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Friday, July 15, 2011

Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing

Haha. I am laughing because we are literally being poisoned and lied to from about every angle possible. Buy physical silver and gold and help destroy the financial rulers.


Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing

A new report issued by the consumer protection organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that many popular sunscreens contain ingredients known to spur the growth and spread of skin cancer cells, which defeats their stated purpose of preventing skin cancer.

Data indicates that the sun's rays combine with certain sunscreen ingredients in the skin and damage skin cells, which can lead to lesions and tumors -- and worst of all, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allegedly been aware of this critical information for the past ten years, but has done absolutely nothing to warn people about it.



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