
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.

Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Ron Paul for president 2012.





Gerald Celente interview – King World News

This is a must listen if you care about what is going to happen in the future financial markets.


Gerald Celente interview – King World News



Price Of Silver About To SKYROCKET Because Of China

Buy it because it is SHINY, forget all other reasons.

Price Of Silver About To SKYROCKET Because Of China



China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds In USD Holdings

Guess what this will do to the USD? It's a tough one....



China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds Of Its $3 Trillion In USD Holdings

All those who were hoping global stock markets would surge tomorrow based on a ridiculous rumor that China would revalue the CNY by 10% will have to wait. Instead, China has decided to serve the world another surprise. Following last week's announcement by PBoC Governor Zhou (Where's Waldo) Xiaochuan that the country's excessive stockpile of USD reserves has to be urgently diversified, today we get a sense of just how big the upcoming Chinese defection from the "buy US debt" Nash equilibrium will be. Not surprisingly, China appears to be getting ready to cut its USD reserves by roughly the amount of dollars that was recently printed by the Fed, or $2 trilion or so. And to think that this comes just as news that the Japanese pension fund will soon be dumping who knows what. So, once again, how about that "end of QE" again?



Judge Napolitano Natural Rights Patriot Act

The 'Patriot Act' (double speak) is not constitutional. Time to wake up sheeple, the guberment is not your friend.


Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural rights Patriot Act - Part 3 of 3



The Conservative American Party

This is freakin' awesome! I am totally down. Watch the vid, this could be a beginning to a solution and restoration of America.


The Conservative American Party



Political Pygmies and Mad Hatters

Just bouncing the info. No comment.

Political Pygmies and Mad Hatters

The debate in Washington over this year's budget that threatened another (ho hum) government shutdown is a sterling example of how modern day pundits and politicians have shrunk their vision of political affairs down to the momentary, the picayune, the superficial, and the irrelevant.

Are there any "big picture thinkers" left in the political arena? Any "men of principle?" Sadly, no. Other than Ron Paul and a few maverick colleagues, there are none. Nothing but pygmies pontificating about the crucial business at hand and claiming how courageous their party is behaving in pursuit of justice and a better America.



Why Investors Are Buying Silver As If There Is No Tomorrow

I buy it because it is SHINY!


Why Investors Are Buying Silver As If There Is No Tomorrow

The price of silver has been absolutely exploding lately. It has reached heights not seen since the Hunt Brothers attempted to corner the silver market over three decades ago. But this time there are no Hunt Brothers to blame for the stunning rise in the price of silver. So exactly why are investors buying silver as if there is no tomorrow right now? Well, the truth is that there are a lot of reasons. Investors have been flocking to precious metals such as gold and silver as the value of paper currencies has declined. The euro is incredibly weak right now and the U.S. dollar appears to be on the verge of a major collapse. In fact, the entire financial system is highly unstable right now. In such an environment, investors seek some place safe to park their money, and right now gold and silver are seen as safe harbors. But gold and silver have not been going up in price at the same pace. So why is silver outperforming gold so significantly?

The price of silver has increased by more than 150% over the past 12 months. But the price of gold has only gone up about 30%.

If you invested $100 in the S&P 500 ten years ago it would be worth about $107.48 today.

If you invested $100 in gold ten years ago it would be worth about $569 today.

If you invested $100 in silver ten years ago it would be worth about $1037 today.

Clearly something is going on with silver.



Will governments confiscate gold?

They can pry it from my cold dead hands.


Will governments confiscate gold?

As concerns mount that there is another financial crisis in the offing and the gold price rises, American investors worry increasingly about whether the US government will confiscate their gold. The precedent was set by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who in 1933 forced all of America’s gold owners to sell their bullion to the Federal government at the official price.

However, the situation today is very different from that of 78 years ago. At that time, gold was the primary currency, the dollar being tied to it at $20.67 per ounce. But today, the Fed and European central banks strongly deny that gold has any monetary role at all, and argue instead that it’s just a hangover from the past: “that barbarous relic” as Keynes called it. Its confiscation would be an embarrassing admission that gold, after all, is money.

Nevertheless, as paper currencies continue to lose credibility, the temptation for any government to seize its citizens’ gold to enhance official holdings must be growing. Americans today, however, are unlikely to meekly accept confiscation the way they did under Roosevelt. And nowadays, you may be American, but your gold is not necessarily held at an American bank: it is just as likely to be in London, Zurich or Hong Kong.

The wording of a compulsory order is all-important. Confiscation requires the gold itself to be surrendered, which presumably would be the objective if a government is to add to official holdings. If gold ownership is merely banned, it is a different matter. A bullion bank holding gold in an unallocated account would almost certainly be unable to deliver physical gold if required to do so by the American government, but it would be able to close out the account for cash. And there is the thorny question of derivatives, which hardly existed in the 1930s. All futures and options trading would cease, and contracts for forward delivery would be cancelled, possibly with serious financial consequences.



Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The Threat

For your Sunday scifi entertainment. It gets better as you go through the series. I thought the first vid was kinda boring.

Content Warning: 2012 Doomer Porn

Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 1 of 5: The Threat



Union Teachers Explain How to Push Marxism in the Classroom

It's not just happening now. It's been happening for a few generations. We are brainwashed. Get over it, it's okay. But time for action and re-learn truth.

Union Teachers Explain How to Push Marxism in the Classroom

Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles teachers union leader (in the Tax the Rich shirt) and Megan Behrent a New York City teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, explain how to push Marxism in the public school classroom.



Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

You see, the problem is that when you hear the words "occult" or "illuminati", your conditioned mind imediately throws up the block screen and instead of seeing the world for what it is, you accept the lies you are taught in school and on the television. You need to unlearn the 20 years of public education you had, and then learn what actually has been going on in this world and country.

The fact is is that there is an elitist group of international bankers. They put people into power, here and around the globe. They usually fund both sides of all wars. The first way they take over soreign nations is by installing a central bank. Since most people aren't taught about what 'money' really is, or how a fractional reserve debt based money system works, most people are completely blind to the ever advancing takeover by the international banking cartel.

It doesn't matter what YOU believe, whether it's in gravity or heaven and hell, there is a fact and that fact is most of the power elites are heavy into the study and worship practices of the occult. Why? I don't have those answers yet, but I am actively trying to figure it out.

The true terrorists and enemies of free nations on this planet Earth are the international elite bankers, which I call the Banksters. They are the ones stirring up the trouble and removing our freedoms, not the brown people riding around on camels and hiding out in caves.

This book looks good, but I have not had the time to read it yet. I will post the a few snips from the intro.


Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler


The third and final volume of a trilogy describing the role of the American corporate socialists, otherwise known as the Wall Street financial elite or the Eastern Liberal Establishment, in three significant twentieth-century historical events: the 1917 Lenin-Trotsky Revolution in Russia, the 1933 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, and the 1933 seizure of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany.

Each of these events introduced some variant of socialism into a major country — i.e., Bolshevik socialism in Russia, New Deal socialism in the United States, and National socialism in Germany. Contemporary academic histories, with perhaps the sole exception of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy And Hope, ignore this evidence. On the other hand, it is understandable
that universities and research organizations, dependent on financial aid from foundations that are controlled by this same New York financial elite, would hardly want to support and to publish research on these aspects of international politics. The bravest of trustees is unlikely to bite the hand that feeds his organization. It is also eminently clear from the evidence in this trilogy that "public-spirited businessmen" do not journey to Washington as lobbyists and administrators in order to serve the United States. They are in Washington to serve their own profit-maximizing interests.

Their purpose is not to further a competitive, free-market economy, but to manipulate a politicized regime, call it what you will, to their own advantage. It is business manipulation of Hitler's accession to power in March 1933 that is the topic of Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.

July, 1976


Unexplored Facets of Naziism

Since the early 1920s unsubstantiated reports have circulated to the effect that not only German industrialists, but also Wall Street financiers, had some role — possibly a substantial role — in the rise of Hitler and Naziism. This book presents previously unpublished evidence, a great deal from files of the Nuremburg Military Tribunals, to support this hypothesis. However, the full impact and suggestiveness of the evidence cannot be found from reading this volume alone. Two previous books in this series, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution1 and Wall Street and FDR,2 described the roles of the same firms, and often the same individuals and their fellow directors, hard at work manipulating and assisting the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917, backing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President in the United States in 1933, as well as aiding the rise of Hitler in prewar Germany. in brief, this book is part of a more extensive study of the rise of modern socialism and the corporate socialists.

This politically active Wall Street group is more or less the same elitist circle
known generally among Conservatives as the "Liberal Establishment," by liberals (for instance G. William Domhoff) as "the ruling class,"3 and by conspiratorial theorists Gary Allen4 and Dan Smoot5 as the "Insiders." But whatever we call this self-perpetuating elitist group, it is apparently fundamentally significant in the determination of world affairs, at a
level far behind and above that of the elected politicians. The influence and work of this same group in the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany is the topic of this book. This is an area of historical research almost totally unexplored by the academic world. It is an historical minefield for the unwary and the careless not aware of the intricacies of research procedures. The Soviets have long accused Wall Street bankers of backing international fascism, but their own record of historical accuracy hardly lends their accusations much credence in the West, and they do not of course criticize support of their own brand of fascism.


One thing the little guy can do to fight these Banksters if to buy physical silver.
