
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.

Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Large Fund Flows Will Cause Silver Spike

Good points, but known to us metal junkies. Silver is going over 100/oz.. How high and how long will it take is the real question.


Large Fund Flows Will Cause Silver Spike

With the US dollar weaker once again and gold and silver mixed, today King World News interviewed Bill Fleckenstein President of Fleckenstein Capital to get his take on where these markets are headed. When asked about recent turmoil in the silver market Fleckestein stated, “People have to recognize that silver is a much smaller market than gold, and as a consequence is more volatile. One of the reasons why some of the big numbers on the upside get tossed around is that if a lot of money decides it wants to own silver, given the size of the silver market, then it could trade at some big price.”

Fleckenstein continues:

“But the downside of a smaller market and a volatile market is that you can have moments in time where it hits a bit of a vacuum. I think that one needs to be prepared to see the price 10% lower at any moment in time if not 15% lower and have it not mean much because that’s just the nature of the beast.



Food Stamps and Zynga Dollars

Plain to see, if you wanna look.


Food Stamps and Zynga Dollars

Not many Americans understand that the goal of the food stamp program is to expand it to include the entire ‘bottom 99%’ in America who will also be treated with millions of gaming coins (Zynga Dollars) as the official currency of the Casino-Gulag. Food stamps are not a temporary solution, they are part of the replacement process of the U.S. dollar (now fractionally backed by a claim on Wall St. bonuses) to having no claim whatsoever on Wall St. or Washington insiders (i.e., complete loss of political representation as part of the return to feudalism). The prison is being built around you. You will never officially be ‘sent’ to prison. The prison is coming to you. The monarchy will never officially be reestablished. It is being created from simultaneous elimination of the marginally fractional currency and marginally representative government and replacement with zero worth currency and zero representation.



My new baby: 1858 .44

I decided to get into the old school black powder guns scene today. Got silver and gold? Might want to have a few guns too. Just saying. This is my new baby.

1858 New Army Stainless Steel .44 Caliber Target Revolver


Turk on 2013 $8000 gold, $400 silver

I wish...


Turk on 2013 $8000 gold, $400 silver



Saturday, May 28, 2011

Something Stirs in the Paper Metal Markets

I've always felt nervous about trading paper metals, in particular, silver. I've never felt bad about the phyzz in my hand.

I used to think that the paper markets would get to $100+ on silver before the 'dislocation' of the paper and physical markets. I'm not so sure anymore. I've had this feeing for a while and today again, I am strongly considering selling completely out of the markets and transferring those digits on my computer screen into physical gold, silver, and platinum bullion coins.

You have been warned. I will probably make this decision in the next couple of days. It will take 3 more to settle the stock sales, and then it will take another week to get the check, and cash it in a bank. Then it will take a few days for me to pick out my metals and transfer my bank dough to apmex and another week thereafter to get my phyzz.

This process will take 3 weeks. Plan ahead. If you feel like I do, time to make preparations. The shit is going to hit the fan. I think the paper and phyzz markets may 'dislocate' now before spot price of silver goes over $50.

Food for Thought. Happy Investing =)


Porter Stansberry's Credibility Debunked

We all know the now infamous video "end of america". Peter Schiff debunks Stansberry's claim that he knows what he is talking about.

This doesn't mean that the dollar won't collapse, it just means that Stansberry is less than credible. Read and learn, judge for yourself.


Porter Stansberry's Credibility Debunked



Friday, May 27, 2011

Alex Jones Talks Texas Secession

The resent TSA scandal there with the lawmakers is ridiculous. I think other states are eying anti-TSA molestation bills too.


Alex Jones Talks Texas Secession



80% of unborn babies contaminated with GMO toxins, study finds

Just another sad facet of our current society.


80 percent of unborn babies contaminated with GMO toxins, study finds

A landmark new study out of Canada exposes yet another lie propagated by the biotechnology industry, this time blowing a hole in the false claim that a certain genetic pesticide used in the cultivation of genetically-modified (GM) crops does not end up in the human body upon consumption. Researchers from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Centre in Quebec, Can., have proven that Bt toxin, which is used in GM corn and other crops, definitively makes its way into the blood supply, contrary to what Big Bio claims -- and this toxin was found in the bloodstreams of 93 percent of pregnant women tested.

Published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology, the study explains that Bt toxin enters the body not only through direct consumption of GMOs, but also from consumption of meat, milk and eggs from animals whose feed contains GMOs. Among all women tested, 80 percent of the pregnant group tested positive for Bt toxin in their babies' umbilical cords, and 69 percent of non-pregnant women tested positive for Bt toxin.

The only reason many countries even approved GM crops in the first place was because they were told that GM crops were no different than conventional crops. The biotechnology industry has purported for years that the alterations and chemicals used in GM crop cultivation pose no risk whatsoever to human health, and that any GM substances that remain in food are broken down in the digestive system. Now that it has been revealed that such claims are complete fabrications, many groups are urging governments to pull GMOs from their food supplies.

"This research is a major surprise as it shows that the Bt proteins have survived the human digestive system and passed into the blood supply -- something that regulators said could not happen," said Pete Riley from GM Freeze, an alliance of organizations united against GMOs. "Regulators need to urgently reassess their opinions, and the EU should use the safeguard clauses in the regulations to prevent any further GM Bt crops being cultivated or imported for animal feed or food until the potential health implications have been fully evaluated."

Most of the studies that have been used to validate the safety of GMOs have been conducted by the companies that created them in the first place, so they are hardly a credible source for reliable safety data. Governments in North and South America, as well as throughout Europe, have essentially welcomed GMOs into the food supply based on flimsy reassurances rather than sound science.



Indiana attempts to take back 4th Amendment Rights

If you don't know what the 4th amendment is, I'll give you a hint... It protects unwarranted swat teams from breaking into your house and shooting you dead for no reason. Unwarranted search and seizure.




Ron Paul - "The Last Nail"

It's sad 'cause it's true. At our present speed we will be a police state dictatorship in about 4 or 5 more years if we don't turn course now. Time to wake up, get with the program, and vote for Ron Paul 2012.




Max Keiser’s Silver Liberation Army Gains A Recruit

Not only will you make money and protect yourself from the collapse of the USD, you will also help take down the banksters. Join the silver liberation army, buy physical silver.


Max Keiser’s Silver Liberation Army Gains A Recruit



Rob McEwen - Once $3,000 Falls Gold will Launch Like a Rocket

Buy now. Get some popcorn. Wait and watch. PM's will be epic in 1-2 years.

Rob McEwen - Once $3,000 Falls Gold will Launch Like a Rocket$3,000_Falls_Gold_will_Launch_Like_a_Rocket.html

With the gold and silver markets still experiencing turbulence and the US dollar attempting to stabilize, today King World News interviewed one of the great company builders, Rob McEwen former CEO of Goldcorp and current Chairman & CEO of US Gold. When asked how he arrived at his gold target McEwen responded, “Looking at economic history and the cycles before, the $5,000 number is a fairly easy number to get to if you look at the last cycle where gold went from about $40 an ounce in 1970 to $800 in 1980. So, you had a twenty-fold move, and the low point for us recently was $250 back in 2001, and if you applied the same twenty-fold you arrive at $5,000.”

Rob McEwen continues:

“You have more people in the market today than you had in 1980. They are better connected by the internet and other communication means, and crowd psychology is going to play a bigger role. We’re seeing the paper currencies suffering a loss of confidence and people are looking for a place to go, and when we move from that 1% invested in gold, to 3 or 4 or 5%, the slope for the price of gold is going to be exponential and racing.”

The QE3 is going to happen and there will be a QE4 and probably a QE5. We’re looking at unprecedented amounts of monetary stimulation occurring not only on this side of the Atlantic, but over in Europe and it has been to stave off a collapse. There has been tremendous loss of value, but we haven’t seen a big jump in employment and we haven’t seen a large jump in capital investments and that’s what we need to see.

