value. In effect they are running to
gold, but it’s paper “gold”. It’s the same intent & motive.
EXTER They don’t realise that gold is money, the best store of value
money that man has ever found over thousands of years. Also, gold is
money world-wide; dollars are money only in the United States. So it
is not Americans only who have been stupid: it is people the world
MONEYCHANGER When a number do realise it, we’ll have the problem of
very many people trying to press through a very small door all at
once. That can only happen if gold’s price rises very, very rapidly.
You’re looking for a world-wide depression. That would clear out the
debt bubble that’s built up over the years & liquidate the bad debt.
How long will that last?
EXTER The rest of my life & longer. It’ll be decades. This will be
an economic catastrophe on a scale never before seen in history. We
can see it coming now. Even in the published figures, deposits are
shrinking. Bank & thrift balance sheets are shrinking by much more
than the figures published by the Federal Reserve, because many assets
have not yet been written down & they are getting worse & worse by the
day. We have had more than three decades of heady expansion. We have
now entered a merciless contraction from which gold is by far the best
Olive oil and nuts in diet control heart disease better than dangerous drug therapies
Good health is as simple as eating good, organic food.
Olive oil and nuts in diet control heart disease better than dangerous drug therapies
(NaturalNews) More vindication for a natural Mediterranean-style diet, including plenty of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and nuts, was revealed in an advanced study published by the prestigious journal Atherosclerosis. Early results from a Spanish study with more than 7500 participants demonstrates that high quantities of dietary EVOO and a variety of different species of nuts is more effective in managing and preventing a heart event than traditional drug therapy. Many physicians place their patients on the standard prescription of beta blockers and ACE inhibitors in a desperate effort to prevent advancing heart disease, even though repeated studies prove these drugs are detrimental to long-term health. Include copious amounts of EVOO and nuts in your diet to dramatically lower heart disease risk and avoid the need for risk drugs.
Olive oil and nuts in diet control heart disease better than dangerous drug therapies
(NaturalNews) More vindication for a natural Mediterranean-style diet, including plenty of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and nuts, was revealed in an advanced study published by the prestigious journal Atherosclerosis. Early results from a Spanish study with more than 7500 participants demonstrates that high quantities of dietary EVOO and a variety of different species of nuts is more effective in managing and preventing a heart event than traditional drug therapy. Many physicians place their patients on the standard prescription of beta blockers and ACE inhibitors in a desperate effort to prevent advancing heart disease, even though repeated studies prove these drugs are detrimental to long-term health. Include copious amounts of EVOO and nuts in your diet to dramatically lower heart disease risk and avoid the need for risk drugs.
Monday, September 26, 2011
True Independence: My Apology Part II
Food for thought. Just being mentally prepared will make you more prepared than 99% of Americans.
True Independence: My Apology Part II
In my last article we addressed the following points; (Part I), How to grow your food, (Part II) How to store your food, (Part III) How to locate your refuge, (Part IV) How to build your refuge. Now, as we move into Parts V-VII we will get into some controversial material. Some of you will probably get mad and stop reading at some point, some will get mad and never read another thing I write, some will say “Big Deal” and a few might even say thanks. No matter how you feel please remember this, I have seen numerous countries fall. I saw what everyday ordinary citizens did to survive when they were caught unprepared and I have even seen what a mother will do to her newborn child in order to insure her own survival. No matter how much you disagree with what I will say, I say it because I have seen it. If it has happened 4 times in four separate countries it can and will happen again. When and where is what we have to prepare for. Ready? Here we go.
True Independence: My Apology Part II
In my last article we addressed the following points; (Part I), How to grow your food, (Part II) How to store your food, (Part III) How to locate your refuge, (Part IV) How to build your refuge. Now, as we move into Parts V-VII we will get into some controversial material. Some of you will probably get mad and stop reading at some point, some will get mad and never read another thing I write, some will say “Big Deal” and a few might even say thanks. No matter how you feel please remember this, I have seen numerous countries fall. I saw what everyday ordinary citizens did to survive when they were caught unprepared and I have even seen what a mother will do to her newborn child in order to insure her own survival. No matter how much you disagree with what I will say, I say it because I have seen it. If it has happened 4 times in four separate countries it can and will happen again. When and where is what we have to prepare for. Ready? Here we go.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sprott Money Temporarily Runs Out of Physical Silver
The manipulated smackdowns are no longer scaring people away from metals. Now people are wising up and buying as much as they can on dips like these.
Sprott Money Temporarily Runs Out of Physical Silver
“It’s been pretty wild, especially the last three or four days because of the price drop. People are trading in their paper money for gold and silver, but we are seeing more purchases of silver net. In fact the buying has been really skewed in favor of silver, there is tremendous demand.”
“We have completely run out of physical silver, so we are temporarily out of stock. You have to remember, Eric, that like Dubai, we only sell product that is on our shelves, that we have in stock. We do expect a shipment later today, which will allow us to restock and give us more product to sell.
