Keep being afraid of the evil brown people in caves on the other side of the world. You have a greater chance of dying in a puddle of your own vomit than by terrorist. WAKE UP!.
Visiting a hospital far riskier than flying in an airplane
(NaturalNews) They say that flying is the safest way to travel, but who would have thought that it is even safer than visiting a hospital?
Yes it is, according to the World Health Organization, which recently appointed a "health czar" to inform doctors and hospitals to take such earth-shattering measures as washing their hands.
The WHO named Liam Donaldson, Great Britain's former chief medical officer, to combat what the global health watchdog claims is a growing problem around the world - worsening health conditions inside hospitals.
In Canada, the WHO's Report on the Burden of Endemic Health Care-Associated Infection Worldwide 2011 said the "health-care-associated infection rate" of patients is 11.6 percent, one of the worst levels among developed countries. In the U.S., the report said, it's much lower - 4.5 percent. The European Centre for Disease Control says Europe's overall rate is 7.1 percent.
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.
Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy
This will blow your mind and make you think twice.
“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy

Sucker Punch is an action fantasy thriller that promises its viewers two things: girls and explosions. And it delivers both. But behind the slur of short skirts and CGI effects hides a disturbing underlying story: Sucker Punch is about the life of a mind control slave who dissociates from reality to escape the trauma caused by abuse. This article looks at the hidden meaning and symbolism in Sucker Punch.
“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy
Sucker Punch is an action fantasy thriller that promises its viewers two things: girls and explosions. And it delivers both. But behind the slur of short skirts and CGI effects hides a disturbing underlying story: Sucker Punch is about the life of a mind control slave who dissociates from reality to escape the trauma caused by abuse. This article looks at the hidden meaning and symbolism in Sucker Punch.
Quote of the Day
If you are wondering why nothing make sense it's because what you see, feel, and think, are different than what you are being told. Here's a nice quote that sums up the Guberment quite well.
"The American people and their wants and needs are not represented in Washington. Washington serves powerful interest groups, such as the military/security complex, Wall Street and the banksters, agribusiness, the oil companies, the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and the mining and timber industries. Washington endows these interests with excess profits by committing war crimes and terrorizing foreign populations with bombs, drones, and invasions, by deregulating the financial sector and bailing it out of its greed-driven mistakes after it has stolen Americans' pensions, homes, and jobs, by refusing to protect the land, air, water, oceans and wildlife from polluters and despoilers, and by constructing a health care system with the highest costs and highest profits in the world." - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
"The American people and their wants and needs are not represented in Washington. Washington serves powerful interest groups, such as the military/security complex, Wall Street and the banksters, agribusiness, the oil companies, the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and the mining and timber industries. Washington endows these interests with excess profits by committing war crimes and terrorizing foreign populations with bombs, drones, and invasions, by deregulating the financial sector and bailing it out of its greed-driven mistakes after it has stolen Americans' pensions, homes, and jobs, by refusing to protect the land, air, water, oceans and wildlife from polluters and despoilers, and by constructing a health care system with the highest costs and highest profits in the world." - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
GAO: Fed Issued $US16 Trillion During 2008 Crisis!
Just a simple math calculation to get you to like the Federal Reserve.
$16 Trillion / 310 million people is = over $50k dollars cash for every man, woman, and child in this country.
Get it yet? We got to end the Fed and put Ron Paul for prez 2012.
GAO: Fed Issued $US16 Trillion During 2008 Crisis!
"As a result of this audit, we now know that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world," Sanders said in a statement. "This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else." – Washington Post
Dominant Social Theme: Simply a glitch. The US$16 trillion was issued in good faith by the stewards of the democracy. They were saving the "system." What, you didn't get any of it? Maybe next time ...
Free-Market Analysis: With nary a ripple in the mainstream press, the US Government Accountability Office has released an "audit" of the Federal Reserve loan program in 2008 that, according to the Washington Post (see above excerpt) highlights possible conflicts of interest in the issuance of some US$16 trillion. We would bet it's more than that.
$16 Trillion / 310 million people is = over $50k dollars cash for every man, woman, and child in this country.
Get it yet? We got to end the Fed and put Ron Paul for prez 2012.
GAO: Fed Issued $US16 Trillion During 2008 Crisis!
"As a result of this audit, we now know that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world," Sanders said in a statement. "This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else." – Washington Post
Dominant Social Theme: Simply a glitch. The US$16 trillion was issued in good faith by the stewards of the democracy. They were saving the "system." What, you didn't get any of it? Maybe next time ...
Free-Market Analysis: With nary a ripple in the mainstream press, the US Government Accountability Office has released an "audit" of the Federal Reserve loan program in 2008 that, according to the Washington Post (see above excerpt) highlights possible conflicts of interest in the issuance of some US$16 trillion. We would bet it's more than that.
Monday, July 25, 2011
25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions
This is a good one.
25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions
1) Bankers, according to the London Times, launder about 400 billion dollars a year or more in illegal weapons sales. The next time you hear of an African war lord killing families so he can kidnap young boys to become child soldiers and young girls to become child sex slaves, please remember that this could not have happened without the active assistance and cooperation of the bankers and the politicians they own.
2) Bankers told American businessmen that entering World War I would make the Great War last longer which would be good for the United States because it would bankrupt England, France and Germany. Calvin Coolidge on Veterans Day in 1928 said America had lost only 30,000 soldiers during the war but another 100,000 since the war ended. Those men had died of their wounds after the Armistice was signed. Everyone who died after 1915 in WW I died for bankers and Israel.
25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions
1) Bankers, according to the London Times, launder about 400 billion dollars a year or more in illegal weapons sales. The next time you hear of an African war lord killing families so he can kidnap young boys to become child soldiers and young girls to become child sex slaves, please remember that this could not have happened without the active assistance and cooperation of the bankers and the politicians they own.
2) Bankers told American businessmen that entering World War I would make the Great War last longer which would be good for the United States because it would bankrupt England, France and Germany. Calvin Coolidge on Veterans Day in 1928 said America had lost only 30,000 soldiers during the war but another 100,000 since the war ended. Those men had died of their wounds after the Armistice was signed. Everyone who died after 1915 in WW I died for bankers and Israel.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The DHS Misconception
You are more likely to die of drowning in a puddle of your own vomit, than from a terrorist attack. Still like being x-rayed and having your 'junk' groped at airports? Be ashamed that you even call yourself human with this kind of logic.
The DHS Misconception
The government control grid has stepped up its war against anyone still cognitively aware of what this country was meant to be when founded,and those who are speaking/acting out against the planned murder of the United States. As many of you are well aware,our bogus war on “terrorism”was intended to be switched from mostly innocent Muslims,over to American citizens who are not willing to accept the killing of our ways. The very term “terrorist”was invented to categorize anyone who went against big government/banker/globalist agendas.
The other day,the Dept. of Homeland Security put out a new “if you see something say something”video meant to hype up their Orwellian plan of a police state. The video starts out normal enough,and than goes into a supposed pro-Amercan segment where people from all over the world are held up as great Americans who enbody what America is all about (it looks like they went to IKEA to find people). They are of all backrounds that make them more than likely new additions to our country. It also includes long time Americans such as black Americans. The video goes on to instruct people to look out for seemingly anti-American peoples. It uses “what if”scenarios mostly where a non-white American is just doing his/her job,and a white guy comes around and does something suspicious. They than call the authorities and say,“I just saw something”. Why were the bad guys mostly white guys?? Heres the vid…
There is a very good propaganda reason for this
The DHS Misconception
The government control grid has stepped up its war against anyone still cognitively aware of what this country was meant to be when founded,and those who are speaking/acting out against the planned murder of the United States. As many of you are well aware,our bogus war on “terrorism”was intended to be switched from mostly innocent Muslims,over to American citizens who are not willing to accept the killing of our ways. The very term “terrorist”was invented to categorize anyone who went against big government/banker/globalist agendas.