We need to more jobs created and this money isn’t doing that. So, that’s where you go back to the government saying, ‘well, we can’t stop right now because the job is not done.’ But for every one of your listeners, while this job is being done they have to go out and protect their assets against what’s happening.”



This is not 1980

This is from a precious metal blogger, in regards to the differences between now and 1980. Doubters, ignorant fools, and dollar shills, like to use 1980 as an example of why you should stay away from precious metals this time. This time, they are wrong.


This is not 1980. This is quite different.
Gold $855 1980, Silver intraday highest $55, Oil $37.Fed Funds Interest Rate 1979 11%.
Debt Aprox 1 trillion dollars.

The trade weighted US Dollar Index made a double bottom at $88.30 on 10/30/1978 and $92.24 on 7/10/1980 and hit a high of $148.12 on 2/25/1985 (St. Louis Fed Database)

CPI figures to 2011 Gold $2,333.77..Silver $150.12, Oil $100.99
Source-Gov BLS Calculator. *US Debt $14 Trillion. World population a lot higher.

In Dollars we can clearly SEE that Gold and Silver are under-valued assets except in the minds of the extremely ignorant of historic fact.



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bunker Hunt vs The Elite

Of course the difference is that the Hunt bros were corning the market long, while JPMorgue is corning the market short. So when the hunt bros were attacked the price collapse, whereas when the JPMorgue gets caught the market will explode upwards in price. It's the little man that is cornering the physical market this time around. Completely different. And interest rates can't go up, either.


Bunker Hunt vs The Elite



Stephen Leeb - Silver Should Be $150 Today

I wish...


Stephen Leeb - Silver Should Be $150 Today$150_Today.html

With so much volatility in the gold and silver markets, today King World News interviewed one of the top ranked money managers in the country, Dr. Stephen Leeb, Founder of Leeb Capital Management. Dr. Leeb’s comments surprised KWN in many ways, here is how he started the interview, “I think the United States has been asleep at the switch for a long time, and I think the Chinese in contrast have been wide awake to an emerging problem in the world and it’s one called resource scarcity. We’ve heard a lot about resource scarcity and mostly the reaction in the US is just to shrug their shoulders, we’ll figure out a way around it. Well, there really is not a way around certain kinds of scarcities.”

When asked where silver is headed in terms of price Leeb responded, “I could just look at it from a monetary point of view, forget about all of the industrial applications. The ratio of silver to gold in the world is about ten to one, maybe seven and a half to one, above and below ground if you look at reserves. So as a monetary metal you could make a case that silver should already be no more than a ten to one ratio with gold.”

When asked with the ten one ratio putting silver $150, is that an outrageous price for silver today Leeb responded, “No it isn’t, it’s not at all outrageous. Silver at $150 is in no way outrageous. I’m not counting the critical applications in the industrial and renewable areas.”



Keiser Report: Gold Stands Rock Hard

Keiser Report: Gold Stands Rock Hard



Don’t Expect the Value of Your Home To Rise Anytime Soon

Being in the market to buy... these articles make me want to wait for a lower price. One thing I notice is that even though prices are coming down, condo monthly dues are not! They will have to at some point or they will further drive away buyers.


Don’t Expect the Value of Your Home To Rise Anytime Soon

Bad news for homeowners and real estate investors who were expecting a recovery real estate.

Despite the trillions of dollars pumped into the economy to ‘stabilize’ prices at pre-crash bubble highs, nature continues to force a shift towards equilibrium in the real estate market:

The ailing housing market remains hampered by the backlog of distressed properties, which is growing larger as banks repossess more homes than they sell.

Banks now hold more than 872,000 homes, nearly twice as many as in 2007, the New York Times reports, citing data from RealtyTrac. In regions like Atlanta and Minneapolis, banks are seizing more homes than they’re selling, suggesting that their staffs are overwhelmed by the volume of foreclosures, the NYT notes.

As of January, the shadow inventory constituted a nine-month supply of properties, according to a March report from data-provider CoreLogic.

The fall in prices even appears to be accelerating, as home values fell 3 percent in the first three months of this year, for the biggest quarterly drop since 2008, according to a report from data-provider Zillow. Home values will continue falling through the year, and likely won’t stabilize until 2012, Zillow chief economist Stan Humphries said in a statement earlier this month.



Green Shoots, Exit Strategy, No QE3, Silver

Basically all this article says is that everything put out by the FedRes is a complete lie. He goes on to say that QE3 must happend, and they talks a little about gold and silver. I will put up a chart and quote on silver from the article.

Reading this makes me feel better on silver and makes me not want to sell a chunk at $40 like I had planned. Oh well, I'll just play it by ear.

Quote from the article, "Gold will not stop until it surpasses at least $5000 to $7000 in price. Silver will not stop until it surpasses at least $150 to $200 in price. Such forecasts invite mockery, but in two years they will seem prescient."


Green Shoots, Exit Strategy, No QE3

The beauty of the silver decline is that when it reverses, there is no technical resistance of significance back to the $50 level. However, due to the shock effect, the climb will be slower than a sudden technical mirror image reversal. The precious metals investors should hope for a slow steady relentless painful nasty stubborn awesome devastating rise in price that doles out excruciating pain to the cartel, permits once again for the less enlightened doubters to cover their wrong short positions in a chronic manner. The story in the Silver chart has four weeks and four different stories. The first week of May had the powerful decline, the result of hitting the Hunt nominal target, Soros putting out his deceptive story of selling that which he called a bubble for a full year, the COMEX raising the margin requirement five times in quick succession, the USFed putting out its deceptive story about ending debt monetization and maybe hiking rates (gotta be dumb as a post to believe), the USEconomy demanding less in commodities. The second week showed a strong clear Doji Star, which epitomizes a move to stability. The Silver price found its footing and stood still, encouraging many investors to re-enter the market. The third week was less clear except to technical chart readers. It featured a strong clear Bull Hammer identified by an open and close at the high for the week, with price movement lower during the week. The hint was given on Monday of this week for a rebound. The US$ DX index was rising a little, as the Euro currency was sliding lower, like over 100 basis points for the day. Gold & Silver ignored it. Gold rose a little, while Silver was even at $35. Today, Silver is pushing $38 per ounce, and Gold is rising too. No resistance ahead!!



RealtyTrac reports nearly one-third of home sales are distressed

Old news to some...

RealtyTrac reports nearly one-third of home sales are distressed

Sales of bank-owned homes and properties in some stage of foreclosure accounted for 28% of all U.S. residential sales in quarter one, up from 27% in the fourth quarter, RealtyTrac said Thursday in its 1Q 2011 survey.

The foreclosure data firm added that the average sales price of properties in foreclosure fell 1.89%, hitting $168,321 during the same period.

The average sales price for properties in foreclosure also fell approximately 27% below prime properties, the report said.

During the quarter, third-parties acquired 158,434 U.S. bank-owned homes and properties in some stage of the foreclosure process, down 16% from the revised fourth-quarter figures and 36% from year-ago levels.



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Medical Doctors may be Hazardous to your Health

Slowly we are waking up to the fact that medical doctors are influenced by big pharma, hence whether they know it or not, they are not necessarily in your health's best interest.

Medical Doctors may be Hazardous to your Health

Today’s doctors-in-training are learning how to think critically and clearly about the need for — and potential dangers of — any drugs they prescribe. And surgeons only operate if they are physically and mentally able to make sure they will not be putting their patient in any danger, right? Unfortunately, two new papers show that those assumptions are wrong. In fact, they reveal critical reasons why mainstream medicine can be a danger to your health and even threaten your life.

Bottom line: med students are being taught through a hidden curriculum devised and carried out by Big Pharma (and allowed by medical schools) to push the prescribing of their drugs. Meanwhile, countless surgeons are operating and sometimes harming patients because they are impaired by fatigue and lack of sleep.