Our clients are very savvy, sophisticated and when a price drop of this magnitude occurs, they step in and buy very aggressively. Right now there is dramatically increased volume and what we are seeing is buying across all spectrums in terms of the size of the orders.
Sprott Money Temporarily Runs Out of Physical Silver
“It’s been pretty wild, especially the last three or four days because of the price drop. People are trading in their paper money for gold and silver, but we are seeing more purchases of silver net. In fact the buying has been really skewed in favor of silver, there is tremendous demand.”
“We have completely run out of physical silver, so we are temporarily out of stock. You have to remember, Eric, that like Dubai, we only sell product that is on our shelves, that we have in stock. We do expect a shipment later today, which will allow us to restock and give us more product to sell.
Our clients are very savvy, sophisticated and when a price drop of this magnitude occurs, they step in and buy very aggressively. Right now there is dramatically increased volume and what we are seeing is buying across all spectrums in terms of the size of the orders.
Must Own Phyzz to Survive
With the latest price smackdown, now is a great time to stack some more phyzz PMs.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Timeline of a 100-Year Bank Robbery
Timeline of a 100-Year Bank Robbery

“Gold is money, and nothing else.”
–JP Morgan, 1913
1. December 23, 1913 Gold was $20/ounce. The Federal Reserve Act is signed into law, ending a half-century of price stability in America.
2. July, 1944 Only eleven years after Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, and the Federal Reserve nationalized America’s privately held gold bullion (paying out just $20.67/ounce), The Bretton-Woods System fixed the U.S. dollar to gold at $35/ounce. The dollar had lost 43% of its purchasing power in only 31 years under the Federal Reserve.
“Gold is money, and nothing else.”
–JP Morgan, 1913
1. December 23, 1913 Gold was $20/ounce. The Federal Reserve Act is signed into law, ending a half-century of price stability in America.
2. July, 1944 Only eleven years after Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, and the Federal Reserve nationalized America’s privately held gold bullion (paying out just $20.67/ounce), The Bretton-Woods System fixed the U.S. dollar to gold at $35/ounce. The dollar had lost 43% of its purchasing power in only 31 years under the Federal Reserve.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Try these simple lighting tips for better sleep
I have tons of what I call 'light pollution' in my environment. When I 'settle down' in the future, I will see to it that I do these things. The blue lights are horrible! All my electronics have blue lights and I have to put paper or tape over them to block out the blue light. Alas, I cannot remove it altogether.
Try these simple lighting tips for better sleep
1. Low lights after sunset. This is crucial to help your body recover a natural circadian rhythm. After the sun goes down, avoid the use of overhead lights and instead use lamps at table height. This simulates the firelight our ancestors would have been exposed to after dark, whereas overhead lights simulate sunlight and prevent your body from realizing it's time to rest.
2. Use low-watt bulbs. No need for bright, 100-watt bulbs in the evenings. For the last one to two hours before bed, use bulbs with a lower light output.
3. No blue before bed. Blue lighting simulates daylight. In the evenings, use bulbs that give off more yellow light. Lamp shades in gold or red tones can help simulate natural evening light and help you get to sleep.
4. Cut back on electronics before bed. Research shows that using electronics like televisions, computers or cell phones before bed contributes to sleep problems. Limit their use in the hour or two before bedtime. (If you need to use the computer at night, there is free software you can download to help your computer's light simulate the natural light cycles of your region.)
5. Block window light. Street lamps or flood lights can shine through windows and are sometimes as bright as daylight! Get some curtains that block out light if you have trouble with light shining through your windows at night.
6. Bright lights in the morning. Did you know the light you see in the morning can affect your sleep at night? Expose yourself to the bright morning light as soon as you wake up if possible. If you can't get outdoors, try a sun lamp for 15 to 30 minutes in the morning. Many report that sun lamps are very effective for restoring natural sleep cycles.
Try these simple lighting tips for better sleep
1. Low lights after sunset. This is crucial to help your body recover a natural circadian rhythm. After the sun goes down, avoid the use of overhead lights and instead use lamps at table height. This simulates the firelight our ancestors would have been exposed to after dark, whereas overhead lights simulate sunlight and prevent your body from realizing it's time to rest.
2. Use low-watt bulbs. No need for bright, 100-watt bulbs in the evenings. For the last one to two hours before bed, use bulbs with a lower light output.
3. No blue before bed. Blue lighting simulates daylight. In the evenings, use bulbs that give off more yellow light. Lamp shades in gold or red tones can help simulate natural evening light and help you get to sleep.
4. Cut back on electronics before bed. Research shows that using electronics like televisions, computers or cell phones before bed contributes to sleep problems. Limit their use in the hour or two before bedtime. (If you need to use the computer at night, there is free software you can download to help your computer's light simulate the natural light cycles of your region.)
5. Block window light. Street lamps or flood lights can shine through windows and are sometimes as bright as daylight! Get some curtains that block out light if you have trouble with light shining through your windows at night.