The other day,the Dept. of Homeland Security put out a new “if you see something say something”video meant to hype up their Orwellian plan of a police state. The video starts out normal enough,and than goes into a supposed pro-Amercan segment where people from all over the world are held up as great Americans who enbody what America is all about (it looks like they went to IKEA to find people). They are of all backrounds that make them more than likely new additions to our country. It also includes long time Americans such as black Americans. The video goes on to instruct people to look out for seemingly anti-American peoples. It uses “what if”scenarios mostly where a non-white American is just doing his/her job,and a white guy comes around and does something suspicious. They than call the authorities and say,“I just saw something”. Why were the bad guys mostly white guys?? Heres the vid…
There is a very good propaganda reason for this
NaturalNews releases downloadable report on resveratrol that reveals stunning medical secrets of this miracle nutrient
If only it would keep me from getting fat... been taking res since I was 25.
NaturalNews releases downloadable report on resveratrol that reveals stunning medical secrets of this miracle nutrient
Resveratrol is one of the most amazing nutrients known to modern science. Known as a longevity nutrient that gives red wine it's amazing benefits on heart health, resveratrol continues to be widely studied for...
NaturalNews releases downloadable report on resveratrol that reveals stunning medical secrets of this miracle nutrient
Resveratrol is one of the most amazing nutrients known to modern science. Known as a longevity nutrient that gives red wine it's amazing benefits on heart health, resveratrol continues to be widely studied for...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
How To Spot an American Terrorist *DHS Video*
You are more likely to die by drowning in a puddle of your own vomit than by a terrorist attack. This is propaganda and a waste of your tax dollars. The only terrorists are the government.
How To Spot an American Terrorist *DHS Video*
A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.
How To Spot an American Terrorist *DHS Video*
A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
“Silver is a Powder Keg Waiting To Explode” – Miles Franklin
“Silver is a Powder Keg Waiting To Explode” – Miles Franklin
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hong Kong Metals Exchange Opens Silver Contract Friday!
If you've got silver already, sit tight and eat the popcorn. If you want more I'd buy it today.
No silver? So solly seary amelicans
Hong Kong Metals Exchange Opens Silver Contract Friday!
This is the news that I have been waiting for and is probably the reason why silver has been so strong the past couple of days. The HKME is starting its silver contract this Friday July 22nd! This officially breaks the Anglo American monopoly on silver. This will be the first time that Asians can buy and take future delivery of silver in Asia. No longer can the CME raise margins close to 100% in 8 days. (Then refuses to lower them despite a 30%+ drop in 5 days.) The extended hours should also stop the 10 am smack down since traders can now access the HKME.
The silver shorts should be fearing the hundreds of millions of Asians that will be entering this small market. China alone has Trillions of dollars and they could drop .01% of that money into silver and explode silver beyond the control of the Anglo American Elite. The HKME contracts are also a lot smaller,only 1,000 ounces versus 5,000 ounce contracts. I am reaching out to see if I can get more information like if JP Morgue or HSBC has any ownership in this exchange. Stay tuned,but this new demand for real physical silver is something to be very happy about.
No silver? So solly seary amelicans
Hong Kong Metals Exchange Opens Silver Contract Friday!
This is the news that I have been waiting for and is probably the reason why silver has been so strong the past couple of days. The HKME is starting its silver contract this Friday July 22nd! This officially breaks the Anglo American monopoly on silver. This will be the first time that Asians can buy and take future delivery of silver in Asia. No longer can the CME raise margins close to 100% in 8 days. (Then refuses to lower them despite a 30%+ drop in 5 days.) The extended hours should also stop the 10 am smack down since traders can now access the HKME.
The silver shorts should be fearing the hundreds of millions of Asians that will be entering this small market. China alone has Trillions of dollars and they could drop .01% of that money into silver and explode silver beyond the control of the Anglo American Elite. The HKME contracts are also a lot smaller,only 1,000 ounces versus 5,000 ounce contracts. I am reaching out to see if I can get more information like if JP Morgue or HSBC has any ownership in this exchange. Stay tuned,but this new demand for real physical silver is something to be very happy about.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Bob Chapman – Financial Survival – July 15, 2011
Bob Chapman – Financial Survival – July 15, 2011
SGT ALERT: MSM Magazine Overt Subliminal: “Silver IS MONEY”
SGT ALERT: MSM Magazine Overt Subliminal: “Silver IS MONEY”
“Wow,What Is That A Chart Of!?”
Get it while you can.
"The combination of the rapid decline and with smaller inventory has brought the projected default date where the CRIMEX can no longer keep this ruse going has dropped from November 2012 to January 1st 2012 only 5 1/2 months away. "
“Wow,What Is That A Chart Of!?”

I try very hard not to keep my work life and personal life separate. What I write about here and in the Sons of Liberty Academy,I very rarely talk about in my real life. The biggest reason why I don’t talk about it,is that it is too large of a subject to cover in such a short amount of time. Far too often,eyes roll into the back of the head of the unsuspecting civilian after about 2 minutes of talking.
"The combination of the rapid decline and with smaller inventory has brought the projected default date where the CRIMEX can no longer keep this ruse going has dropped from November 2012 to January 1st 2012 only 5 1/2 months away. "
“Wow,What Is That A Chart Of!?”
I try very hard not to keep my work life and personal life separate. What I write about here and in the Sons of Liberty Academy,I very rarely talk about in my real life. The biggest reason why I don’t talk about it,is that it is too large of a subject to cover in such a short amount of time. Far too often,eyes roll into the back of the head of the unsuspecting civilian after about 2 minutes of talking.
Isn’t learning fun? Getting the Chemistry Right
I agree 100%.
Isn’t learning fun? Getting the Chemistry Right
When we are truly learning it is. Reason why is because of the chemicals secreted in the brain make us feel high,in fact everything is chemicals……….highs,lows,even sleep. Getting that way artificially robs us of the joy of accomplishment,the feeling of building self-reliance,and sense of knowing that I am complete; empowered to go after what I want. So why do school systems cram information into children,test them and assign grades for following directions and recalling disjointed factoids that jam the brain with non-essentials?
To disconnect us! To separate us from that which we possess and make it foreign to us. The right hemisphere from the left,the inner knower from the known. We learn to think from the outside in rather than feel from the inside out. That way we forget and obey and follow. We learn to see and create from the world of effects rather than create from cause. We learn to believe what we see rather than learn to trust in ourselves and have our own vision. Anyone with an original idea is seen as an inconvenience,a distraction. A unique child (you) begins to doubt himself,feel inadequate and loses self-respect. Finally,in the teen years,most of us resign,albeit subconsciously, and seek only to fit in (which we never do) and get lost in a maze of choices,none of which really pulls our cork under! But then,we learned not to complain and to just want what everybody in the elite marketplace has.
Isn’t learning fun? Getting the Chemistry Right
When we are truly learning it is. Reason why is because of the chemicals secreted in the brain make us feel high,in fact everything is chemicals……….highs,lows,even sleep. Getting that way artificially robs us of the joy of accomplishment,the feeling of building self-reliance,and sense of knowing that I am complete; empowered to go after what I want. So why do school systems cram information into children,test them and assign grades for following directions and recalling disjointed factoids that jam the brain with non-essentials?
To disconnect us! To separate us from that which we possess and make it foreign to us. The right hemisphere from the left,the inner knower from the known. We learn to think from the outside in rather than feel from the inside out. That way we forget and obey and follow. We learn to see and create from the world of effects rather than create from cause. We learn to believe what we see rather than learn to trust in ourselves and have our own vision. Anyone with an original idea is seen as an inconvenience,a distraction. A unique child (you) begins to doubt himself,feel inadequate and loses self-respect. Finally,in the teen years,most of us resign,albeit subconsciously, and seek only to fit in (which we never do) and get lost in a maze of choices,none of which really pulls our cork under! But then,we learned not to complain and to just want what everybody in the elite marketplace has.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business
Once you realize you've been lied to your entire life, the only logical thing to do is to re-question all things. Here's a free vid on cancer.
Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business
Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the FDA in American history.
Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business
Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the FDA in American history.
Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing
Haha. I am laughing because we are literally being poisoned and lied to from about every angle possible. Buy physical silver and gold and help destroy the financial rulers.
Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing
A new report issued by the consumer protection organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that many popular sunscreens contain ingredients known to spur the growth and spread of skin cancer cells, which defeats their stated purpose of preventing skin cancer.
Data indicates that the sun's rays combine with certain sunscreen ingredients in the skin and damage skin cells, which can lead to lesions and tumors -- and worst of all, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allegedly been aware of this critical information for the past ten years, but has done absolutely nothing to warn people about it.
Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing
A new report issued by the consumer protection organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that many popular sunscreens contain ingredients known to spur the growth and spread of skin cancer cells, which defeats their stated purpose of preventing skin cancer.
Data indicates that the sun's rays combine with certain sunscreen ingredients in the skin and damage skin cells, which can lead to lesions and tumors -- and worst of all, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allegedly been aware of this critical information for the past ten years, but has done absolutely nothing to warn people about it.
Antimicrobial copper kills 97 percent of deadly bacteria, reduces infection rate by 40 percent
Keep stacking gold and silver. Why? Look at a periodic table... notice anything special? Cu (copper) great electrical and thermal conductor, and antimicrobial. Ag (silver) best known electric and thermal conductor and also antiviral/antibacterial. Au (gold) Unknown. I have a funny feeling there is something magical about gold that we haven't figured out yet.
Antimicrobial copper kills 97 percent of deadly bacteria, reduces infection rate by 40 percent
(NaturalNews) A new study presented at the World Health Organization's (WHO) 1st International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control (ICPIC) in Geneva, Switzerland, has revealed that the use of antimicrobial copper surfaces in hospitals helps reduce the rate of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) by 40 percent. The metal also effectively kills 97 percent of bacteria, as well as many viral and fungal pathogens.
Antimicrobial copper kills 97 percent of deadly bacteria, reduces infection rate by 40 percent
(NaturalNews) A new study presented at the World Health Organization's (WHO) 1st International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control (ICPIC) in Geneva, Switzerland, has revealed that the use of antimicrobial copper surfaces in hospitals helps reduce the rate of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) by 40 percent. The metal also effectively kills 97 percent of bacteria, as well as many viral and fungal pathogens.
Meditation halts age-related degeneration throughout entire brain
I think just turning off the TV and thinking about life would be considered meditation. Think! Your brain is a muscle and you have to use it to keep it strong. Repetition isn't thinking. You have to challenge yourself and ponder on the nature of things.
Meditation halts age-related degeneration throughout entire brain

(NaturalNews) Getting older means you will not be as mentally sharp and, in fact, your brain will shrink. It's just the way life is and there's nothing you can do about it, right? Wrong. Now it appears we can take control of brain changes and even make our brains larger, not smaller, as we age and cause electrical connections to zip along at a faster rate to improve thinking and memory. The key is meditation.
Back in 2009, UCLA scientists made an amazing discovery -- they found that the brains of people who had meditated long-term were different than those of non-meditators. To be specific, the researchers found evidence that particular regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger. They also had more gray matter than the brains of people who didn't meditate.
This was startling-- and important -- because brains normally shrink with age, a process they may explain memory and other cognitive problems experienced by elders. More recently, scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) concluded that an eight week mindful meditation practice produced measurable changes in participants' brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress (
Now comes even more proof that meditation does something profound, and beneficial, to the human brain. A follow-up study by the UCLA team just published in the online edition of the journal NeuroImage shows that people who meditate have stronger connections between brain regions. What's more, they have far less age-related brain atrophy.
Meditation halts age-related degeneration throughout entire brain
(NaturalNews) Getting older means you will not be as mentally sharp and, in fact, your brain will shrink. It's just the way life is and there's nothing you can do about it, right? Wrong. Now it appears we can take control of brain changes and even make our brains larger, not smaller, as we age and cause electrical connections to zip along at a faster rate to improve thinking and memory. The key is meditation.
Back in 2009, UCLA scientists made an amazing discovery -- they found that the brains of people who had meditated long-term were different than those of non-meditators. To be specific, the researchers found evidence that particular regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger. They also had more gray matter than the brains of people who didn't meditate.
This was startling-- and important -- because brains normally shrink with age, a process they may explain memory and other cognitive problems experienced by elders. More recently, scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) concluded that an eight week mindful meditation practice produced measurable changes in participants' brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress (
Now comes even more proof that meditation does something profound, and beneficial, to the human brain. A follow-up study by the UCLA team just published in the online edition of the journal NeuroImage shows that people who meditate have stronger connections between brain regions. What's more, they have far less age-related brain atrophy.
If QE3 actually happens, we could see gold at $5,000 and silver at $1,000
Hah. There will be QE3, whether or not it is called that. Keep stacking the phyzz. I salivate at 1k/oz silver.
If QE3 actually happens, we could see gold at $5,000 and silver at $1,000
"It is very scary: the flight to gold is accelerating at a faster and faster speed," said Peter Hambro, chairman of Britain's biggest pure gold listing Petropavlovsk.
"One of the big US banks texted me today to say that if QE3 actually happens, we could see gold at $5,000 and silver at $1,000. I feel terribly sorry for anybody on fixed incomes tied to a fiat currency because they are not going to be able to buy things with that paper money."
China, Russia, Brazil, India, the Mid-East petro-powers have diversified their $7 trillion reserves into euros over the last decade to limit dollar exposure. As Europe's monetary union itself faces an existential crisis, there is no other safe-haven currency able to absorb the flows. The Swiss franc, Canada's loonie, the Aussie, and Korea's won are too small.
"There is no depth of market in these other currencies, so gold is the obvious play," said Neil Mellor from BNY Mellon. Western central banks (though not the US, Germany, or Italy) sold much of their gold at the depths of the bear market a decade ago. The Bank of England wins the booby prize for selling into the bottom at €254 an ounce on Gordon Brown's orders in 1999. But Russia, China, India, the Gulf states, the Philippines, and Kazakhstan have been buying.
If QE3 actually happens, we could see gold at $5,000 and silver at $1,000
"It is very scary: the flight to gold is accelerating at a faster and faster speed," said Peter Hambro, chairman of Britain's biggest pure gold listing Petropavlovsk.
"One of the big US banks texted me today to say that if QE3 actually happens, we could see gold at $5,000 and silver at $1,000. I feel terribly sorry for anybody on fixed incomes tied to a fiat currency because they are not going to be able to buy things with that paper money."
China, Russia, Brazil, India, the Mid-East petro-powers have diversified their $7 trillion reserves into euros over the last decade to limit dollar exposure. As Europe's monetary union itself faces an existential crisis, there is no other safe-haven currency able to absorb the flows. The Swiss franc, Canada's loonie, the Aussie, and Korea's won are too small.
"There is no depth of market in these other currencies, so gold is the obvious play," said Neil Mellor from BNY Mellon. Western central banks (though not the US, Germany, or Italy) sold much of their gold at the depths of the bear market a decade ago. The Bank of England wins the booby prize for selling into the bottom at €254 an ounce on Gordon Brown's orders in 1999. But Russia, China, India, the Gulf states, the Philippines, and Kazakhstan have been buying.
Ben Davies - Gold to Break Above $2,000 in the Next 4 Months
If you haven't done so already, now may be your last chance to cash out your 401ks and IRAs and Bank Accounts and buy as much phyzz shiny metal as you possibly can.
Bury it in you yard and eat popcorn and drink beer and wine for the next 2 years and watch the global financial markets meltdown. Don't forget to have some copper jacketed lead.
Ben Davies - Gold to Break Above $2,000 in the Next 4 Monthscan make the big money.”$2,000_in_the_Next_4_Months.html
With gold closing in on $1,600 and silver attacking the $40 area, today King World News interviewed Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital. When asked about the breakout to new highs occurring in summer Davies stated, “This has the smell of 1998 when I was trading US government bonds and everyone was away on holiday and problems were beginning to brew. Stock markets were beginning to get violent in reaction to Russia’s problems and it all kicked off in the summer months and people were being called back to their desks.