Here are the facts. Medical students in the United States are being bombarded with the pro-drug propaganda of pharmaceutical companies– and the students are exposed to this throughout their education, even in the years before they have clinical experience treating patients. According to research led by Kirsten Austad and Aaron S. Kesselheim from Harvard Medical School just published inPLoS Medicine, it turns out the drug giants have created what the Harvard researchers have dubbed a highly influentialhidden curriculum
that pushes doctors-in-training into accepting and promoting Big Pharma’s prescription drugs and other therapies.

The enormous and ongoing contact with drug companies is associated with medical professionals developing positive attitudes about the marketing of prescription medications. Moreover, the med students are not developing any healthy skepticism about potential negative implications of the drug pushing techniques — or the drugs themselves.



Inflation SHOCK: Food prices surging at highest rate in 21 years

There is no inflation. Why on earth would you want to protect your wealth in an inflation protected zero counter party risk asset like silver and gold?


Inflation SHOCK: Food prices surging at highest rate in 21 years

U.S. food-price inflation may top the government's forecast as higher crop, meat, dairy and energy costs lead companies including Nestle SA, McDonald's Corp. (MCD) and Whole Foods Market Inc. (WFMI) to boost prices.

Retail-food prices will jump more than the U.S. Department of Agriculture's estimate of 3 percent to 4 percent this year, said Chad E. Hart, an economist at Iowa State University in Ames. Companies will pass along more of their higher costs through year-end, said Bill Lapp, a former ConAgra Foods Inc. chief economist. The USDA will update its forecast today.

Groceries and restaurant meals rose 2.4 percent in the four months through April, the most to start a year since 1990, government data show. During the period, rice, wheat and milk futures touched the highest levels since 2008, and retail beef reached a record. Yesterday, J.M. Smucker Co. announced an 11 percent price increase for Folgers coffee, the best-selling U.S. brand, after the cost of beans almost doubled in a year.

"It's going to be a tough year" for U.S. shoppers, said Lapp, who is president of Advanced Economic Solutions, an agriculture consultant in Omaha, Nebraska. "You're looking at an economy where a lot of consumers are under some serious pressure from food and fuel costs."

Even after a drop in commodities this month, seven of eight tracked by the Standard & Poor's GSCI Agriculture Index are higher than a year earlier as adverse weather damages crops, rising demand erodes inventories and a weak dollar boosts demand for U.S. exports. Corn futures are up 98 percent, wheat gained 67 percent, raw sugar advanced 44 percent, and rice jumped 25 percent.



Trade Update on Silver

Full Disclosure, I sold some PSLV at these levels. Since I use margin, I am now only 130% long PSLV. I took some off the table and plan to take a little more off if silver hits $40. The reason is that just in case silver decides to retest $33 or $35, I'd like to have some dry powder available to buy more.

My new phyzz arrives tomorrow. Trade paper silver. Accumulate physical silver.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

LOL at 0bama

Heh! Granted I get the date wrong sometimes too, but usually it is in January and the year I put down is the previous one. This should file under Tuesday Funny.


President Obama Has No Idea What Year It Is

This is how President Obama signed the guestbook at Westminster Abbey earlier today, where he got a tour from the Very Reverend Dr. John Hall and laid a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.
It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.

Barack Obama

24 May 2008

It was really nice until he got the date wrong by three years. Granted, 2008 was a great year for him, and we might try to live it for as long as possible, too, if we were him. Also, though, he may have had a stroke.

Update: For those who find the European-style date suspicious, the Telegraph reports that a "Westminster Abbey spokeswoman confirmed it was the president who had written the wrong date."



Embry - Silver Market Extraordinarily Tight, Look for $125

No matter how you slice it, everyone that knows what they are talking about thinks that silver will be over $100 in less than 2 years. That's nearly triple from here at the lowest. Most expect in the $120-140, which is quadruple from here. These are low ball estimates for the end of 2012. If you combine this article, with the one posted directly before it with gold at $5000 that puts silver at nearly $300 in a few years, or 8-fold from where we are today at $36.

Of course it could go higher. Buy the phyzz. As much as you possible can. Buy popcorn. Watch. Retire early.


Embry - Silver Market Extraordinarily Tight, Look for $125,_Look_for_$125.html

When asked if there was still tightness in the silver market Embry replied, “As far as what we look at, my partner Eric Sprott, he thinks the market is extraordinarily tight. I think one thing people are underestimating is the investment demand. This is being triggered by the high gold price which is driving the little guy into silver for the simple reason that he can’t handle how much it costs to get an exposure in gold, so he buys silver.

So I think this will be an ongoing phenomena and when you put that together with the strong industrial demand, the two together will drive silver much higher. I think the optimists that are talking about the gold/silver ratio declining to historical lows of 10 to 15 times could well be right, and given where I think gold is going, I mean that has an enormous upside potential for silver.

...Well let’s say gold goes to $2,500 which I don’t think is an outrageous statement in the face of what is going on, and the gold silver ratio falls to 20 to 1, well that puts silver at $125...People that were top-calling in silver and gloating when it got taken to the cleaners, I don’t really think they really understand the dynamics of the market.”



Russell - Expect $5,000 as US Has to Back Currency With Gold

Russell - Expect $5,000 as US Has to Back Currency With Gold$5,000_as_US_Has_to_Back_Currency_With_Gold.html

I think the gold action goes along with the above scenario. Why take profits or sell your gold, when the real move in gold is slated for 2012 and beyond?

Why is China so intent on accumulating gold? My thinking is that China is preparing its renminbi to replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. To become the new world power, China needs two items: (1) A military second to none. (2) The world's most trusted and wanted currency.

(1) China is now on an all-out campaign to build up its military. (2) China wants the renminbi to backed with a huge percentage of gold, thereby making the renminbi the world's best and most trusted currency.

To compete, I believe that somewhere head the US will have to back its current irredeemable fiat currency with gold. In order to do that, the US will have to boost the price of its huge gold hoard to a level where the dollar may be backed anywhere from 50% to 100% with gold. That could mean unilaterally raising the price of gold to maybe $5000 and ounce or more...I thought that gold, closing higher, in the face of the stronger dollar, was significant. Gold appears to be advancing against almost all fiat currencies (is this a preview of the future?).



Bob Chapman Tyranny, Silver And Your 401K

Bob Chapman Tyranny, Silver And Your 401K

Bob Chapman says the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange is going to sell silver in two to three months, right about the July CRIMEX delivery contract.


Get out of your 401k and IRA if you can’t get out borrow against it.



A Historical Case for $960 Silver

I can only dream...


A Historical Case for $960 Silver

By Silver Shield, on May 5th, 2011

During the height of the Roman Empire that average days pay for a soldier and laborer was on silver Denarius. This Denarius was 1/10th of an ounce of silver, similar to our silver dimes of yesteryear. What I find amazing is the implied value of this coin into our modern lives.

This dime of the Roman Empire was the average wage of the average worker. It paid for all of the living expenses of a man and his family; food, shelter, clothes, taxes and maybe a little fun from time to time. How would we begin to relate the value of that Roman dime to where we are today. First think about the kind of work a Roman soldier or a field worker would have to do to get that Denarius. Most likely the Roman soldier would be enduring terrible conditions or fighting in hand to hand combat. The average laborer would be working 12 hour days using rudimentary tools doing arduous tasks to eek out an existence.

The average American Empire laborer or soldier probably makes minimum wage of about $8 an hour. If we multiplied $8 times the 12 hours the Roman laborers must have worked that would make the implied value of the silver Denarius about $96. If the Denarius is 1/10th of an ounce of silver, then the implied value of an ounce of silver is $960. Let’s think about it another way, Judas sold out Jesus Christ for 30 Sheckles which is about 15 ounces of silver. Would you condemn your friend, much less the Messiah to death for 15 x $38= $570? What about 15 x $960= $14,400? That seems to be about the same cost I hear in those murder for hire plots…

This is just one of the many ways for you to see through the paper silver propaganda. For a more complete picture, read the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield. . Why you are aware of the once in human existence opportunities of investing in physical silver, then it makes it easier to create generational wealth. Buy right, and sit tight.