6. Bright lights in the morning. Did you know the light you see in the morning can affect your sleep at night? Expose yourself to the bright morning light as soon as you wake up if possible. If you can't get outdoors, try a sun lamp for 15 to 30 minutes in the morning. Many report that sun lamps are very effective for restoring natural sleep cycles.
Valedictorian Speaks Out Against School
People are waking up and speaking out en masse now. This woman is saying exactly what I agree with. The organized education system is a mind-*&^% and is, unfortunately, a nationalized indoctrination system. I want to learn forever, but not what 'they' tell you to do, and not at 'their' pace.
Congressman Ron Paul Wins 2011 California Straw Poll
The underground, distributed, non-mainstream media, infowar... is winning.
All Ron Paul wants to do is end the fed, end the wars, bring our troops home, instill a stable honest money (gold and silver backed), and reduce the size and power of government to what is mandated by the constitution.
And his voting record is perfect.
Ron Paul 4 Prez 2012.
Congressman Ron Paul Wins 2011 California Straw Poll
2011 Straw Poll Full Results (Votes, %)
Congressman Ron Paul (374, 44.9%)
Governor Rick Perry (244, 29.3%)
Mitt Romney (74, 8.8%)
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (64, 7.7%)
Jon Huntsman (17, 2.0%)
Herman Cain (15, 1.8%)
Newt Gingrich (14, 1.7%)
Thad McCotter (7, 0.8%)
Rick Santorum (7, 0.8%)
Gary Johnson (2, 0.2%)
Fred Karger (1, 0.1%)
Write-ins (15, 1.8%)
All Ron Paul wants to do is end the fed, end the wars, bring our troops home, instill a stable honest money (gold and silver backed), and reduce the size and power of government to what is mandated by the constitution.
And his voting record is perfect.
Ron Paul 4 Prez 2012.
Congressman Ron Paul Wins 2011 California Straw Poll
2011 Straw Poll Full Results (Votes, %)
Congressman Ron Paul (374, 44.9%)
Governor Rick Perry (244, 29.3%)
Mitt Romney (74, 8.8%)
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (64, 7.7%)
Jon Huntsman (17, 2.0%)
Herman Cain (15, 1.8%)
Newt Gingrich (14, 1.7%)
Thad McCotter (7, 0.8%)
Rick Santorum (7, 0.8%)
Gary Johnson (2, 0.2%)
Fred Karger (1, 0.1%)
Write-ins (15, 1.8%)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Ron Paul 4 Prez 2012
The system is dying and crumbling. The end is mathematically inevitable. All we can do at this point is to prepare for it, and try to minimize the damage it causes. Ron Paul will help us in this cause. End the Wars. End the Fed. End the Bankster/Corporation buyout of government. Restore sound money (silver, gold).
It really isn't that difficult. Stop voting for puppet leaders.
Vote for Ron Paul 2012.
It really isn't that difficult. Stop voting for puppet leaders.
Vote for Ron Paul 2012.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A Decade of Denial and Deception
Another very good piece by the Silver Shield. I have only finished the first of four parts.
A Decade of Denial and Deception
“It is said that men go mad in herds, and only come to their senses slowly, and one by one.” -Charles MacKay
9/11 is the biggest event in our life time, and yet here we sit a decade later, and the average American has not put any logical thought into what happened that day. For the most part, Americans were driven by emotional, almost animalistic, herd mentality into multiple wars, loss of liberties and explosive generational debt. We were driven by the fear of Mushroom Clouds and Weapons of Mass Destruction that were only found in our minds. When I look back at how much our world has changed over the past decade since 9/11, it is astounding to me how much death and debt could have been avoided if we just came face to face with reality.
In this article I am going to take a very different approach of explaining what happened that beautiful Tuesday in September. Not only will I present evidence to you, I will place the proper political, social, historical, economic and psychological context. It is only from there can people really come to terms and truly understand what happened that day. One other thing I am going to insist of you, is that you question everything I show you. If you can do that simple thing, you will be well on your way to a much bigger and freer world.
A Decade of Denial and Deception
“It is said that men go mad in herds, and only come to their senses slowly, and one by one.” -Charles MacKay
9/11 is the biggest event in our life time, and yet here we sit a decade later, and the average American has not put any logical thought into what happened that day. For the most part, Americans were driven by emotional, almost animalistic, herd mentality into multiple wars, loss of liberties and explosive generational debt. We were driven by the fear of Mushroom Clouds and Weapons of Mass Destruction that were only found in our minds. When I look back at how much our world has changed over the past decade since 9/11, it is astounding to me how much death and debt could have been avoided if we just came face to face with reality.
In this article I am going to take a very different approach of explaining what happened that beautiful Tuesday in September. Not only will I present evidence to you, I will place the proper political, social, historical, economic and psychological context. It is only from there can people really come to terms and truly understand what happened that day. One other thing I am going to insist of you, is that you question everything I show you. If you can do that simple thing, you will be well on your way to a much bigger and freer world.
