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Sunday, October 2, 2011

The New and Improved A.A.R.P. = Armed And Really Pissed

The "war on terror" is like the "war on drugs", it's a complete hoax. It's only use for the Powers That Be is to scare all the sheeple into getting molested at airports, and of course more horrible things like giving up 1st, 2nd, 4th, etc. amendment rights.

110 million gun owners in the U.S. with (at least) 1 firearm. From my experience, most people who have guns have at least 2, and many have more than 10.


The New and Improved A.A.R.P. = Armed And Really Pissed
This is the New Improved A.A.R.P. We don’t care how old you are, how tall or short, by what name you call God, male or female or any other criteria except that you are Armed And Really Pissed.
The new improved A.A.R.P. is not a call to arms, this is a call to get ARMED. You ever notice in the news when they say “the suspect is armed and presumed dangerous”. Did you get that? If you are armed you are presumed dangerous. Conversely, if you have been disarmed or were never armed you are not dangerous, a SHEEPLE. You must do as the government says because you are not dangerous, in their eyes. So shouldn’t this make you mad? Yes, it should. It should make you mad enough to go out and buy a firearm and learn how to use it.
Stop and think about this statistic. About 110,000,000 people in this country are armed. About one third of the population of this country has at least one firearm. How can we be invaded? Should we be afraid of the Mujahadeen? Taliban? (They are one in the same by the way.) Alqaeda? Prince Albert in a can? No. Nobody in his or her right mind would attack one hundred ten million armed people. Admiral Yamamoto said it best when he said “I would never invade the United States. There would be a gun behind every blade of grass.” After bombing Pearl Harbor, he is also the man that said that all Japan had done was to awaken a sleeping giant.
You see, the same thing that scares evil would-be invaders of the United States, is the same thing that scares evil liberty destroying tyrants inside the United States. They are afraid of an armed populace, 110 million really pissed off people. People who have finally had enough and said, “the next time they push me, I’ll push back.”
STOP! I am not advocating shooting anyone. Do not buy a firearm, run out and start shooting people. NO! When you own a firearm you take on a mantle of responsibility. You must alter your mindset. Whether you agree or disagree, you now have a form of power over life and death. It is the same mantle of responsibility a Black Belt in a martial art has to live up to.
Basic instruction in the use and ownership of a firearm is essential. You must learn how to handle a weapon, i.e. how to hold or carry the weapon, how to clean the weapon, how to load the weapon and most importantly, how to take responsibility for the weapon. There are many other how to’s that you should master but if you will master taking responsibility for the weapon then you are immediately off to a good start.



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