
A place to bounce around ideas and information... in general just chit chat... Because we're all different, and yet, we are all the same, just like zebras.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Strength in Gold

Today, due in large part to the financial drama playing out in Europe, we see a (temporarily) strengthening dollar. Remember however, it is only becoming stronger relative to the Euro, while it is in fact still getting weaker. Gold tells you this. The DJI is down more than .5% and gold is up more than 1.3% as I write this. This shows how strong gold is and, by proxy, how strong PM markets are.

Sell out of your 401k, go 95% physical silver. Hint: you want to buy it now, while it is at $35, when it should be $80 or more. When gold/silver gets to a 20-1 ratio, trade 30% of your silver for gold. If it hits 15-1 trade another 30% silver for gold (60% gold, 40% silver) , and if it hits 10-1, I would get about 80% gold, 20% silver.

Buy popcorn and beer so you can watch the meltdown commence. It will start to accelerate this year.

Investing has never been so simple.

Do this and you can retire in 8 years or sooner. Mark my words.


P.S. One thing is sure, Benny and the injets will bring this market
down, while temporarily strengthening the dollar. Then they will
highlight the need for more support (QE, or something else, but
printing nonetheless), raise the debt ceiling, and then up up and away
go the PMs. It looks like the official deadline for the debt ceiling
is August. So you have between now and then to sell out of your 401k,
collect the cash, and buy physical metals with it.

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