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Idea Of Unattainable Silver Is Catching On
Keep stacking. I'm hoping to pick up some land with my silver when it's all said and done.
The Idea Of Unattainable Silver Is Catching On
Articles promoting $500, $1,000 or $12,000 silver price targets miss the whole point of buying silver. We are investing in silver not to get more fiat currency in the future, we are invest for the mathematically inevitable collapse of fiat currency. I put this crazy little theory out there in my first blog post at the beginning of the year about silver not being available at any price. The ideas was based upon a few factors.
The Idea Of Unattainable Silver Is Catching On
Articles promoting $500, $1,000 or $12,000 silver price targets miss the whole point of buying silver. We are investing in silver not to get more fiat currency in the future, we are invest for the mathematically inevitable collapse of fiat currency. I put this crazy little theory out there in my first blog post at the beginning of the year about silver not being available at any price. The ideas was based upon a few factors.
Eric Sprott - From Here Silver is a 30 Bagger to $1,200
That is x30 from where we are now. That means 10k worth of silver today could be worth 300k in a few years.
Keep stacking.
Eric Sprott - From Here Silver is a 30 Bagger to $1,200
When asked where he sees the price of silver headed Sprott responded, “I think silver will outperform gold in the next decade. If silver should trade at a 16 to 1 ratio (to gold), it will probably trade at 10 to 1 because things tend to overshoot. Let’s use Jim Sinclair’s $12,000 target, that would suggest $1,200 silver, which is a thirty bagger from here...The biggest reason it (silver) should go there is people should fear bank deposits, that’s what I think they should fear.”
Keep stacking.
Eric Sprott - From Here Silver is a 30 Bagger to $1,200
When asked where he sees the price of silver headed Sprott responded, “I think silver will outperform gold in the next decade. If silver should trade at a 16 to 1 ratio (to gold), it will probably trade at 10 to 1 because things tend to overshoot. Let’s use Jim Sinclair’s $12,000 target, that would suggest $1,200 silver, which is a thirty bagger from here...The biggest reason it (silver) should go there is people should fear bank deposits, that’s what I think they should fear.”
Thursday, September 8, 2011
don't be foolzed gold
I just want to make a brief comment, that if you think that the picture in my previous post is all that matters in the world you have something seriously wrong with your soul.
Sound money is important, but being a good human requires none. Efficient economies need sound (stable money, but efficient souls do not.
In our quest for financial freedom from the banksters and the Illuminati, don't lose sight of what is important. Important is health, friends, family, loved ones, parents, children, gardens, nature, etc... you get the idea.
Money is a tool. A power saw makes cutting easier. A power screw-gun makes driving screws easier. A hammer helps with nails. Money is a tool that helps economies function better. Never forget that. Money is only a tool. It isn't the stuff of life that really matters.
Keep stacking. It's a tool to your financial freedom.
Sound money is important, but being a good human requires none. Efficient economies need sound (stable money, but efficient souls do not.
In our quest for financial freedom from the banksters and the Illuminati, don't lose sight of what is important. Important is health, friends, family, loved ones, parents, children, gardens, nature, etc... you get the idea.
Money is a tool. A power saw makes cutting easier. A power screw-gun makes driving screws easier. A hammer helps with nails. Money is a tool that helps economies function better. Never forget that. Money is only a tool. It isn't the stuff of life that really matters.
Keep stacking. It's a tool to your financial freedom.
A Man Can Dream
If I had the stash shown below, I'd never have to work another day in my life. Unless I wanted to.

Truth stranger than fiction
This is a nasa picture of saturn, just taken, with the sun behind, illuminating the rings and dust orbiting saturn.
We live on a beautiful planet in a fascinating solar system with unimaginable planet and moon neighbors in a enormous galaxy in an infinite universe, which is probably only one of many universes.
I might add, most of the atoms in our bodies are created only in the death of stars and supernovas, and nowhere else.
This is a nasa picture of saturn, just taken, with the sun behind, illuminating the rings and dust orbiting saturn.
We live on a beautiful planet in a fascinating solar system with unimaginable planet and moon neighbors in a enormous galaxy in an infinite universe, which is probably only one of many universes.
I might add, most of the atoms in our bodies are created only in the death of stars and supernovas, and nowhere else.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Music Lesson Tuesday, Again
I've posted this song before I think, but I'll do it again. Musicians and Comics talk openly about this stuff, but very few listen. Time to start Listening.
"What's so civilized about war anyway?"
Quick some lyrics:
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men.
"Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before
Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before"
"My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars"
"My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars"
"What's so civilized about war anyway?"
Quick some lyrics:
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men.
"Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before
Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before"
"My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars"
"My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars"
Don’t Tread On Me
This guy right now is one of my favorite reads, if you can see that by my postings. "Don't tread on me" is the same as the "golden rule", "god's law", and "the common law".

