Technological Unemployment means you will see higher company profits and more and more unemployment. This is a natural technological evolution and we should be happy that our labor is being replaced by robots. HOWEVER, they entire economy, financial, political, and labor system needs to be replaced with a new compatible version.
You may laugh when I site Star Trek, however this is just the economy that they have. Everyone is provided basic needs free of charge and no one has to work if they don't want to. In fact there is no need for money, because like I said, everyone has basic necessities. If you just want to sit on your ass you can.
What drives the race further of course is human hard work and aspiration towards a greater goal, such as flying on a starship.
We have not reached the complete mechanization of labor yet, but it is fast approaching and it will become increasingly clear when developed nations only have CEOs, and 95% of the population is unemployed. Part of it is because people are lazy, but part of it is the mechanization of labor. Think about that one for a while.
Technological Unemployment - ZMF
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