The American Dream By The Provocateur Network

The American Dream By The Provocateur Network



Alex Jones’ Audio Blog: Owner’s Manual on Reality

Alex Jones’ Audio Blog: Owner’s Manual on Reality



Silver Shield

Silver bullets and silver shields will protect you from what is coming. Prepare accordingly.

Silver Shield 2 parts




Nowhere to Go: 85% of College Graduates Will Return Home Jobless

Fortunately, I am not one of those people. However, by choice I may be choosing a career not directly related to my 4 collage degrees. Heh, LOL.


Nowhere to Go: 85% of College Graduates Will Return Home Jobless

That’s 1.7 million graduates who are going to have their dreams and delusions crushed in coming weeks and months.

How long will we continue to pretend that America’s economy is returning to normal? President Obama and mainstream economists can argue all they want about us having avoided a depression, but that’s far from the experience being had by millions on Main Street.

The real unemployment rate in America is north of 20% – that’s one in five Americans who can’t find work. College graduates, who have been made to believe throughout their lives that a college degree is all they will need to find a ‘good’ job are getting a rude awakening. For any meaningful position that becomes available, there are thousands of applicants. Heck, when McDonald’s held a job fair recently, there were hundreds of thousands of applicants for positions paying minimum wage. This should tell you something.

The government would have us believe that economic growth as measured by GDP is positive. This is yet another falsehood, as a large portion of those growth numbers are based on price inflation. Without jobs there can be no actual growth, there can be no increase in consumption, and there can be no recovery.

The most alarming aspect for those who subscribe to the view that things aren’t exactly as they may seem by mainstream accounts is that the negative feedback loop will only accelerate. As more people lose jobs or can’t find jobs, less money is spent on consumption, leading to even more job losses.



Gold currency : Many US states to follow Utah

Gold currency : Many US states to follow Utah

SALT LAKE CITY (Commodity Online) : Nearly a month after Utah became the first state in the United States to officially recognize gold and silver coins as legal currency, many other states are also on the track to legalize gold and silver legal tender.

Earlier this month, Minnesota took a step closer to joining Utah in making gold and silver legal tender. A Republican lawmaker there introduced a bill that sets up a special committee to explore the option. North Carolina, Idaho and at least nine other states also have similar bills drafted.



Monday, May 23, 2011

Fed's Bullard sees rates on hold after QE2

Hah knew it! This is the first sign that there will be QE3, although it probably won't be called that. They can't raise rates because there is no recovery and doing so would completely wipe out 50% of the stock market. What does this mean. Higher gold and silver. Keep buying as much physical as you can.

Notice that the ratio has gone back to 44, as gold has climbed, while silver remains flat. The floor for silver at $35 is getting stronger with each passing day. Every time it goes below it bounces back up like a beach ball pushed under water. Every paycheck right now I am accumulating both phyzz and PSLV.

Hi Ho Silver.

Fed's Bullard sees rates on hold after QE2

SYDNEY (MarketWatch) -- The Federal Reserve is likely to keep policy rates on hold after QE2 to provide more time to evaluate the strength of the U.S. economy, a top official said late Monday. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard said the central bank is likely to keep its commitment of near-zero interest rates for an "extended period," after the expected June expiry of its asset purchases. "Past behavior of the Federal Open Market Committee indicates that the Committee sometimes puts policy on hold," he said, noting that a pause "gives the Committee more time to assess economic conditions." Speaking in Missouri, the St. Louis Fed president repeated calls for the central bank to abandon its use of core inflation, in favor of a wider measure. Bullard also warned that while commodity prices cannot continue to increase forever, "it is at least a reasonable hypothesis that global demand for energy will outstrip increased supply over the coming decades."



Calif. Must Release 37,000 Inmates

Time to get out of Cali I guess...

Supreme Court Rules California Must Free Tens of Thousands of Inmates

A sharply divided Supreme Court Monday affirmed a controversial prisoner reduction plan forced on California prison administrators that requires the state to reduce its inmate population by tens-of-thousands to ease overcrowding.

The 5-4 decision authored by Justice Anthony Kennedy, a California native, is a wholesale acceptance of a ruling by a special three-judge panel tasked with resolving chronic overcrowding in the state's penal system. The February 2009 decision orders California to reduce its prison population that has at times run nearly double its capacity. Approximately 37,000 to 46,000 inmates will have to be released in order for the state to comply with the ruling.



The War on Ron Paul

"The federal government we live with today no longer serves the interests of the American people, but serves the special interests of: corporate cronyism; militarism for profit influence and empire; centrally planned debt management, counterfeiting, fraud and currency debasement. "

- Couldn't say it any better myself.


The War on Ron Paul

Susan Westfall

May 23, 2011

Whether the media establishments want to admit it or not, and believe me they don’t, Ron Paul IS the ‘front runner’ for the republican primary. Despite voracious denials and vitriolic arguments from almost every quarter to the contrary, he is the only one with a chance of shutting out Obama for the presidency in 2012. He appeals to all sides of the aisle, and is attracting the much sought after independent swing vote almost as fast as he has the youth of the nation. The Internet is indisputably Ron Paul country as countless polls and google trends have repeatedly shown. The gradual change in political rhetoric flowing out of Washington, D.C. over the last 3 years reflects an explosion of interest in the freedom message he spreads so tirelessly. The continuous growth in popularity of talk and news shows focusing on freedom and the Constitution broadcasts loud and clear the rising prominence of issues he has brought to the debate. For anyone with any powers of discernment, it’s a no-brainer.



Keiser Report: Suicide Banking

For your viewing pleasure.


Keiser Report: Suicide Banking



How Long Will it Take If I Cash Out My 401K?

Food for thought.... I'd cash out and buy physical silver, gold, and platinum, but that's just me. Again look at the strength of gold today even in spite of the dollar gaining versus the euro. Gold and silver will probably go sideways for 1 more month, until an extension of stimulus is announced, then they will start their climb back up.


How Long Will it Take If I Cash Out My 401K?

By Ciaran John, eHow Contributor updated May 03, 2011

When you cash out your 401k retirement account, your account custodian has to sell all of the securities held inside the account. Depending on how you arrange to have the funds disbursed, it can take several days before you actually receive your funds. Additionally, you may not receive the entire account balance due to the vesting schedule and taxation.

Selling Mutual Funds
Typically, 401k accounts contain mutual funds and the share price of a mutual fund depends on the value of the underlying stocks and bonds. Mutual fund shares are sold once daily after the stock market closes for the day. You must place your sell order before the market closes, which means you do not know how much your shares will sell for since the share price depends on the closing value of the stocks and bonds in the fund. Federal securities laws require buyers and traders of securities to transfer funds for purchase transactions within three business days. However, no rule exists that specifies how quickly a fund company must disburse funds that result from a sale although most companies do disburse your funds within a few days of the sale.

Your employer's 401k plan has a vesting schedule that specifies when you assume control of matching 401k contributions made by your employer. Some 401k plans have rules in place that mean that your employer's contributions do not technically become yours until two or three years after the contribution date. If you sell your 401k before your employer's contributions are vested, then you only receive the money that you contributed to the account yourself and your account earnings.

Contributions to 401k accounts are made on a pre-tax basis and when you make a withdrawal your employer has to withhold 20 percent of your disbursement to cover federal income tax. If you are below the age of 59 1/2 you also have to pay a 10 percent premature withdrawal penalty tax. Your employer does not automatically withhold this 10-percent penalty from your disbursement. Due to the 20-percent tax withholding, you do not receive the entire amount that you had in your account.