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
Keep stacking the phyzz with whatever you have available. Or buy a nice sterling silver dining set. Or a fancy sterling silver goblet (something I still want). It doesn't matter, get the precious. Endure the pain, the time is coming.
From Wikipedia: Meek:
Meek is very nearly equivalent in common usage to humble.
Strictly the two are not synonyms, as they are mutually exclusive, once you know the exact meaning & appreciate the etymology.
Meekness differs from humbleness in that meek people give up something, perhaps a right or an argument to appear humble to others, & to prevent sometimes petty differences escalating into a greater problem disproportionate to the original issue. True meekness comes from a position of being 'absolutely correct whilst being aware' whereas humbleness implies a potential lack of knowledge or grasp of a complicated situation, but genuinely not wanting to offend anybody, for any reason at any time, in any way.
The most famous usage of the word, is in a phrase from the Bible, "the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" found in Matthew 5, further about that, can be found in Beatitudes.
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
I spent all of last week doing my final Strategy Sessions, before I start on my two final projects. I was overwhelmed by the response and closed it down early when I had 55 Strategy Sessions lined up from all over the world. I am more than half way through them and I am consistently amazed at the quality and diversity of the people. We had people from Korea, Luxembourg, Ireland, Bahrain, Belarus, and all over the U.S. The commonalities were striking to me, in that we all spoke the same language of freedom.
I use the line of, “there are only two different people in this world; those that want to be left alone and those that won’t leave you alone.” The people I have spoken to so far, are some of the best, most caring individuals I have spoken to. They are trying their best to not only save their families from the mathematically inevitable collapse of the dollar, but also to be a blessing on to others who either can’t or won’t prepare for this event.
I have never been one for religion, because I believe man has warped spirituality to serve some form of centralized organization. The teachings of Jesus do resonate with me and this week I finally understood “the meek shall inherit the earth.” To be meek is to endure injury with patience and without resentment. If you think about what we are doing on a spiritual level, we are enduring the injury of a world gone mad. We are enduing world wide slavery of debt. We are enduring a war machine that will not rest because, “the American way of life is not negotiable.” We are enduring a culture that seems to normalize psychopathic behavior. We are enduring a lifestyle that has half of America obese and millions on anti-depressants, alcohol, and other drugs to make life bearable. We are all enduring this world in hopes for a better future.
From Wikipedia: Meek:
Meek is very nearly equivalent in common usage to humble.
Strictly the two are not synonyms, as they are mutually exclusive, once you know the exact meaning & appreciate the etymology.
Meekness differs from humbleness in that meek people give up something, perhaps a right or an argument to appear humble to others, & to prevent sometimes petty differences escalating into a greater problem disproportionate to the original issue. True meekness comes from a position of being 'absolutely correct whilst being aware' whereas humbleness implies a potential lack of knowledge or grasp of a complicated situation, but genuinely not wanting to offend anybody, for any reason at any time, in any way.
The most famous usage of the word, is in a phrase from the Bible, "the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" found in Matthew 5, further about that, can be found in Beatitudes.
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
I spent all of last week doing my final Strategy Sessions, before I start on my two final projects. I was overwhelmed by the response and closed it down early when I had 55 Strategy Sessions lined up from all over the world. I am more than half way through them and I am consistently amazed at the quality and diversity of the people. We had people from Korea, Luxembourg, Ireland, Bahrain, Belarus, and all over the U.S. The commonalities were striking to me, in that we all spoke the same language of freedom.
I use the line of, “there are only two different people in this world; those that want to be left alone and those that won’t leave you alone.” The people I have spoken to so far, are some of the best, most caring individuals I have spoken to. They are trying their best to not only save their families from the mathematically inevitable collapse of the dollar, but also to be a blessing on to others who either can’t or won’t prepare for this event.
I have never been one for religion, because I believe man has warped spirituality to serve some form of centralized organization. The teachings of Jesus do resonate with me and this week I finally understood “the meek shall inherit the earth.” To be meek is to endure injury with patience and without resentment. If you think about what we are doing on a spiritual level, we are enduring the injury of a world gone mad. We are enduing world wide slavery of debt. We are enduring a war machine that will not rest because, “the American way of life is not negotiable.” We are enduring a culture that seems to normalize psychopathic behavior. We are enduring a lifestyle that has half of America obese and millions on anti-depressants, alcohol, and other drugs to make life bearable. We are all enduring this world in hopes for a better future.
Former TSA agent pleads guilty to assisting criminals in smuggling cash, drugs through security
Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm the criminal. That's why I get my junk groped when I try to fly. Not only do these sickos sexually molest and assault people, they steal, they take your naked pictures (voyeur pornography). Now we find out they also smuggle drugs (wow what a surprise).
You are more likely to die of a lighting bolt strike than from terrorism. Stop this MADNESS.