I just have that same kind of feeling now. This is not one I want to fight, the market is a little bit rich now in the short-term, but this could be the baby that takes us over the course of the next four months to that very tantalizing level above $2,000. I really think this is the move.”
Davies continues:
Bury it in you yard and eat popcorn and drink beer and wine for the next 2 years and watch the global financial markets meltdown. Don't forget to have some copper jacketed lead.
Ben Davies - Gold to Break Above $2,000 in the Next 4 Monthscan make the big money.”$2,000_in_the_Next_4_Months.html
With gold closing in on $1,600 and silver attacking the $40 area, today King World News interviewed Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital. When asked about the breakout to new highs occurring in summer Davies stated, “This has the smell of 1998 when I was trading US government bonds and everyone was away on holiday and problems were beginning to brew. Stock markets were beginning to get violent in reaction to Russia’s problems and it all kicked off in the summer months and people were being called back to their desks.
I just have that same kind of feeling now. This is not one I want to fight, the market is a little bit rich now in the short-term, but this could be the baby that takes us over the course of the next four months to that very tantalizing level above $2,000. I really think this is the move.”
Davies continues:
Jim Sinclair - Gold Milestone at $1,764 Paves Way to $12,000
Keep stacking the phyzz... You will be wealthy. Gold/silver is money and nothing else.
Sinclair’s father Bert Seligman was business partners with legendary trader Jesses Livermore. Keep in mind Livermore’s saying as we move through this bull market, “Men who can be both right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn. But it is only after a stock operator has firmly grasped this that he can make the big money.”
Jim Sinclair - Gold Milestone at $1,764 Paves Way to $12,000
With gold hitting new all-time highs yesterday in dollars, euros and pounds, today King World News interviewed legendary trader Jim Sinclair and Dan Norcini to get their take on where things stand in the gold market. When Sinclair was asked about the action in gold he stated, “Gold at $1,764 is as important as gold at $524.90, and above $524.90 the gold market went into a runaway. It’s the exact same setup at $1,764, but having said that $1,764 should bring in some significant supply.
However, a move above $1,764 would be the equivalent of $524.90 in the sense that you would go from the runaway that was born at $524.90, into a hyperbolic market. The key to all of this is $1,764 and you will go above that level, but what that does is lock in five figures on the price of gold. A move above $1,764 brings into focus prices as high as $12,000, so we are are approaching the most critical milestone in the entire gold bull market.”
Sinclair continues:
Sinclair’s father Bert Seligman was business partners with legendary trader Jesses Livermore. Keep in mind Livermore’s saying as we move through this bull market, “Men who can be both right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn. But it is only after a stock operator has firmly grasped this that he can make the big money.”
Jim Sinclair - Gold Milestone at $1,764 Paves Way to $12,000
With gold hitting new all-time highs yesterday in dollars, euros and pounds, today King World News interviewed legendary trader Jim Sinclair and Dan Norcini to get their take on where things stand in the gold market. When Sinclair was asked about the action in gold he stated, “Gold at $1,764 is as important as gold at $524.90, and above $524.90 the gold market went into a runaway. It’s the exact same setup at $1,764, but having said that $1,764 should bring in some significant supply.
However, a move above $1,764 would be the equivalent of $524.90 in the sense that you would go from the runaway that was born at $524.90, into a hyperbolic market. The key to all of this is $1,764 and you will go above that level, but what that does is lock in five figures on the price of gold. A move above $1,764 brings into focus prices as high as $12,000, so we are are approaching the most critical milestone in the entire gold bull market.”
Sinclair continues:
Gold And Silver Likely To Go Parabolic Due To ‘Global Shockwaves’ If U.S. Defaults
Think gold is at an all time high? Think again. Inflation adjusted we're just getting started.
Gold And Silver Likely To Go Parabolic Due To ‘Global Shockwaves’ If U.S. Defaults

Gold And Silver Likely To Go Parabolic Due To ‘Global Shockwaves’ If U.S. Defaults
Thursday, July 14, 2011
We’ve only made one recommendation; 9 yrs ago, allocate 100% of your capital into Gold and Silver
So simple a caveman could do it. Buy shiny metal. Bury shiny metal in your yard. Eat popcorn.
We’ve only made one recommendation; 9 yrs ago, allocate 100% of your capital into Gold and Silver
We’ve crushed Buffett, Ritholtz and Soros, to name three. I can’t think of a single money manager or adviser in the world that comes close. Not even Schiff was recommending 100% PM’s 9 years ago post 9/11 when I predicted how the world economy would play out going forward – since the post 8-15-71 paper money accords had topped out in terms of viability. For many in the UK, who were the first to take advantage of our advice – to avoid buying houses at all costs – and buy 100% PM’s we changed lives. These are the facts. Deal with it.
We’ve only made one recommendation; 9 yrs ago, allocate 100% of your capital into Gold and Silver
We’ve crushed Buffett, Ritholtz and Soros, to name three. I can’t think of a single money manager or adviser in the world that comes close. Not even Schiff was recommending 100% PM’s 9 years ago post 9/11 when I predicted how the world economy would play out going forward – since the post 8-15-71 paper money accords had topped out in terms of viability. For many in the UK, who were the first to take advantage of our advice – to avoid buying houses at all costs – and buy 100% PM’s we changed lives. These are the facts. Deal with it.
Vigilante Sprott to Bernanke, “Fuck You.”
PHYS and PSLV are physically backed stock funds operated by Sprott. I prefer pslv because I prefer silver over gold.
Vigilante Sprott to Bernanke, “Fuck You.”
Sprott Asset Management Adds Another 6.6 Tons Of Physical Gold To PHYS ETF
Vigilante Sprott to Bernanke, “Fuck You.”
Sprott Asset Management Adds Another 6.6 Tons Of Physical Gold To PHYS ETF
The Only 6 Choices In Your Russian Roulette Future
Live free or die hard.
The Only 6 Choices In Your Russian Roulette Future
I’ve been on a crash course in economics and our monetary and banking systems. It was Don’t Tread On Me and sites like it as well as some very close friends that finally got my attention as to the current and truly woeful state of affairs in this country. The saying where “once I was blind,but now I see” has never been more true for me now that I GET IT! The kicker for me was in coming to the conclusion that I really had no choice but to 1) invest heavily in precious metals (first silver,and now in gold),and 2) take active measures to protect myself and my family should the SHTF (prepping). When I methodically looked at all my options,here is the logic train that helped me come to that inescapable conclusion: In the end,we as individuals and families really have only six different options regarding our future economic survival,and indeed,perhaps for the preservation of our very lives.
Option #1:Do Nothing At All
Option #2 says:“OK,I do believe things are going to get worse,but the government will take care of us if the SHTF… won’t it?”
Option #3:“OK,I really do believe things are going to get worse,but if the SHTF,I’ll still be able to provide for my family… won’t I? I mean c’mon…how bad can it really get?”
Option #4:“OK,I believe things are going to get worse,but as a Christian,I believe the Lord is going to come back before it gets too bad in this country”.
Option #5:“If it gets that bad,I don’t want to live in a world like that,so…”
Option #6:“OK,I believe things are going to get worse,SO I’M GOING TO PREPARE!
The Only 6 Choices In Your Russian Roulette Future
I’ve been on a crash course in economics and our monetary and banking systems. It was Don’t Tread On Me and sites like it as well as some very close friends that finally got my attention as to the current and truly woeful state of affairs in this country. The saying where “once I was blind,but now I see” has never been more true for me now that I GET IT! The kicker for me was in coming to the conclusion that I really had no choice but to 1) invest heavily in precious metals (first silver,and now in gold),and 2) take active measures to protect myself and my family should the SHTF (prepping). When I methodically looked at all my options,here is the logic train that helped me come to that inescapable conclusion: In the end,we as individuals and families really have only six different options regarding our future economic survival,and indeed,perhaps for the preservation of our very lives.