Investment firms can use a variety of different means to disburse your 401k funds. Typically, when you cash in your 401k, the fund company mails out a check and it can take seven to 10 days for this check to arrive. Many firms give you the option of having your funds sent by a wire transfer. This usually costs between $10 and $30, but allows you to receive your money on the day after the sale occurs. Therefore, if your 401k custodian processes your sale quickly and wires you the money, you can take receipt of your money within two or three days of placing your trade.



Sunday, May 22, 2011

How the City of London Controls World Power ...

The more you know...

How the City of London Controls World Power ...

What happened in the heart of Greater London in 1694 under the direction of King William III of the House of Orange? Well, that would be when King William privatized the Bank of England, established the City of London, and turned control of England's money over to an elite group of international bankers.

Like Vatican City, London City (not to be confused with Greater London) is a privately owned corporation operating under its own flag, with its own constitution and free from the legal constraints that govern the rest of us. And it was King William III in 1694 who paved the way for a private cartel of international bankers (money elite) to embark on a plan of implementing world governance, albeit secretly (that is until now, thanks to the Internet Reformation).

Find out more about how the power elite has built their base of global infrastructure for controlling world economies, media, politics and religion. Watch this telling video presentation.



Friday, May 20, 2011

Government Orders YouTube To Censor Protest Videos

Government Orders YouTube To Censor Protest Videos

In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube is complying with thousands of requests from governments to censor and remove videos that show protests and other examples of citizens simply asserting their rights, while also deleting search terms by government mandate.

The latest example is You Tube’s compliance with a request from the British government to censor footage of the British Constitution Group’s Lawful Rebellion protest, during which they attempted to civilly arrest Judge Michael Peake at Birkenhead county court.

Peake was ruling on a case involving Roger Hayes, former member of UKIP, who has refused to pay council tax, both as a protest against the government’s treasonous activities in sacrificing Britain to globalist interests and as a result of Hayes clearly proving that council tax is illegal.

Hayes has embarked on an effort to legally prove that the enforced collection of council tax by government is unlawful because no contract has been agreed between the individual and the state. His argument is based on the sound legal principle that just like the council, Hayes can represent himself as a third party in court and that “Roger Hayes” is a corporation and must be treated as one in the eyes of the law.
The British government doesn’t want this kind of information going viral



Bob Chapman Predicts Hyperinflation by 2013

I don't have a link, because I heard it on the radio and a vid or audio hasn't been posted up yet. Bob Chapman today, predicts that not only will QE3 come in some form, but that inflation now is at 10%, next year will be 20-25%, and by 2013 we will have hyperinflation greater than 50%. He also thinks that the price of gold and silver put in this week is the bottom of the manipulation and higher from here.

Got Gold, Silver and Platinum? Paper is worthless. Cash is Trash.


Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined

Shoot, I've gotta wait till Monday to download this so I can watch it. My net speed is too slow, so a 2 hour vid file is too large for me. This looks to be a great vid! Must watch!


Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined



A Black Man’s View on Claims of Ron Paul Being Racist

A Black Man’s View on Claims of Ron Paul Being Racist



Spanish Protests Intensify

Because of the quickness and efficiency of information's ability to spread over the internet, there may come a day when the entire world protests the global bankster elitists. We are living in unprecedented times.

Spanish protesters head for standoff with police in Madrid square



What is Genetically Modified Food?

LOL, we can argue over the merits of GMOs, but this video clearly shows the sheeple population is clueless on yet another important issue.


What is Genetically Modified Food?



Priced In Gold, Is Housing A Buy?

Interesting, especially since I am in the market to buy a house. Maybe I should wait till housing dips below 70 oz. of gold. Food for thought.

Guest Post: Priced In Gold, Is Housing A Buy?

In terms of the median price, it took almost 600 ounces of gold to buy the median priced house in 2005.

Then housing collapsed, and gold rocketed from $500/oz to $1,500/oz. As a result of housing declining by 40% and gold tripling, the ratio has plummeted by 80%, from 500 to just above 100.

How low can the ratio go? Some might look at the second chart and conclude that the previous bottom around 90, in 1980 when gold shot up to $800/oz, might well mark a bottom in the ratio.

Those who believe that 90 is the bottom would then sell their gold and buy housing at that point. Since the ratio is currently at 110, that point is still a ways off.

I am not so sure, as there is plentiful evidence that we are entering an unprecedented era.


Even if housing stays at current prices, if gold triples to $4,500 an ounce, then the housing-gold ratio would fall to the 30s: $160,000 divided by $4,500 = 35.

If housing declines another 25% to a median of $120,000, then it would take a mere 27 ounces of gold to buy a median-priced house.

There are certainly good arguments (usually based on replacement costs) that housing can't possibly fall much lower, but oversupply and higher costs of money may well combine to push the speculative value of housing to new lows.

This is all speculation and guesswork, of course. All we can do is look at trends and study history for clues about what might happen. What will happen is unknown.



Zimbabwe To Trade Diamonds For Gold As It Prepares To Launch Gold-Backed Currency

Now this is interesting. See!?!?. Countries who get it will start moving to rare hard asset backed currencies. Got silver and gold? Get them. I like platinum too because of its durability, and technically it is priced higher than gold.

Zimbabwe To Trade Diamonds For Gold As It Prepares To Launch Gold-Backed Currency

A week ago we presented the idea floated by once hyperinflationary Zimbabwe, oddly jeered by most, that the country is seeking to move to a gold-backed currency, adding, somewhat surrealistically, that the "days of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency are numbered." And if anyone should know a hyperinflationary basket case, it's Zimbabwe. Well, today this bizarre story just went fuller retard, after the country announced that it may exchange diamonds for gold "so that it can have a gold-backed currency, according to a recent proposal from the governor of Zimbabwe’s central bank." Indeed we speculated previously why: "Zimbabwe, a country rich in natural resources, took so long to figure out that it was nothing but a puppet in the hands of western monetary interests." Well, others are now getting this idea - Commodity Online reports that "The country is a resource hub: It sits on gold reserves worth trillions. It has the world’s second largest reserves of platinum, has got alluvial diamonds that can fetch the nation $2 billion annually and even boasts of chrome and coal deposits." And since Zimbabwe is now fully on board this whole "pioneering" thing perhaps it should just go ahead and create the first diamond-platinum backed currency. Just don't give China and Russia ideas about floating a new reserve currency that actually has real commodity backing. What's that, you say? They are launching one soon? Oh well.



Strength in Gold

Today, due in large part to the financial drama playing out in Europe, we see a (temporarily) strengthening dollar. Remember however, it is only becoming stronger relative to the Euro, while it is in fact still getting weaker. Gold tells you this. The DJI is down more than .5% and gold is up more than 1.3% as I write this. This shows how strong gold is and, by proxy, how strong PM markets are.

Sell out of your 401k, go 95% physical silver. Hint: you want to buy it now, while it is at $35, when it should be $80 or more. When gold/silver gets to a 20-1 ratio, trade 30% of your silver for gold. If it hits 15-1 trade another 30% silver for gold (60% gold, 40% silver) , and if it hits 10-1, I would get about 80% gold, 20% silver.

Buy popcorn and beer so you can watch the meltdown commence. It will start to accelerate this year.

Investing has never been so simple.

Do this and you can retire in 8 years or sooner. Mark my words.


P.S. One thing is sure, Benny and the injets will bring this market
down, while temporarily strengthening the dollar. Then they will
highlight the need for more support (QE, or something else, but
printing nonetheless), raise the debt ceiling, and then up up and away
go the PMs. It looks like the official deadline for the debt ceiling
is August. So you have between now and then to sell out of your 401k,
collect the cash, and buy physical metals with it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Exposing the Federal Reserve

Here's a nice article. This is a very very nice history lesson of the creation of the (un)Federal (no)Reserve (monopoly)System. It's long, so set some time aside.

The final quote of the article is this, about the Federal Reserve: "The name of the game isn't about money, it's about power." Yup, 'bought sums it up.