Former TSA agent pleads guilty to assisting criminals in smuggling cash, drugs through security
(NaturalNews) A 43-year-old former US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent who was arrested back in March on charges of aiding a drug smuggling ring has pleaded guilty, according to reports. Minetta Walker says she knowingly assisted criminals in evading airport security, and helped them sneak drug money onto flights.
You are more likely to die of a lighting bolt strike than from terrorism. Stop this MADNESS.
Former TSA agent pleads guilty to assisting criminals in smuggling cash, drugs through security
(NaturalNews) A 43-year-old former US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent who was arrested back in March on charges of aiding a drug smuggling ring has pleaded guilty, according to reports. Minetta Walker says she knowingly assisted criminals in evading airport security, and helped them sneak drug money onto flights.
Cancer breakthrough: scientists discover harmless bacteria in soil kills cancer tumors
Huh! Turns out eating that food off the floor/dirt may not be so bad for you after all. Maybe we should all just roll around in the mud like we used to. Clinical Cleanliness is Deadly to Humans. Nature is a necessary part of our healthy lives. This might put your pharmacists out of business, or you'll have to become natural healers.
Eat Dirt. =)
Cancer breakthrough: scientists discover harmless bacteria in soil kills cancer tumors
(NaturalNews) Cancer remains one of the most feared diseases on the planet -- and cancer patients being treated by mainstream medicine are usually bombarded with radiation and subjected to toxic chemotherapy that destroys healthy cells and weakens the body while trying to kill tumors.
Thankfully, as NaturalNews readers are aware, a growing body of research is revealing that many natural substances have cancer prevention and treatment potential, including Mediterranean type foods that fight prostate cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/025659.html) and walnuts which contain breast cancer preventive phytochemicals.
Now there's evidence a cure for cancer may be all around us and is as common as dirt. In fact, it's something in dirt.
Researcher Aleksandra Kubiak just presented the startling discovery at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference currently underway at the University of York in the UK. She and other members of a research team from the University of Nottingham and the University of Maastricht have found that a strain of harmless bacteria that is widespread in soil is actually deadly -- not to people but to cancerous tumors.
The researchers have developed a therapy using Clostridium sporogenes, a bacterium common in dirt. They found that when spores of the bacteria are injected into cancer patients, they only grow in solid tumors. Inside the cancerous growth, the bacteria produce a specific enzyme that activates a cancer drug. The results? Unlike current chemotherapy, the natural bacteria treatment causes only the cancer cells to be destroyed while healthy cells are left unharmed.
Eat Dirt. =)
Cancer breakthrough: scientists discover harmless bacteria in soil kills cancer tumors
(NaturalNews) Cancer remains one of the most feared diseases on the planet -- and cancer patients being treated by mainstream medicine are usually bombarded with radiation and subjected to toxic chemotherapy that destroys healthy cells and weakens the body while trying to kill tumors.
Thankfully, as NaturalNews readers are aware, a growing body of research is revealing that many natural substances have cancer prevention and treatment potential, including Mediterranean type foods that fight prostate cancer (http://www.naturalnews.com/025659.html) and walnuts which contain breast cancer preventive phytochemicals.
Now there's evidence a cure for cancer may be all around us and is as common as dirt. In fact, it's something in dirt.
Researcher Aleksandra Kubiak just presented the startling discovery at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference currently underway at the University of York in the UK. She and other members of a research team from the University of Nottingham and the University of Maastricht have found that a strain of harmless bacteria that is widespread in soil is actually deadly -- not to people but to cancerous tumors.
The researchers have developed a therapy using Clostridium sporogenes, a bacterium common in dirt. They found that when spores of the bacteria are injected into cancer patients, they only grow in solid tumors. Inside the cancerous growth, the bacteria produce a specific enzyme that activates a cancer drug. The results? Unlike current chemotherapy, the natural bacteria treatment causes only the cancer cells to be destroyed while healthy cells are left unharmed.
NaturalNews names award winner for 2011 Book of the Year: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
The greatest crime against humanity has been orchestrated by the Illuminati and we can destroy them in 1 Microsecond if we would just say NO to paper funny money games. All of our lives, rich and middleclass alike, will be better. Moochers will necessarily have to start pulling their own weight.
NaturalNews names award winner for 2011 Book of the Year: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
(NaturalNews) If you're looking for a way to make sense of the world, look no further than the book, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy (by Jim Marrs). It reveals a hard-hitting, big-picture overview of how things really work behind the scenes of our modern world (and who's pulling the levers).
The title of the book is actually a bit of a misnomer. Jim's original title was going to be "Zombie Nation" which I think is actually a better title because the book talks about "zombie banks" that are steeped in debt, "zombie politicians" who are totally controlled by a corporate agenda, and even "zombie people" who are drugged up on psychiatric medications. The publisher, however, insisted on the current name, and that's why it isn't called Zombie Nation.
Listen to my interview with Jim about his book at:
NaturalNews names award winner for 2011 Book of the Year: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
(NaturalNews) If you're looking for a way to make sense of the world, look no further than the book, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy (by Jim Marrs). It reveals a hard-hitting, big-picture overview of how things really work behind the scenes of our modern world (and who's pulling the levers).