Option #1:Do Nothing At All
Option #2 says:“OK,I do believe things are going to get worse,but the government will take care of us if the SHTF… won’t it?”
Option #3:“OK,I really do believe things are going to get worse,but if the SHTF,I’ll still be able to provide for my family… won’t I? I mean c’mon…how bad can it really get?”
Option #4:“OK,I believe things are going to get worse,but as a Christian,I believe the Lord is going to come back before it gets too bad in this country”.
Option #5:“If it gets that bad,I don’t want to live in a world like that,so…”
Option #6:“OK,I believe things are going to get worse,SO I’M GOING TO PREPARE!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Silver is Now Rarer than Gold
I laugh at the thought that one day your 1 oz silver will be more than your 1 oz gold. It's true, so keep buying the phyzz while it's cheap. Once silver becomes 20/1 for gold then trade some in for gold. Just in case there is something magical about gold yet that we haven't figured out yet.
Silver is Now Rarer than Gold
Most investors assume that because silver is almost 50 times cheaper than gold, it’s more abundant.
They’re wrong.
The amount of available silver is far rarer than the amount of available gold.
This fact is often overlooked by even the most seasoned silver investors. And it’s this lack of silver stockpiles that has become one of the most critical factors in what could jolt prices, lifting silver into an entirely different asset class all together.
So forget $100 silver — $100 is now considered a timid prediction. Some experts are now calling for silver prices to be on par with gold!
Silver is Now Rarer than Gold
Most investors assume that because silver is almost 50 times cheaper than gold, it’s more abundant.
They’re wrong.
The amount of available silver is far rarer than the amount of available gold.
This fact is often overlooked by even the most seasoned silver investors. And it’s this lack of silver stockpiles that has become one of the most critical factors in what could jolt prices, lifting silver into an entirely different asset class all together.
So forget $100 silver — $100 is now considered a timid prediction. Some experts are now calling for silver prices to be on par with gold!
11 Silver Investor Mentality Shifts
Another good one from the silver shield. Keep stacking the phyzz the time is soon to come.
11 Silver Investor Mentality Shifts
We are going to see a huge shift in silver investor mentality. (By the looks of today’s action it could be today.) Silver buyers will no longer be “nerdy”guys talking about Austrian Economics or “momentum monkeys”trying to make a quick buck trading metals. It will be wide eyed panic buying as people wake up to the fact they everything they have ever worked for is being destroyed by the massive money creation from the world’s central banks. Once people see that the only answer the bankers have is to print more money and that the only answer the politicians have is to spend more money, they will see that there is no safe place on earth to store their wealth other than real tangible assets. And of course the best real tangible asset is silver. (Read the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield.)
1. Physical investors who have been stacking physical silver will be stunned by the sudden appreciation.
2. Long term paper investors who have been sitting on the sidelines, will rush to buy silver this time around.
3. Silver retailers will be stunned as people throw their fiat dollar for real tangible metals.
4. The smart silver retailer will see mentality shift of these silver buyers and take silver off of the market.
5. Momentum monkeys, who play the paper markets on real assets, will seize upon the new mentality a drive the paper markets higher as they smell blood in the silver short water.
6. JP Morgan the ultimate silver buyer?
7. Institutional silver sellers will take their silver off the market.
8. Miners will no longer seek to rush to push more real metal into the paper markets.
9. Corporations who were once comfortable with paper contracts guaranteeing delivery of their metal, will only want immediate physical delivery.
10. Mining nations will make their move.
11. The Anti-Hegemon makes it’s move.
11 Silver Investor Mentality Shifts
We are going to see a huge shift in silver investor mentality. (By the looks of today’s action it could be today.) Silver buyers will no longer be “nerdy”guys talking about Austrian Economics or “momentum monkeys”trying to make a quick buck trading metals. It will be wide eyed panic buying as people wake up to the fact they everything they have ever worked for is being destroyed by the massive money creation from the world’s central banks. Once people see that the only answer the bankers have is to print more money and that the only answer the politicians have is to spend more money, they will see that there is no safe place on earth to store their wealth other than real tangible assets. And of course the best real tangible asset is silver. (Read the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield.)
1. Physical investors who have been stacking physical silver will be stunned by the sudden appreciation.
2. Long term paper investors who have been sitting on the sidelines, will rush to buy silver this time around.
3. Silver retailers will be stunned as people throw their fiat dollar for real tangible metals.
4. The smart silver retailer will see mentality shift of these silver buyers and take silver off of the market.
5. Momentum monkeys, who play the paper markets on real assets, will seize upon the new mentality a drive the paper markets higher as they smell blood in the silver short water.
6. JP Morgan the ultimate silver buyer?
7. Institutional silver sellers will take their silver off the market.
8. Miners will no longer seek to rush to push more real metal into the paper markets.
9. Corporations who were once comfortable with paper contracts guaranteeing delivery of their metal, will only want immediate physical delivery.
10. Mining nations will make their move.
11. The Anti-Hegemon makes it’s move.
Ron Paul vs Bernanke: Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011
I'm been super busy and will remain for the next week. Nothing has changed so there isn't much to talk about. Today and yesterday we finally got started admitting there will be QE3. So yeah, gold and silver are rally again. Hold tight and you will be rewarded in 2-7 years.
Ron Paul for Prez 2012
Ron Paul vs Bernanke: Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011
Ron Paul for Prez 2012
Ron Paul vs Bernanke: Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Pan Asia Gold Exchange Game Changer?
Stack the phyzz....
Pan Asia Gold Exchange Game Changer?
Pan Asia Gold Exchange Game Changer?
Dines - Now Predicts Silver to Reach $300 - $500 an Ounce
From the article:
"What’s going to happen to the price of silver is it’s going to go up, way up. All you had to do was close your eyes and hold it and shut your panicked membrane to all of the fools who say it’s too high. I tell you now that the price of silver is going far higher than anybody realizes. it’s going far higher than $50, it’s going to test the $100 an ounce level, and beyond that somewhere between $300 and $500 an ounce. Believe the unbelievable or not.”
Dines - Now Predicts Silver to Reach $300 - $500 an Ounce$300_-_$500_an_Ounce.html
With gold and silver on the move along with stocks, today King World News interviewed legendary James Dines, author of The Dines Letter. When asked where he sees things today Dines stated, “The central investing fact in the world today is the coming end of the age of debt. The US government is now borrowing $40 out of every $100 it spends. China is lending the $40 to America perhaps and then with the income from interest, plus the junk they sell to Walmart they buy land in America with it.
The other side says if there is no agreement (on the debt ceiling) by Congress, the US will actually run out of money to pay its bills including paying interest on its debt worldwide. The mainstream press has reported all of the gory details of that really doomsday possibility, which is a straight lie. The government can pay the interest and its military first and let other stuff wait.”
"What’s going to happen to the price of silver is it’s going to go up, way up. All you had to do was close your eyes and hold it and shut your panicked membrane to all of the fools who say it’s too high. I tell you now that the price of silver is going far higher than anybody realizes. it’s going far higher than $50, it’s going to test the $100 an ounce level, and beyond that somewhere between $300 and $500 an ounce. Believe the unbelievable or not.”
Dines - Now Predicts Silver to Reach $300 - $500 an Ounce$300_-_$500_an_Ounce.html
With gold and silver on the move along with stocks, today King World News interviewed legendary James Dines, author of The Dines Letter. When asked where he sees things today Dines stated, “The central investing fact in the world today is the coming end of the age of debt. The US government is now borrowing $40 out of every $100 it spends. China is lending the $40 to America perhaps and then with the income from interest, plus the junk they sell to Walmart they buy land in America with it.
The other side says if there is no agreement (on the debt ceiling) by Congress, the US will actually run out of money to pay its bills including paying interest on its debt worldwide. The mainstream press has reported all of the gory details of that really doomsday possibility, which is a straight lie. The government can pay the interest and its military first and let other stuff wait.”