Exposing the Federal Reserve

We'll start way back in history to give some kind of historical perspective to this; we'll go back to the first century BC and the tiny kingdom of Phrygia. There was a philosopher by the name of Epictetus and it was Epictetus who said:

Appearances are of four kinds: things either are as they appear to be; or they neither are nor appear to be; or they are but do not appear to be; or they are not and yet appear to be.

When I read that statement for the first time, I had a big chuckle over it and I thought for sure that if Epictetus were alive today he would probably be a Harvard professor of money and banking; it sounds like so many explanations that I have read about various aspects of the Federal Reserve System. What he did was he took a fairly simple concept but by the time that he was through explaining it, we didn't have any idea what he was talking about. All Epictetus said was that appearances can sometimes be deceiving. That's all he said but by the time he was through explaining the four different ways in which they can be deceiving, we were left back at the switch somewhere.

Nevertheless, I thought, accidentally perhaps, Epictetus had given me a track to run on so-to-speak. Actually it could be the theme since if there's anything in the world that is deceiving it is the Federal Reserve System. In fact, it is one of those appearances of the fourth kind which are those appearances which are not and yet appear to be. I'm going to use that as sort of a hook on the topic. We'll come back to it from time-to-time and punctuate it if I can remember to do that because it tells us something at the most fundamental level about the Federal Reserve System and that is that appearances can be deceiving.

When I did my research on this topic I came to the startling conclusion that the Federal Reserve System does not need to be audited, it needs to be abolished. This is very intriguing to think we should audit the Fed but I discovered that probably if they audited the Fed it would get a clean bill because it's undoubtedly doing exactly what it's supposed to do according to the law. What it is supposed to do according to the law is justification for abolishing it so all we have to do is understand what the Federal Reserve System is supposed to do and we'll be pretty upset about it. The fact of the matter is that most people haven't the foggiest idea of what it is in fact supposed to do.

I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve needed to be abolished for seven reasons. I'd like to read them to you now just so that you get an idea of where I'm coming from, as they say. I put these into the most concise phrasing that I can to make them somewhat shocking and maybe you'll remember them:



Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery

Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery



Guns N' Roses - Civil War

Tonights theme song is "Guns N' Roses - Civil War".

"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men." *

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war



Record High: 28% of 401(k) Account Holders Have Outstanding Loans

Record High: 28% of 401(k) Account Holders Have Outstanding Loans

With some 3.47 million people (up nearly 60,000 in April) currently receiving emergency unemployment benefits and a total of 8 million receiving benefits from all programs, it only makes sense that despondent Americans are tapping all available means to maintain some semblance of normalcy.

According to AON Hewitt, Americans are taking loans from their 401(k) accounts now more than ever before in an effort to stay afloat:

This report explores the magnitude of the problems, their impact to participant savings and ideas to curb these behaviors.More than 1.8 million employees were examined across over 110 large defined contribution plans. Participant data wasanalyzed through year-end 2010.

Through the mid-2000s, loan usage was fairly steady.However, in the years following the 2008 financial crisis, loan usage has steadily climbed. As of year-end 2010, nearly28% of active participants had a loan outstanding, which is a record high. Nearly 14% of participants initiated newloans during 2010, slightly higher than previous years. The average balance of the outstanding amount was $7,860,which represented 21% of these participants’ total plan assets. Although the majority of the participants (68.3%) hadonly one loan outstanding, 29.2% had two loans outstanding simultaneously and 2.5% had more than two loans.

What choice do people have when they can’t find jobs, unemployment compensation is not enough or runs out, and the price of everything important is rising?

And what, pray tell, is the solution from Congress? Simple. Restrict Americans’ ability to take out loans from their own accounts (but it’s ok for the government to raid pension funds when they need money!).



The World Is Cornering The Elite…

The World Is Cornering The Elite…

A recent article by Costata put forth the theory that silver is a losing bet, because the Elite won’t let it threaten their interests. His article , Has the Silver Market Been Cornered… AGAIN? is the latest in the silver bashing parade. A couple of my readers would like my opinion of his theory and it’s possible implications on the silver market.

Costata starts with, all works of fiction require “a willing suspension of disbelief”. I find this as an interesting starting point, but not for the reason he sets forth. You see we are living in the great fiction of the American Dream.

It is a place where generations can get something for nothing.
It is a world where we can print unlimited money/debt from a privately, foreign owned central banks.
It is a dream of a consumer led society and not of a manufacturing society.
It is a hallucination of trillion dollar war machines securing the world’s natural resources for the Elite and their corporations.
It is a land where people think that the digits on their screen are real wealth and that fractional reserve banking is safe.
It is an illusion that the more debt we create, the richer we are.

“It is said that men go mad in herds, and only come to their senses slowly and one by one.” -Charles MacKay.



China's demand for gold continues to grow

China's demand for gold continues to grow

BEIJING - China's demand for gold continues to grow, led by the country's taste for gold jewelry, according to a report by the World Gold Council (WGC).

In the report released on Wednesday, the WGC said demand for gold jewelry jumped on the Chinese mainland by 21 percent year-on-year to a quarterly record of 142.9 tons, valued at $10.4 billion and accounting for 25.8 percent of total gold jewelry demand in the first quarter of 2011.

"Jewelry is by far the most dominant category in the Chinese gold market, compared with investment and technology," said Albert Cheng, managing director of the WGC's Far East branch.

He added that China's continued economic growth and public holidays will fuel gold jewelry demand in the second and third quarters of this year.

Cheng said that China has been the largest physical bar and coin investment market, whose growth in gold investment demand totaled 90.9 tons during the quarter. The annual gold demand was 187.4 tons in 2010, an increase of 71.1 percent over the previous year.

The report said gold demand in the technology sector is buoyant in China as the country becomes an increasingly important center for the manufacturing and assembly of electronics components.

According to the report, gold demand in the first quarter of 2011 totaled 981.3 tons, worth $43.7 billion.



States Look at Bringing Back Gold, Silver Coins

States Look at Bringing Back Gold, Silver Coins

South Carolina is the latest state to propose a bill that would allow gold and silver coins to be used as legal tender.

On Wednesday, American Principles in Action, a conservative non-profit group, announced that the bill has the official support of the South Carolina Republican Party.

"The South Carolina legal tender bill follows the passage of a new law in Utah, which on May 9th became the first state in more than a century to recognize gold and silver coins as legal tender," the group said.

"Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution specifies that the states shall not 'make anything but gold and silver coin a payment in tender of debts,'" they continued. "With the federal government clearly abdicating its responsibility to regulate the value of money, states across the country are moving to exercise this constitutional power."

More than a dozen other states are considering similar moves.

The state of Utah started the trend earlier this month when it recognized gold and silver coins minted by the U.S. government as money.

Rising inflation and the nation's weak economy is leading to the new focus on gold. Tea Party leaders and conservative economists say using gold would help restrain government spending and keep the Central Bank's power in check.



Schiff: We're selling our souls to the devil



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Holy Freaking Silver!

Holy Freaking Silver! After listening to the conference call with the silver big names, which I previously posted, but hadn't had the time to watch, I am crazy over silver. The nominal high is $50, and I have read and knew that the inflation adjusted high was around $130. But, I failed to take into consideration if inflation was calculated the way it used to be, you know with things like gas and food included. One of the guests in the conference call said if you do that, the real inflation adjusted high for silver is over $400/oz. That's, as they say, a 10-banger away from where we are now. In addition, the combined consensus was that the high for silver would be anywhere from 3-8 years from now. A.k.a get a 1000% return on your investment by buying silver today, and eating popcorn for 5 years and then retire early and play golf and go fishing.

To satiate my urge to go all in, I only added a small position in PSLV and bought some 90% silver dimes phyzz today with silver at $35. I still have more dry powder for use if we get down to the low 30's again. Long and Strong Silver!

