
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.

Topics: Silver, Gold, Financial Markets, Commodity Markets, Politics, Global Geopolitical Eco-Finances, Globalists, New World Order, Freedom, Health, Agriculture & Crops, GMOs, etc...


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Note to the Globalist and Rulers

This was a response to someone who feels helpless, that they are too old and too tired to make a change. What follows is my response.

It reminds me of trying to start a fire when all your wood is wet.

You can't. You try and try and try and try....

But eventually you reach what I (geek) call critical mass, and the fire burns. It burns because it is finally self-sustaining and able to dry the wood faster than it burns it.

The underground info network is wet wood. But we are getting closer to critical mass. When we hit it we will Burn the flame of Truth and they won't be able to stop us at that point. Right now we need more fuel, more love, more heat, more flame.

Us young guys are about to spawn lightning.

The youth has always had the energy, but thanks to the internet, we now know who the enemy is and where to make the change. Like I said wet wood. But the number of people like me are growing. We are info warriors. We are tired of our planet being raped. We are tired of our people being molested and slaughtered. We are tired of lies, deceit, tyranny, war. We know it doesn't have to be that way.

And... we are not stupid, we are highly intelligent, educated, and hard working. Get ready for the change. The good kind.

We are the Men of Minds and the Engine of Industry. You need us and we don't need you. We are going on strike.


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