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Peaceful Revolution
Found this the way I find all things these days, synchronicity and circumstance. My next mission is to listen to all of these free (adfree) podcasts. Start at the bottom of the page which is episode 1 and work your way up.
Also see these sites:
Also see these sites:
You want liberty? This is what it takes…
Freedom isn't free. I like rules number 3 and 4.
You want liberty? This is what it takes…
Rule #1: Never Take Anything For Granted
Rule #2: Educate Yourself
Rule #3: Don’t Be A Pansy
Rule #4: Stop Waiting For Others To Tell You What To Do
Rule #5: Cast Off What Is Unnecessary, Keep What Is Effective
Rule #6: Ignore Establishment Labels
Rule #7: Cynicism Is The Path To Defeat
Rule #8: True Authority Is Derived From Respect That Is Earned, Not Bought, Or Taken
Rule #9: Take It Personally
Rule #10: You Are The First And Last Line Of Defense
You want liberty? This is what it takes…
Rule #1: Never Take Anything For Granted
Rule #2: Educate Yourself
Rule #3: Don’t Be A Pansy
Rule #4: Stop Waiting For Others To Tell You What To Do
Rule #5: Cast Off What Is Unnecessary, Keep What Is Effective
Rule #6: Ignore Establishment Labels
Rule #7: Cynicism Is The Path To Defeat
Rule #8: True Authority Is Derived From Respect That Is Earned, Not Bought, Or Taken
Rule #9: Take It Personally
Rule #10: You Are The First And Last Line Of Defense
Eric Sprott – Paper Markets Are A Joke: Prepare for Bullion Prices to Go Supernova
"Bullion Prices to Go Supernova". Duh! Buy the phyzz it's going to go supernova in 2-7 years or before.
Eric Sprott – Paper Markets Are A Joke: Prepare for Bullion Prices to Go Supernova
So predicts Eric Sprott, founder of Sprott Asset Management and famed investor. In this wide-ranging interview, he shares his insights on the precious metals markets – specifically what investors need to be aware of in terms of the way the markets are currently managed (maniuplated), the macro outlook for the economy (grim) and the true value of gold and silver (very under-priced; particularly silver).
Eric sees the current “extend and pretend” intervention by world governments and central banks to prop of a fundamentally flawed banking system, particularly the vast money printing efforts of the past few years, as a ruse that is losing it’s influence. Once enough people ask “Why have your money in a bank earning nothing? Why not have it in something that might at least maintain its purchasing power?”, the capital flows into the precious metals will dwarf current levels, sending bullion prices much higher.
Those interested in hearing Eric’s insights on:
why we’re in a global secular bear market for most assets classes
what the safest investment options are
how much precious metals exposure investors should have
the key factors that will drive PM prices much higher
the mind-boggling supply shortage and manipulation within the silver market
why there may eventually be two prices for bullion: one for paper and (a much higher one) for physical & how high Eric thinks prices could go
should click the play button below to listen to Chris’ interview with Eric Sprott (runtime 38m:01s):
Play the Podcast
Eric Sprott – Paper Markets Are A Joke: Prepare for Bullion Prices to Go Supernova
So predicts Eric Sprott, founder of Sprott Asset Management and famed investor. In this wide-ranging interview, he shares his insights on the precious metals markets – specifically what investors need to be aware of in terms of the way the markets are currently managed (maniuplated), the macro outlook for the economy (grim) and the true value of gold and silver (very under-priced; particularly silver).
Eric sees the current “extend and pretend” intervention by world governments and central banks to prop of a fundamentally flawed banking system, particularly the vast money printing efforts of the past few years, as a ruse that is losing it’s influence. Once enough people ask “Why have your money in a bank earning nothing? Why not have it in something that might at least maintain its purchasing power?”, the capital flows into the precious metals will dwarf current levels, sending bullion prices much higher.
Those interested in hearing Eric’s insights on:
why we’re in a global secular bear market for most assets classes
what the safest investment options are
how much precious metals exposure investors should have
the key factors that will drive PM prices much higher
the mind-boggling supply shortage and manipulation within the silver market
why there may eventually be two prices for bullion: one for paper and (a much higher one) for physical & how high Eric thinks prices could go
should click the play button below to listen to Chris’ interview with Eric Sprott (runtime 38m:01s):
Play the Podcast
Whistleblower Maguire - This Will Destroy Gold & Silver Shorts
Buy as much as you can while it's cheep.
Whistleblower Maguire - This Will Destroy Gold & Silver Shorts
This morning London whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News that the launch of the new gold and silver exchange in China will destroy the remaining gold and silver shorts. Maguire stated, “The launch of this new gold and silver exchange has flown under the radar, but certainly has my attention. I firmly believe we are marking a pivotal point that will in very short order affect current precious metals price discovery dynamics. We now have an additional factor to be vended into the supply demand equation. This factor will ultimately destroy the remaining short positions in both gold and silver.”
Maguire continues:
“China is keen to diversify their cash holdings and is also encouraging citizens to make investments in gold and silver. The Pan Asia Gold Exchange is another step in this direction by opening up ease of access to physical gold and silver to their bank customers. This physical backed exchange is going to be a big game-changer.
Just look at the scale of this to get an idea of how massive this game-changer will be, The Agricultural Bank of China has over 320 million retail customers and 2.7 million corporate customers and has integrated its customer account information system with this platform.
Whistleblower Maguire - This Will Destroy Gold & Silver Shorts
This morning London whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News that the launch of the new gold and silver exchange in China will destroy the remaining gold and silver shorts. Maguire stated, “The launch of this new gold and silver exchange has flown under the radar, but certainly has my attention. I firmly believe we are marking a pivotal point that will in very short order affect current precious metals price discovery dynamics. We now have an additional factor to be vended into the supply demand equation. This factor will ultimately destroy the remaining short positions in both gold and silver.”
Maguire continues:
“China is keen to diversify their cash holdings and is also encouraging citizens to make investments in gold and silver. The Pan Asia Gold Exchange is another step in this direction by opening up ease of access to physical gold and silver to their bank customers. This physical backed exchange is going to be a big game-changer.
Just look at the scale of this to get an idea of how massive this game-changer will be, The Agricultural Bank of China has over 320 million retail customers and 2.7 million corporate customers and has integrated its customer account information system with this platform.
Gold Surges On Reminder It Is The Only Currency Without Liability And Counterparty Risk
If you have no money, you have other things to worry about. If you have money then you had better buy some gold and silver physical with it.
Gold Surges On Reminder It Is The Only Currency Without Liability And Counterparty Risk
A few days ago, Erste Bank shared the following spot on description of gold's function in the modern monetary system: "The possession of gold is tantamount to pure ownership without liabilities. This also explains why it does not pay any ongoing interest: it does not contain any counterpart risk. Along with the International Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, JPMorgan now also accepts gold as collateral. The European Commission for Economic and Monetary Affairs has also decided to accept the gold reserves of its member states as additionally lodged collateral. We also regard the most recent initiatives in Utah and in numerous other States as well as in Malaysia, and the planned remonaterisation of silver in Mexico as a clear sign of the times. The foundation of a return to “sound money” seems to have been laid." Today, we get a quick reminder of this all too often forgotten truth, after gold has surged by one percent in the span of an hour as the world once again realizes that the best the ECB Titanic (and shortly thereafter, the Fed) can hope for is merely to delay, not prevent, the sinking of the broken monetary system. Furthermore, that this is happening even as China hiked rates for the 3rd time this year may indicate the inflection point in gold has now come and the take out of nominal highs, just $30 higher, is next.