The title of the book is actually a bit of a misnomer. Jim's original title was going to be "Zombie Nation" which I think is actually a better title because the book talks about "zombie banks" that are steeped in debt, "zombie politicians" who are totally controlled by a corporate agenda, and even "zombie people" who are drugged up on psychiatric medications. The publisher, however, insisted on the current name, and that's why it isn't called Zombie Nation.
Listen to my interview with Jim about his book at:
Paul Slams Perry As “Al Gore’s Texas Cheerleader”
Rick Perry is a typical Republicrat, New World Order puppet, who will rape you just like most of the last lineage of presidents. Don't vote for the D's. Don't vote for the R's (Bullets, Bombs, and Banks).
Vote to end the fed, vote to end the wars and bring troops home, vote for gold and silver, vote for restoring liberty:
Ron Paul for Prez 2012.
Paul Slams Perry As “Al Gore’s Texas Cheerleader”
Vote to end the fed, vote to end the wars and bring troops home, vote for gold and silver, vote for restoring liberty:
Ron Paul for Prez 2012.
Paul Slams Perry As “Al Gore’s Texas Cheerleader”
Al-Qaeda Origins – Part 1
There are 3 parts, I'm working my way through them now. Making a movie out of the recorded conversation makes this a little more entertaining to learn.
Some people refer to them as al-CIAda.
Al-Qaeda Origins – Part 1
By voxOnox, on September 6th, 2011
In anticipation of the 10th anniversary of nine-eleven, which the mainstream media will use to focus on the official story that cave dwelling Al-Qaeda terrorists defeated a trillion dollar military defense with box cutters, I thought the DTOM community might be interested in the following YouTube video, which is a fact-based fictionalized 1978 conversation between Zbigniew Brzezinski and Nur Muhammad Taraki:
Some people refer to them as al-CIAda.
Al-Qaeda Origins – Part 1
By voxOnox, on September 6th, 2011
In anticipation of the 10th anniversary of nine-eleven, which the mainstream media will use to focus on the official story that cave dwelling Al-Qaeda terrorists defeated a trillion dollar military defense with box cutters, I thought the DTOM community might be interested in the following YouTube video, which is a fact-based fictionalized 1978 conversation between Zbigniew Brzezinski and Nur Muhammad Taraki:
Friday, September 2, 2011
Want To Know Why We Are At War With Libya?
Stop all the wars already! They are all funded by the Banksters and for the Banksters. Our soldiers and innocent people are dying so the Banksters can install a foreign central bank in Libya, confiscate Libya's gold, and take control of the oil reserves.
Get it yet?
Want To Know Why We Are At War With Libya?
Get it yet?
Want To Know Why We Are At War With Libya?
Chapman on QE3/gold/silver and the upcoming October equity disaster
Chapman on QE3/gold/silver and the upcoming October equity disaster
U.S. to 17 banks: You lied
Banks lie, no way! You mean the Banskter Cartel is a global parasite on humanity. Who'd have thunk that. Help take down the JPMorgue the little man way, buy as much phyzz silver as you can. We can at least get one of them. And make some profits along the way.
U.S. to 17 banks: You lied
The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie Mae FNMA +10.21% and Freddie Mac FMCC +10.53% , argues the banks misrepresented the quality of mortgage securities they put together and sold. It is seeking billions of dollars in compensation. The lawsuits were filed in federal court and announced after the close of trading on Friday. The New York Times had reported the suit earlier Friday.
The list of defendants is a who’s-who of mortgage finance:
Bank of America Corp. BAC -0.14% , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS -4.55% , J.P. Morgan & Chase & Co. JPM -0.09% , Citigroup Inc. C -5.33% , Deutsche Bank AG DB +1.15% , Barclays PLC BCS -0.19% , Nomura Holdings Inc. NMR +0.41% , Morgan Stanley MS -5.73% , Ally Financial Inc., Credit Suisse Group Inc. CS +0.07% , First Horizon National Corp. FHN -1.11% , General Electric Co. GE -2.72% , the HSBC North America Holdings unit of HSBC Holdings HBC +0.13% , The Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC RBS +1.14% and Société Générale S.A. FR:GLE -6.65% .
FHFA filed separate lawsuits against Bank of America and its acquired Countrywide Financial Corp. and Merrill Lynch & Co. divisions.
U.S. to 17 banks: You lied
The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie Mae FNMA +10.21% and Freddie Mac FMCC +10.53% , argues the banks misrepresented the quality of mortgage securities they put together and sold. It is seeking billions of dollars in compensation. The lawsuits were filed in federal court and announced after the close of trading on Friday. The New York Times had reported the suit earlier Friday.