Happy Investing =)


The State as Family

The State as Family



4th Amendment, Wasteful government spending, Policing for profit

Time to turn off your TV's, I put up enough info and vids here to easily give you 3 hours of educational entertainment. Alternative Info. Info War.

4th Amendment, Wasteful government spending, Policing for profit



Morganza spillway open on the Mississippi river

Some interesting pictures here. Thankfully this doesn't happen to me here in the desert.

Morganza spillway open on the Mississippi river

An estimated 108,000 cubic feet per second of water from the Mississippi River is rushing through Louisiana’s Morganza Floodway today as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers opened another bay bringing the total to 16 open gates out of the 125 possible.

On May 15, the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured natural-color image of the Morganza Floodway. The image was acquired at 11:20 a.m. Central Daylight Time, one day after the spillway was partially opened. In the satellite image, the white pixels near the spillway are whitewater churned up by the flow through the gates.



Monsanto pesticide found to infect plants with AIDS-like disease

Monsanto and the GMOs they produce are purely evil. I have also read that they are producing 'aluminum hardened' plants that better survive all the toxic chem trail spraying the gov is doing. Truly sick.

Monsanto pesticide found to infect plants with AIDS-like disease

When Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University and internationally-recognized plant pathologist, wrote a letter back in January to US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack, warning him about a new mystery disease showing up primarily in genetically-modified (GM) crops, the notice fell on deaf ears.

Research conducted by a team of senior plant and animal scientists found that Monsanto’s glyphosate chemical, which is the primary ingredient in its popular RoundUp herbicide formula, appears responsible for infecting plants with an AIDS-like syndrome that destroys their immunity, blocks their absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, and eventually kills them.

Dr. Huber explains in his letter that the destruction caused by glyphosate does not appear limited to plants, either -animals and humans alike that consume foods tainted with the chemical, or that are exposed in some other way to it, are potentially susceptible to developing the same autoimmune disorder. For this reason, Dr. Huber urged the USDA to further investigate RoundUp, as well as to deny the deregulation of GM alfalfa.



Biggest Names Discuss Silver- pt. 1

There are 4 parts, worth checking out. MUST WATCH VIDS. Or should I say listen, since it's a phone conference. One of the guys even says (about the silver takedown) that it wasn't a take down so much as it was a drive by shooting. Nice. Load up on phyzz silver and play PSLV with me. Keep you hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, it's going to be a bumpy ride up!

Sprott has "no doubt that gold is going to 2000 and silver over 100 in 3-5 years".

Call Leaked- Biggest Names Discuss Silver- pt. 1



Silver Trade Update

Silver looked good today bouncing off of $33 for the second time today. As I noted previously in my trade update, I was looking for it to go over $35 to successfully complete the bounce. I decided to add some to PSLV today at $35. If it goes to $39 I'm selling off a portion just in case a third and hopefully final test of $33 comes. I also have dry powder ready to fire in case the price drops. Looking to add at $31 and $29, else if it bounces off of $33 again I'm going all in. I don't trade physical, I accumulate it, enough said.

Happy hunting.


Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Gas Tax Freedom

Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Gas Tax Freedom



Silver Price: The Least You Should Worry About

Silver Price: The Least You Should Worry About

Jeff: You made some interesting comments to me about supply and premiums. Tell us what you’re hearing and seeing in the bullion market right now.

Andy: I feel as though I'm the boy who cries wolf or that I've been beating the same drum for too long. But in reality, it has been my feeling since late 2007 that ultimately this market will be defined less by the price going parabolic – which I think ultimately will happen – and more by a lack of supply. You see occasional reports that state it’s just a lack of refined silver or lack of silver in investable form. But as far as I'm concerned, there is a major supply deficit issue, and it’s getting worse.

Take the U.S. Mint, for example. Right now, as we talk, you can barely get silver Eagles. We’re seeing delivery delays of three to four weeks, and premium hikes of a dollar or more in the last three weeks. Most of the suppliers in the country are reluctant to take large orders on silver Eagles because they don’t know (a) when they’ll get them, and (b) what the premiums will be when they arrive.

I was talking to the head of Prudential Bache and asked him about silver Eagles. He said, "You know, as soon as the allocations come in, they’re sold out. We can't keep them in." This is coming from one of the largest distributors of U.S. Mint products in the country.

And this is all occurring in an environment that has only minimal participation by the masses. Few people in this country have ever even held a gold or silver coin. So, if it's this difficult to get bullion now, what's it going to be like when it becomes evident to the masses they need to buy? This is what keeps me up at night.


Jeff: Hearing about all this new buying might make some think we’re near a top in the market. Could that be the case?

Andy: No, no [chuckles]. I think Richard Russell says it best: "Bull markets die of exhaustion and overparticipation." Well, we’re nowhere near that point when so few people in this country own gold and silver. Heck, I’m a bullion dealer, and most of my peers don’t own any gold and silver! Yes, you're seeing more commercials, but there are just as many commercials to buy gold as there are to sell it. I think that’s an indication this market is not exhausted.

Remember that in the year 2000 everyone and his brother had some NASDAQ shares. That’s an example of an exhausted or overparticipated market. We’re nowhere near that.



The History Of The World's "Reserve" Currency: From Ancient Greece To Today

The History Of The World's "Reserve" Currency: From Ancient Greece To Today

Money History.

Probably the most interesting part of the previously discussed 174-page World Bank report on the future of world currencies, is, ironically, the part that deals with the past. In its discussion of why "Historically, one national currency has played a global role—or at most, a few national currencies", the WB analyzes the history of the "reserve" or dominant currency from ancient times, through today. It is an engrossing narrative which ebbs and flows with the rise and flow of the dominant superpower (no surprise there). The bottom line of course is whether or not the US will retain its superpower status in an increasingly multipolar (and developing-led) world. And whether it will be replaced by China...or nobody. The implications for the next reserve currency of choice are substantial.

Historically, one national currency has played a global role—or at most, a few national currencies

Historical records indicate that the silver drachma, issued by ancient Athens in the fifth century B.C.E. was likely the first currency that circulated widely outside its issuing state’s borders, followed by the gold aureus and silver denarius coins issued by Rome, even though the Athenian and Roman currencies circulated simultaneously for some time (see figure B3.1.1). The dominance of the Roman-issued coins was brought to an end as the long cycle of inflation that characterized the economy of the Roman Empire from the first century C.E. through the early fourth century led to a continuous devaluation of the Roman-issued currency, causing it to become increasingly less accepted outside the Roman Empire. Ultimately, the aureus became valued according to its weight rather than its imputed “face value,” trading more as a commodity than a currency outside the Roman Empire and making way for the Byzantine Empire’s heavy gold solidus coin to become the dominant currency in international trade in the sixth century.

By the seventh century, ----



Technological Unemployment - ZMF

Technological Unemployment means you will see higher company profits and more and more unemployment. This is a natural technological evolution and we should be happy that our labor is being replaced by robots. HOWEVER, they entire economy, financial, political, and labor system needs to be replaced with a new compatible version.

You may laugh when I site Star Trek, however this is just the economy that they have. Everyone is provided basic needs free of charge and no one has to work if they don't want to. In fact there is no need for money, because like I said, everyone has basic necessities. If you just want to sit on your ass you can.

What drives the race further of course is human hard work and aspiration towards a greater goal, such as flying on a starship.

We have not reached the complete mechanization of labor yet, but it is fast approaching and it will become increasingly clear when developed nations only have CEOs, and 95% of the population is unemployed. Part of it is because people are lazy, but part of it is the mechanization of labor. Think about that one for a while.

Technological Unemployment - ZMF



One World Government- Whether You Like It Or Not

One World Government- Whether You Like It Or Not



Darpa - Time Travel Andrew D. Basiago part 1

Interesting. It seems clear from current mainstream quantum understanding that time travel is possible for information, not matter. So it does seem feasible that something like this is possible. As far as the teleportation part, not so sure. But hey, who knows. This is why top secret should be declassified.