Gold Surges On Reminder It Is The Only Currency Without Liability And Counterparty Risk
A few days ago, Erste Bank shared the following spot on description of gold's function in the modern monetary system: "The possession of gold is tantamount to pure ownership without liabilities. This also explains why it does not pay any ongoing interest: it does not contain any counterpart risk. Along with the International Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, JPMorgan now also accepts gold as collateral. The European Commission for Economic and Monetary Affairs has also decided to accept the gold reserves of its member states as additionally lodged collateral. We also regard the most recent initiatives in Utah and in numerous other States as well as in Malaysia, and the planned remonaterisation of silver in Mexico as a clear sign of the times. The foundation of a return to “sound money” seems to have been laid." Today, we get a quick reminder of this all too often forgotten truth, after gold has surged by one percent in the span of an hour as the world once again realizes that the best the ECB Titanic (and shortly thereafter, the Fed) can hope for is merely to delay, not prevent, the sinking of the broken monetary system. Furthermore, that this is happening even as China hiked rates for the 3rd time this year may indicate the inflection point in gold has now come and the take out of nominal highs, just $30 higher, is next.
Conscious vs. Conformity
This is why you are obligated to fight, even if it isn't harming you yet. You will be next.
Conscious vs. Conformity
Adolph Hitler’s systematic march towards the death count of 20.9 million.{*1*} Czechs,homosexuals,handicapped,Italians,Jews,jobless,Poles,Serbs,Ukrainians,and many other innocent noncombatants is so inconceivable that a principal reaction to the horror of Hitler’s Holocaust is ‘How could the working class German people standby or worse yet participate?’
The silence and lack of resistance was vividly captured here:
“They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
- Reverend Martin Niemoller,Lutheran Pastor arrested by the Gestapo in 1937
Notice the poem’s author was a Christian Pastor,a man employed by his devotion to God to champion God’s law –the Ten Commandments,Love Thy Neighbor –and even he didn’t protest,at least not initially{*2*},the human slaughterhouses. Why the indifference?
“Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you
commit atrocities/injustices.”
- Voltaire,defender of civil liberties,including freedom of religion,1694-1778
Hitler,the democratically elected ruler of Germany from 1933 to 1945,commanded both Catholic and Protestant Christian leaders to preach ‘unconditional subjugation’ to Hitler under the pretense of the Holy Bible –specifically,the Book of Romans,Chapter 13. When Hitler’s aim was to disarm Germany’s citizenry,Christian leadership obediently mollified their congregations with Romans 13. When Hitler’s aim was to abduct dissidents in the dark quite of the night without due process –Romans 13. When the burning flesh of her lawful neighbors manufactured the air unbreathable –Romans 13. Etc.{*3*}
Conscious vs. Conformity
Adolph Hitler’s systematic march towards the death count of 20.9 million.{*1*} Czechs,homosexuals,handicapped,Italians,Jews,jobless,Poles,Serbs,Ukrainians,and many other innocent noncombatants is so inconceivable that a principal reaction to the horror of Hitler’s Holocaust is ‘How could the working class German people standby or worse yet participate?’
The silence and lack of resistance was vividly captured here:
“They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.”
- Reverend Martin Niemoller,Lutheran Pastor arrested by the Gestapo in 1937
Notice the poem’s author was a Christian Pastor,a man employed by his devotion to God to champion God’s law –the Ten Commandments,Love Thy Neighbor –and even he didn’t protest,at least not initially{*2*},the human slaughterhouses. Why the indifference?
“Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you
commit atrocities/injustices.”
- Voltaire,defender of civil liberties,including freedom of religion,1694-1778
Hitler,the democratically elected ruler of Germany from 1933 to 1945,commanded both Catholic and Protestant Christian leaders to preach ‘unconditional subjugation’ to Hitler under the pretense of the Holy Bible –specifically,the Book of Romans,Chapter 13. When Hitler’s aim was to disarm Germany’s citizenry,Christian leadership obediently mollified their congregations with Romans 13. When Hitler’s aim was to abduct dissidents in the dark quite of the night without due process –Romans 13. When the burning flesh of her lawful neighbors manufactured the air unbreathable –Romans 13. Etc.{*3*}
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Six Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now
I go to this site for fun mostly, but this is a very good read indeed. Once you understand how they subtly manipulate your thoughts, you will become resistant too it. Knowledge and information will free you.
Six Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now
#6.Chanting Slogans
#5.Slipping BS Into Your Subconscious
#4.Controlling What You Watch and Read
#3.Keeping You In Line With Shame
#2.Black and White Choices
#1."Us vs. Them"
Six Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now
#6.Chanting Slogans
#5.Slipping BS Into Your Subconscious
#4.Controlling What You Watch and Read
#3.Keeping You In Line With Shame
#2.Black and White Choices
#1."Us vs. Them"
Obama orders air strikes in Somalia... War number 6
Be afraid of the brown people who ride camels on the other side of the world. Be very afraid. Be so afraid that you willingly give up your labor in the form of taxes to fund these wars.
You are 8 times more likely to die by drowning in your own vomit than from a terrorist attack. Be very very afraid.
Obama orders air strikes in Somalia... War number 6
Good job nobel peace prize winner Obama.
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Libya
- Yemen
- Pakistan
- Somalia
Yes we can!
You are 8 times more likely to die by drowning in your own vomit than from a terrorist attack. Be very very afraid.
Obama orders air strikes in Somalia... War number 6
Good job nobel peace prize winner Obama.
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Libya
- Yemen
- Pakistan
- Somalia
Yes we can!
Friday, July 1, 2011
A Review of The Idea of America
I'll be outta town next week. Don't expect too many posts, but maybe. Light some fireworks, but remember that freedom means the government can't tell you how to live.
There is only 1 law. It's known by "God's Law", "The Golden Rule", "Common Law", etc. You can not infringe upon another soul's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and property. Period. End. 1 Law. Everything else is statutes.
A Review of The Idea of America
The Fourth of July is upon us again and a couple hundred million people in the middle latitudes of the North American continent are going to celebrate the birth of the United States. Most of them assume that this means they’ll also be celebrating being American, but that’s not necessarily so.
The United States is a political thing, one heir to the typical failings of politics, and the almost imperceptibly slow decay of republican virtue into nanny statism and imperial hubris.
America, however, is something different. It is not the same thing as the United States that seek to overlay it and to smother it. America is an idea that precedes the U.S. and, we like to believe, both transcends the nation-state and will outlive it.
As Thomas Paine says:
“Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.
“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise.”
There is only 1 law. It's known by "God's Law", "The Golden Rule", "Common Law", etc. You can not infringe upon another soul's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and property. Period. End. 1 Law. Everything else is statutes.
A Review of The Idea of America
The Fourth of July is upon us again and a couple hundred million people in the middle latitudes of the North American continent are going to celebrate the birth of the United States. Most of them assume that this means they’ll also be celebrating being American, but that’s not necessarily so.
The United States is a political thing, one heir to the typical failings of politics, and the almost imperceptibly slow decay of republican virtue into nanny statism and imperial hubris.
America, however, is something different. It is not the same thing as the United States that seek to overlay it and to smother it. America is an idea that precedes the U.S. and, we like to believe, both transcends the nation-state and will outlive it.
As Thomas Paine says:
“Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.
“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise.”
Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products
Stay away from Soy. Stick with EVOO. Extra-Virgin-Olive-Oil is a super food. That should be all you eat when it comes to oil.
Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products
In a shocking new video, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) reveals that common cooking oils such as canola oil and soybean oil are used as key active ingredients in pesticide products because they work so effectively to kill bugs. The video shows how one pesticide product that kills insects is made with 96% canola oil and is so dangerous that the label says, "Hazards to humans and domestic animals."
The label of the product, made almost entirely with canola oil, goes on to explain "CAUTION: Avoid contact with skin or clothing." If you get it on yourself, you are directed to take off all your contaminated clothing, take a 15-20 minute shower to rinse the canola oil off your skin, and then "Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice."
Watch the short video at NaturalNews.TV:
Again, this is a for an insecticide that's made of 96% canola oil -- an oil that's found throughout the food supply and especially in products such as salad dressings and snack chips. Canola oil is also in ingredient often used in so-called "vegetable oil" shown on the ingredients label.
This canola oil-based pesticide also says on the label: "Environmental Hazards: Do not apply directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment..."
