The World Is Cornering The Elite…
A recent article by Costata put forth the theory that silver is a losing bet, because the Elite won’t let it threaten their interests. His article , Has the Silver Market Been Cornered… AGAIN? is the latest in the silver bashing parade. A couple of my readers would like my opinion of his theory and it’s possible implications on the silver market.
Costata starts with, all works of fiction require “a willing suspension of disbelief”. I find this as an interesting starting point, but not for the reason he sets forth. You see we are living in the great fiction of the American Dream.
It is a place where generations can get something for nothing.
It is a world where we can print unlimited money/debt from a privately, foreign owned central banks.
It is a dream of a consumer led society and not of a manufacturing society.
It is a hallucination of trillion dollar war machines securing the world’s natural resources for the Elite and their corporations.
It is a land where people think that the digits on their screen are real wealth and that fractional reserve banking is safe.
It is an illusion that the more debt we create, the richer we are.
“It is said that men go mad in herds, and only come to their senses slowly and one by one.” -Charles MacKay.
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