Darpa - Time Travel Andrew D. Basiago part 1



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Whistling... (Birth Certificate Is A Forgery)

We all know the birth certificate is a fake. Here's more proof today posted on market-ticker.

Whistling... (Birth Certificate Is A Forgery)


This is not in the realm of probability stacking any more. The page portion here is curved as it is allegedly "scanned" from a book page. The curvature is consistent with both the margin lines and the printed word "Sex."

The typed word Male shows no curvature in the baseline of the text; this is physically impossible if the word "Male" was originally printed upon the same page that was scanned. Worse, the entire hospital name is straight while the text of the caption is properly curved at the margin - but not elsewhere.

Everyone has tried to explain away the various "coincidences." But for this to have happened "coincidentally" the typewriter would have had to curve the text it was typing.

Sorry, but no.



Why An Unwind Of QE2, With Nothing To Replace It, Could Lead To The Biggest Depression Yet

It's too late now the game is up. If they stop easing or printing or whatever you wanna call it, the markets tank and all liquidity in the system freezes up. The only alternative now is to print and keep blowing the biggest bubble in history higher. At some point things will give.

Hint: The bubble is the supply of US currency, not gold, silver or other commodities. These will all have to rise. Hold physical silver and protect yourself from the death of the dollar.

Why An Unwind Of QE2, With Nothing To Replace It, Could Lead To The Biggest Depression Yet

Over the past several days, quite a few readers have been asking us why we are so confident that QE3 (in some format: it does not and likely will not be in the form of the Large Scale Asset Purchases that defined QE1 and 2 - the Fed could easily disclose that it will henceforth sell Treasury puts, a topic discussed previously, or engage any of the other proposals from Vince Reinhart disclosed in June of 2003) will eventually be implemented by the Fed. Luckily, instead of engaging in a lengthy explanation of the logical, Nomura's Richard Koo comes to our rescue with his latest research piece. While we disagree with Koo on various interpretations of his about monetary theory (namely that the Fed is not in effect "printing" money and thus creating inflation - this is semantics and leads to a paradoxical binary outcome, whereby if there Fed was successful in boosting the economy, the economy would indeed be flooded with the nearly $2 trillion in excess reserves held with reserve banks. And good luck trying to contain this surge by changing the IOER - if the Fed indeed pushed the IOER to the required 5%+ level it would immediately destroy money markets, leading to the same liquidity freeze that marked the post-Lehman days, confirming the "Catch 22" nature of Quantitative Easing that we have observed since its beginning) we do agree with his analysis of what would happen to the economy if either stocks or commodities are in a bubble (and judging by the violent opinions out there, most investors believe that either one or the other has indeed reached bubble territory), should QE2 end cold turkey: "Viewed objectively, the central banks are trying to push up asset prices using quantitative easing and the portfolio rebalancing effect. The resultant rise in asset prices based on this effect represented a potential bubble—or at least a liquidity-driven event—from the start. The question is whether the real economy can keep pace with asset prices formed in those liquidity-driven markets. If it cannot, higher asset prices will be considered a bubble and will collapse at some point. The resulting situation could be much more severe than if quantitative easing had never been implemented to begin with." Bingo.



EU agriculture chief slams GMOs

I'm all about using science to enhance life and that includes the food we eat. The truth is however, that GMOs are dangerous. Dangerous because they may suffer a global die off leading to subsequent food shortages, they may cross breed with other plants and the unintended consequences are always the ones that bight. And finally, we just don't know what the health effects on humans are from eating trans-species plants and animals.

EU agriculture chief slams GMOs, expresses strong support for natural agriculture

In a bold move that goes against the mainstream flow, European Union (EU) Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos recently denounced genetically-modified (GM) food crops, citing the fact that they fail to meet various “quality and diversity criteria” that consumers have come to expect, and their inherent lack of benefit for both farmers and consumers. Ciolos also expressed support for individual EU member nations having the freedom to ban GM crops if they so choose, emphasizing the notion that natural, local agriculture is the best route for European nations to take.

Acceptance of GMOs throughout Europe continues to be far lower than it is in the US, partly due to the fact that EU policy dictates that GMOs be properly labeled, while US policy has no labeling requirements. But European consumers have also been far more vocal against the use of GMOs than consumers in the US have been, and numerous other European leaders like Ciolos have publicly spoken out against GMOs, while most US politicians have remained silent on the issue (…).

In a recent interview, Ciolos properly identified traditional polyculture agriculture as beneficial to high food quality, diverse diets, and natural biodiversity. Sharply contrasted to GM crop cultivation, which represents a chemical-based system of monoculture, traditional agriculture represents a wide variety of unique food items that are not chemical dependent, and that do not put the environment and human health at risk



Silver bouncing off of $33 Today

Today silver bounced off of $33 again. If it goes back up to $35 or more and then comes back down and bounces off of $33 for a third time, I'm moving my chips onto the table and not waiting for a pullback to $31 or $29. Time we'll tell. Right now I'm holding my core position long with dry powder on the side ready to enter when the time feels right. If you got the physical no worries. I'm just talking about trading the paper pslv market.


The Destruction of Economic Facts

This was given to be by a fellow blogger and I'll be honest, I didn't read it all. fyi

The Destruction of Economic Facts

During the second half of the 19th century, the world's biggest economies endured a series of brutal recessions. At the time, most forms of reliable economic knowledge were organized within feudal, patrimonial, and tribal relationships. If you wanted to know who owned land or owed a debt, it was a fact recorded locally—and most likely shielded from outsiders. At the same time, the world was expanding. Travel between cities and countries became more common and global trade increased. The result was a huge rift between the old, fragmented social order and the needs of a rising, globalizing market economy.

To prevent the breakdown of industrial and commercial progress, hundreds of creative reformers concluded that the world needed a shared set of facts. Knowledge had to be gathered, organized, standardized, recorded, continually updated, and easily accessible—so that all players in the world's widening markets could, in the words of France's free-banking champion Charles Coquelin, "pick up the thousands of filaments that businesses are creating between themselves."

The result was the invention of the first massive "public memory systems" to record and classify—in rule-bound, certified, and publicly accessible registries, titles, balance sheets, and statements of account—all the relevant knowledge available, whether intangible (stocks, commercial paper, deeds, ledgers, contracts, patents, companies, and promissory notes), or tangible (land, buildings, boats, machines, etc.). Knowing who owned and owed, and fixing that information in public records, made it possible for investors to infer value, take risks, and track results. The final product was a revolutionary form of knowledge: "economic facts."



Monday, May 16, 2011

The Trouble with Happiness

A good read. Truth for sure. Happiness is a by-product. Chasing it is like a dog chasing his tail, except I think the dog has more fun doing that.

The Trouble with Happiness

Our nation has a happiness fetish. Each year, publishers print thousands of books on the subject. Talk show hosts offer advice from psychologists and therapists. Magazine covers promise “The Short-Cut to Total Joy” or “The Seven Secrets of Wedded Bliss.”

You might reasonably wonder why the market is so large. A Pew Research Center poll reports that almost 85 percent of Americans say they are happy or very happy.

Yet millions want to be happier still. And they feel they could be, if only they pursued it a little more ardently.

Except… that won’t work. Happiness is a by-product. It is achieved indirectly, by producing something beautiful or useful or by making someone else happy. The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.

Take a look around. Much of the economic misery we see today is due to the unbridled pursuit of bigger houses, fancier cars, and more exorbitant trips. The lure of consumer culture and an obsession with more is precisely what keeps so many from contentment.

The Stoics argued that happiness results not from pursuing affluence and status but rather virtue and wisdom. Pythagoras, the sixth-century B.C. philosopher and mathematician, asked that his followers take time, before going to sleep each night, to pose three questions: What have I done? Where have I failed myself? What responsibility have I not fulfilled?