Soybean oil also an active pesticide ingredient
Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products
In a shocking new video, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) reveals that common cooking oils such as canola oil and soybean oil are used as key active ingredients in pesticide products because they work so effectively to kill bugs. The video shows how one pesticide product that kills insects is made with 96% canola oil and is so dangerous that the label says, "Hazards to humans and domestic animals."
The label of the product, made almost entirely with canola oil, goes on to explain "CAUTION: Avoid contact with skin or clothing." If you get it on yourself, you are directed to take off all your contaminated clothing, take a 15-20 minute shower to rinse the canola oil off your skin, and then "Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice."
Watch the short video at NaturalNews.TV:
Again, this is a for an insecticide that's made of 96% canola oil -- an oil that's found throughout the food supply and especially in products such as salad dressings and snack chips. Canola oil is also in ingredient often used in so-called "vegetable oil" shown on the ingredients label.
This canola oil-based pesticide also says on the label: "Environmental Hazards: Do not apply directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment..."
Soybean oil also an active pesticide ingredient
GM marijuana booms in South America, growers reap ten times market value
Hah, finally something positive out of plant genetic engineering. =)
GM marijuana booms in South America, growers reap ten times market value
Business is booming for sales of marijuana that has been genetically-modified (GM) to contain up to nine times more tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than normal marijuana, according to a recent report by AFP.
The South American country of Colombia, which is known for its illicit drug trade, is apparently becoming a mecca for growing GM marijuana because the "frankenweed" is worth almost ten times the black market value of conventional marijuana.
Though growing marijuana is illegal in Colombia, many farmers have resorted to selling it on the black market to supplement their ailing incomes. In many cases, growing coffee and banana plants is not enough to sustain even a minimum standard of living, so many farmers now grow GM marijuana which sells for about $54 a kilo, which is the equivalent of 2.2 pounds.
Learn more:
GM marijuana booms in South America, growers reap ten times market value
Business is booming for sales of marijuana that has been genetically-modified (GM) to contain up to nine times more tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than normal marijuana, according to a recent report by AFP.
The South American country of Colombia, which is known for its illicit drug trade, is apparently becoming a mecca for growing GM marijuana because the "frankenweed" is worth almost ten times the black market value of conventional marijuana.
Though growing marijuana is illegal in Colombia, many farmers have resorted to selling it on the black market to supplement their ailing incomes. In many cases, growing coffee and banana plants is not enough to sustain even a minimum standard of living, so many farmers now grow GM marijuana which sells for about $54 a kilo, which is the equivalent of 2.2 pounds.
Learn more:
FDA now admits breast implants only last 10 years and have to be removed in all women
I have dated girls with them, but I will never understand them.
FDA now admits breast implants only last 10 years and have to be removed in all women
Reversing earlier statements that breast implants are completely safe and never have to be replaced, the Food and Drug Administration now says many women who have implants must have them removed or replaced within a decade.
According to the agency, new research data from a long-term study found that the implants should be examined every 10 years because they were at risk of rupturing, and that some are linked to a rare form of cancer.
"The key point is that breast implants are not lifetime devices," Jeff Shuren, director of the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, told Reuters. "The longer you have the implant, the more likely you are to have complications."
The agency says there were some 400,000 breast enhancement or reconstruction surgeries in the U.S. alone last year, making it the number one cosmetic surgery procedure in the country. Breast implant and augmentation surgery is followed in popularity by nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tucks).
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FDA now admits breast implants only last 10 years and have to be removed in all women
Reversing earlier statements that breast implants are completely safe and never have to be replaced, the Food and Drug Administration now says many women who have implants must have them removed or replaced within a decade.
According to the agency, new research data from a long-term study found that the implants should be examined every 10 years because they were at risk of rupturing, and that some are linked to a rare form of cancer.
"The key point is that breast implants are not lifetime devices," Jeff Shuren, director of the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, told Reuters. "The longer you have the implant, the more likely you are to have complications."
The agency says there were some 400,000 breast enhancement or reconstruction surgeries in the U.S. alone last year, making it the number one cosmetic surgery procedure in the country. Breast implant and augmentation surgery is followed in popularity by nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tucks).
Learn more:
Slaves to Debt
It is well known that the banksters fund both sides of all wars in order to create maximum debt slaves.
Slaves to Debt
Slaves to Debt
How Bankers Own the Earth And Then Some...
How Bankers Own the Earth And Then Some...

Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." -Josiah Stamp
Financial Austerity to Greece is what Duct Tape is to Rape
It is just another fancy academic phrase to mask the true horror of what is happening to Greece. (And what will soon happen here.) This is like how "quantitative easing”is another name for forgery. You know, the act of counterfeiting a currency that was once punishable by death. Financial austerity is simply, more for the bankers and less for everyone else. Portfolios of the Elite must perform over all other human need. These bailouts come at a heavy price for the states that succumb to this financial rape. Real state assets and lands are sold at fire sale prices for to pay for debts created out of thin air. Real people’s lives will be destroyed to pay for debts created out of thin air. This of course is the true harvest time for the criminal bankers and their political enablers make it happen, by selling out their fellow citizens.
Many think that the bankers make money by lending money, but the real objective is the control they gain when when they confiscate Real assets with money that they never had
Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." -Josiah Stamp
Financial Austerity to Greece is what Duct Tape is to Rape
It is just another fancy academic phrase to mask the true horror of what is happening to Greece. (And what will soon happen here.) This is like how "quantitative easing”is another name for forgery. You know, the act of counterfeiting a currency that was once punishable by death. Financial austerity is simply, more for the bankers and less for everyone else. Portfolios of the Elite must perform over all other human need. These bailouts come at a heavy price for the states that succumb to this financial rape. Real state assets and lands are sold at fire sale prices for to pay for debts created out of thin air. Real people’s lives will be destroyed to pay for debts created out of thin air. This of course is the true harvest time for the criminal bankers and their political enablers make it happen, by selling out their fellow citizens.
Many think that the bankers make money by lending money, but the real objective is the control they gain when when they confiscate Real assets with money that they never had
Schiff - Reckless Fed to Drive Gold North of $10,000, Oil $300
Buy and hold. You will be rewarded in 2-7 years.
Schiff - Reckless Fed to Drive Gold North of $10,000, Oil $300$10,000,_Oil_$300.html
“I don’t know how reckless and irresponsible the Federal Reserve and Congress are ultimately going to be, but they could certainly be reckless enough to drive gold north of $10,000.”
When asked if silver has bottomed Schiff replied, “I think it probably has in the low 30’s, you’ve got a lot of support building that used to be resistance on the way up, so now it makes sense it’s support on the way down. The real resistance now is at the $50 level which was a double-top, initially that was the spike top in 1980. I think the market will take that double-top out and then I think $50 will be the new $30. Whereas $50 is now resistance, I think at some point we will be looking south at $50 as the support, and people will be looking to buy silver on a dip back to $50.”
When asked about the price of oil Schiff said, “Well the price is going to go up, the more money we print, the higher the price is going to go. Oil will probably be $300 a barrel. Everything is going to be getting more expensive, not just gold.”
Schiff - Reckless Fed to Drive Gold North of $10,000, Oil $300$10,000,_Oil_$300.html
“I don’t know how reckless and irresponsible the Federal Reserve and Congress are ultimately going to be, but they could certainly be reckless enough to drive gold north of $10,000.”
When asked if silver has bottomed Schiff replied, “I think it probably has in the low 30’s, you’ve got a lot of support building that used to be resistance on the way up, so now it makes sense it’s support on the way down. The real resistance now is at the $50 level which was a double-top, initially that was the spike top in 1980. I think the market will take that double-top out and then I think $50 will be the new $30. Whereas $50 is now resistance, I think at some point we will be looking south at $50 as the support, and people will be looking to buy silver on a dip back to $50.”
When asked about the price of oil Schiff said, “Well the price is going to go up, the more money we print, the higher the price is going to go. Oil will probably be $300 a barrel. Everything is going to be getting more expensive, not just gold.”
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