The list of defendants is a who’s-who of mortgage finance:
Bank of America Corp. BAC -0.14% , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS -4.55% , J.P. Morgan & Chase & Co. JPM -0.09% , Citigroup Inc. C -5.33% , Deutsche Bank AG DB +1.15% , Barclays PLC BCS -0.19% , Nomura Holdings Inc. NMR +0.41% , Morgan Stanley MS -5.73% , Ally Financial Inc., Credit Suisse Group Inc. CS +0.07% , First Horizon National Corp. FHN -1.11% , General Electric Co. GE -2.72% , the HSBC North America Holdings unit of HSBC Holdings HBC +0.13% , The Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC RBS +1.14% and Société Générale S.A. FR:GLE -6.65% .
FHFA filed separate lawsuits against Bank of America and its acquired Countrywide Financial Corp. and Merrill Lynch & Co. divisions.
The decade's biggest scam
more of the same
The decade's biggest scam
The Los Angeles Times examines the staggering sums of money expended on patently absurd domestic "homeland security" projects: $75 billion per year for things such as a Zodiac boat with side-scan sonar to respond to a potential attack on a lake in tiny Keith County, Nebraska, and hundreds of "9-ton BearCat armored vehicles, complete with turret" to guard against things like an attack on DreamWorks in Los Angeles. All of that -- which is independent of the exponentially greater sums spent on foreign wars, occupations, bombings, and the vast array of weaponry and private contractors to support it all -- is in response to this mammoth, existential, the-single-greatest-challenge-of-our-generation threat:
"The number of people worldwide who are killed by Muslim-type terrorists, Al Qaeda wannabes, is maybe a few hundred outside of war zones. It's basically the same number of people who die drowning in the bathtub each year," said John Mueller, an Ohio State University professor who has written extensively about the balance between threat and expenditures in fighting terrorism.
The decade's biggest scam
The Los Angeles Times examines the staggering sums of money expended on patently absurd domestic "homeland security" projects: $75 billion per year for things such as a Zodiac boat with side-scan sonar to respond to a potential attack on a lake in tiny Keith County, Nebraska, and hundreds of "9-ton BearCat armored vehicles, complete with turret" to guard against things like an attack on DreamWorks in Los Angeles. All of that -- which is independent of the exponentially greater sums spent on foreign wars, occupations, bombings, and the vast array of weaponry and private contractors to support it all -- is in response to this mammoth, existential, the-single-greatest-challenge-of-our-generation threat:
"The number of people worldwide who are killed by Muslim-type terrorists, Al Qaeda wannabes, is maybe a few hundred outside of war zones. It's basically the same number of people who die drowning in the bathtub each year," said John Mueller, an Ohio State University professor who has written extensively about the balance between threat and expenditures in fighting terrorism.
More Americans Die From Intestinal Illnesses Than From Terrorism
I don't know about you, but I'm getting sick and tired of being x-ray'ed and having my nuts cupped when I have to fly somewhere commercial.
Upcomming 9/11 anniversary don't believe the hype. You are more likely to die in a puddle of your own vomit than from terrorism. TSA needs to be disbanded and jailed for molestation and sexual abuse of law abiding citizens.
More Americans Die From Intestinal Illnesses Than From Terrorism
Television networks are preparing an onslaught of 9/11 tenth anniversary specials as the establishment desperately tries to reinforce the myth that terrorists pose any more threat to Americans than intestinal illnesses or allergic reactions to peanuts.
Columnist Glen Greenwald has written an excellent piece focusing on the biggest scam of the decade, “Exaggerating, manipulating and exploiting the Terrorist threat for profit and power,” and how 10 years after 9/11, despite limitless fearmongering, terrorists pose no more threat to Americans than drowning in a bathtub.
It’s a subject that we’ve touched upon several times before, but with major networks set to saturate our television screens over the next ten days with documentary after documentary about how ‘the world changed on 9/11′, it’s important to point out that the only genuine change has been the growth of a gigantic and oppressive Homeland Security surveillance state that feeds on fear and ignorance of the facts.
Upcomming 9/11 anniversary don't believe the hype. You are more likely to die in a puddle of your own vomit than from terrorism. TSA needs to be disbanded and jailed for molestation and sexual abuse of law abiding citizens.
More Americans Die From Intestinal Illnesses Than From Terrorism
Television networks are preparing an onslaught of 9/11 tenth anniversary specials as the establishment desperately tries to reinforce the myth that terrorists pose any more threat to Americans than intestinal illnesses or allergic reactions to peanuts.
Columnist Glen Greenwald has written an excellent piece focusing on the biggest scam of the decade, “Exaggerating, manipulating and exploiting the Terrorist threat for profit and power,” and how 10 years after 9/11, despite limitless fearmongering, terrorists pose no more threat to Americans than drowning in a bathtub.
It’s a subject that we’ve touched upon several times before, but with major networks set to saturate our television screens over the next ten days with documentary after documentary about how ‘the world changed on 9/11′, it’s important to point out that the only genuine change has been the growth of a gigantic and oppressive Homeland Security surveillance state that feeds on fear and ignorance of the facts.
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